Part 10
Your story. He wanted to hear your story. A story so forgotten in time. Ever since you had become that horrid beast. Your family, your friends, all long gone from this world. For years, you had been alone, tormented, and teased. Hurt and broken time and time again by Alistair and the other Hell Hounds. How could you look Dean in the eye and tell him all of that?
"Well, at least start out with the basics." He insisted, his green eyes searching your face for answers. "How old are you? When were you born?"
"Well, if you count how old I was before I turned into a Hell Hound, I'm 22. But that was in the year 1920."
"19200!" He exclaimed. "That makes you over...well, wow," he finished lamely. "You've spent that long as a Hell Hound. That's horrible."
"It really was," You agreed, shivering as some of the worst memories flashed through your mind. Reaching for your glass of orange juice you took a sip, letting it clear the hoarsenss from your throat.
Dean bit off a huge bite of bacon, munching loudly on it as he thought about it. "Damn, I'm sorry. But how the hell did you turn into one of those creatures."
"A jealous woman. She was a witch. A very powerful one I've come to find out. Her name was Adelia. Absolutely beautiful with hair as black as a crow, wavy down to her hips. Her skin was alabaster, her lips rosy red. I know now that it's all because of witchcraft, but she could have had any man she wanted. But it turned out we both wanted the same man."
Sam came into the kitchen then, sweat dripping down onto his workout clothes. Heading for the sink, he poured a glass of water before turning his attention to you. "Am I interrupting something?"
"Y/N's just telling me about her life," Dean explained as he stood up to clear off the table. "Care to listen in?"
"If she doesn't mind." Glancing at you, he waited for your nod of approval before sitting down beside his brother.
"As I was saying, Adelia was a horrible person. Flirting with any man she could. Taking them from other women was her favorite thing to do. Seduce them, and then leave. We were both stage dancers during the 20's. There was this man, Alex, who came into our club every night. Rich, cultured, extremely handsome. She immediately set her sight on him, but he wasn't interested. He began courting me. Sending me flowers, taking me out on extravagant dinners. He was charming, and kind, and I could have seen myself settling down with him. And it infuriated Adelia."
Taking another sip, you continued your story. "Then one night I thought he was going to propose. He had promised to come by the club, with promises of taking me out afterwards. I couldn't help but gush about it, excited beyond belief. But when Adelia heard, she became livid. Yelling, throwing things. Everyone was scared of her. Then she came to me after the show, with a little leather satchel in her hand."
The brother's shared a knowing glance. "I take it you've seen one of those before."
Dean scowled, his hand tightening on his coffee cup. "Plenty of times. I hate witches."
You frowned, confused slightly. "But you had Rowena here. She's a witch."
"She's different," Sam insisted. "Back to your story."
Sighing, you could remember so much about that fateful night. The feeling of the buttery soft leather in your hand. Her perfume that overwhelmed you with lilies and sandalwood. The crispness of the air as you stood outside, waiting for Alex to arrive. But before he could, the moon rose in the sky and everything started to change. I went through the worst pain I had ever felt. My skin ripped and shredded as it turned into one of the deadliest and disgusting creatures ever created. I ran away after that, knowing that no one could help me. I came upon a man, you know him as Alistair. He promised to help, and well...we both know that wasn't the truth.' You ended your story, sighing sadly.
"Damn," Dean whispered. "Sam, you should call Rowena, see if she knows anything about this Adelia."
"Why? Y/N's human again."
Dean smacked his brother's shoulder. "Because we need to know everything we can. If she's still alive and she finds out about Y/N? We could have even more trouble on our hands."
"I don't want to bring you trouble," you stared at Dean sadly, knowing that you didn't want to leave him, but would gladly if it meant keeping him safe. "I can go."
"Hell no!" Dean's answer was quick. "You heading out on your own? You need to stay here, with us, where it's safe."
"Is that the only reason?" Sam remarked quietly before standing up. "Y/N, I'm sorry you had to go through all of that. But please know you are welcome to stay with us as long as you'd like."
With those words, Sam let you alone with Dean, who was looking at you with an expression you weren't sure you understood. "Now what?" You asked, trying not to sound as awkward as you felt.
"Now that you're human again, why don't we do something fun? Sam will do his usual research, leaving us some free time. What is something you've wanted to do, but couldn't?"
"A movie theater," you answered immediately. "I've wanted to go to a movie, and eat popcorn."
Dean stood up. "Then it's a date. You pick the movie, I'll buy the popcorn. As long as we can get Hot Tamales too."
"Hot tamales?" You repeated, wondering what on Earth they could be."
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