Chapter Twenty-Nine: Never Letting Go
Ethan's Pov
Me and the girls were currently in Emily's room, sitting on her bed while folding programs for the school's fashion show.
We were also discussing the video A showed us that day at the cemetary.
"Why would A show us that part of the video?" Aria asked.
"To keep us distracted for when the next attack is launched" Hanna scoffed.
"Or to tell us there's more to what happened that night" Emily said.
"Guys, Ian tried to kill me in the bell tower to get back his perverted videos, and he went after Ali for the same reason" Spencer explained.
"Yeah, but A had us convinced that Ian killed Alison, and now it's, what, two miles from the kissing rock to Ali's house" Emily said.
"Did she turn off the camera and walk home in the dark, alone?" I asked.
"Yeah, someone could've been waiting for her and surprised her when she got home" Hanna said.
"Like who?" Aria asked.
"Like Ian. Just because he didn't kill Alison at the kissing rock doesn't mean that he didn't do it an hour later" Spencer scoffed.
"Spence, I love you, I really do, but can you just stop already. Ian didn't kill Alison, we were given proof of that. He's guilty of many other things but not murder so please just be quiet" I sighed, clearly frustrated and fed up.
"If Ian didn't kill Ali, did A?" Hanna asked.
When she said that silence filled the room as we all looked at each other, unsure of what to say about that.
Did this A person really kill Ali? Have they been the killer all along?
Hanna glanced at us before shaking her head and looking at Aria.
"So, uh, did you invite Ezra to the show?" Hanna asked.
"No, he's out of town presenting a paper at a conference. Did you invite Caleb?" Aria asked.
"Why would I do that?" Hanna asked.
"Because you kissed him" I smirked, nudging her arm, earning an eye roll from her.
"How was it?" Emily asked, smirking slightly.
"Well, I wore the total wrong gloss. You know the kind that looks wet, but it's really sticky" Hanna said.
I gagged at that while the girls faces scrunched up in disgust.
"Oof, the wads of hair get stuck to your mouth" Emily said.
"Yeah. Hey, could we please keep folding? I needed these done yesterday, and I've already missed a million committee meetings" Spencer sighed.
We continued to fold the programs before we heard a phone ring.
We all slightly tensed up and looked at Aria and saw her taking out her phone.
"Can I get it? It's just a text" Aria asked.
"If it's from Ezra, then yes" Spencer said.
"Wow. Toby has turned our boss into a romantic" Emily smiled.
Me and Hanna smiled while Spencer chuckled and rolled her eyes.
"I was always a romantic! You know, under a thin veneer of pragmatism and...a few shockingly bad choices" Spencer chuckled.
"Guys, uh, I'm gonna go deal with this" Aria said.
We all nodded at her as she got up from the bed to gather her things.
"Do you realize that we finally all have boyfriends/girlfriends at the same time?" Spencer asked.
"Ok, I do not have a boyfriend" Hanna said, looking annoyed.
"Yeah, last time I checked I'm single too" I scoffed.
"Yeah, you do. You just don't want to admit it" Emily said.
I chuckled at that before I turned around to look at Aria and saw her standing by the door.
"Tell Ezra we say hi" I teasingly smirked at her, sending her a wink.
Aria blushed and rolled her eyes but there was a smile on her face as she left the room.
"While we're on the topic of dating, can you please explain to me why you're not dating? Or why you don't have a date to the fashion show?" Hanna asked, raising an eyebrow at me.
"I don't know, I'm just not interested in anyone" I shrugged.
"Come on, bro. I think it's about time you found yourself a girlfriend, or a boyfriend, if you swing that way" Spencer smiled.
I winked at her for that comment, causing her to chuckle at me.
"Come on, Ethan. There are lots of girls at school that are interested in you. You must like someone" Emily said.
"Sorry, girls, but I'm not interested in anyone. I might never be. And to be honest with everything we're dealing with at the moment I really don't have time for dating" I explained.
The girls sighed and decided to drop the subject and not pry anymore.
I really don't want to talk about dating, especially when I don't think I'll ever find the right one for me.
Back At Home
Me and Spencer made it back home after we were done with folding the programs.
Spencer has been talking to Toby over the phone the entire time. She was smiling, laughing and giggling the entire time.
I was smiling at her the entire time because Spencer's really happy being with Toby. I've never seen her that happy with anyone.
She was never like that with Alex.
We walked inside the house and I closed the door as we made our way to the kitchen.
However we stopped when we heard footsteps from upstairs and saw dad on the phone, talking to someone.
"You obviously have no control over the situation. Then what the hell is Jason doing back here?" Dad angrily asked.
Me and Spencer glanced at each other before looking back at him.
Dad sighed before hanging up and when he saw us he smiled.
"Hey, champs. Did you guys just get home?" Dad asked.
"Mm-hmm" Spencer said and I nodded.
"Hey, do we have any pretzels?" Dad asked, walking into the kitchen.
"A week at a five-star resort, and your sister cuts corners by bringing her own snacks" Dad scoffed.
This made me and Spencer laugh and shake our heads.
"You guys could've gone, too, you know" Dad said.
"No way, we're too busy" I said.
"Yeah. And who was that on the phone?" Spencer asked.
"Oh, just some yahoo from the junior league board asking for donations" Dad scoffed, still looking around.
I don't believe that lie one bit.
"You sounded angry" I said.
"Well, I told them I already bought a dozen tickets to the fashion show" Dad said.
Dad continued looking around, holding a few things in his hands before setting them down.
"Don't we have anything salty?" Dad asked.
"Dad, you're not supposed to have salt" Spencer said and I nodded.
"You two aren't supposed to watch me so closely. I'll be in my study if you need me" Dad smiled, ruffling both our hairs.
We both nodded and waited for him to leave.
When we made sure he was gone Spencer quickly grabbed the phone and began to call back the number.
She put the phone to her ear and I scooted closer to her to hear.
"This is Jessica Dilaurentis. Please leave a message after the beep."
This made me and Spencer look at each other, our eyes wide in shock.
The Next Day
It was the next day and me and Spencer were in the kitchen with Aria.
We called her over and told her about what happened yesterday.
I was currently sitting next to Aria by the kitchen counter while Spencer was making herself and Aria some coffee.
I was in the mood for some orange juice today.
"He was, like, yelling yelling" Spencer said as she grabbed the two mugs and walked over to us.
"Slow down, I haven't had coffee" Aria sighed.
Spencer set her mug down in front of her and began to take a sip from her own.
Aria looked down at her mug before looking at Spencer with furrowed eyebrows.
"Kind of just wanted to drink it, not swim laps" Aria said.
This made the three of us laugh as Aria shook her head and grabbed her mug.
"Wait. Your dad was yelling at Ali's mom?" Aria asked.
Me and Spencer nodded as Aria looked at us for more answers.
"Why? Did you guys ask him about it?" Aria asked.
"Yeah, but he, like, lied lied" I said.
"Why would he lie?" Aria asked, confused.
"The real question is what's really going on with Jason?" Spencer asked.
"He told me that he was in that creepy house alone, but there was somebody else in that upstairs window, and I was not just imagining it" Spencer explained.
"But it wasn't Ian" Aria said.
"Ok, so who? Or what? He's hiding something. You don't paper over windows unless you're a vampire" Spencer said.
"I don't know, ok? Maybe shutting out the world is just how he copes! Who knows what he's feeling right now" Aria shrugged.
"Apparently you and Ethan do" Spencer said, taking another sip from her mug.
This made me glare at her and lightly hit her arm as Aria sent her a glare too.
"We're just trying to be human, Spence, ok. He lost his sister" I said.
Spencer sighed before going onto her laptop to look at something.
I took a bite out of my muffin and looked at Spencer, only to see her staring at her laptop like she saw a ghost.
"What?" I asked.
"I just got an e-mail from Ali's mom" Spencer said.
"What does it say?" Aria asked.
"I don't know. I'm too scared to open it. Do you think she knows that I called and hung up last night?" Spencer asked.
Before I could say anything I heard my phone and Aria's phone beep.
Me and Aria glanced at each other before taking our phones out.
I looked at my phone and saw it was from Mrs. Dilaurentis.
"I just got the same email" I said.
"Me too" Aria nodded.
I opened the email and my eyebrows furrowed in confusion as I looked at my sister and Aria.
"Why does Ali's mom wanna have lunch with us?" I asked.
At The Apple Rose Grille
Me and the girls were sitting at a table with Mrs. Dilaurentis after she emailed all of us to meet up with her at the grille for lunch.
To say it was awkward would be an understatement.
"Oh, they've made some nice changes to the menu, haven't they? Hanna, what are you gonna order?" Mrs. Dilaurentis asked.
Hanna looked at her and cleared her throat.
"Um, Chinese chicken salad" Hanna nodded, sending her a small smile.
"Alison's favorite" Mrs. Dilaurentis smiled.
I smiled and nodded at that but shifted uncomfortably in my seat, I wasn't the only one either.
"You must be really happy that Jason's moved back" Spencer said, breaking the awkwardness.
"Happy? I don't even think of that as our house anymore" Mrs. Dilaurentis sighed.
"Actually, we all thought Jason moving back was kind of odd" Emily said.
"Jason came into family money, and it's his choice what to do with it" Mrs. Dilaurentis said.
We all nodded at that as a small laugh escaped her lips.
"He definitely marches to his own drummer, both my kids do. Did" Mrs. Dilaurentis said, her smile faltering.
I frowned at that and wanted to place my hand on her shoulder for some comfort, but decided against it.
It was silent once again before Mrs. Dilaurentis broke it.
"You know what? I was gonna wait until after lunch, but" Mrs. Dilaurentis said.
She got up from her seat and walked over to the other side of the table.
"Now I'm thinking, 'why wait?'" Mrs. Dilaurentis smiled.
She picked up a box and handed it to Hanna before picking up the other boxes and handing it to the girls.
She smiled as she handed me my box. I smiled and nodded at her as I took the box from her.
I sighed before opening my box and my eyes slightly widened when I saw a familiar red tuxedo inside.
I looked at the girls and saw familiar dresses in their box.
"Did Ali ever show you these?" Mrs. Dilaurentis asked.
Nobody's Pov
The girls and Ethan were all in Spencer's room as Alison was trying on a few new dresses of hers.
Ethan didn't want to join, not because he didn't want to hang out with his sister or his best friends, but because he felt uncomfortable due to the fact that Alison was changing in and out of dresses.
Alison insisted he stayed and said she didn't mind him being there.
After lots of insisting from the girls and his twin sister, Ethan agreed to be there.
But made sure to keep his eyes closed whenever Alison would change.
Alison was currently looking at herself in the mirror, wearing a long black dress with feathers.
"I know you like this one, Em. Don't I look hot?" Alison asked, turning around to look at the girls.
"Those feathers are really pretty" Emily smiled, her arms crossed.
Ethan smiled and nodded as Hanna picked up a short black dress.
"This stretch-side is to die. Can I try it on?" Hanna asked.
"There's not that much stretch" Alison said, quite rudely.
Hanna's face fell as she set the dress down, looking upset.
"Alison" Ethan said, glaring at her.
Alison shrugged and turned back around to look at herself in the mirror.
Ethan looked at Hanna and saw her looking down while biting her lip, trying not to cry.
Ethan scooted closer to her and wrapped his arms around her, resting his chin on her shoulder and putting his lips to her ear.
"Don't listen to her, that dress and any other dress will look beautiful on you" Ethan softly whispered.
"Really?" Hanna asked.
"Really" Ethan softly smiled, giving her cheek a brotherly kiss.
Hanna smiled at him and held back her tears as she hugged his waist and laid her head on his shoulder.
Ethan chuckled and hugged her back before turning back around to look at Alison.
"It's a nice haul, right? All one-of-a-kind, and all mine. Just like you guys" Alison smiled.
The girls all smiled at her, not really knowing what to say.
Alison's face brightened as she set the dress down and grabbed Ethan's hand.
"I have something to show you" Alison smiled.
She pulled him up from the couch and made him stand in front of her.
"Uh, ok, what is it?" Ethan asked.
"Close your eyes" Alison smiled.
Ethan rolled his eyes before complying as he closed his eyes.
He heard her moving around for a few seconds before he could feel her presence back in front of him.
"Alright, open them" Alison said.
Ethan opened his eyes and he was met with Alison holding up a very expensive and good looking red tuxedo.
"Oh my gosh, Ali" Ethan gasped.
He took the tuxedo from her and looked it up and down with wide eyes.
"On my shopping trip I saw that in a nearby store and had to get it for you. It's totally your style. After lots of begging from my mom she finally agreed to buy it" Alison smiled.
"Wait, how much was it? It looks expensive" Ethan asked.
"Does that matter? It's for you, use it for whatever you want" Alison scoffed, still smiling.
"Oh, Ali. Thank you" Ethan smiled.
He pulled her into a hug as she hugged him back, kissing his cheek.
Flashback Ends
Ethan's Pov
I was so happy that day when she showed it to me because it really was a nice tuxedo.
I remember that one time I had worn it was when Alison wanted to sneak into a club and needed a date and asked me to go with her and wear the tuxedo.
I agreed, mostly because I needed a night of fun myself and not be stuck in the house all day.
I remember leaving it at her house after crashing in her living room since we were both tired after dancing the entire night.
I remember taking a shower and leaving her house to head home, but I left the tuxedo there.
Mrs. Dilaurentis must've found it and kept it after they found Ali's body and moved out of the house.
"She picked these out" Emily said, breaking the silence.
"She did. And...It's a shame that she won't get to wear them" Mrs. Dilaurentis said, her lips trembling.
The girls awkwardly sat there, Aria put the lid on her box back and moved it away just a bit.
I sighed and closed my box too but kept it close to me.
"You know, I gave so much away so fast. Ali's father thought that it would help me, but there were certain things that I just couldn't. And when I heard that the give of you were doing the show, I thought, 'wouldn't it be nice if Ali's dream could be realized, at least, by her best friends?'" Mrs. Dilaurentis explained.
My eyes widened when I realized what she was asking, but the girls were still confused.
"Um, I don't really know what you're asking" Spencer awkwardly said.
"Mrs. Dilaurentis, are you asking us to wear these?" Aria softly asked.
"In the fashion show?" Emily asked.
"Ali would've loved it. It's the five of you that are keeping her memory alive. Please say yes" Mrs. Dilaurentis begged.
The girls all looked at each other, unsure of what to say.
I jumped slightly when I felt her placing her hand on top of mine, making me look at her.
"Ethan, sweetie, I know that you're not a part of the beginning for the fashion show. But I know that you are for the ending of it. Could you please wear the tuxedo? I know how much Ali would've loved it" Mrs. Dilaurentis softly said.
I smiled softly at her and squeezed her hand.
"Of course, anything for Alison" I softly said.
Mrs. Dilaurentis smiled at me before looking at the girls.
The girls all smiled and nodded, a bit awkwardly for that matter.
A Few Hours Later
When Mrs. Dilaurentis left to use the bathroom me and the girls used this opportunity to talk about the fashion show.
And to say they were angry and uncomfortable, mostly Hanna, would be an understatement.
"I won't. I can't" Hanna said.
"Why not?" I asked, sighing.
"Because it's freaky! And weird! We can't just march around in her clothes. It feels like we just buried her" Hanna angrily said.
"Alison never wore them" Emily said.
"Well, she tried them on. Freaky enough" Hanna said.
"Hanna, it's a tribute. Some pictures of Ali, a couple songs that she liked. You get where her mom is coming from" Aria said.
"Yeah, well, she needs to go back" Hanna scoffed.
"Buttercup, you don't need a degree to see that the woman's in pain" I said.
"Yeah. She ordered a second Bloody Mary for her dessert" Spencer sighed.
"Yeah, that was her dinner" Hanna said.
"Well, she was sober enough to run it by the board, so we really don't have much of a choice" Spencer said, clearly annoyed.
Hanna sighed and ran her hands through her hair as I patted her shoulder.
"I'll let the student committee know" Spencer said.
"Do you want to take charge of photos?" I asked, turning to look at Aria and Emily.
"Do we have to pass the pictures by her mom, make sure she's okay with the ones we choose?" Emily asked.
Me and Spencer looked at each other and shrugged, not knowing what to say.
"I can run them past Jason" Aria shrugged.
When she saw the looks the girls were giving her she cleared her throat.
"I mean, it just might be easier for him, emotionally" Aria said.
"But are you sure you want to go to that house?" Emily asked.
"I'll just ask him to meet me after school" Aria said and I nodded.
"I don't know. You might not want to get him involved" Spencer said, looking unsure.
"Spence, it's his sister. He already is" I sighed.
Aria nodded as Spencer sighed and shook her head, looking tired, just like the rest of us.
The Next Day
Today was the day of the fashion show and the girls were all practicing before the big event later today.
I'm not participating in the beginning of the fashion show, but I will be participating in the end.
I'm just helping with the decorations and setting the chairs.
Right now I was with Hanna, Emily and Aria while Spencer was sitting next to Mona.
Right now one of the girls, Becky, was walking down the runway.
"Hold!" Mona yelled.
Becky stopped walking as Mona sat up from her seat.
"I said no flats, Becky. I need to be 100% sure you can walk in heels" Mona said.
"She doesn't have to be that harsh" I sighed.
I looked at Spencer and saw her getting up from her chair before walking away, looking completely irritated.
Me and Aria quietly laughed at that before looking at the other girls.
"Do any of you guys have an extra ticket for tonight?" Hanna asked.
"Did you change your mind about Caleb?" I asked, winking at her.
"It's for my dad" Hanna sighed, making my eyes widen.
"He's still in town?" Emily asked, confused.
"Yep, and he's in no rush to get home to Isabel" Hanna sarcastically said.
"What does that even mean? There's no way your mom and dad are getting back together" Aria said.
"They better not. Ms. Marin deserves better than his cheating ass" I scoffed.
"Aria Montgomery!" Mona yelled.
We turned around to see Mona sitting back on her chair, looking at Aria with a tight lipped smile.
"Less talking, more walking" Mona said before gesturing her to walk on the runway.
Aria sighed before walking off. I chuckled before turning to the other girls.
"You girls have fun practicing, I'm gonna go help Toby" I smiled.
"Ok" Emily smiled as Hanna nodded.
I smiled at both of them before turning around and walking away.
I found Toby stacking up a few things and turning on a few lights and I walked over to help him.
Spencer was there too and she was just rambling about how annoying and bossy Mona is. To be honest, it was quite amusing to see her like this.
"Mona is five feet of insidious snark with a side ponytail, and I just, I wanna grab it, and I wanna yank it really, really hard" Spencer scowled.
Me and Toby laughed at that, my laughter being louder than his.
"Spence, she stepped up while you and Ethan dealt with some pretty big things, things that were way out of your control" Toby explained.
Spencer frowned lightly at that while I sighed and nodded my head.
"Look, sis, maybe we should all enjoy the fact that those pretty big things are over" I smiled.
"We can all take a breath" Toby said, glancing at me.
We smiled at each other as we both looked at Spencer for an answer.
She looked at both of us before sighing and nodding her head.
"Yeah, you're right" Spencer said.
Toby smiled at her before leaning in and kissing her lips, making her smile as she returned the kiss.
I smiled, happy for both my sister and my best friend, but also a tad bit jealous.
I know I said that I don't have time for dating, nor am I interested in anyone, but seeing my friends act like this with their partners makes me jealous because I don't have a partner of my own.
But hey, maybe if I'm patient and continue waiting, that special person will come.
When they pulled away Toby turned to look at me with a smile on his face.
"So, Ethan, do you have a date?" Toby asked.
"Nope" I sighed, shaking my head.
"How could you not have a date for the fashion show?" Toby asked, raising an eyebrow at me.
"Just not really interested in bringing anyone. Besides, it's not a big deal" I shrugged.
Spencer snorted at that while Toby sighed and shook his head, making me roll my eyes at both of them.
A Few Hours Later
A few hours passed and it was time for the real fashion show to begin.
All the guests were here and were either talking to each other, walking around, having a few drinks while a few others were already sitting down.
I was currently wearing a casual suit, considering I won't be going on the runway until the end.
Luckily mom got the suit all nice and tidy for tonight and I made sure to bring it with me this morning so I didn't forget.
I was currently in the back room with the girls.
They were all getting ready, some were putting on their makeup, some were walking around while some were already changing into their outfits.
I was standing behind Emily, Aria and Hanna as they all put on their makeup.
"Oh, did you figure out what's going on with your dad yet?" Aria asked, looking at Hanna.
"It's not even worth a recap" Hanna sighed.
"Where's your dress?" I asked, looking at Emily.
She opened her mouth to say something before I saw Samara, Emily's new friend, walking into the room through Emily's mirror.
"Being delivered as we speak" Emily smiled.
I smiled at her as she stood up and walked over to Samara.
I raised an eyebrow when I saw a girl with short red hair standing next to Samara.
"Will you try it on?" Samara asked as she handed Emily her dress.
"I trust you" Emily smiled.
"Way too much. I need to see how it falls" Samara sighed.
"She's not gonna let up until she knows that it's perfect. Hey, I'm Quinn" the girl, Quinn, smiled as she extended her hand to Emily.
"Hey, nice to meet you" Emily smiled as she shook her hand.
"Same here" Quinn nodded.
They released their hands and my eyes wandered down to Quinn and Samara and I saw them holding hands.
I raised an eyebrow and glanced at Aria and Hanna and saw that they noticed it too.
"Why don't you guys go take a seat while I get dressed?" Emily suggested.
"Looks like a big crowd out there. May end up sitting on your lap" Samara smiled, looking at Quinn.
"Wouldn't be the first time, right?" Quinn asked, chuckling.
Samara put her head down and released a few giggles, making Quinn laugh.
Me and the girls glanced at each other before looking at Emily.
And holy hell, did my best friend look jealous, angry and confused.
"We'll be back in a few" Samara smiled.
Emily nodded and with that they both left the room.
When they were gone, Aria and Hanna went back to their makeup, while Emily remained where she was.
A few seconds passed and she turned to look at us.
"Did they seem a little touchy-feely to you?" Emily asked, looking and sounding jealous.
"A little" me and Aria shrugged.
"How come I have no date, and you have a date who brought a date?" Hanna asked in disbelief.
"Buttercup, you have a date. You just didn't ask him to come" I chuckled, gently patting her shoulder.
Aria nodded while Hanna rolled her eyes and went back to her makeup.
A few mores minutes passed and I could tell that Emily was still thinking about Samara and Quinn.
She was just playing with her lipstick, looking at herself in the mirror, looking completely down.
Me and the girls glanced at each other, unsure of what to do or say to make her feel better.
"Em? Do you need help getting into your dress?" Aria asked.
"Yeah. I bet Samara's gonna be here in a little bit" I said.
"I've got it" Emily sighed before getting up to change into her dress.
When she was gone Hanna let out a sigh as I walked over to sit on Emily's chair cause my legs were tired.
"We need some bubbly. I'm gonna go hijack some champagne" Hanna said.
She stood up from her seat and grabbed her coat and put it on.
"Are you...are you sure that's a good idea?" Aria asked, clearly nervous.
"I'll be right back" Hanna chuckled before leaving.
Me and Aria looked at each other and shrugged before she went back to doing her makeup.
I sighed and played with my fingers, not really knowing what else to do, the fashion show would start in a few minutes.
"Ladies and gentlemen, please take your seats. The Eighth Annual Rosewood High Charity Fashion Show is about to begin"
I smiled as everyone began to clap and cheer.
My eyes wandered around before stopping when I saw Mrs. Dilaurentis and Jason walking into the room.
Mrs. Dilaurentis didn't see us and walked past us, but Jason did see us.
His eyes remained on Aria for a few seconds, he looked like he wanted to say something, but he didn't.
When he saw me a small smile made its way onto his face and he nodded at me. I smiled at him and nodded back.
And with that he walked away, following his mother.
Aria looked at him before sighing and turning away, looking upset.
Before I could even ask what was wrong, Hanna walked back into the room, sighing as she walked back over to her seat.
"I thought you were stealing champagne" Aria said, raising her eyebrow at her.
"They were out" Hanna shrugged.
"Sharing lessons in generosity with the students at Rosewood High. Please give a warm welcome to Mrs. Jessica DiLaurentis"
Everyone started clapping and cheering, again, as Mrs. Dilaurentis and Jason walked out on stage.
I sighed before shaking my head as Aria and Hanna continued with their makeup, trying to get done since the fashion show was going to start in literally a minute.
Emily walked back over to us and I noticed her looking down.
"Hey, are you ok?" I softly asked.
"Yeah, everything's fine" Emily nodded.
I didn't really believe her but I didn't wanna pressure her so I just let it go.
"Okay, last looks, people!" Mona yelled as she ran into the room.
All the girls stood up and looked at her as some began running around, trying to find their clothes.
"Ladies, I need my first three models lined up!" Mona yelled.
Spencer walked into the room as Mona led a few of the girls out.
"I'll get your dress" Aria said.
She ran over to where the dresses were and ran back over to Spencer and handed her her dress.
"Thanks" Spencer said.
"I'll do touch-ups" Hanna said as she began working on Spencer's makeup.
Me and the girls huddled around them as the other girls were running around, trying to get ready last minute.
"I think I saw Caleb out there" Spencer smiled.
"Caleb? Did you change your mind?" Emily asked.
"I didn't ask him to come. Open" Hanna said.
"So he just showed up?" Emily asked.
"Looking really hot" Spencer said.
"Hmm, didn't notice. Blot" Hanna said.
"Hanna, he wants you back. You want him back. What's the problem?" Spencer asked.
"Buttercup, we are not gonna be angry at you if you give him a second chance" I said.
The girls nodded while Hanna sighed and shook her head.
"You need more mascara" Hanna said, making Spencer roll her eyes.
"Spencer!" Mona shrieked, making me wince in pain at how loud she was.
Spencer gritted her teeth in irritation and I had to hold in a laugh at her face.
"How do either of you not strangle her?" Spencer asked, looking at me and Hanna.
Me and Hanna shrugged, chuckling, while Spencer rolled her eyes and turned around to leave.
"Oh" Aria said, grabbing Spencer's arm and turning her back around.
She sprayed something on her hair, making Spencer cringe, before turning her around and shoving her away.
"Go get em, sis!" I smiled, winking at her.
Spencer let out a small scoff but I could tell there was a smile on her face.
Me and the girls looked at each other before shrugging.
"I'm going to go take my seat, but I'll see you guys for the end" I said.
"Ok" the girls nodded.
"Good luck out there, girlies" I smirked as I winked at them.
They all laughed and shook their heads at me before I quickly left the room to join the audience and take a seat.
When I got there I ducked down a bit before finding an empty chair and taking a seat.
Once I sat down, the music began to play and before I knew it, it was time.
I have to admit the fashion show was going really really well.
The music was amazing, the girls were amazing as well as their poses and their confidence.
I smiled everytime my sister and my friends came out. They were all smiling and laughing, and just having a good time. I honestly can't remember when we were having this much and just being free.
Seems like everyone in the audience was enjoying the fashion show just like I was. It was honestly amazing, really amazing.
As soon as the last model came out, I quickly sprang out of my seat and began running to the back room.
The ending was near and I had to get myself in the tuxedo while the girls got into their dresses.
I'm honestly not sure how we were able to convince Hanna to wear one of Alison's dresses, but we did it anyway.
When I was done with my hair I immediately walked over to where the girls were.
"Ethan, wow, you look amazing" Aria smiled.
"Yeah, looking hot, bubs" Hanna smirked.
"Thanks, buttercup. And congrats, you guys did amazing out there" I smiled.
"Thanks, bro" Spencer smiled, kissing my cheek.
I smiled at her before we got into our positions and waited to head out.
"Ladies and gentlemen, the Rosewood High student committee would like to take a moment to pay tribute to one of their own, Alison DiLaurentis"
With that, Hanna and Aria were the first ones to head out.
Once they were gone, Spencer and Emily walked out.
Once they were gone, I took a few deep breaths before walking out myself.
I smiled at everyone in the audience as they all clapped and let out silent cheers.
I smiled and waved at a few people and made my way to the girls. I walked over to my spot on the stage, which just so happened to be in the middle.
I stopped and put my hands behind my back, still smiling at everyone.
The girls were smiling too, looking happy and relaxed, just like me.
Everything was going great, until it all went downhill.
The lights suddenly went out and the calm and relaxing music was replaced with rock music.
We heard a noise from behind us and we turned around, only to see that the picture of Alison that was being projected behind us was completely changing. It was being surrounded by flames.
"Listen up, everybody, because the bitch is back!"
My eyes widened in horror and disbelief as my jaw dropped to the ground.
Everyone in the audience looked scared and confused. I swear Mrs. Dilaurentis was close to crying, she looked absolutely mortified.
I reacted first and jumped off stage, stumbling a bit, before regaining my balance and running over to Noel.
"Turn it off!" I yelled.
"I can't" Noel said, trying to turn it off but couldn't.
I quickly looked around and began pulling at every cable, doing whatever I could to turn off the video and stop anymore disasters from happening.
Finally, the music stopped and the horrifying picture of Alison was gone.
Everything went dead silent, the only thing you could hear were the whispers from people in the audience.
I was breathing heavily, trying to process what just happened.
I shook my head and turned around and saw Aria and Spencer still standing on the runway, looking nervous.
Hanna had taken Emily to the back room, which was probably a good idea.
I turned around, only to see Mrs. Dilaurentis getting up and leaving, Jason followed behind her.
A Few Hours Later
After the disaster that happened everyone had already gone home. The only ones that were still here were me, the girls and the people that had to clean the mess up.
The girls had changed into their dresses, not wanting to wear Alison's dresses anymore.
I changed out of the red tuxedo and back into the casual suit to be a bit more comfortable.
Spencer walked back over to us and we all looked at her.
"Did you speak to her?" I asked.
"No. Jason picked up her cell phone. Said she was too upset to talk" Spencer sighed.
"Just when we were in the spotlight doing something decent" Emily said.
"A makes the spotlight extra harsh" Hanna sighed.
I nodded before my eyes wandered around before they stopped at Caleb.
I smiled when I saw him walking over to us, his eyes locked on Hanna.
I nudged Hanna and gestured towards him. She looked at him before sighing and making her way towards him.
I smiled and leaned into my sister's side. She smiled and leaned into my side, ruffling my hair.
Hanna and Caleb talked for a few minutes before she walked back over to us and Caleb left.
Looks like things went well between them based on the smiles on their faces.
"Maybe we should just send Mrs. Dilaurentis a note or something" Aria suggested.
"I don't think there's a section for 'I'm sorry you got traumatized' cards" I sighed.
"Maybe flowers" Emily suggested.
We suddenly heard a loud noise from behind us and turned around, only for our eyes to widen when we saw an A message.
My dress
My game
My rules
- A
Me and the girls looked around before looking back at each other, clearly scared.
"Can we get out of here?" Emily asked.
"I'm right behind you" Spencer nodded, grabbing her purse.
"I just gotta grab my stuff" Aria said before walking away to get her things.
"Hurry, we'll wait for you outside!" I yelled out to her.
As soon as the girls grabbed their things I grabbed Spencer and Emily's hands and dragged them away. Hanna following behind us.
Back At Home
Me and Spencer walked inside the house and closed the door behind us.
We stopped walking when we saw dad looking inside the fridge, probably trying to find something salty.
"Salty?" me and Spencer asked.
Dad chuckled and turned around to look at us.
"Sweet. But don't tell your mother, ok" Dad said.
I chuckled and nodded while Spencer rolled her eyes but nodded as well.
"Whoa, you both look beat. Why don't you go get some rest?" Dad suggested before turning back around.
Just when we were about to leave, Spencer stopped to look at dad, making me stop too.
"Dad?" Spencer asked.
"Yeah?" Dad asked, still looking inside the fridge.
"What's going on between you and Mrs. Dilaurentis?" Spencer asked.
This made me furrow my eyebrows in confusion while dad turned to look at Spencer.
And it's fair to say that dad looked worried.
"Why do you care that Jason's moved back?" Spencer asked.
Dad looked at her and me before walking closer towards us, and it's fair to say he looked serious.
"Look, this isn't something for you to worry about, Spencer, but for the time being, you stay away from Jason Dilaurentis, alright?" Dad basically demanded.
Spencer looked surprised by that and confused.
"That goes for you too, Ethan" Dad sternly said, sparing me a glance.
Before I could say anything dad closed the fridge before leaving to head upstairs.
Me and Spencer glanced at each other, unsure of what to say, as we were still trying to process everything that just happened.
What the hell was that about?
Why does dad want us to stay away from Jason and his family?
Why does it look like he's hiding something from us?
Well, it doesn't matter, because he can't make me stay away from Jason. He's my best friend after all.
Sorry not sorry, old man, but you can't tell me who I can or can't hang out with.
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