Chapter Thirty-One: Save The Date
Ethan's Pov
Me and Spencer managed to get away from Garrett and we met up with Aria in her car. Hanna was waiting for us there too.
We were parked near Emily's house, waiting for her to come out so we could talk to her as well.
"So it was just the three of you sitting in Garrett's car?" Hanna asked.
"We didn't know where else to meet him" Spencer said and I nodded.
"Yeah. It wasn't like we could ask him that stuff down at the precinct" I sighed and Spencer nodded.
"How did you guys get away from him?" Aria asked.
"When you sent me that text, I told him it was from my mom. That she wanted me and Spencer home asap" I explained.
"Am I still shaking? I'm still shaking" Spencer said, looking at her hands.
"We're all shaking" Hanna snapped.
I sighed and nodded as I bounced my leg up and down.
"Can you turn on the heat? You could make a slushy back here" Hanna sighed.
"Guys, why would Jenna give him that lantern?" Aria asked, confused.
"Ok, you don't know that she gave it to him" Hanna shrugged.
"What do you think, he bought it at the blind artists' crafts fair? Of course she gave it to him" Spencer sarcastically said.
"The question is, when did they become buddies? And why?" I asked, confused.
"Bubs, they grew up across the street from each other. His parents still live in that house. Maybe he's just bringing raw meat to Jenna's cat" Hanna shrugged.
"Toby lives there, too, and they don't have a cat. Trust me, I've been inside that house" I said.
"Then maybe he was bringing over raw meat for Jenna" Hanna shrugged.
"Here comes Em" Aria said.
We all turned around to see Emily walking out of her house, her hands inside her jacket pocket.
"Who's living in her house now?" Spencer asked.
"Some losers who can't figure out the alarm system. They've tripped it like three times. The security company keeps calling her mom in Texas" Hanna scoffed, shaking her head.
We smiled at Emily as she walked towards us and opened the car door and got inside the backseat next to Hanna.
"Everything ok?" Spencer asked.
"Yeah, it's fine. It's just so weird to walk in there and see other people's stuff" Emily nodded.
"Hey, why don't you tell 'em to lay off the alarm for a couple of days?" I asked.
"I'm guessing they don't feel safe" Emily shrugged.
"Well, they will now. I'm sure Aria's parents are gonna have Mike on lockdown till he turns 18" Hanna said.
This made me give her a look of disbelief, Aria doing the same.
"You did not just say that, Han" Aria said, her voice filled with nothing but annoyance and disbelief.
"What? I'm not judging. I'm just guessing that your little brother will find another hobby besides breaking and entering" Hanna said.
"Still talking, buttercup" I sighed, shaking my head.
"Guys, look, I don't know what's going on with my brother. If I knew, you would know" Aria sighed.
I frowned and gently patted her shoulder, hoping it would give her some comfort.
"Emily" Spencer said.
We looked at her and saw that she was staring at something.
We turned around and I narrowed my eyes when I saw a car pulling up to where Toby's house was.
Hold up, why does that car look like Garrett's?
I swear it does, I've seen it a few times.
"Isn't that Garrett's car?" Spencer asked.
"I think it is" Emily nodded.
"Where is he going?" Aria asked, confused.
"To his parents, I guess" Emily shrugged.
We continued watching but when we saw Garrett getting out of his car we quickly ducked down.
We don't want him seeing us, especially since me and Spencer lied about mom texting us and wanting us home soon.
I narrowed my eyes once more when I saw him going into Jenna and Toby's house.
"Oh, my God. He's going into Jenna's house" Aria said.
"Is Toby home?" Emily asked, confused.
"No, he went to go get his parents from the airport, and I thought he said Jenna went with him" I said and Spencer nodded.
"He's going inside. He just walked in" Emily said.
I didn't waste anytime to open the door and get out of the car as the girls followed behind me.
While me and the girls were walking quietly, Hanna was walking normally and because she was wearing high heels, she was being loud too.
"Can you walk any softer?" Aria sarcastically asked.
"Please, Jenna can't hear us. She's blind" Hanna scoffed.
This made me and Spencer look at her weirdly. Does she realize what she said?
"You-" Spencer started but Hanna cut her off.
"You know what I mean" Hanna sighed in annoyance.
I rolled my eyes as we continued walking before we stopped behind a tree that was near a window.
I was about to take another step forward when the lights turned on and we saw Jenna by the window.
We all gasped but quietly shut up since we didn't want to get caught.
Jenna took off her glasses and set them down. I saw her lips moving but couldn't hear what she was saying.
My eyes widened when I saw her taking off her robe, revealing her lingerie, and I quickly turned away.
"Ethan, really?" Emily asked.
"What? I may not like the girl but I'm not a pervert" I whispered.
Emily sighed and shook her head before looking back.
I heard the girls gasp once again and I turned around, even though I didn't want to, only for my eyes to widen when I saw Garrett behind Jenna.
My jaw dropped to the ground when Garrett walked up to Jenna and turned her around to face him. They talked for a few seconds before pressing their lips onto each others.
Well, at least we know why Garrett and Jenna are working together.
The Next Day
It was the next day and me and Spencer were at school, going through our lockers and getting whatever we needed for class.
I was closing my locker when I saw Garrett walking towards us.
Why is he here?
"Hey there" Garrett smiled as he walked towards us.
I glanced at Spencer who looked just as confused and shocked as me as she closed her locker.
"What's going on? Why are you here?" Spencer asked.
"It's my turn to teach the driver's ed class. I'm hoping I can scare kids into watching the road instead of their cell phones. Funny, right?" Garrett asked, chuckling.
No, no it's not.
"Yeah, that's actually really funny" Spencer chuckled, quite awkwardly.
"We have to go to class" I said.
I grabbed Spencer's arm and tried dragging her away with me, but Garrett stopped us.
"Spencer, Ethan, we never finished our conversation last night. You guys ran off" Garrett said.
"We didn't run off, we told you, our mother wanted us home asap" I said and Spencer nodded.
"Yeah, and we just have a lot of drama going on at our house" Spencer said.
"Is everything ok?" Garrett asked.
"It's fine" I nodded.
"You guys had a lot of questions and some strong ideas about weapons and head wounds-" Garrett started but Spencer cut him off.
"I know. I can get like that. I'm really sorry if I bothered you" Spencer said.
"Yeah, same here" I nodded.
"You guys seemed pretty distraught" Garrett said.
"No. No, not really. It was just, you know something that I read in biology got me thinking about Ali's autopsy" Spencer explained.
"But like you said, the case is closed" I sighed.
"So there's really nothing to worry about. And we really have to go to class" Spencer said.
With that she grabbed my arm and dragged me away with her. When we were gone we both sighed in relief.
Thank heavens we managed to get out of that. Never thought I'd be happy to go to class for the first time.
An Hour Later
Classes were boring, as freaking usual.
Nothing was new, everything was the same and of course we were given tons of homework. That just sucks.
I swear I need a long day just to sleep because all this homework is making me sleep deprived.
I sighed and made my way towards my locker. But before I could even open it I heard loud groaning and yelling from someone nearby.
I turned around and my eyes widened in fear when I saw Emily on the ground, clearly in pain.
"Emily!" I yelled.
I quickly ran towards her, dropping my books and bag on the ground as I crouched down next to her.
"Em! Em! Come on, talk to me, what's wrong? What happened?" I asked, clearly worried about my best friend.
"Emily!" I heard Garrett yell.
I turned around to see Garrett running towards us as he crouched down on her other side and placed his hand on her back.
I quickly took out my phone and dialed 911 before putting my phone to my ear.
"911, what's your emergency?"
"Hi, my best friend needs help, she's in serious pain. Please, I need an ambulance" I begged.
"Where are you?"
"I'm at Rosewood highschool. Please hurry" I begged.
Emily continued to groan in pain as me and Garrett did our best to calm her down.
At The Hospital
After Emily was taken to the hospital me, Spencer and Hanna went to go visit her and find out what happened to her that caused her so much pain.
Apparently she has an ulcer and that's why she collapsed and was in so much pain.
"Aren't ulcers something old people get?" Hanna asked.
"Buttercup, get that look off your face. You're gonna freak her out" I sternly said as Spencer nodded.
"Her? What about me? I'm having deja vu. I spent a week in this place. If I see another bowl of green jello, I'm gonna puke on your shoes" Hanna said.
"Oh, God. I'm gonna walk behind you" Spencer said as she backed away from her.
Hanna rolled her eyes before her phone rang.
She took it out and looked at it before shaking her head and hanging up.
"Is that Aria?" I asked.
"Caleb. I'll just call him back later" Hanna sighed.
"What's going on?" Spencer asked, worried.
Don't tell me they're arguing over something or that something is wrong in their relationship.
They literally got back together, I don't want them to breakup.
The elevator dinged and we turned around before stepping in the elevator when the people inside it walked out.
We pressed the button to head to Emily's floor and once the doors closed me and Spencer looked at Hanna.
"Han, are you and Caleb-" I started but she cut me off.
"We're fine. There's just stuff going on" Hanna sighed.
"Like what?" Spencer asked.
"Like an undercover cop in a car following him" Hanna sighed.
"Why?" I asked, my eyes wide in worry.
"I don't wanna talk about it" Hanna sighed.
"You have to. You're in an elevator. Where else are you gonna go?" Spencer sarcastically asked.
I rolled my eyes and ran my hand through my hair before looking at Hanna.
"Does he know about the cop?" I asked.
"No. I haven't told him" Hanna said.
"Why not?" Spencer asked.
"Because I'm still thinking things through" Hanna said.
"What is there to think through?" Spencer asked, confused.
"If I tell him, he might run, ok? I'm not ready to lose him again" Hanna sighed.
I frowned and gently placed my hand on his shoulder to give her some comfort.
"Han, if the cops are really after him, you're gonna lose him anyway" I softly said.
Spencer nodded as Hanna looked at both of us before slowly nodding her head while sighing.
In Emily's Hospital Room
We arrived at Emily's room and immediately began talking to her to try and comfort her.
She told us about what happened and she was worried just as much as we were.
"So all those muscle spasms and the pain, that's all coming from your stomach?" Hanna asked.
"Yeah, but ulcers can heal. It's not forever, Em" Spencer reassured her.
"Yeah, but she's got like a hole-" Hanna started but I cut her off.
"Yes, there's a hole in her stomach. Moving on. Where'd your dad go?" I asked.
"He went to the house to talk to the new tenants. Guys, I have to deal with this. I can't keep lying to him" Emily sighed.
"I guess not, not if it's eating holes in your stomach" Hanna said.
"Moving on" Spencer sternly said.
She gave Hanna a pointed look, to which she just shrugged at, while I sighed and rubbed my eyes.
We heard footsteps and turned around to see Aria walking in while holding two cups of coffee.
"Hey, I'm sorry. I got here as soon as I could. I had to escape family court in my living room" Aria sighed.
"Mike on trial?" Hanna asked.
"Yeah, but the defendant didn't even show up" Aria sighed as she sat down on the bed.
I chuckled at that as Aria tried handing Emily her coffee.
"I got your fav" Aria said.
Emily looked tempted to drink it but she knew that she couldn't. We all did.
"Oh, she can't drink coffee" I said.
"Yeah, she's got a hole in her stomach" Hanna said.
I gave her a pointed look while Spencer rolled her eyes and took the coffee from Aria.
"I'll trade it in for an herbal tea, unless you want us all here when your dad gets back" Spencer said as she stood up.
"She's not telling her dad. If he finds out that the letter is fake, he's gonna move her to Texas" Hanna argued.
"If she doesn't tell him, she's not gonna get any better" Spencer argued back.
"But she doesn't have to make up her mind right this second, ok?" I sternly said, giving both of them pointed looks.
Aria nodded while Emily sighed.
"She already has. I'm telling him the truth" Emily said.
We all looked at each before looking back at her.
As hard as it is we know that it's the right thing to do. And she does too.
Late At Night
It was late at night and me, Spencer and Aria were back in Emily's hospital room after she got an A message when the doctors gave her some hospital food.
And for some reason my sister and Aria were dressed like nurses.
"Your pain cream?" I asked, looking at her with wide eyes in shock.
"A is in our medicine cabinets too? This has to be a new record" Aria said in disbelief.
"How long has this been in your system?" Spencer asked.
"Did it damage any organs?" I asked in worry.
"Forget my organs. It's on my medical chart. It's ruined my life. I can never swim again" Emily angrily said.
"Emily, medical records are private" Spencer tried to reassure her.
"Not from your parents" Emily angrily snapped.
"What're you gonna tell your dad?" Aria asked.
"I'm gonna tell him to get me out of here. Take me to Texas. I'm done. It can't get worse than this" Emily said.
I don't blame her wanting to leave this shitty town.
With A still around it's gonna be impossible to live a decent life.
"Emily, remember, A tried to plow down Ethan with a car" Spencer said.
I gave her a look of disbelief while Aria smacked her arm, giving her a pointed look.
"Is that supposed to make me feel better?" Emily asked, clearly annoyed.
"I'm just saying that A tried to take one of us down and it didn't work" Spencer said.
"Spencer, A taking us down. One at a time. Aria's probably next" Emily said.
Aria's eyes widened at that as she looked at me and Spencer with a pleading look.
"Can we all go to Texas?" Aria asked.
"No! Stop it! We're not giving in to this freak!" I angrily snapped.
Emily and Aria flinched at my tone while Spencer nodded in agreement.
"Yeah. Look, we are this close to finding out what happened to Alison. And if A is the one that
killed her" Spencer said.
"And Ian" Aria said.
Why did she add him?
I mean, I still don't like him and never will, I'm glad that he's gone.
"Yeah, and then A is gonna be the one to leave Rosewood, not us" I said, my voice filled with nothing but determination.
Emily sighed and opened her mouth to say something when we heard a knock at the door.
I quickly put the lid back on Emily's drink thing while the girls covered up her food.
We turned around and smiled when we saw Mr. Fields walking in.
"Hi. Sorry to interrupt" Mr. Fields said.
"No worries. Uh, we actually just have to get back to work" Spencer said, gesturing to her and Aria.
Aria smiled and nodded while me and Emily looked at them weirdly.
"When did you two start volunteering for the hospital?" Mr. Fields asked as he set down some magazines on Emily's bed.
"Today's actually our first day. We're still on hour one" Aria smiled.
Me and Spencer looked at her weirdly while she sighed and shook her head.
"We'll take this for you" Aria said.
Spencer nodded as her and Aria began to roll out the tray that had Emily's food.
"See you later" Aria smiled.
"Bye" Spencer smiled.
When they were gone Mr. Fields looked at me and I smiled at him, a bit awkwardly.
"So, Ethan, why haven't you volunteered? I thought you loved helping people?" Mr. Fields asked.
"Oh, well I was, I've actually gotten some offers from people that want me to volunteer at this hospital but also a few others. I'm still deciding" I explained.
Emily nodded while Mr. Fields chuckled and patted my shoulder.
"That's what I've always liked about you, son. Your desire and passion to help people. Don't tell the other girls, but I've always like you more" Mr. Fields smiled.
I let out an amused snort at that while Emily giggled and nodded her head.
I let out a sigh before getting up from the bed.
"Well, I'm going to get some food, do either of you want anything?" I asked.
"No thanks, I'm good" Emily said.
"I'll take a bottle of water, thank you" Mr. Fields smiled.
"Sure thing" I smiled.
I gave Emily's head a brotherly kiss before leaving the room to get some food and water bottle for Mr. Fields.
A Few Hours Later
A few hours had passed and Spencer and Aria returned from whatever mission they had to do that made them have to wear nurse uniforms.
Mr. Fields left a few minutes ago so it was just the four of us in her room.
Apparently Spencer and Aria took Alison's file to find out what the cause of her death was.
"You took this?" Emily asked in disbelief.
I grabbed the file and opened it as I sat next to Emily and showed it to her so we could both see.
"We're gonna give it back. Just look at the summary page" Spencer said.
We heard a phone ring and we turned around to see Aria taking her phone out.
"That must be Hanna" Spencer said but Aria shook her head.
"No, it's Ezra. I was supposed to call him" Aria sighed.
"Oh, go ahead. We can handle things here" I said and Spencer nodded.
"He's downstairs. I'll be right back" Aria said.
"Yeah" Spencer nodded.
Aria quickly got up and walked out of the room, closing the door behind her.
When she was gone me and Emily went back to reading the file to see what was on each of the pages.
"Displaced cranium? Curved blunt weapon?" I asked, reading what was said on the paper.
"That's a hockey stick, guys" Spencer said.
Me and Emily looked at her with furrowed eyebrows.
"Aria doesn't want to hear this, but Jason is looking worse and worse" Spencer said.
Emily didn't say anything but I glared at my sister.
"Spencer, stop it. Jason may not have had the best relationship with Alison but he wouldn't kill her. Stop assuming" I sternly said.
Me and Emily went back to reading everything on the file just in case we missed something.
When we were done Spencer was checking everything to make sure all the pages were there before putting them back.
"Where's page five?" Spencer asked.
"Did you drop one of the pages?" I asked.
"No. We took the whole file" Spencer said.
She took the file from Emily and began looking through it, looking worried and confused.
"Maybe it dropped in the elevator" Emily suggested.
"No, nothing dropped in the elevator" Spencer said, looking more worried than ever.
She began flipping through the pages before showing us the other pages.
"Look, here's page 1, 2, 3, 6. Where the hell is page 5?" Spencer asked as she looked up at us.
The three of us looked at each other in worry as we began looking through the file again.
We even began looking around the room to see if it had dropped in here but we didn't find anything.
Did it drop?
Or did someone take it?
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