Chapter Thirty-Eight: A Hot Piece Of 'A'
Ethan's Pov
Me and the girls walked back into the greenhouse as Spencer had A's phone in her hands.
"How hard did you hit him, her, it?" Aria asked.
"Didn't run like a her" I scoffed.
"I thought it was an animal" Hanna said.
"It was. Is" Spencer said in annoyance.
"Ok, where's the box?" Emily asked as she began looking for the box.
"You guys this phone is locked" Spencer said.
"And where the hell were you guys? I thought we were supposed to meet up here. Wasn't that the plan?" I asked, frustrated and confused.
"I'm so sorry, Ethan. I-I dropped a huge bomb at home. My parents won't let me go anywhere. I had to crawl through Mike's window" Aria explained.
"And Toby came in and totally cornered me with all of these questions about why I was acting this way, and he would not leave without any answers" Spencer explained.
"Kate's moving to Rosewood" Hanna said.
This made us stop what we were doing as we looked at her with wide eyes in shock.
"What?" we all asked.
"Yeah. Yeah, my dad and Isabel got married, and now they're looking for a house here in Rosewood. So now I have more than one monster in my life. Ok? I win" Hanna angrily said.
Emily let out a disbelieving scoff and shook her head at her.
"No you don't. We were almost killed. These are not highlights, Hanna, this is glass in my hair" Emily angrily snapped.
"Yeah. I got tossed around like a freaking ragdoll, my forehead is bleeding, there's glass in my hair and I'm pretty sure I've got bruises all over my body" I angrily snapped.
Aria pointed her flashlight at Emily's hair and tried taking out the glass that was in her hair.
"You guys, can you talk to me for a second? I'm holding A's phone in my hand. What are we doing with it?" Spencer asked.
"Something, before A knows we have it" I said.
"Stand still" Aria said as she walked over to me and tried taking out the glass that was in my hair.
"Hanna, call Caleb" Spencer said as she looked at Hanna.
"Why?" Hanna asked, confused.
"He's the best way that we can get information off of this" Spencer said but Hanna immediately shook her head.
"No, leave him out of this" Hanna sternly said.
"But he's our best shot at tracing this back to A" Spencer said.
"There are other people. We'll take it to the phone store tomorrow" Hanna said.
Me and the girls looked at her weirdly, me raising an eyebrow at her.
"The-the phone store?!" Spencer asked in disbelief.
"Well, then, call technical support! We can have someone in Pakistan do it!" Hanna angrily snapped.
"Hanna!" Emily yelled.
"This can't wait until tomorrow!" Aria yelled.
"Once A realizes it's missing-" Emily started but Hanna cut her off.
"I get it, ok? But this phone is connected to Jenna and officer Garrett. Caleb already has a bad history with her and the police. We're not going there!" Hanna angrily yelled.
"Ok, but if he can find something that finally nails the two of them together-" Aria started but Emily cut her off.
"At least consider it" Emily said.
"I am" Hanna nodded.
"Ok, buttercup, you done thinking? 'Cause we're running out of time here" I sighed in annoyance.
"Wait, is Caleb still crashing with Lucas? Where's Lucas' house? I'll go over right-" Spencer asked but Hanna cut her off.
"Spencer, stop giving us orders! We're not your winged monkeys!" Hanna angrily snapped at her.
"Ok, guys, stop!" I yelled at them.
Spencer sighed in annoyance as Hanna rubbed he forehead.
"There's got to be a way that we can get Caleb to help without-" Aria started but was cut off by A's phone ringing.
We all looked at it, not really knowing what to do.
Spencer looked at it for a second before handing it to Aria.
"Answer it" Spencer said.
Aria gave her a look of disbelief before turning to me and Emily.
"One of you guys answer it" Aria said.
"Why me? I've got glass in my hair!" Emily yelled in annoyance.
"Yeah and I was tossed around like a damn ragdoll and my forehead still hurts like hell! I'm in no mood to answer freaking phone calls!" I angrily yelled.
"I'll answer it!" Hanna snapped as she snatched the phone from Aria.
She looked at the phone before looking at us, confused.
"What do you want me to say? Should we tell them that we have the phone?" Hanna asked.
"They'll know that when you say hello" I deadpanned.
Hanna looked at the phone before looking back at us.
"It's blocked" Hanna said.
We all screamed when we heard glass shattering from above us. We quickly moved out of the way when it fell to the ground.
"I've got Caleb's number! I'm calling!" I yelled.
"Go!" Aria yelled.
I grabbed Hanna's arm and dragged her with me as the rest of us ran out of the greenhouse.
Back At Home
Finally we were back at home and we were in the kitchen as Caleb worked on the phone.
Spencer helped with my bruises and put a bandage on my forehead, the bleeding stopped but it still hurt like hell. But nothing I can't handle.
"What's that number?" Spencer asked, pointing to the number that was shown on the computer screen.
"Tells me how much data is currently loaded on the phone. It's a lot" Caleb said.
"You mean like photos, videos?" Emily asked.
"Definitely more than angry birds" Caleb scoffed.
"And how long will it take to download?" Spencer asked.
"We're not there yet" Caleb said.
Understandable. This type of stuff takes time. Can't rush into it.
Caleb sighed before looking at Hanna in worry as he furrowed his eyebrows at her.
"Hanna" Caleb said.
"Hm?" Hanna asked, looking at him.
"You alright?" Caleb asked.
"Yeah" Hanna nodded.
I gently patted her shoulder as Caleb nodded before looking at all of us in curiosity.
"Alright, can somebody tell me whose phone this is?" Caleb asked.
Me and the girls glanced at each other. Hanna shook her head at us, begging not to tell Caleb anything.
"We can't. Yet. The less you know right now, the better" Spencer said.
"Ok" Caleb sighed.
He stood up straighter and looked at me and Emily before looking at all of us.
"Well then can somebody tell me why Emily smells like a bag of mulch. Or why Ethan looks like he got into a fight with someone and half won half lost" Caleb said.
Emily sighed and shook her head while I rolled my eyes.
I would've won if A hadn't been so damn strong.
Throwing me around like a ragdoll was probably worse then when they ran me over with a car.
"Wait. Something just came up" Aria said.
We turned around and saw that a few warnings were popping on, making Caleb type fast on the keyboard.
"Crap" Caleb hissed.
"What just happened?" I asked.
"Phone got bricked" Caleb said.
"Translate, please" Emily sighed.
"The owner shut down the phone from their computer" Caleb said.
"So we lost everything?" Spencer asked in worry.
"We never had everything. I have some files, but they're locked and they're probably corrupted" Caleb explained.
This made me and the girls sigh and groan in annoyance.
This phone is the only thing we have that could lead us to A. We can't lose everything when we're this close to learning more about this person.
"I can try and retrieve what I have, but it's gonna take a while. Are you sure you want me to work on this?" Caleb asked.
"Yes! Yes! Yes!" the girls, minus Hanna, yelled.
I winced in pain at how loud they were and clutched my head while Caleb looked taken aback.
Caleb frowned at me in worry and gently placed his hand on my shoulder. I smiled lightly at him and nodded before he turned to Hanna.
"Hanna, are you alright with this?" Caleb asked.
Hanna looked at him and glanced at us before looking back at him while biting her lip.
I know that she doesn't want him involved with our mess but he's the only person that can help us with the phone. We have to find out who A is and end this entire thing.
The Next Day
It was the next day and me and the girls were trying our best to get over school since there was alot on our minds.
Apparently Aria told her parents about her and Mr. Fitz, and can I just say that they weren't happy, not one bit.
So, to say a few classes that she had with her mother was awkward. You could feel the tension between those two.
Finally school was over and me and Spencer were looking for Emily.
Spencer wanted to go snoop around Jason's house and wanted me to go with her. We already asked Aria and Hanna but neither of them could come. So we're hoping that Emily can.
Me and Emily spotted Emily at her locker and we made our way towards her.
"Hey. How was your test?" I asked.
"I'm doing a makeup of a makeup. I've got to run. Community service starts at 4 P.M. sharp" Emily sighed in annoyance.
She began walking away when Spencer stopped her.
"Wait. Yours is today? I was hoping you'd be able to come snoop around Jason's house with us" Spencer said.
"Jason? Why Jason?" Emily asked, confused.
"Well, if Jenna and Garrett have a helper, and it's a he, where does your mind go?" Spencer asked.
"It's going to someone else" I deadpanned.
Spencer glared at me while Emily chuckled and shook her head.
"It's going to community service. Ask Aria" Emily said.
"I did. She's under house arrest. And besides, her and Ethan really believe that Jason's been out of town for weeks" Spencer said.
Damn right I do.
"Then ask Hanna" Emily said.
"Hanna spent all of chem class drawing pictures of me in a pointy hat and a wart on my nose" Spencer deadpanned.
I laughed at that. The pictures that Hanna drew were hilarious.
"She'll get over it. Offer her your lake house. She needs some serious face time with Caleb" Emily suggested.
Me and Spencer glanced at each other before looking back at Emily in confusion.
"Our lake house?" I asked.
"Yeah, they've already made some memories on that couch in the living room" Emily smirked.
When I realized what she was talking about my eyes widened in shock and disbelief.
Hanna and Caleb did the deed on our couch?!
I glanced at Spencer and saw that she was in the same boat as me. I can't really blame her.
Emily noticed our expressions and her smirk faltered as a frown appeared on her face.
"She-she didn't tell you guys?" Emily asked.
When neither of us answered, Emily slowly nodded her head and turned around and walked away.
When she was gone I let out a breathless scoff as Spencer shook her head in disbelief.
"That was our Nana's couch" Spencer whispered and I nodded.
The Next Day
It was the next day and I was with Spencer, Aria and Emily in the school hallway.
Apparently during Emily's community service at the crisis hotline, someone called that place and began talking about their issues. What's weird is the fact that they sounded like they were in trouble. But the weirdest part was what they were talking about.
Emily handed us the paper so we could read what the person said.
"I almost got caught tonight. It's gone, and I can't get it back. I might as well be dead" Spencer said, reading off what the paper said.
"Tell me that does not sound like A's helper" Emily said.
"They let you keep this?" I asked in shock.
"No! They don't know I have it" Emily said.
Spencer opened her mouth to say something when Hanna walked towards us.
"Ok, so I have good news and I have bad news" Hanna said.
"Buttercup, have you seen this?" I asked.
I took the paper from Spencer and handed it to Hanna. Hanna looked at it and let out an annoyed scoff.
"Are you kidding? I woke up to it. Emily taped it to our bathroom mirror" Hanna said.
"We knew that it wasn't Jenna in the greenhouse, but now it looks like it wasn't" Spencer said.
"Yeah, it was her drone" I said.
"Ok, I think that we should all be working at this crisis hotline. I mean, if "A's" helper calls back, we can-" Spencer started only for Aria to cut her off.
"Nnnn...No" Aria said.
Spencer looked at her in shock while Aria released an annoyed sigh.
"I can't work at a hotline. I'm on lockdown. I can barely even pee without a chaperone" Aria angrily said.
She pushed herself off the wall she was leaning on and began walking away, only for Hanna to stop her.
"Wait, you're coming to my surprise party, right?" Hanna asked.
"Nope, not unless you're throwing it in my closet" Aria sarcastically said.
She turned around to walk away, only for us to turn around when we saw Caleb standing outside from one of the classrooms.
"Hey, guys, you got a minute?" Caleb asked.
We all glanced at each other before walking towards him as we all entered the classroom.
"I finally cracked one of these files" Caleb said.
He pressed a button on his laptop and a picture showed up on the screen.
My eyes widened when I saw five dolls. They looked exactly like the dolls the girls received that day of Mr. Marin's wedding. There was even a doll that looked like me, and just like the girl dolls it was creepy looking too.
Me and the girls glanced at each other nervously.
Caleb saw the looks on our faces and sighed.
"But I'm guessing that wasn't what you were looking for" Caleb said in annoyance.
He stood up straighter and crossed his arms over his chest. He looked at us all suspiciously as he raised an eyebrow at us.
"What are you looking for?" Caleb asked.
"No, this is-this is really great. Could you please forward this picture to all of us?" I asked.
Caleb sighed but nodded his head, making me smile at him.
"I really have to get to class" Spencer said.
"Thanks, Caleb" Aria smiled.
"Yeah, thanks" I said, giving him a small smile.
I patted his shoulder before grabbing my bag and leaving the room to head to my next class.
At Hanna's House
I was currently at Hanna's house since I was helping her wrap up the gifts that we got for Caleb. I gotta admit it was pretty fun yet tiring at the same time.
We were in her room as Hanna was wrapping up one last present when Spencer and Emily made their way inside and began telling us that Lucas was helping A.
To think that I couldn't get even more annoyed and tired than I already was.
"Hanna, this is more important than a perfect bow. Just listen to us" Spencer sternly said.
I glared at her while Hanna groaned in annoyance and looked up at them.
"We both heard the voice. It was definitely Lucas on the other end" Emily said.
"No, you both heard what you wanted to hear. Lucas may be able to get his hands on illegal firecrackers, but that doesn't mean he's A's evil elf" Hanna said.
"Yeah, he's not working with A" I nodded.
"Hanna, Ethan, you guys don't know that, ok? Lucas hated Alison just as much as Jenna did" Emily said.
"She could have easily recruited him. It wouldn't take a whole lot of persuasion" Spencer said.
"No. He has been an incredible friend to me. He brought Caleb back to town. He's now helping me throw this party" Hanna said.
"Yeah, he's always been an incredible friend to me too. Considering that I've always been there for him, especially whenever Ali bullied him. And he's been there for me just as much as I have" I defended.
Lucas would never work for A, let alone help them threaten or hurt us.
He's been one of my best friends since forever. He was there for me just like I was.
And he helped me get over...him, a long time ago. Especially after what happened.
"So he can play you. So he can gain your trust. I mean, for all we know, he still sees Alison whenever he looks at us" Spencer said as he sat down on the edge of her bed.
"No, he's over that" Hanna said.
"Ok, well, maybe A is pressuring Lucas just like A did with us. I mean, if A has something on him-" Emily started but I cut her off.
"Did you record this conversation? Do you have any other proof?" I asked, raising an eyebrow at them.
"No, of course not" Emily said.
"Well, then drop it" I angrily said.
"Ethan! It was Lucas that was in the greenhouse. That's who dropped the phone. That's who you hit with your car" Spencer angrily said.
"Really? Did you see bruises through the telephone too?" I sarcastically asked.
Spencer groaned in annoyance and got up from the bed and stood next to Emily.
"Lucas has had my back for a long time, ok? He may have had an axe to grind with Alison, but which one of us didn't?" Hanna asked.
"Hanna, Ethan" Emily said.
"No. Just leave it alone. He's too easy of a target" Hanna said.
I nodded before the both of us went back to wrapping the presents.
The Next Day
It was the next day, meaning that it was time for Caleb's surprise party.
Me and the girls, minus Aria, were at mine and Spencer's lake house since that's where the party was being held.
Everyone was here and they were either drinking, eating a few snacks or talking to each other.
Hanna was stressed out because everything wasn't ready just yet and she needed everything to be perfect before Caleb arrived.
I was helping her with a few things while Spencer was bugging her about our wallpaper because that's where the creepy dolls were and that's where A took the photos.
"Hanna. Hanna" Spencer said, trying to get her attention.
Hanna handed me the bowl of snacks and I set them down on the table.
"Oh, um, Han, did you really order 12 pizzas with green peppers on 'em?" Mona asked.
"No, why?" Hanna asked in annoyance.
"Well, that's what you got" Noel said as he wrapped an arm around Mona's waist.
"And Noel's allergic" Mona said.
Me and Spencer gave her deadpan looks when we heard Hanna's phone ring.
She took it out and when she saw it her eyes widened.
"Caleb's almost here! He's early! Who comes to their own surprise party early?" Hanna asked, clearly frustrated.
"Well he doesn't really know, considering it's a surprise" I shrugged.
Hanna glared at me and hit my arm, making me wince.
"I haven't even hung the banner yet" Hanna said.
"Hey, I'll do it" Noel reassured her.
He kissed Mona's head before walking off to go hang the banner. Mona smiled at him before looking at Hanna with a small frown on her face.
"Hanna, will you please just look at this picture. A has been here. A has been in this house" Spencer said, holding her phone in her hand.
"Spencer, stop, she can't deal with that right now" I sternly said.
"Exactly. Now why is this phone not working?" Hanna asked, glaring at her phone.
"The dolls were up there. My attic might be A's secret headquarters. Please just go upstairs, look at that wallpaper-" Spencer started but Hanna cut her off.
"That wallpaper has been up there for 200 years. It can wait another day" Hanna angrily snapped.
She stormed off while Spencer looked at her in disbelief.
I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms, clearly tired.
A few more minutes passed as Emily made her way towards us and Spencer sighed in relief.
"Finally! You're here! You have to come up to the attic with me" Spencer said.
"Wait. I think I just made things worse with Lucas. I think he knows that I knew it was him on the phone" Emily said.
I sighed in annoyance while Spencer looked scared.
"Ok, we've got to get him out of here" Spencer said.
"No, we don't. Hanna invited him so that means he stays" I sternly said.
Emily and Spencer looked at me in shock before Spencer snapped out of it and looked at Emily.
"Will you please speak to Hanna? She's not listening to me. And Ethan won't help because he's defending Lucas too" Spencer said.
"Where is she?" Emily asked.
We began looking around, only to see that Hanna wasn't here.
We spotted Mona walking around and we made our way towards her.
"Mona. Hey. Have you seen Hanna? Do you know where she is?" Spencer asked.
"Yeah, she and Lucas just went to set up the fireworks" Mona smiled.
"What? Where?" Emily asked, worried.
"At the pier across the lake. They took the boat" Mona said.
Spencer and Emily glanced at each other in worry and ran towards the window while I sighed and shook my head.
"Did they need permission?" Mona asked, confused.
"No, they didn't, but thank you" I smiled at her.
I patted her shoulder before walking towards the girls as they looked out the window.
I looked outside myself and saw Hanna and Lucas on a boat as it swam away so they could set up the fireworks.
The girls looked at each other before running outside. I groaned in annoyance before running off with them.
We ran outside as Emily and Spencer began yelling Hanna's name.
"Hanna! Where are you?" Spencer called out to her, her voice filled with worry.
"Buttercup! Buttercup!" I yelled.
Hey, just because I hate that Spencer and Emily are accusing Lucas of being A's helper doesn't mean I'm not worried about Hanna.
I'll always worry about her and the other girls.
"Hanna, answer me!" Spencer yelled.
"Hanna!" Emily yelled.
"Hanna!" me and Spencer yelled.
"I can't see anything. Can you guys see anything?" Emily asked.
"No, I can hear things, and that's enough" Spencer said.
"Buttercup! Buttercup please answer us!" I yelled.
"Hanna! Answer us!" Spencer yelled.
"Let's get in the car. They're probably at the pier" Emily suggested.
"No, Emily, it's a winding road. By the time that we get around-" Spencer started but Emily cut her off.
"Well, we have to do something, ok" Emily angrily snapped.
"Both of you, calm down, ok" I sternly said.
I let out a soft groan and gently tugged at my hair.
"Hanna! Hanna, answer us!" Spencer yelled.
"I'm calling the police" Emily said as she began taking her phone out of her pocket.
"Go inside. Go!" I yelled.
Spencer nodded as Emily quickly ran off to head back inside.
"Hanna! Hanna! Hanna!" I yelled.
A Few Minutes Later
Me and Spencer were still outside, trying to see if Hanna was here or not and so far she wasn't.
Everyone from the party came outside once Emily had ran back in and called the police and they were now whispering amongst each other.
Me and Spencer kept on looking at the water when we saw something from underneath come up and swim towards us.
My eyes widened when I caught a glimpse of blonde hair, by the looks of it, Spencer saw too.
"Oh my god!" Spencer yelled.
"Hanna!" I yelled.
Me and Spencer ran towards her as she swam back to shore.
"Hanna what happened?" Spencer asked in worry.
"Buttercup, come here" I said.
"Where's Lucas?" Spencer asked.
When she was close she shakily stood up and walked towards us. She nearly fell because of how cold she was, but I caught her and pulled her away from the water.
"Somebody get a blanket! Hurry" I yelled.
Someone from the crowd brought a blanket and handed it to me.
I thanked them before wrapping it around Hanna. When the blanket was around her me and Spencer wrapped our arms around her, engulfing her in a tight hug.
"It's ok, we've got you" I softly said.
"Is she okay?" Emily asked as she ran towards us and kneeled next to us.
"She's fine, she swam back" I said and Spencer nodded.
I turned around to see Mona and Noel walking towards us. Their hair was all wet, they look like they just got dressed and they were carrying blankets with them.
"What's going on? Why is everybody out here?" Mona asked, confused.
"Where were you?" Spencer asked.
"We took a dip" Mona shrugged.
"What?" I asked in disbelief.
"Nice night for it" Noel nodded.
I sighed in annoyance and rolled my eyes before going back to Hanna.
Mona and Noel shrugged before she grabbed his hand as they both walked away, most likely to head back inside.
"Is Lucas still out there?" I asked.
Hanna shrugged her shoulders, panting heavily as she clung onto me and Spencer.
"Hanna?" I heard Caleb call out to her.
We turned around to see Caleb walking towards us. He looked at everyone before looking at Hanna with confused and worried eyes.
"What's going on?" Caleb asked, clearly worried when he saw the state that she was in.
Hanna looked at him as a tiny smile appeared on her face.
"Surprise" Hanna weakly said.
Caleb still looked confused and all Hanna did was sigh and go back to hugging me and Spencer.
I sighed and kissed her head, hugging her tighter to do my best to keep her warm.
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