Chapter Sixty-Six: Dead To Me
Ethan's Pov
The girls and I were at the brew and to say it was awkward would be an understatement.
Especially between Aria and Spencer. Which, like I said, is understandable.
"Nothing?" I asked, breaking the silence.
"Nothing since he left. Well, he sent an 'I got here' text" Aria shrugged.
"Well, that counts...if you want it to" Hanna said, trying to make her feel better.
"I mean, I know he's doing the right thing, it's just the idea that something's happening hundreds of Miles away that's gonna change everything" Aria explained.
Yeah, she does make a good point there.
We all looked at Spencer, waiting for her to say something, especially when she's been quiet.
Spencer looked at us before looking down at her cup.
"This is cold. I'm just gonna go get a refill" Spencer said.
She got up and walked towards the register to ask the cashier for a refill.
I sighed and shook my head. What's going on with her?
"Do you think Wilden read that notebook by now?" Hanna asked.
"He must have" Emily sighed.
"So he knows what we know" Aria said.
"And what exactly do we know?" I asked, confused.
"It's just Cece's version of things" Aria shrugged.
"There was a picture of him in cape bay. I'm going back to the police station after school, take a snap of it on my phone" Emily said.
We all nodded. That's a good idea, we need proof after all.
I sighed and took a sip of my coffee, I'm a little sleepy so this is helping me stay awake.
I furrowed my eyebrows together when I saw Spencer return, but with Jason.
"Hey, Jase, what's up?" I asked.
"Hey, Ethan. And just like I told Spencer, I'm going to tell you guys, I've got some news" Jason said.
We all glanced at each other before looking back at him.
I nodded, signaling him to say what he wants to stay.
"We're keeping this kind of quiet, but they've released Ali's remains to my family. There's gonna be a re-interment" Jason explained.
"She's being buried again?" Emily asked, shocked.
"Not in the ground. In the mausoleum. There'll be a service, family only, but I've arranged for you guys to have some time after my parents leave" Jason explained.
The others sent him small smiles and nods of appreciation.
"Thank you" I smiled softly.
"There's something else. The things we put in the casket with Ali, they're still missing. The state police think whoever opened the grave is keeping them as some kind of sick souvenirs. The cops figure when they find those, they'll find the creeps who did this" Jason explained.
That creep is none other than A.
And their partner, if they have one, which I'm pretty sure they do.
"I think they're right" Jason said.
We can only hope...
"Look, I just wanted you guys to hear it from me. I'll text you when I know the details about saying good-bye to Ali" Jason said.
He was about to leave, only to stop when Spencer spoke.
"Don't bother. I've said all the good-byes I want to say" Spencer deadpanned.
"Spencer" Emily said, shooting her a pointed look.
"What? She's saint Ali now? Are her bones fully relics or something? " Spencer asked, annoyed.
"Spencer" I sternly said.
"Ok, you need to dial it back" Hanna sternly said.
"No, you dial it back. I'm finished with all of this. You guys want to pay a visit to the crypt keeper, that's fine, it's your business, but keep me out of it" Spencer angrily spat.
"Spencer!" I yelled, standing up.
But she ignored me, she grabbed her bag and walked away, heading out of the brew.
I let out a disbelieving scoff and crossed my arms over my chest.
The girls were in the same state as me. Jason too.
"We'll be there" Aria nodded, looking up at Jason.
Jason looked at me and I nodded, sending him a faint smile.
At School
When I got to school I started searching the hallway, trying to find Spencer.
I finally spotted her by her locker and marched towards her.
"You and me need to talk" I sternly said.
"Now isn't a good time" Spencer scoffed, not looking at me.
"Spencer, what the hell is wrong with you? Why would you say all of that in front of Jason?" I asked.
"It's how I felt, alright" Spencer shrugged.
"Spencer, if you didn't want to be apart of it you could've just gotten up and excused yourself. Not say all of that, especially in front of our brother" I sternly said.
Spencer glanced at me, rolling her eyes, before looking away.
I opened my mouth to say something when Mona walked towards us.
Great. Just great. This is exactly what I needed to make me more annoyed.
"Morning, Spencer, Ethan" Mona smiled.
"Hi" I scoffed.
Spencer didn't say anything, she glanced at her, giving her a dirty look. She turned back around and continued going through her books in her locker.
"Ok, someone's in a mood" Mona chuckled slightly.
"You're telling me" I muttered.
"I just came by to remind you that the decathlon's only a week away. So in here is your schedule, hotel information, practice questions, and permission slip" Mona smiled.
Spencer sent her a sarcastic smile as she took the folder from her.
It was silent for a good few seconds between the two of them before Mona spoke up.
"Look, Spencer..." Mona trailed off, reaching out to touch her.
"Mona, touch my sister, I can assure you that your arm will be gone" I smiled tightly at her.
Mona quickly pulled her arm back, looking at me with wide eyes in shock.
Spencer smirked at Mona, glancing at me, gratefulness shown in her eyes.
"I know this is a touchy subject, but as team Captain, I have to tell you you've been off your a-game lately" Mona said.
Spencer smiled tightly, still not saying anything.
"Yeah. This is the biggest competition of the year, and I can't let your slip-and-slide affect the whole team" Mona said.
"Spencer would never do anything that would affect herself, let alone the team" I defended.
I'm not gonna let Mona get into Spencer's head because of this stupid decathlon.
Spencer smiled slightly at me before turning to Mona. I was taken aback by the dangerous look in her eyes.
"Let me make something clear to you, Mona. This is not a game to me, at all" Spencer scowled.
Damn...even the way she spoke sounded dangerous.
"Good. Because I'd hate to see poor Toby travel all that way for you only to be left cheering for me" Mona mockingly smiled.
Oh this bitch didn't just go there...
I looked at Spencer and gulped slightly when I saw her glaring at Mona, dangerously.
She honestly looked ready to snap at any given moment.
Mona was about to walk away, but I stopped her. I grabbed her arm and gripped it tightly.
"Ethan" Mona whispered, confused.
"Let me make something clear to you, Mona. If you ever, and I mean ever, bring up Toby or use him as a way to mock my sister, I can assure you that this time the one that'll be ending up in a hospital bed is you" I angrily whispered.
I swear I'm done with this girls bullshit.
I was going to give her the benefit of the doubt, only because I felt slightly bad for her.
But for her to stoop down to that level, especially when Spencer and Toby broke up, is unacceptable.
And she, along with everyone else, should know that nobody messes with my sister.
"Ethan, you're hurting me" Mona whispered.
"Yeah. Well, now you'll know how I felt when I learned that you were the one that ran me over with a car" I angrily spat.
With that, I released her arm, causing her to stumble backwards a bit.
I walked towards my sister, gently pushing her aside, before slamming her locker door shut.
Mona, along with a few students that were nearby, flinched at the loud sound.
I smirked at Mona before turning to Spencer. I smiled softly and kissed her forehead.
"See you later. I love you" I softly said.
With that, I turned around and walked away, feeling satisfied.
Alyssa's Pov
I was out in the courtyard during lunch. I wasn't really hungry so I was mainly reading.
I would've gone to look for Ethan and ate lunch with him, but I figured he'd want to be alone with his friends so I gave him some space.
Besides, I'll be seeing him later today.
We're going on our date after school and I'm so damn excited. I've been excited all day.
I've been wanting to go out on a date with Ethan for a while. I was going to be the first one to ask him, but then he asked me, which just made me more excited.
I told my mom about it and she was absolutely giddy herself too.
She insisted on helping me find an outfit for today, and of course, I agreed.
Hey, my mom picked an amazing outfit for my first date with Amanda, I know she'll pick an amazing outfit for my first date with Ethan.
I jumped, clearly startled, when Mona graced me with her presence, sitting across from me.
"Hello, Alyssa. Lovely lunch you're having, huh?" Mona asked.
"I was, until you got here" I muttered.
I rolled my eyes and went back to my book, doing whatever I could to ignore this girl.
"What are you reading? It seems like a good book" Mona asked, trying to sound interested.
"Well, you've got good eyesight, I'm sure you can look at the title and have a good idea" I sarcastically said.
Mona pressed her lips into a thin line, trying her best to keep cool.
I scoffed and shook my head, flipping the page.
"Actually, there's something I wanted to ask you" Mona said.
"And that is?" I asked.
"What's going on between you and Ethan?" Mona asked.
This caught my attention.
I closed my book, slowly looking up at Mona, only to see her raising an eyebrow at me.
"What are you talking about?" I asked.
"What's going on between you and Ethan?" Mona repeated her question.
"We're friends. I never knew it was a crime for us to be friends" I said.
"Are you sure? Because I've seen you guys hang out alot ever since I returned. He seems to hang out with you more than his sister and his friends" Mona said.
"As far as I'm concerned, Ethan can have other friends" I argued.
"Which is weird. Ethan has never been one to make new friends" Mona argued back.
It's taking all my power not to smack this girl from across the table.
I should've gotten up and left the second she sat down. Especially knowing who she was and what she did to Ethan and the girls.
"Look, Mona, Ethan is his own person. He's allowed to make new friends and hang out with them. It's not a crime" I sternly said.
"You're missing my point, Alyssa" Mona sighed.
"And what is that?" I asked, annoyed.
"It seems to me that you and Ethan are more than friends" Mona gritted her teeth.
I closed my eyes and took a few deep breaths, trying to calm myself down.
When I felt calm, I reopened my eyes and looked back at Mona.
"So what?" I asked.
"It's surprising, and weird, I mean Ethan has always said he wasn't ready to date. But when you show up, he's always hanging out with you, caring for you and he blushes over the little things" Mona explained.
"Well, what can I say, people catch feelings when they least expect it" I shrugged.
Mona glared at me, causing me to scoff and roll my eyes.
"If you'll excuse me, I'm leaving" I flashed her a fake smile.
I didn't wait for her to respond and only gathered my things before getting up and leaving.
I honestly have to reward myself for not slapping that girl. She was getting on my nerves.
If she continues doing that, I might just have to eat lunch outside in front of the school, or the bathroom.
Ethan's Pov
When school was over I went home as fast as I could to get all my homework done.
When I made sure that everything was done I got into the shower, took a nice hot long one, before drying myself and changing into some nice clothes.
I wore a white shirt, black jeans, white sneakers and a red flannel shirt.
Well, I gotta give credit to Spencer for helping me with the clothes.
Despite her bad mood, she was incredibly happy when she learned that I asked Alyssa out on a date and Alyssa said yes.
Before I left Spencer helped me with the date. Giving me tips on what I should say and what I shouldn't say.
When I made sure I was ready, I left and went to Alyssa's house.
And, wow, did she look beautiful when I laid my eyes on her.
She wore a light blue jean jacket, a pink crop top, pink skirt and brown boots. Her her was braided nicely and she put some lipstick and some blush.
I'm glad she didn't put on too much makeup.
She's beautiful without it. She doesn't need it when she's naturally beautiful.
After saying goodbye to her parents, as well as her younger siblings, we left to the movies.
We decided on watching a movie that involves action. We both love action so we thought, why not.
I let Alyssa pick the movie as I bought our tickets and got us some snacks and drinks.
Alyssa was mad that I paid for everything and made me promise that on our next date, she was paying.
I wanted to refuse, but she shot me her most dangerous glare, that I had no choice but to accept defeat.
The movie was really good. I know that we both enjoyed it.
When it was over the sun had already set.
Which makes sense, given that we got here at around 7pm. But it was worth it.
When Alyssa and I walked outside we faced each other, smiles evident on our faces.
"That movie was amazing" Alyssa smiled.
"It really was. I swear my face hurts from all the grinning I did whenever any action scenes came on" I said.
"Same here" Alyssa giggled.
I smiled at her before grabbing a hold of her hand. Alyssa smiled at me.
We both began walking, still holding hands, as I decided what we should do next.
"So, do you want to go to the Apple Rose Grille? Or maybe somewhere fancy" I asked.
"I'm not that hungry, I mean, we ate a huge bucket of popcorn and soda too" Alyssa said.
"But we still should eat some real food, not snacks" I argued.
Alyssa sighed but nodded her head in agreement.
"Lets head to the grille. The prices aren't too bad and I don't want you wasting more money" Alyssa said.
We stopped walking as I twirled her around, causing her to squeal in surprise, as we faced each other.
I placed my hands on her shoulders, causing her to blush, and looked at her.
"Hey, I don't mind wasting money on you, as long as you're happy and I get to see that smile of yours" I softly smiled.
No lie. It's true.
As long as Alyssa is happy and I get to see that beautiful smile of hers, I don't care how much money I waste.
For Alyssa, it's worth it.
Alyssa looked up at me, a fond and admiring look on her face, a smile slowly formed on her face.
Her arms wandered down to my waist and she wrapped them around it.
"Ethan" Alyssa softly spoke.
"Yes?" I softly asked.
"There's something else you can do that'll make me happier" Alyssa softly said.
"Oh. And what would that be?" I asked.
Alyssa didn't say anything. She remained silent.
Before I knew it, she leaned in and my eyes widened when her lips made contact with mine.
The was so gentle and sweet, she poured all her affection into it.
Slowly, really slowly, my eyes fluttered shut and I found myself kissing her back.
I kissed her back with the same amount of affection she was pouring into this kiss.
My hands moved up to gently cup her face, my thumbs gently caressed her soft cheeks.
We slowly pulled away since we needed to catch our breath, but I can sense the same level of disappointment from each other when we had to stop.
Neither of us wanted to stop. We wanted that special moment to continue.
When we managed to catch our breaths, we stared into each others eyes.
Before we knew it, soft smiles appeared on both our faces.
We leaned in so that both our foreheads were touching, our smiles never left, they remained.
"That was certainly something to remember" I softly chuckled.
"You got that right" Alyssa softly giggled.
"Shall we do it again?" I asked.
I leaned in, ready to press my lips back on hers, but Alyssa gently backed away.
I looked at her in confusion, an annoyed pout on my face, causing her to softly laugh.
"As much as I'd love to continue what we were doing, I really do want food" Alyssa said.
I huffed in annoyance, the pout still on my face, while Alyssa fondly rolled her eyes at my actions.
She grabbed my hand and dragged me with her to head to the Apple Rose Grille.
Despite the fact that I was annoyed we couldn't continue the kiss, I did let my pout form back into a smile.
The Next Day
I couldn't stop smiling.
I swear I couldn't.
I tried, but it was hopeless, not that I minded. Not one bit.
I was currently in Spencer's room, lying on the floor, the smile still on my face as my fingers traced my lips.
Memories from last night came back, causing me to smile and laugh softly.
Memories of Alyssa's lips on mine, her arms wrapped around my waist, rubbing my back softly.
Memories of my hands cupping her cheeks, my thumbs gently caressing them.
That kiss was magical. It was truly something I'll remember.
I heard footsteps and picked myself up, sitting on the ground, and watched as Spencer and Emily walked in.
When Emily saw me a smile appeared on her face.
"So, how was the date last night?" Emily asked.
"Magical. Absolutely magical" I sighed, smiling in content.
Spencer chuckled and shook her head, a fond look in her eyes.
Emily smiled at me before shaking her head as she turned to Spencer.
"It was gone. Wilden read the notebook. He knows we're onto him" Emily said.
She took her time to look around the room and her eyes wandered over to the box that was on Spencer's bed.
"Is that-" Emily started, only for Spencer to cut her off.
"So, what exactly brings you to my office?" Spencer asked.
She walked over to her red couch and sat down.
"Look, I know you're in a funk, ok. Ethan and I were the first ones to hear about your break-up" Emily said.
"And we didn't tell anyone until we knew you were ready" I added.
"Spence, we're on your side here" Emily said.
"I know" Spencer nodded.
Emily sighed before handing over a postcard to Spencer.
I furrowed my eyebrows together and got up from the ground, walking towards my sister.
"Is this what you left in Ali's casket?" Spencer asked.
"That and twenty-four other postcards. Someone put this in my mom's bag" Emily sighed.
She sat down as Spencer and I looked at the A message written on the postcard.
It was in french but luckily Spencer and I know french.
"Aria thought it was bad getting those earrings back one at a time. A has twenty-five opportunities to set me up" Emily frowned.
"Set us up" Spencer corrected her.
"Yeah, just because it's your memento doesn't mean it can't be planted on any one of us" I explained.
"A is threatening to kill me if I go after Wilden" Emily said, clearly scared.
I furrowed my eyebrows together in confusion as Spencer and I shared a glance.
"Does that mean he murdered Ali? Or that he's part of A's entourage?" Emily asked.
"That is not what this message says" Spencer sighed, shaking her head.
Emily frowned before looking at the message again, deciding to read some of it out loud.
"La police are capable de murder. I took French, guys" Emily said.
"For a semester" I scoffed, rolling my eyes.
"Arrete de creuser. La police sait deja que c'est toi qui est capable de meurtre" Spencer spoke in french.
"Translation, stop digging. The police already know it's you who is capable of murder" I finished.
"Wow. That sounded so much better in French" Emily nodded.
I chuckled slightly at that while Emily sighed, realization shown in her eyes.
"They mean Nate" Emily said.
"Look, you didn't do anything wrong. Ok. Even the police know that" Spencer said.
"Emily, that freak was gonna kill you and Paige. Not to mention he almost killed Alyssa" I sternly said.
I wanted nothing more than to shoot that bastard myself for almost killing three people I care about.
Alyssa especially.
"Thank you for the French lesson. I have to go to work soon, so..." Emily trailed off.
"Em" I sighed.
She stood up and was about to leave, only to stop dead in her tracks when her eyes made contact with the box on Spencer's bed.
She walked towards is and grabbed a picture frame, only to frown when she realize it was a picture of Spencer and Toby.
It's fair to say that my sister really wants to get rid of everything Toby related.
Spencer got up from the couch and walked towards Emily.
"I meant to throw that out already" Spencer said.
She took the frame from her and stuffed it back in the box.
She then picked up the box and carried it over to where her desk was.
Emily and I turned around to look at the rocking chair that Toby had gifted her.
"That too" Spencer muttered.
She sat back down on the couch.
Emily and I glanced at each other before I released a sigh.
I turned towards my sister and placed my hand on her shoulder.
"Spencer, we don't know what happened with you and Toby, and we know you're not
ready to talk about it. But just remember that we are here for you" I softly said.
Emily nodded in agreement, taking a few steps forward.
"We're all here for you. You can't just push us away that easily" Emily said.
Spencer didn't say anything.
"Last week Hanna saw Paige with another girl. She assumed the worst. She thought that Paige was seeing someone else. She wasn't. I talked to her, and she was trying to help us figure out who bought that queen of hearts costume on Halloween. The girl that Hanna was so worried about works at a costume shop. She was a flirt, not a threat" Emily explained.
"Did she find out who bought it?" Spencer asked.
"Not yet" Emily said.
"Bummer" I muttered.
"The point is, sometimes things look bad, and they're really not. Sometimes there's another explanation for what's going on" Emily said.
Spencer let out a chuckle, gently pushing my hand away, turning to look up at Emily.
"And what if that explanation is even worse?" Spencer asked.
Emily and I frowned as we shared a glance, clearly confused and worried.
What really happened between my sister and Toby? What happened that's turned Spencer into this?
The Next Day
As promised, the girls, minus Spencer, and I were dressed nicely as we arrived at the mausoleum.
I wore a black shirt, black jeans and black boots. The girls were in nice dresses.
We were all inside. Along with Jason.
"So shall we just wait, or...?" Hanna asked, trailing off at the end.
"I'm pretty sure she's not coming" I sighed, running a hand through my hair.
I tried calling and texting Spencer, trying to convince her to come, but nothing.
She clearly doesn't want to be here and I just have to respect that.
Jason nodded before walking away. We all looked at each other before sighing, following behind him.
We all walked towards where Alison's crypt was.
"Unable are the loved to die, for love is immortality" Aria read what the front of the stone said.
"That's creepy" Hanna muttered.
"Buttercup, it's Emily Dickinson" I deadpanned.
"I don't care if it's Santa Claus, consider me creeped" Hanna argued.
Jason let out a chuckle and shook his head.
"It's ok. It is a touch creepy in here. My parents barely stayed two minutes" Jason said.
I chuckled and nodded.
I turned towards Emily and frowned, reaching over to touch her shoulder.
"Hey, you ok?" I asked, worried.
Emily looked at me and opened her mouth to say something, only to stop when we heard the door open.
We heard footsteps too and we turned around to see Spencer walking over to us.
"Spencer. You changed your mind" Jason said, a little surprised to see her here.
"No. I just knew that I could find you here. I do have something to say to you" Spencer said.
The girls and I looked at each other, our eyes wide in worry, before we looked back at Spencer.
"Spencer" all four of us said in a warning tone.
"Ali was pregnant when she died" Spencer said, ignoring us.
My eyes widened and my jaw dropped.
I turned to Jason and saw his eyes wide in disbelief, his arms that were crossed over his chest fell to his side.
"What? What is she talking about? Is this true?" Jason asked, looking at the rest of us.
"We can't know for sure. Emily looked it up, and her early pregnancy wouldn't have shown up in an autopsy. Isn't that right, em?" Spencer asked.
"You have no idea what you're saying right now" Hanna sternly said.
"What the hell is wrong with you?" Aria asked in disbelief.
"How do you know about this? I mean, who would she have..." Jason trailed off.
"Who's the father? Oh, that's the best part" Spencer grinned.
"Who, Spencer?" Jason asked, waiting for an answer.
"Spencer, don't you dare" I scowled, clenching my fists tightly.
"I don't care!" Spencer angrily yelled.
"I fucking do!" I yelled back.
Emily and Hanna flinched while Jason looked back in forth at the both of us.
"Don't do this. Not here, Spencer" Aria warned her, shaking her head.
Spencer scoffed, ignoring Aria and I, before turning to Jason.
"Detective Wilden. One of Rosewood's finest" Spencer sarcastically smiled.
Jason pressed his lips into a thin line and nodded his head. He walked past all of us.
When he was gone we all turned towards Spencer.
"Please tell me this is part of some brilliant Spencer plan" Hanna angrily said.
"It's not. She's just hurting and wants us to hurt just as bad" Emily said, glaring at Spencer.
"We're your friends, I'm your brother, we're not your fucking punching bags!" I yelled.
Spencer flinched while the others remained silent.
I glared at my sister before scoffing and walking past her.
I had to be alone. I needed to be alone. I just couldn't deal with anyone right now.
At Alyssa's House
I texted Alyssa and asked if I could meet up with her at her house and she agreed.
I know I said I wanted to be alone, especially after what happened, but I wanted to see Alyssa.
Alyssa is the only one that can calm me down. The only one that I feel I can turn to with my problems and she'll listen to every single one of them.
She makes me feel safe and secured.
Right now we were sitting on the bench on her front porch.
Her parents and her siblings are inside, watching a movie.
"I can't believe she would do that. Why would she say that to Jason?" I asked.
"Maybe it was in the heat of the moment. She was probably stressed over the entire thing and just snapped" Alyssa said.
"But she's caused more problems. For all we know Jason is done beating the crap out of Detective Wilden" I sighed.
I honestly don't mind Jason beating Detective Wilden, I never liked him, but he could go to jail.
And without any proof, that's just even worse.
"Ethan, don't worry, it's gonna be ok" Alyssa softly said.
"I don't believe that. Not anymore. Spencer has been acting weird ever since her and Toby broke up" I sighed.
"She's heartbroken, Ethan. She loved him and now they're not together anymore. Believe me, I know how that feels" Alyssa softly said.
"Yeah, me too" I whispered.
I won't go into any detail about that...not yet at least.
But I can understand where Spencer is coming from, Alyssa too.
But, something happened that broke Spencer and Toby apart, I just know it.
But, what happened that was so bad that it not only broke the couple, but Spencer herself?
I felt a hand on my shoulder and I turned around and saw Alyssa smiling softly at me.
"Don't worry, Ethan. I'm sure when she's ready she'll tell you what happened between her and Toby. For now, just give her time" Alyssa softly said.
I stared at her for a few seconds before sighing, nodding my head.
"You're right" I said.
"I know I am" Alyssa shrugged, smirking.
I playfully glare at her, but her smirk never left, causing me to break as I laughed.
Alyssa soon broke too and began laughing, shaking her head.
When our laughter died down, I grabbed her hand that was on my shoulder, removed it and just held it.
My thumb caressed the top of it and I looked at her with a soft smile.
"Thank you" I softly said.
"For what?" Alyssa softly asked.
"For being there for me. For being the person I can turn to and talk to about anything" I softly smiled.
Alyssa smiled at me. She removed her hand from mine and this time she held it.
She brought it up to her lips and gently kissed the top of it, earning a blush and smile from me.
She pulled her hand away from my hand before scooting closer to me.
She placed her hands on my shoulders while I wrapped my arms around her waist.
"Thank me properly" Alyssa whispered, smirking.
I knew exactly what she meant.
"With pleasure" I whispered, smirking back.
Without wasting anymore time, we leaned in and our lips were pressed back onto each other.
Our second kiss...
It's just as magical as our first one.
With the same gentleness, the same sweetness and the same affection.
When we broke apart, we were panting a little, but that didn't stop the smiles from appearing on our faces.
My hands wandered down to her hips and I held a soft grip on them, pulling her closer to my side.
I pressed my forehead onto hers, staring into those beautiful blue eyes of hers.
"Alyssa, will you be my girlfriend?" I asked.
Alyssa's eyes widened for a few seconds, only for a smile to appear on her face.
She wrapped her arms around my neck, hugging me tightly, while I hugged her back.
"Yes" Alyssa whispered.
I clenched my eyes shut, trying my best to stop the happy and relieved tears from escaping.
I pressed a gentle kiss to her temple, hugging her tightly.
For the first time, I felt happy. Really, really happy.
Because this beautiful girl that's in my arms is now my girlfriend. Something I've been wanting ever since I realized my feelings for her.
And now that I've got her, I don't plan on letting her go.
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