Chapter Seventeen: Je Suis Une Amie
Ethan's Pov
Spencer and I were at Emily's house waiting for her to get ready for school.
We were both looking outside the window to see that the mailbox at Toby's house was destroyed. Smashed into a million pieces.
"Is my chemistry book over there?" Emily sarcastically asked as she continued walking around her room.
"Uh, I don't see it" Spencer said.
"It's probably in my room, guys, not the frontyard" Emily said in annoyance.
"What happened to the Cavanaugh's mailbox? Somebody hit it?" Spencer asked.
"It's not the first time,and I'm sure it wasn't an accident" I scoffed, rolling my eyes.
No doubt that some jerk destroyed Toby's mailbox. And if I ever find out who they are they're gonna receive a black eye.
"Everytime I come home,Toby's out there cleaning up some new mess. And please don't say he deserves it" Emily said, looking at Spencer.
"I wasn't gonna say that" Spencer said.
Both me and Emily look at her with 'really' looks, making Spencer sigh.
Emily continued looking around for her chemistry book. My eyes wandered around her room and I spotted it under her chair.
"Is that it?" I asked.
Emily turned around and nodded as she walked over to the chair to get her book.
"Thanks" Emily said and I nodded.
Me and Spencer looked back outside to see Toby walking out of his house. Spencer quickly turned around while I continued looking out.
"Do you still think that somebody framed him?" Spencer asked.
"Toby? Hell yeah someone framed him. He's an innocent kid that did nothing wrong. I knew that" I said, turning around to look at my sister.
I sighed before taking my bag that I left on Emily's bed
"Where are you going?" Emily asked.
"To help Toby" I said, not looking at her as I left her room.
I walked downstairs and left the house and made my way over to Toby's house. When I got there I saw him trying to pick up some of his mail.
I frowned and set my bag on the ground and crouched down next to him.
"Need a hand?" I softly asked.
Toby flinched a little but when he realized it was me he sighed in relief and sent me a small smile.
"Oh, hey Ethan" Toby smiled.
"Hey, here, let me help" I said, picking up some of his mail.
"Oh, you don't need to do that. I can do it on my own" Toby said.
"Toby, shut up and let me help you. I won't allow you to do any of this by yourself. That's not who I am" I softly but sternly said.
All he did was sigh and nod and together we picked up the mail from the ground, along with the pieces of his mailbox.
At School
Me, Spencer, Emily and Hanna were in the library studying, reading a few books and finishing up some homework.
I was on the couch with Hanna, who had her head on my lap while reading a book, and I was doing homework.
Well, I wouldn't really call it reading, she was aggressively flipping through the pages.
I stopped with my homework to give her a look, Spencer and Emily doing the same.
"Are you reading that fast or fanning yourself?" Spencer asked.
Hanna stopped flipping the pages and turned her head to look at her.
"What? Um, sorry" Hanna said.
"Are you sure? You seem tense" I asked.
"I'm fine, bubs. Really" Hanna said, flashing me a small smile.
I just nodded and went back to doing homework, I have a few questions left before I'm done. I need to turn this in and not get a bad grade.
I may not be like Spencer, that wants all her grades to be A, but that doesn't mean I want to be failing.
I stopped, once again, when Hanna suddenly stood up from the couch.
"Where are you going?" I asked.
"Um, I left my lip gloss in the history stack. Gotta find it" Hanna said before quickly dashing off.
Me and the girls all looked at each other and shrugged, deciding to just brush it off since it was probably just nothing.
But part of me believes that this has something to do with Caleb.
After a few minutes I finished my homework and with that me, Spencer and Emily left the library and we were now walking in the hallways.
Emily was telling us about how coach was having Emily and Paige do a swim off.
"What is the point of a swim off? Why would the coach pit you against each other before a meet?" Spencer asked.
"She's using our combined times to choose anchor, and right now, we're tied" Emily said.
"Well, you'll change that" I smirked.
"Maybe not. She wants it more" Emily said.
Me and Spencer sighed and looked at her, making Emily stop walking as she looked at us.
"Emily, you want it more" Spencer said.
"And it's ok to admit that. Everyone loves to win at times" I softly smiled.
Emily nodded at that and we smiled when we saw a small smile appearing on her face.
I looked at Spencer only to see that she was looking at something in front of her. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion and turned around to see she was looking at a paper to sign up to tutor someone.
I don't even need to ask who that someone is. I know it's Toby.
"You guys know who's that for, don't you?" Emily asked.
"Toby?" Spencer asked.
Emily nodded and I sighed. He's far behind in his classes and needs help but nobody wants to tutor him.
People still believe he killed Alison when he didn't.
I frowned when I saw Spencer ripping off a piece of paper that had the number on it.
"What are you doing?" Emily asked.
"I might be interested" Spencer shrugged.
I immediately knew what she meant by that and groaned in annoyance.
"Spence, don't. You can't" I sternly said.
"Why not?" Spencer asked, confused.
"Because you'd be going there for the wrong reason" Emily said.
"Really? Well, what if the same person who gave my name to the bead lady is the one who framed Toby? What if that was 'A'?" Spencer said.
"Can't you find out some other way? Without asking him?" I asked.
"Who else knows what he knows, guys?If I can get him to talk-" Spencer started but Emily cut her off.
"You won't even get him to look at you. He doesn't trust us. He doesn't trust anyone anymore. The only one he trusts is Ethan" Emily said.
This made Spencer look at me with a pleading look but I immediately shook my head at that.
"No, no, no, absolutely not. I will not be tutoring Toby just to get answers out of him. I'll tutor him for real tutoring but that's it. He's my best friend and I care about him and I'm not going to tutor him just because you're desperate to find out who A is. We all are, but I'm not gonna force him to give me answers. Like I said, I'll tutor him, but I won't ask or demand him for answers" I sternly explained.
I shook my head and walked away, not wanting to deal with this right now.
At Aria's House
After school finished me and Hanna went over to Aria's house to work on homework together.
But so far I'm the only one doing homework.
Hanna was too busy fixing her nails and Aria was too busy thinking.
Apparently her mother received a ticket to a museum, the same museum that her and Ezra went to for their first date.
When Aria found out she was freaking out that her mom may have saw them, but when she found out that her mother didn't go she was more relaxed.
But the reason she didn't let this go is because she was confused as to where her mother went. I guess she didn't buy it when her mother said she went out to dinner with a friend.
"Just don't think about it. It'll make you look crazy" Hanna said.
"How am I supposed to not think about it? It's too freaky, if my mom's car hadn't stalled-" Aria started but Hanna cut her off.
"Well it did. Don't look a gift card in the mouth. The universe gave you a pass" Hanna said.
"Yeah, Aria, you should be happy that your mom never went because if she had you would've been homeschooled till you were 40" I said.
"Yea, but that's not the universe I know" Aria sighed.
I sighed and shook my head as I went back my homework, writing and flipping a few pages.
"Well, look,it all worked out, ok,and that's what counts" Hanna said.
"Yeah, maybe the universe got a little help from someone" I said.
"Yeah, someone with really good intentions" Hanna said.
"Shh" Aria said to the both of us as she got off her bed and walked towards her door.
I sighed and went back to my homework and Hanna went back to her nails.
I finished nearly all my homework, I just needed to finish one more and I had to write an essay. And right now I'm on the second to last paragraph.
But then I was snapped out of my thoughts and writing when Aria closed her bedroom door.
"Ok, look, Aria,even if it wasn't the universe-" Hanna started but Aria cut her off.
"Shh" Aria said.
She kept her door opened and listened in on something before closing her door and running over to her window.
"I'm just saying if it's not a coincidence, then maybe-" Hanna started but was once again cut off by Aria.
"Come on" Aria said.
She grabbed her bag and jacket and walked over to the door.
"Where are we going?" I asked.
"To follow my dad" Aria said.
"Where?" Hanna asked.
"If I knew that, we wouldn't have to follow him" Aria said in slight annoyance.
"Aria" I sighed but she shook her head.
"Ethan, Han, my dad's about to have dinner with somebody in the dark. Move it" Aria sternly said.
Hanna sighed and got up, grabbing her stuff.
"I still have to finish this essay, it's worth 70% of my grade" I said.
"Bring it with you and just do it in the car" Aria said.
I sighed but nodded and quickly gathered my things as the three of us left to follow Mr. Montgomery.
At Night
It's late at night and the three of us have been following Mr. Montgomery every day.
I managed to finish my essay in the car so at least that was out of the way.
Right now we parked our car near the school because apparently that's where he stopped.
Aria and Hanna were in the front while I was in the back. We were looking at the front of the car window to see Mr. Montgomery getting out of his car and heading into the school.
"Why is my dad walking into our highschool?" Aria asked.
"I don't know but I'll admit it's a tad bit weird" I said.
"Not really" Hanna said.
Me and Aria looked at her with a questioning gaze.
"I mean, think about it, he's probably just going to see your mom" Hanna said.
"That's ridiculous" Aria scoffed, shaking her head.
"People lie, Aria. I mean, hello" I sighed, gesturing to the three of us, along with Spencer and Emily, even if they weren't here.
"Well, what are they doing?" Aria asked, confused.
I shook my head, I had a slight feeling of what they could be doing and I wanted to get that image out of my head.
Hanna sighed before realization washed over her and she looked at Aria.
"Call your mother" Hanna said.
"Huh?" Aria asked.
"Right now, call your mom" Hanna said.
Aria sighed before nodding. She took out her phone and dialed her mother, she made sure she was on speaker so that we could hear.
"Hi, Aria, honey.I was just thinking about you. Is everything ok?" Mrs. Montgomery asked.
"Yeah. Why wouldn't it be ok?" Aria asked, confused as to why her mother would ask that.
"Uh, well, I didn't mean to suggest that everything wasn't ok. I was just asking, checking, wondering, like moms do" Mrs. Montgomery said.
My eyebrows were furrowed in confusion.
It was obvious that she was nervous and when someone is nervous they're obviously lying.
"Where are you?" Aria asked.
It was silent for a few seconds before Mrs. Montgomery answered.
"Home. Where are you?" Mrs. Montgomery asked.
"Home" Aria said.
"Ok, so everything's ok then?" Mrs. Montgomery asked.
"Yeah" Aria nodded.
"Ok, I'll talk to you later, sweetie. Bye bye" Mrs. Montgomery said.
"Bye" Aria said before her mother hung up.
We all looked at each other, unsure of what to say or what to do. Soon the silence was broken by Hanna.
"Ok, well, she says she's home" Hanna shrugged.
"Do you believe her?" I asked.
"I don't know" Aria said.
I sighed and gently patted her head for some comfort, I can tell she was really confused and just didn't know what to do.
I snapped out of my thoughts when Aria grabbed her stuff and opened the car door.
"What are you doing?" Hanna asked.
But Aria ignored her and began walking towards the school. Me and Hanna looked at each other and sighed before getting our stuff and getting out of the car to follow behind her.
We made it inside school and made sure to be quiet as possible, not wanting to alert anyone.
We quickly made our way into the library and as soon as we got there we heard noises.
The three of us quickly hid behind one of the book shelves to see what was going on and to avoid being caught.
When we took a peek, my eyes widened and my jaw dropped in complete disbelief.
We saw Mr. Montgomery and Mrs. Montgomery kissing each other, almost turning into a makeout session.
I gagged and turned away, not wanting to see this anymore.
Aria blinked and looked away, her eyes filled with disbelief at what her parents were doing.
When we saw they were getting ready to leave we quickly hid, not wanting them to see us.
When we were sure they were gone, we got out of our hiding space and looked at each other.
"Oh my god, my parents are having an affair with each other" Aria said in shock.
She began walking and I followed behind her. I think she was trying to see where her parents would go.
Maybe they would go makeout somewhere else or they would go back to Ella's apartment and makeout there. Who knows.
I turned around, only to see that Hanna wasn't with us.
"Aria, wait" I said.
"What?" Aria asked.
"Hanna's still in the library" I said.
We both quickly ran back into the library to try and find Hanna.
"Hanna? Hanna?" Aria asked, looking around.
I nudged Aria's arm and nodded towards Hanna, who was looking into the vents.
"Buttercup, what are you doing?" I asked.
"Come up here. Hurry!" Hanna whispered yelled at both of us.
We both sighed in annoyance before walking towards her and getting up to see what she wanted us to see.
When we were up we began looking inside the vents to see a few stuff.
"What are you looking at?" Aria asked.
"This" Hanna said.
She grabbed a paper bag and dumped out whatever was inside of it. And it was a bunch of phones and cash too.
"Holy shit" I gasped.
"I know. Someone sending a bunch of texts? Spencer's laptop disappearing? Our lockers broken into?" Hanna said.
"All this stuff happened at school. This is A" I said in realization.
Aria looked shocked and also a bit scared, I don't blame her.
"Let's just get out of here" Aria said, getting down.
"Come on" I said, getting down as well.
I looked up at Hanna to see her taking the cash before closing the vents and walking towards me and Aria.
"Hanna, you're taking that?" Aria asked in shock.
"Yes, A owes me. Hospital bills, pain and suffering" Hanna said.
She then took some of the money and stuffed it into my sweater pocket, making me look at her in shock.
"What? Why are you giving me some?" I asked, confused.
"Bubs, A owes you too. He, she, it, ran you over with a damn car. You deserve some too" Hanna softly said.
I sighed and nodded, understanding where she was coming from.
What got our attention was the lights suddenly turning off, making the three of us look at each other in worry.
"It's-it's nothing, the lights are probably on a timer" Hanna nervously said.
We jumped when we heard a loud thud. We turned around to see one of the lamps on the ground.
"We should go" Aria said.
We nodded but before we could leave we heard footsteps. We turned around and our hearts stopped when we saw a figure in a black hoodie standing a few feet away from us.
Aria and Hanna screamed as I quickly grabbed their arms.
"Run! Run!" I yelled, quickly dragging them away with me.
We ran out of the library and ran to the exit doors and tried opening them but they were locked.
"Come on!" Aria yelled, running away with me and Hanna following behind her.
We continued running, looking back a few times to see that the figure was still following us.
While we were running me and Hanna turned around and dumped the janitors stuff on the ground to slow the figure down.
We didn't waste time to turn back around and continue running, wanting to get out of here as fast as possible.
We made it to the other doors and tried opening them, but they were locked just like the others.
"Fuck" I said through gritted teeth.
I turned around only to see that the figure was just a few feet away from us.
Hanna and Aria noticed and screamed, once again, and scooted closer to my side.
When the figure was near us, I quickly moved away from the girls and shoved my fist into the figures face.
They yelled in pain and fell to the ground, holding onto their face.
Their hoodie fell down and my eyes widened when I saw who it was.
"Caleb?" I asked.
Caleb looked up at me, holding his now bruised and slightly bleeding eye. He groaned in pain as me and the girls looked at each other.
A Few Minutes Later
After the incident with Caleb, I managed to head to the cafeteria and gathered made an icebag for Caleb's eye.
I felt bad for punching him so hopefully the ice might help.
So right now the three of us were sitting on the ground in the hallway. Caleb held the icebag to his eye, trying to get rid of the pain.
"How's your eye? Any better?" Aria asked.
"Still hurts like hell. You got a strong punch" Caleb said, looking at me.
"Took self defense classes since I was 5. So, it comes in handy at times" I shrugged.
"Yeah, well, wanna kick me in the other eye?" Caleb sarcastically asked.
"Oh would you relax, it was just a punch. Be happy I didn't use my taser" I scoffed.
"You have a taser?" Caleb asked.
"Duh" I scoffed, rolling my eyes.
"What were you doing in there anyway?" Hanna asked.
"I'm sort of, um...crashing here" Caleb sighed.
"You are? Why?" Aria asked in confusion and slight concern.
"What do you care?" Caleb asked in annoyance.
"Don't snap at her like that. I have hair spray and I'm not afraid to use it" Hanna angrily said.
"Yeah, and I can definitely kick you in your other eye if you like" I said.
"Fire away. Just give me my money back first" Caleb said, looking at me and Hanna.
"Where do your parents think you are?" Aria asked.
"My foster parents don't care where I am. As long as they keep getting their checks" Caleb chuckled, rolling his eyes.
"Wait, I thought all that stuff about the social worker was a joke" Hanna said in confusion.
"Believe me, my social worker is a joke. But yeah, I do have one" Caleb scoffed.
"This is crazy. You can't keep staying here" Aria said.
"Why? There's hot water, vending machines, the principal's couch is pretty comfortable" Caleb said.
"Well, they know someone was here last night" Hanna said.
"Yeah, I got sloppy" Caleb sighed.
He stood up while me and the girls looked up at him.
"Where are you going?" Hanna asked.
"Grab some dinner, then back to bed" Caleb shrugged.
Me and Hanna sighed before handing him his money back. Caleb nodded before sending us a sarcastic smile.
"You know your way out, right?" Caleb sarcastically asked.
"If you're gonna get dinner, get me something too" I said.
Hanna and Aria gave me 'seriously' looks, making me shrug my shoulders at them.
"What? I'm hungry and when I'm hungry I get annoyed. So don't blame me for wanting some food" I scoffed.
Hanna and Aria rolled their eyes at me while Caleb chuckled, making me look up at him.
"I like this Hastings" Caleb smiled.
"I like me too. You're pretty cool too" I smirked.
Caleb rolled his eyes but chuckled either way before walking away. Me and the girls looked at each other before sighing in annoyance.
The Next Day
It was the next day and me and Spencer were together. We were at school since today is the swim meet.
While Spencer was busy glaring at Ian, who's most likely flirting with another girl, I was playing games on my phone.
"Here you go, a button for my little bro" Melissa smiled, showing me the button she got.
"Oh, thanks sis" I smiled, taking the button from her and putting it on.
She smiled and ruffled my hair before turning to Spencer and handing her a button.
"Truce, got you a button" Melissa smiled.
"Thanks" Spencer said, taking the button as she put it on.
"No problem. I need to be super rah-rah now that I'm the coaches wife" Melissa smiled.
"Melissa, sis, you're perfectly fine the way you are. Don't change that just because your husband is the coach" I said, flashing her a small smile.
Melissa smiled at that and nodded, ruffling my hair once again, making me playfully glare at her and shove her hand away.
"It's a swim meet. It's not even his sport" Spencer scoffed, clearly annoyed.
"And what's yours, brother in law bashing? What's going on between you and Ian?" Melissa asked, clearly frustrated.
I sighed, already knowing that a fight is gonna occur.
"Why don't you ask him? Something wrong with that picture?" Spencer asked, nodding towards where Ian was.
The three of us turned around to see Ian still talking to the same girl.
I rolled my eyes while Melissa sighed and turned back to Spencer.
"I see my husband buying us hotdogs" Melissa said.
"Really, cause to me it looks like he's flirting with that damn girl when he's married to you" I muttered angrily under my breath.
I'm not sure if Melissa heard me or not, but she just continued talking.
"And I see you going out of your way to humiliate him. What was that lying crack about? He does nothing but try with you, Spencer. When are you gonna give him a break?" Melissa angrily asked.
"Guys-" I started but Melissa cut me off.
"Why can't you accept him like Ethan? I mean sure, he may not necessarily like him either but at least he's not attacking him like you" Melissa angrily said.
"Melissa, come-" I started but Spencer cut me off.
"Honestly? When I figure out why he rushed back to Rosewood and rushed into proposing to you" Spencer said.
"No, you've got it wrong. I proposed. I wanted to elope. You have a problem with my marriage you take it up with me, not him" Melissa sternly said.
I groaned and rubbed my eyes, not sure what to do anymore because neither of them would listen to me.
"Well, him is the problem. He's not been entirely honest with you, and I'm worried about you" Spencer said.
"About what?" Melissa asked.
"You have to ask him about Alison, about what happened the summer that she was killed" Spencer said.
"Spencer" I said in a warning tone.
We promised we wouldn't bring that up to anyone that wasn't our friends, especially to our family.
I know that Spencer hates Ian, I do too, but she needs to calm down.
"You really are too much. Did Toby Cavanaugh put that idea in your head?" Melissa angrily asked.
Me and Spencer gave her looks of disbelief.
I love my sister, I really do, but if she brings up Toby and blames him for something he didn't do, we're gonna have a problem.
"Hey. Sorry I took so long, they were out of the spicy mustard you like" Ian smiled.
Melissa flashed him a small smile and nodded, taking the hotdog from him.
"Here, Ethan. Got you one too. Don't worry, it just has ketchup, I remember you're allergic to mustard" Ian smiled.
"Thanks" I nodded, flashing him a tiny smile and taking the hotdog from him.
Melissa smiled slightly at me before her and Spencer went back to glaring at each other.
Ian noticed their glares and furrowed his eyebrows in confusion.
"Did I miss something?" Ian asked.
"No, we were just talking about Alison" Spencer said, glaring at him.
"Spencer" I warned.
Ian is already onto us, the last thing we need is for him to go after us again like he did when he took Spencer's laptop and deleted the video.
"Ian, I'll meet you inside" Melissa said.
"Ok" Ian nodded.
He walked away and when he was gone Spencer and Melissa went back to glaring at each other.
"Look, I've already lost one relationship because of you. You will not ruin my marriage too" Melissa angrily said.
"Melissa" Ian called out to her in a warning tone.
"Coming" Melissa said, sparing him a glance before looking back at Spencer.
She kissed me on the cheek before turning around and bumping into Spencer's shoulder purposefully before making her way over to Ian.
When they were both gone I sighed and gently grabbed Spencer's arm.
"Come on" I whispered.
I dragged Spencer away and together we met up with Aria, Hanna and Caleb in the arena and sat together.
I was sitting in between Hanna and Aria, Spencer sat next to me while Caleb sat next to Hanna.
"When is Emily gonna jump?" Hanna asked.
"She is the anchor. She swims last because she's the fastest" Aria said and I nodded.
"Hey, remind me. Which one is Lindsay and which one is Bridget?" Caleb asked.
I raised an eyebrow at him in slight confusion but Hanna just answered his question.
"Bridget is the one drinking from her purse" Hanna said with a small smile.
"Thank you, I will be right back" Caleb smiled, standing up.
"While you're up can you get me a hotdog and a soda, the first one didn't fill me up. And make sure not to put mustard, just ketchup" I said.
"Sure thing, buddy" Caleb nodded.
I smiled at him and with that he walked away.
"Why are we sitting with Caleb?" Aria asked once he was gone.
"Why not?" me and Hanna asked.
"Hanna, I like stray dogs, too. But sometimes they bite" Spencer said.
"Spencer" I said in warning tone, gently hitting her arm.
Seriously, first Toby and now Caleb. When are they going to stop being judgmental? Especially when they barely know someone.
"Well, he had his shots" Hanna defended.
"Yeah, and he's a really cool dude when you get to know him. Don't be mean" I defended.
"Go Emily!" Hanna cheered, a huge smile on her face.
"She's no swimming yet" Aria said.
Hanna's smile disappeared and she nodded, a bit awkwardly, making me chuckle and shake my head.
When Caleb came back we watched Emily as we waited for her time to come to swim. Finally when it did we cheered for her when she jumped into the water.
Sure, there was a slight disadvantage because she was last, but she was still the fastest and because of her being so fast she managed to still win.
Everyone got up and cheered for her, me and the girls being the loudest as we cheered and clapped loudly for her.
Back At Home
After the game me and Spencer went back home. But because of her fight with Melissa back at school she didn't want to be near her or Ian.
Meaning that we took the long way home and I went with her since I didn't want her to be alone.
We managed to get back home late at night. When we got inside we saw Melissa by the fridge.
"Hey, sis" I said.
"Good night" Spencer said, not bothering to look at her.
"Wait!" Melissa yelled.
She closed the fridge and walked towards me, kissing my cheek, before looking at Spencer.
"Can we talk about earlier?" Melissa asked.
"No. It's late and I'm tired" Spencer deadpanned as she turned around to head upstairs.
"I know about you and Ian" Melissa said.
My eyes widened in shock and my heart dropped. I looked at Spencer to see her turning around, her eyes wide in shock.
"He told me everything. The thing you two had when we were broken up. I can't hold that against you" Melissa sternly said.
"Did he tell you anything else about that summer?" Spencer asked.
"Whatever it is you're holding onto, it's got to stop" Melissa said, walking closer towards her.
"We think he's dangerous" Spencer said, gesturing to me and her.
"Guys-" I started but Melissa cut me off.
"And I think you need help. You keep wanting what I have" Melissa said.
Spencer scoffed and walked over to the kitchen, slamming her back on the kitchen counter.
"You know what, Melissa" Spencer said, turning around to look at her.
"Spencer, Melissa" I said in a warning tone.
"Spencer, I don't want to fight. I realize that I lost my temper and I'm sorry. I've been a little hormonal lately and I'm sorry" Melissa softly said.
I sighed and shook my head, deciding to just not say anything since this was between Spencer and Melissa.
I should leave but their interaction has got me interested.
"And I guess I should tell you guys" Melissa said.
"Tell us what?" I asked, confused.
"We're pregnant" Melissa smiled.
This made mine and Spencer's eyes widened in shock and disbelief as our jaws dropped.
Holy mother of shit! Melissa's pregnant.
Part of me is angry because this is all Ian's doing, considering Melissa has never once mentioned having kids. Let alone starting a family.
But another part of me is happy because it means that I'm going to be an uncle. I may hate the baby's father, but I can't hate the baby.
"Congratulations, sis. That's amazing" I smiled.
I brought her into a tight hug and kissed her cheek. This made her giggle as she hugged me back before we pulled away.
"I knew you'd be happy for me" Melissa smiled.
"Of course. I'm happy for you and I'm happy that I'm going to be an uncle" I smiled.
Melissa giggled before looking at Spencer, who still looked shocked.
"This is where you say congratulations, like Ethan" Melissa said.
Spencer still hadn't said anything and when Melissa realized she wasn't going to say it she sighed.
"Goodnight, sis. Goodnight, bro" Melissa said.
She kissed my cheek before leaving the house to head to the barn.
When she was gone I closed my eyes, threw my head back and released a small groan of frustration and tiredness.
Great, just great, more stuff to deal with.
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