Chapter Fourteen: Know Your Frenemies
Ethan's Pov
Finally I was out of the wheel chair and I can walk around again. And surprisingly, I'm happy to go back to school.
I actually missed going and I missed seeing my teachers.
Well...not Mr. Fitz.
Considering he's dating Aria, my freaking best friend, the girl that's like another sister to me.
And let's just say that I'm going to be having a nice talk with him later on about his relationship with Aria.
I made my way downstairs to get some water before leaving. I promised Aria that I'd head to her house to have breakfast with her, her dad and Mike.
She said it's been a while and she'd really love to have me over, she also said that Mike really wants to see me, so I agreed.
When I got there I saw Spencer and I made my way over to her.
"Morning, sis" I smiled, kissing her cheek.
"Morning, bro" Spencer smiled.
I made my way to the fridge and opened it and took out a water bottle. But when I closed it and turned around, Ian walked in.
"Morning" Ian smiled at me and Spencer.
Spencer jumped just a bit and looked at him with slightly wide eyes before shaking her head.
"You ok? You seem a little jumpy" Ian asked, chuckling.
"Yeah. You surprised me,that's all. I just didn't know you were back" Spencer said.
"Neither did I" I said, putting my water inside my bag.
"Yeah, we didn't, we didn't wake you last night? I mean, you didn't hear us?" Ian asked, looking at me and Spencer.
"No. Like we said,I didn't even know you were back" Spencer said and I nodded.
Ian nodded and walked over to the fridge to get something while I was looking for my notebook that I left here.
"So, is this all going in the barn?" Spencer asked, gesturing to all the boxes Ian brought in.
"Have you seen your sister's wardrobe?" Ian asked, chuckling as he closed the fridge and walked over to the other side.
"Yes" I snorted.
Finally, I found my notebook and placed it inside my bag.
"No, the movers are coming on Friday. We're going to move it to our place in Philly" Ian said.
"Oh" Spencer nodded.
Good, the sooner this asshole leaves, the better. I don't want him in this house any longer.
Ian walked over to start making some eggs while Spencer moved away from him. Ian sighed and looked at the both of us.
"Listen, Spence, Ethan, um I know our decision to get married was sudden, and yeah, I get that it's thrown the both of you, but you know,we're family now. I hope you start thinking of me like that" Ian smiled.
Spencer had a blank look on her face and just nodded at that.
While I snorted and looked at him, an annoyed expression on my face with a fake smile plastered too.
"Ian, we're gonna get one thing straight. I don't even like you, especially because you broke my sisters heart. The only reason I'm even tolerating you is because you're married to my sister and she's happy" I explained.
I walked over to the door and opened it, but before I could leave I looked at him one last time.
"You're never going to be my family. Ever. You're not my brother, you'll never be my brother. Because the only thing I'll ever consider you is the guy my sister married. That's all. So have a good day" I smiled.
And with that I exited my house to head to Aria's.
At Aria's House
I finally made it to Aria's house after walking for a bit. I knocked on the door and waited for someone to open the door.
After waiting for only a few seconds the door opened, revealing Mike.
"Hey, Ethan. You actually came" Mike smiled.
"Hey there buddy, good to see you" I smiled, ruffling his hair.
He chuckled and rolled his eyes before letting me in. I walked inside as he closed the door and came to stand next to me.
"Where's Aria? And your dad?" I asked.
"Dad's making breakfast and Aria's still getting ready" Mike said.
"Oh, ok. Your mom isn't coming for breakfast, is she?" I asked.
"No, no she's not" Mike sighed, shaking his head.
I frowned and gently rubbed his shoulder, giving him some comfort.
"Don't worry buddy. I'm sure your mom and dad will work things out and everything will go back to normal" I said.
"Hopefully. But this never would've happened if dad had kept it in his pants" Mike scoffed.
I snorted at that but gently hit his arm. He chuckled and motioned for me to follow him as we made our way to the kitchen.
When we got there I saw Mr. Montgomery preparing breakfast.
"Hey, Mr. Montgomery" I smiled.
"Oh, hello Ethan. I'm glad you came, I was worried you'd change your mind" Mr. Montgomery said.
"No, I wouldn't do that. I promised Aria I'd come so here I am" I smiled.
Mike went to sit down while Mr. Montgomery was placing the food on the plates.
"Do you need any help with breakfast?" I asked.
"Oh no, no that's ok. I've got it. And you're our guest, make yourself at home" Mr. Montgomery smiled.
I nodded at that and went to sit down across from Mike. I set my bag down on the ground.
"Morning" Aria said, walking into the kitchen.
"Ah. Good morning" Mr. Montgomery said.
"Hey, Ethan. Thanks for coming" Aria smiled, sitting down.
"Anytime" I smiled.
Mr. Montgomery walked over and set his plate down and then set mine down in front of me.
"Thank you" I smiled.
"Of course" Mr. Montgomery smiled as he walked back over to get Aria and Mike's plates.
I picked up my fork and knife to begin eating as he made his way back over to the table.
"Ok, go ahead,you can say it out loud. Dad has gotten the hang of this single parent thing" Mr. Montgomery chuckled, setting their plates down.
"It looks good" Aria smiled.
I smiled and nodded, turning to look at Mike and gave him a pointed look.
"Yeah" Mike said with a small smile, nodding his head.
Mr. Montgomery smiled at us and nodded as he took his seat and began eating.
"Did you see mom last night?" Aria asked.
"Um...yes, I did" Mr. Montgomery nodded.
"How'd it go?" Aria asked.
"Well, what I thought was going to be a date with your mom turned into your mom telling me that she's dating other people" Mr. Montgomery explained.
"What?" Mike asked with wide eyes in shock.
Aria looked shocked too but was more afraid of Mike's reaction while I remained calm.
I mean, he had to have seen this coming.
Mrs. Montgomery is allowed to date other people.
It's Mr. Montgomery's own fault for cheating and because of it he lost the most amazing wife ever.
"And you're ok with that?" Mike asked.
"Well, it's not really my place to tell her that she can't" Mr. Montgomery said, taking a bite out of his fruit.
Mike scoffed at that and slammed his newspaper on the table.
"That's just so you, dad. You lie and cheat, but you draw the line at hypocrisy" Mike angrily said.
Mr. Montgomery stayed silent at that as Mike scoffed and stood up.
"You're such a role model" Mike angrily said, walking away.
"Mike!" Aria yelled.
"Mike, come on" I said.
But he ignored the both of us as he left the house, slamming the door behind him.
Me and Aria glanced at each other before looking at Mr. Montgomery, only to see that sad and dejected look on his face.
At School
In The Cafeteria
Me and the girls were together walking in the school cafeteria to find a table to sit together.
"Agent Cooper is not some small-town cop that's going to arrest Spencer and Ethan's brother-in-law because Ali carved his name into a tree" Hanna said.
"Yeah, a tree that's no longer there" Aria said.
We all sat down as we placed our bags on the ground.
"No one knows that but us" Emily said.
"And Ian" Spencer said.
"And A" Hanna said.
We all turned around to look through the glass window to see Noel outside, talking to someone. We shook our heads and turned back around.
"Noel led us to that tree for a reason" Spencer said.
"Is A, I mean, is Noel trying to help us find Ali's killer?" Aria asked.
"Doubt it" I muttered under my breath.
I seriously don't think that Noel is A. He may have been wearing the black hoodie but I seriously doubt he's behind any of this.
"A helping us? Wow, that's a first" Hanna scoffed.
"How could Noel even know about Ian and Ali?" Spencer asked, confused.
"Have you ever noticed how Noel is always around?" Aria asked.
We turned back around, only to see Noel talking to Mike.
Aria was confused and so was I. Why the hell is Noel talking to Mike? They're not even friends.
"Are they friends?" Emily asked.
"No" me and Aria said, shaking our heads.
We sighed and turned back around to continue talking about the previous subject we were on.
"Hanna's right about Cooper. We need to find some kind of proof" Spencer said.
"Thank you, Veronica Mars" Hanna sarcastically said.
This made Spencer glare at her while I snorted loudly at that.
"That proof may be boxed in your kitchen" Emily said, looking at me and Spencer.
I sighed and rubbed my eyes, already getting tired of everything.
Then Maya walked over to us, with a huge smile on her face as she looked at Emily.
"Hi" Maya smiled.
"Hey" Emily smiled, getting up from her seat as they both leaned in and kissed each other on the lips.
I smiled at that and had to contain a squeal.
Ever since Emily came out to her parents, her and Maya have been hanging out alot more. Not only that, but they're actually dating.
Thank freaking finally.
Emily is now more confident about her sexuality and can finally be who she is.
"Are we still on for later? You know,now that your dad's gone?" Maya asked.
"Yeah, my dad knows how my dad feels about us" Emily nodded.
"In other words, he'll tolerate me" Maya sighed, clearly disappointed.
"She's spending the day in the city, so you'll be safe. I promise" Emily smiled.
They both began giggling while me and the girls smiled at their adorable behavior.
"What's later?" Spencer asked, her curiosity taking over.
"Um, studying" Emily said.
"Is that girl-on-girl code for romance?" Hanna asked, a smirk appearing on her face.
"No, Hanna, we're actually studying" Emily chuckled, shaking her head.
"But your friend is a romantic" Maya smiled.
"Is she?" I asked.
"Oh, yeah. Um...walks in the rain, picnics by the lake,dancing naked in candlelight" Emily said.
This made me and the girls stare at her in shock before she began laughing.
"I'm just kidding. We go to dinner and a movie,just like you guys" Emily smiled.
This made all of us laugh as we shook our heads at her.
"Well, she's not entirely kidding. Emily would love to do all of those things" Maya smugly smiled while Emily gasped in fake shock.
"Ok, you've shared enough" Emily giggled.
She dragged her away, looking back at us, laughing, before the two girlfriends walked away together.
When they were gone me and the girls all looked at each other and smiled. Incredibly happy that Emily was happy.
A Few Minutes Later
I made my way into Mr. Fitz's classroom to see him writing something on the board.
I need to have a chat with him about dating Aria. I need him to know that if he hurts her, he'll have to deal with me.
"Mr. Fitz" I said, gaining his attention as he turned to look at me.
"Oh, hello Ethan. What can I do for you?" Mr. Fitz asked.
"Listen, I'm not going to beat around the bush and just say what I need to say. I know that you're dating my best friend, Aria" I said.
This made his eyes widen slightly. He opened his mouth to say something but I beat him to it.
"And can I just say that I'm not exactly accepting this relationship. Mainly because you're an adult, our teacher, and she's a teenager. And honestly my sister or our other friends can't really accept it that much either" I explained.
Mr. Fitz looked at him with worry in his eyes. He put the chalk down and looked at me.
"Ehan, please just promise me you won't tell anyone about me and Aria. Please. I don't want her to get in trouble and I don't want to lose this job" Mr. Fitz said.
"You know just saying that just makes me want to go to the principal" I said.
"Ethan, please. I'm begging you, don't say anything. Look, I don't really care what happens to me. But I don't think I could ever forgive myself if Aria got in trouble because of me. Please" Mr. Fitz begged.
I opened my mouth to say something before closing it.
I took in everything he said and closed my eyes in annoyance and frustration. I sighed before reopening my eyes.
"Fine" I said.
This made him sigh in relief, but I began speaking to tell him more.
"But we're gonna get one thing straight, the only reason I'm not saying anything is because Aria really is happy being with you. And I can tell that you are too. And if Aria is happy then I'm happy too. The last thing I'd want for her is to get hurt. So, fine, I'll keep your secret" I sighed, crossing my arms over my chest.
"Thank you, Ethan. Really" Mr. Fitz said, a small smile on his face.
I rolled my eyes but nodded either way.
"But let me tell you this. If you hurt Aria in any way, you'll see how I am when I get angry. Got it?" I asked, giving him my most deadly glare.
Mr. Fitz gulped loudly and nodded.
"Yeah, you got it" Mr. Fitz said.
"Good. Have a great day" I smiled before turning around and walking away.
In The Hallway
I walked over to my locker to get a few of my books that I needed for my next classes. And can I just say that the hallway was freaking crowded.
However, before I could get to my locker I glanced at Toby's locker only to see that someone had written 'killer' on it with red marker.
Anger coursed through my body and I clenched my fist to try and contain myself from finding and punching whoever wrote that.
So, I quickly walked over to the water fountain and took out some napkins I kept in my bag.
I wet the napkins with water before going over to Toby's locker to try and get the marker off of his locker.
It was working but not really. I managed to get the words off by the red smudges remained there.
"Hey, freak coming through!" some random boy yelled.
I turned around, only to see Toby and a police officer walking into the hallway.
Everyone had gone silent, absolutely silent when they came into view.
People looked at Toby in fear, disgust and anger. Some moved away from him while others were staring at him, pointing and whispering.
I glared at everyone that was staring at Toby like he was some kind of criminal, when he wasn't.
I looked at his locker and sighed, at least the words weren't there anymore. That's something.
I threw the napkins in a nearby trash bin as Toby and the officer made their way towards it.
When Toby saw the red smudges, he looked at me with furrowed eyebrows.
"Someone had written 'killer' on it and I wiped it off. Sorry, I couldn't really get the red smudges off" I said, frowning.
"It's ok, thank you anyways" Toby softly said.
I nodded and moved away as Toby opened his locker and took his books out before closing it. He sighed and walked away, the police officer following behind.
Everyone had moved away from them, my best friends and sisters looked at him before looking away.
I followed behind Toby and the police officer, just in time to see another random boy walking up to Toby.
"Murderer" the boy spat in his face.
This made me glare at him as I walked faster and stood protectively in front of Toby and shoved the boy away.
"Back off and don't call him that" I angrily said.
"Step aside" the police officer said, looking at me and the boy.
The boy walked away, while I remained where I was and continued glaring.
Toby gently placed his hand on my shoulder, making me look at him as my glare went away.
"Thank you" Toby softly said.
I gave him a sad smile and nodded. And with that, Toby and the police officer left the school.
I sighed and shook my head. I wish that there was something that I could do to help him. But I don't have any evidence that could prove he's innocent.
After School
School was a pain in the ass, as always.
When it was done, me and Aria both went out to get coffee together and study as well. We managed to get coffee, me getting a box of chocolate cupcakes since they were my favorite.
Now all we had to do was find a place to study.
We began looking around for a place to study at. While we were looking around, my eyebrows furrowed in confusion when I saw Hanna at the cafe place, eating cupcakes.
"What's Hanna doing there?" I asked.
Aria looked and when she saw Hanna she furrowed her eyebrows, confused like me.
"I don't know. Let's find out" Aria said and I nodded.
We walked over to the table she was sitting at, she was on her phone looking at something before her eyes met ours.
"Hanna?" me and Aria yelled out to her.
She set her phone down on the table as we made our way over to her.
"Hey, buttercup. Are you ok?" I softly asked, worried.
She looked at me and Aria before shaking her head.
"Oink-oink" a jock mocked from a table across from Hanna's.
Me and Aria turned to glare at him and saw that he was laughing, along with two of his friends.
"Don't you guys have practice, or did you lose your balls?" Aria asked, clearly angry that they're mocking Hanna.
The guys ignored her and continued laughing, making me blood boil.
I slammed my stuff down at the table Hanna was sitting at, making Hanna and Aria flinch.
I opened my box of cupcakes and took three out. I turned around and walked over to the jackasses that were laughing at Hanna.
They looked at me and before any of them could react, I smashed the cupcakes onto their faces.
Aria and Hanna burst out laughing at that.
I smirked at the shocked looks the three guys were giving me, but it went away as I began to glare at them.
"Mock my best friend again and you better believe I'll make you regret it. Now scram!" I yelled.
The three of them were quick to gather their things and run away.
I smugly smirked before turning back around and walking back over to the girls, who managed to stop laughing.
"Nice one, Ethan" Aria smirked.
"I know" I smirked back, shrugging my shoulders.
But our smirks went away as we looked at Hanna and sat down at the table so we could talk to her.
"I thought you had physical therapy" Aria said, confused.
"I lied" Hanna sighed.
"Do you want to talk about it?" I asked.
"I wish I could" Hanna weakly chuckled.
I frowned and grabbed my napkins. I started wiping the frosting from Hanna's face, making her giving me a small smile.
But then her eyes wandered to something behind me and her smile turned into an angry frown.
"I really hate A" Hanna scoffed.
Me and Aria turned around to see Noel nearby, looking a few books.
He turned to us, he gave a deadpan look to Aria and Hanna while he gave me a small nod and wave.
I didn't really want to, but I didn't want to be that rude so I nodded back before turning back to Hanna.
"He has something on my mom that can get her into alot of trouble" Hanna said.
"What does he want you to do?" Aria asked.
"Remember when I used to eat when I got nervous or felt bad?" Hanna asked.
Me and Aria looked at each other before looking back at her and nodding.
"Alison walked in on me after a binge, and she was actually kind. Or so I thought. She helped me throw up" Hanna explained.
Mine and Aria's eyes widened at that.
I knew that Hanna had problems with her weight in the past. I always helped her by exercising with her at times.
I just never knew that Alison had walked in on her binge eating and I seriously can't believe that she made Hanna throw up in order to lose weight.
I want to be surprised but I'm honestly not. This is Alison we're talking about after all.
"Buttercup, that's extremely dangerous" I softly but sternly said.
Aria nodded while Hanna sighed and nodded her head, agreeing with what I said.
"I know, and that was just such a low point in my life that I started taking better care of myself. I knew I could be stronger than that" Hanna explained.
Me and Aria smiled softly at her and placed our hands on top of hers, giving her comfort.
"Yeah, and you are" Aria said.
"Yeah, buttercup, you're not the same girl you were from before. You're stronger, confident and selfless. You've become new and better. Don't let A, Alison or anyone else get to you" I softly but sternly said.
Hanna smiled at both of us and nodded, her eyes watering as tears threatened to spill.
"How about you head inside and clean up in the bathroom, we'll wait for you here" I softly said.
Aria nodded and Hanna smiled. She grabbed her purse and walked inside the cafe to head to the bathroom.
I sighed and got up and grabbed her box and dumped it in the trashcan.
I turned around to see Aria walking into the cafe, most likely to check on her.
I grabbed my stuff from the table and soon they both came out of the cafe, their arms linked and smiles on their faces.
I chuckled at both of them and gestured for them to follow me. And with that the three of us walked away.
A Few Hours Later
After spending time with the girls, I decided to wander around town to be alone since I just needed to clear my head.
I had finished my coffee and cupcakes a while ago and dumped them in the trash. So now I just carried my bag with me.
While I was walking around, I noticed that Toby was just a few feet in front of me.
Before I could go up and talk to him, a car passed by and some guy poked his head out from the window and looked at Toby.
"Why don't you save us the cost of a trial and drop dead!" the guy yelled before going back inside his car.
Toby looked away, but when the car passed by I glared at it and held out my middle finger.
I continued walking faster, wanting to catch up to Toby and talk to him.
Two kids passed by, eating ice-cream and holding hands. They were talking to each other before their eyes landed on Toby.
To my freaking annoyance the kids looked at him in fear and ran away.
Ok, I love kids and I would never lay a hand on them. But I'd love to have a chat with their parents and teach them something called manners.
I looked back at Toby, only to see his hands inside his jean pockets and his head down. He passed by a few more people before heading inside an alleyway.
I frowned and began jogging to head inside the alleyway, wanting to talk to Toby.
When I got there, I began walking, quietly so I wouldn't startle him. I found him behind a dumpster and my heart broke at what I was seeing.
He was sitting on the ground, hugging his knees with his head down. I didn't need to see his face to know that he was crying.
"Toby" I softly said.
This gained his attention and he picked his head up. My heart broke even more when I saw that his eyes were red, tears streaming down his face and his lips were trembling.
"Ethan, what are you doing here?" Toby asked, his voice nearly in a whisper.
I crouched down in front of him, taking my bag off and setting it on the ground.
"Come here" I softly said, holding my arms out for him.
Without any hesitation, Toby lunged forward and wrapped his arms around me. He laid his head on my shoulder and began crying and sobbing.
I sighed and wrapped my arms around him. Rubbing his back up and down, doing my best to comfort him.
"Let it all out, Toby. It's ok" I softly reassured him.
This just made him cry and sob harder. His arms around me tightened as he buried his head deeper into my shoulder.
I kept one arm wrapped around him as my hand went up to his hair and I gently stroked it, hoping to give him more comfort.
After a few seconds we pulled away. I got a good look at his face and saw that he was still crying.
I opened my bag and took out a napkin. I gently wiped the tears away from Toby's face before throwing it in the dumpster.
"Toby, don't let what other people say about you get to you. Ignore them, alright. They may believe that you killed Alison, but I don't. I never believed and never will believe that you killed her. I know that you're innocent. I've got your back, always" I softly smiled.
This made him smile at me. He managed to stop crying just a bit, tear streaks stained on his face.
"Thank you for being there for me in the past and now. You're not just my best friend, you're my brother" Toby softly said.
"Of course" I smiled.
He smiled and nodded, wiping a few more of his tears away with his hands.
I moved over to sit next to him. I wrapped my arm around his shoulder and pulled him down. He laid down on the ground with his head on my lap.
"Sleep, Toby. It's just you and me, nobody's going to judge you here. So sleep" I softly said.
I felt him nod before he closed his eyes and began lightly snoring. I chuckled and shook my head, but I let him sleep.
I knew that he needed this. He just wanted to be alone, with someone that he could trust, someone that believes him.
So, that's where we stayed. In an alleyway behind a dumpster.
It's a little gross, considering we're near a dumpster, but I didn't care. I just wanted to be there for my friend, my best friend, my brother in everything but blood.
The Next Day
To say I was shocked and a bit happy would be an understatement.
Spencer told me that Melissa is trying to get pregnant. Apparently he told her yesterday and asked her to keep it a secret from mom and dad.
Melissa said that she can tell me but not to mom and dad. At least not yet.
I'm shocked because this is not something I expected from Melissa. I mean, that girl hasn't talked about having kids.
But I'm also a bit happy because I do love kids and I would be very happy to become an uncle. I can just imagine her little kid running around. It would be so cute.
Right now me, Spencer and Hanna were outside of the school talking.
"Melissa pregnant?" Hanna asked in shock, her voice slightly loud.
"Hey, I said this was a secret" Spencer said, slightly glaring at her.
"No, it's not a secret. It's a bombshell,like in 'nuke-u-lar'" Hanna said, rolling her eyes.
"It's nuclear. 'NUKE-LE-AR'" Spencer said, spelling the word out to her, making me snort.
"Ok, whatever. It's still a disaster movie" Hanna scoffed.
"I know" Spencer sighed.
"Can you imagine Melissa pregnant? Or even worse,Melissa as a mom?" Hanna asked, shaking her head in disbelief.
"We've never once heard Melissa talk about kids" I said and Spencer nodded.
"Now she wants to have this huge family? He's totally manipulating her" Spencer said, clearly angry.
"Manipulating her? Spence, Ethan, your sister's a badass" Hanna said.
"That she is. It runs in the family" I smirked.
This earned a smirk and nod from Spencer and an amused snort from Hanna. Spencer shook her head, going back to being serious.
"I don't know what we're gonna find, but I have to see what's inside those boxes" Spencer said.
I sighed and ran my hand through my hair.
My eyes wandered over to the other side and I saw Emily walking towards us.
But to my confusion, she had a frown on her face and she looked completely sad and heartbroken.
"Em?" I asked, calling out to her.
Spencer and Hanna turned to look at her and were both now confused as to why she looked so sad.
"Hey, what's wrong?" Spencer asked.
Emily made her way towards us and we saw her clutching her phone. She picked her head up and I saw her biting her lip, trying to stop herself from crying.
"I didn't even get to say goodbye" Emily softly said.
Me and the girls glanced at each other, confused and worried.
"To who?" Spencer asked.
"Maya" Emily said.
"Em, where is she going?" Hanna asked, confused and worried.
"They're sending her to juvie camp, for three months" Emily said.
Our eyes widened in shock and disbelief. Are you kidding me?
"What happened?" Spencer asked.
"Yeah, why the hell is she being sent to juvie camp?" I asked, crossing my arms.
"My mother. That's what happened" Emily scoffed, biting her lip more to contain her tears.
As soon as she said that my blood began to boil.
Ever since Emily came out to her parents, things haven't been the same with them.
Her father was shocked about it but has been slowly accepting Emily.
However, her mother, that's a different story. It's not really hard to see that she hates Emily being lesbian and hates her and Maya being together.
So the fact that she's the reason Maya is being sent to juvie camp makes me so fucking angry.
"I will march over to your house and beat the living crap out of that homophobic woman" I growled.
I began walking but Spencer and Hanna grabbed my arms, pulling me back.
"Ethan, don't. It's not worth it. There's nothing you can do now" Emily sighed, shaking her head.
I closed my eyes at that and shook my head, feeling Spencer and Hanna removing their hands from my arms.
I walked over to Emily and wrapped my arms around her, pulling her to my side.
"It's gonna be ok, Em.I promise" I softly said, placing a brotherly kiss to her head.
All she did was nod and snuggled closer to my side.
Me and the girls sighed and just decided to head inside to get ready for class, wanting to get this day over with.
However, when we got inside we saw the principal and a police officer with Noel by his locker.
"Somebody set me up, ok?" Noel said, looking at the officer and the principal with pleading eyes.
"You'll have to explain this one, Mr. Kahn" the principal said, opening his locker and taking out some papers.
"You have to believe me" Noel said.
Me and the girls glanced at each other, confused, before looking back.
"You stole the answers to three midterms, Mr. Kahn. I can't imagine ever believing in you again" the principal said in a stern and disappointing tone.
My eyes widened in shock and I looked at the girls, who were in shock like me.
We looked at Aria, who looked shocked before looking at Mr. Fitz, who looked shocked yet relieved.
I looked back, only to see Noel walking away with the police officer and the principal.
We heard our phones ding and we looked at each other before taking them out.
I unlocked my phone and looked at the message, no shock, it was from A.
A is for Alison, not amateur
- A
Holy mother of shit.
A just freaking helped Aria and saved her relationship with Mr. Fitz.
Is this the same A that ran me over with a freaking car? Or is this someone else?
Late At Night
After school the girls came over to mine and Spencer's house to work on homework. But only Hanna and Aria were here, we were waiting for Emily to come.
We were working in the kitchen when Aria spoke up.
"I don't know who I'm more afraid of. A, the bitch who tried to flatten Ethan. Or, A our new frenemy" Aria said.
We all shrugged at her, not knowing what to say.
But when we looked at her again, we saw the smile on her face.
"What?" Spencer asked with a small smile.
"A saved my relationship" Aria said.
"Yeah, well, A tried to kill me" I deadpanned.
I'm happy that Aria's happy, but does she not remember that the bitch ran me over with a car and nearly killed me.
"Because A thought you saw her. A clearly knows now that you didn't" Spencer softly said.
I just sighed and nodded. Then we heard the door open and saw Melissa and we quickly went back to doing homework.
"So, the law of cosines is an extension of the pythagorean theorem to the arbitrary angles-" Spencer started but Hanna cut her off.
"Uh, English, please" Hanna said, giving her an annoyed look.
I chuckled and looked at Melissa to see her smiling at us.
"It's nice to see the posse together again" Melissa smiled.
"The posse?" Aria asked.
"This is me playing nice, Aria. Spencer and Ihave called a truce" Melissa said.
I smiled at that, knowing that at least Spencer and Melissa were giving up competing with each other.
"Oh well,I'll play along. How does it feel to be married?" Hanna asked.
"It feels like, I don't have to try so hard all the time, like things are settled" Melissa smiled.
I smiled at her and nodded, glad to see my older sister so happy.
Even if she's married to that weirdo asshole called Ian Thomas.
"Yeah. That's how my mom felt before my dad met Isabelle" Hanna said, shaking her head.
"One thing I don't need to worry about is Ian looking at other women" Melissa smiled, clearly confident by what she said.
That asshole better not look at other women now that he's married to my sister.
Cause if he does, he's not going to have hands.
The door opened and we all turned around to see Ian walking inside the house, smiling as he made his way over to Melissa.
"You read, wife?" Ian asked, wrapping an arm around Melissa's waist.
"I am, my handsome husband" Melissa smiled, leaning into his side.
"Bye" Ian smiled at me and the girls.
The girls gave him half smiles while I rolled my eyes and just waved at him. And with that they left the house.
As soon as they left, we heard the door open again and we turn around to see Emily walking in.
Me and the girls immediately get excited as we turn our chairs around to look at her.
As soon as Emily sees us, she stops walking when she sees the huge smiles on our faces.
"What?" Emily asked, confused and suspicious.
Spencer and I looked at each other and I nodded at her. She nodded back and got up from her chair, walking towards Emily.
"There is something that I need to show you,in my room" Spencer smiled.
She placed her hands on Emily's shoulders and was about to guide her upstairs, when Aria stopped her.
"Wait, no. I think she should find it herself" Aria said.
Hanna nodded and got up from her chair, walking towards Emily.
"I agree, but first" Hanna said.
She fixed her hair and unbuttoned her jean jacket before walking away from her, a satisfied smile on her face.
"There. Now you can go" Hanna smiled, winking at Emily.
Emily nodded with a small smile on her face. She began walking towards the stairs before stopping to look at us.
"Go" Hanna said.
"Go" me and Spencer said, motioning for her to go upstairs.
Emily chuckled and nodded and with that she went upstairs to head to Spencer's room.
As soon as she was gone me and the girls looked at each other and smiled, chuckling to ourselves.
Now, if you're wondering what's going on, let me explain.
Me and the girls managed to sneak Maya out of her house so we could arrange one last date for her and Emily.
We set up everything in Spencer's room and Maya is in there waiting for her.
There's no way we were going to let Maya leave without her and Emily getting the chance to spend one last time alone together.
So, while they were going to spend time upstairs, me and the girls would remain down here to give them their space.
Minutes had passed and me and the girls were still searching through the boxes that had Ian's stuff.
"Hey. Look at this" Aria said.
We turned around to look at her and see she was holding a newspaper about Alison's disappearance.
"Everyone kept that" I said and Spencer nodded.
Aria sighed and shook her head as we kept on looking through the boxes, hoping to find something else that could help us.
"You guys, look" Spencer said.
We looked at her and saw her holding binoculars in her hands.
"Really?" Spencer chuckled.
"Spying" Hanna chuckled.
"That's creepy" Aria scoffed.
"Exactly, that dude is a damn pervert" I scoffed, rolling my eyes.
We kept on searching, wanting to go through everything before putting them back. From upstairs, Emily and Maya's laughter can be heard.
Me and the girls looked at each other and smiled, glad that the two lovebirds are enjoying their time together.
"You know, I am officially jealous of Emily's love life" Hanna said, a smile on her face.
"Same here" I nodded.
More minutes passed and so far we've found nothing. We were searching through the last box of Ian's and once again, nothing.
"We've got comic books,more comic books. And more comic books" Aria said, clearly annoyed as she went through the box.
"Evidence of geekdom,but not a crime" I scoffed, rolling my eyes as we closed the box.
We heard footsteps and turned around to see Maya and Emily walking downstairs, smiles on their faces.
"Hey. Thank you guys so much" Maya smiled.
Me and the girls smiled at her and nodded. Maya went to hug Aria, then Hanna before hugging both me and Spencer.
"Thank you" Maya said, pulling away from the hug.
"Of course" Spencer nodded.
"Anything for my favorite couple" I smiled, winking at her and Emily.
This made both of them laugh and shake their heads at me before Maya walked towards the door.
Emily walked towards her and they both embraced each other, pressing their lips onto each other.
I smiled sadly at that, knowing that this was going to be their last kiss before Maya is officially gone tomorrow morning.
Maya smiled at Emily one last time before opening the door and walking out to head back home before her parents realize we helped her sneak out.
Emily sighed and walked over to the couch and sat down between me and Hanna.
"I don't even know how to thank you guys. Tonight was the best gift anyone could have ever given me" Emily smiled.
"Of course, Em. We'd do anything for you" I smiled, placing a brotherly kiss to her forehead.
"Where are they sending her?" Aria asked.
"Some place called 'true north'" Emily sighed.
"Seriously?" Hanna asked in disbelief.
"Is it bad?" Emily asked in worry.
"They sent Betsy Berger there for huffing spray paint. She came back as a drummer in a gospel band" Hanna said.
Me and the girls gave her 'really' looks before turning to Emily.
"Maya's an amazing person, Em. She's gonna be fine" Aria softly said.
Me and the girls nodded and Emily sighed, still worried before shaking her head.
"Did you guys find anything?" Emily asked.
"We've looked through every box and found a big fat nothing" Spencer scoffed in annoyance, taking the box in her hands to put it back with the others.
Then all of a sudden a phone starts ringing. We all looked at each other with knowing looks.
Aria looked at Spencer and she nodded. She picked up the phone and began reading the message.
"Don't say I never gave you anything. Turn on your computer. A" Aria said.
We all glanced at each other before getting up from the couch and walking to the kitchen.
We made our way towards the kitchen counter, where Spencer's laptop was. Spencer turned it on.
When she turned it on a video of Alison popped out. Spencer glanced at me and I nodded. She took a deep breath before pressing play on the video.
"If the girls or Ethan knew I was seeing you oh, my God, they would not stop talking about it. Well, other then Ethan, he would either not care that much or get all protective" Alison smiled.
"This is the video Cooper showed us" Emily said.
"I wish they were more mature, like Ethan, but. We don't have a lot of time. I have to get back before they wake up. I know you wanna kiss me" Alison smiled.
Alison then got up from the rock she was sitting on. She was still smiling before she grabbed the camera and turned it around.
As soon as the persons face was revealed, me and the girls all gasped in shock.
Oh my freaking lords.
It was Ian!
"Oh my god" Spencer said, her eyes wide and jaw slightly dropped.
"Come closer" Ian smiled.
The camera turned around and we couldn't see either of them. Me and the girls remained watching, our eyes basically glued to the video the entire time.
We began hearing noises, and it sounded like Alison groaning and whimpering. As if she were struggling.
It was silent for a few seconds before Alison's hand came into view.
Me and the girls gasped, in shock. I swear we were probably close to crying. Hanna and Spencer gripped onto my arms.
Nothing happened for a few seconds before Alison's hand gripped onto the dirt, and since we didn't expect that we all flinched in shock.
The video ended when Alison's hand went limp after grabbing onto the dirt.
What the hell?
Did we just freaking witness Ian killing Alison on video?
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