Chapter Five: Can You Hear Me Now?
At The Park
Ethan's Pov
It was a great and sunny day today and me and the girls decided to head out to the park to get some fresh air.
That and to talk about what we're going to do about A.
We were all walking together and made our way to a nearby bench that we were planning on using.
"How bad did your mom bust you over wrecking Sean's car?" Emily asked.
"Ok, I did not wreck it, I damaged it and actually everyone is being really mature about it" Hanna said.
"Oh" me and Aria said, causing Hanna to give us both annoyed looks.
"There is no 'oh' we're just being grown ups that's all" Hanna said as we all stopped in front of the bench.
I sighed and sat down on the bench, Spencer sitting down next to me.
"Ok, so the town is gonna put in a new bench and we'll plant the flower beds and there's gonna be a path way of art tiles" Aria explained.
"Art tiles?" Spencer asked.
"Messages, pictures, memories of Alison" I said and Emily nodded.
"Oh, like little headstones" Hanna said with a small smile.
"Hanna" Aria said in a warning tone.
"What?" Hanna asked, shrugging at the end.
"We should each do a tile" Emily said and I nodded.
Hanna sighed in annoyance before opening her purse and taking out Alison's bracelet.
"You know, I've had Alison's bracelet since the day we found it in the woods. I don't want the responsibility anymore" Hanna said.
She tried giving it to Aria, but she shook her head at her.
"I don't want it" Aria said.
She tried giving it to Emily but she shook her head at her too, making Hanna groan in annoyance.
"Seriously, somebody take this" Hanna said.
Spencer sighed in annoyance and took the bracelet from her as I looked at all the girls.
"Look at us, bunch of babies" I scoffed.
None of them said anything, but Spencer nodded in agreement and held the bracelet up in her hand.
"There's nothing that A can say or do to get us in trouble. Without making trouble for herself" Spencer said.
"Are you sure it's a her?" Hanna asked.
"Him, her, doesn't make a difference" I scoffed.
Spencer nodded before pulling out her laptop. Making the girls look at her in confusion.
"What are you doing?" Emily asked.
"I'm gonna block all messages from people I don't know. IM's, texts, emails, everything. Screw A" Spencer said in a serious tone.
She types for a few seconds before we heard a beep from her laptop.
With that beep, Spencer smiled and turned to the rest of us.
"Who's next?" Spencer asked.
The girls looked at each other before Emily nodded and took Spencer's laptop, sitting down while Spencer got up.
I sighed and crossed my arms, feeling a bit upset and confused at the same time.
"Ethan, what's wrong?" Spencer asked.
"I don't know if I want to do that" I said.
"What? Why not?" Aria asked.
I sighed and picked my head back up to look at them.
"Unlike you guys, the texts I get are more nicer and less threatening. I'm starting to think this A person likes me. Am I supposed to be touched? Or creeped out?" I asked.
"Creeped" Aria and Spencer said.
"I don't know. Maybe touched" Emily shrugged.
"How about both" Hanna scoffed.
I chuckled and shook my head and watched as Emily did the same thing Spencer did.
I look at Spencer, only to see her looking at something else. I turn to see what she's looking at, and I see Mr. Fitz riding a bike nearby.
"I spy with my little eye something that begins with F" Spencer smirked.
I rolled my eyes at her while the girls look at where she was looking.
"Hey Mr. Fitz!" Hanna yelled, smiling at him while waving.
Mr. Fitz looked at our direction and smiled at her while waving back before riding away.
"Looking good Mr. Fitz!" Spencer yelled out again.
I turned to see Aria glaring at Spencer before walking towards Emily and sitting down next to her.
When Emily was done doing what she was doing, Aria quickly took the laptop from her.
"My turn" Aria said, quickly typing.
Emily gave her a weird look and shook her head before getting up. While I furrowed my eyebrows at her in confusion.
What's got her this mad?
"Now there are teachers you don't want to see on a bike, and teachers you do want to see on a bike" Spencer said, crossing her arms.
"I would not want to see Mr. Gilardi on a bike" Hanna scoffed, shaking her head.
"I don't want to think of MR. Gilardi in motion of any kind" Emily scoffed.
This made me and the girls, minus Aria who was still busy on Spencer's laptop, laugh and shake our heads.
"Ah, Mr. Fitz" Hanna said in a dreamy voice, making me gag.
"Hanna. Your turn" Aria said.
Hanna nodded and took the laptop from her, sitting down next to her. Aria sighed before looking up at Emily.
"You talk to Ben?" Aria asked.
This made me grit my teeth in anger while Emily flinched, clearly uncomfortable talking about him.
Especially after what happened in the girls locker room.
Emily sighed and flashed her a small smile, brushing some of her hair away from her face.
"Nothing to talk about" Emily said and I nodded.
"So, you're really done?" Aria asked, shocked yet sad.
"Thank goodness" I muttered under my breath, happy that Emily isn't gonna go back to that jerk.
"It's ok. I'm fine" Emily reassured her.
"Ok, if you say so" Aria said, rubbing her arm for comfort.
I sighed and looked at Hanna to see her finishing up. When she was done, she handed me the laptop and I quickly got to typing.
"I wish we had a drum roll for this" I said, making all of them laugh and shake their heads at me.
I laughed with them before quickly typing the last thing I needed to do before ending this.
"All right, here it goes" I said, looking at the girls one last time before looking back at the laptop.
I pressed a button and boom. We were done.
I sighed in relief and looked at the girls, flashing them smiles.
"We are officially A proffed" I smiled.
The girls all laughed and sighed in relief as Hanna closed the laptop and then laid her head on my shoulder.
I wrapped my arms around her and Aria and pulled them closer to my sides.
"Listen. All those little messages. Zipping through the air all around us" Spencer said with a pleased smile on her face.
"Yep, and none of them from A" Aria nodded, resting her head on my other shoulder.
"This feels like a good thing" Emily smiled walking over to go stand next to Spencer.
"Of course it's a good thing. Out of mind,out of sight" Hanna smiled, snuggling more into my side.
We all smiled and breathed in the nice wind, loving this moment of being A free.
Then all of a sudden the wind blew a paper towards us and it stopped by my feet.
We all looked at each other before I pulled away from Hanna and Aria and grabbed the paper.
The girls huddled around me as I unfolded it. My eyes widen when I realized it was one of Alison's missing person poster.
But that's not what shocked me.
What shocked me was the A message written on it.
Ding dong, the bitch is dead
- A
This made me and the girls look at each other, clearly shocked and a bit scared.
So, I quickly crumbled the paper and held it tightly in my hands.
The girls were looking around, trying to see if they could spot anything or anyone.
I sighed and shook my head and got up. They all looked at me and I motioned them to follow me.
They nodded and quickly gathered their things before we all left to head either home or to go somewhere else.
The Next Day
At School
I was in the lunch room with the girls. We were all standing together.
Well, it was just me, Spencer, Hanna and Aria. We don't know where Emily is, but I'm sure she'll be here soon.
"Why didn't your folks take you two to New York with your sister? I mean, you both deserve some retail therapy too" Hanna said and Aria nodded.
"Not as much as Melissa" Spencer scoffed.
I sighed and nodded.
I didn't really mind that Melissa was in New York. I knew that she needed to get her mind off of Wren after what happened.
We all turned around to see Emily walking towards us, and she wore a really good looking scarf that made her stand out.
We all smiled at her as she stood next to Hanna.
"Hot scarf, Em" Spencer smiled.
"Thanks" Emily said with a small smile.
"Is it new?" I asked.
Emily's small smile disappeared, she looked uncomfortable by the question, but cleared her throat and shook her head.
"No" Emily said.
I narrowed my eyes at her in confusion, but decided to let it go for now.
Then all of a sudden we hear a phone ringing. We turned around to see Hanna taking her phone out of her bag.
She looked at it, and her eyes widened in shock and disbelief.
We all looked at each other before looking back at her, feeling a bit worried as to why she was just staring at her phone and not answering the call.
"Buttercup, go ahead, answer it" I said and Aria nodded.
"Yeah. We know who it can't be from" Aria said, causing Spencer and Emily to nod.
Hanna still didn't say anything, which made all of us worry even more.
"Hanna?" Emily asked, looking at her in worry. This made Hanna snap out of it as she looked at her before looking at all of us.
"It's my dad" Hanna said, a smile slowly appearing on her face.
This made me clench my fist in anger and take a few deep breaths. Hanna picked up the call and put her phone to her ear.
"Hey dad" Hanna smiled before walking away from us to talk to her dad in private.
When she left, the girls and I all looked at each other, clearly angry and confused.
"Has she...even, like,talked to her dad since he walked out on them?" Emily asked.
"Nope. I remember she told me. Which is why I'm confused as to why that cheating bastard is suddenly calling her" I said.
"Ethan" Spencer said in a stern tone, making me glare at her.
"What? Ever since her cheating bastard of a father walked out on her and Ms. Marin, I've hated him ever since" I scoffed.
How can he just leave Hanna and her mom like that to start a new family?
When Hanna told me what happened, I was angry, I was fucking angry like hell.
So for me, that cheating bastard can go to hell.
"I don't know. And then, her father,it's one of those 'don't ask, don't tell' situations" Spencer said.
"We shouldn't stare at her. Come on" Aria said, motioning us to follow her.
We all nodded and started walking away. Then we heard another phone beeping and turned around to see Aria taking her phone out.
She sighed in annoyance and shook her head.
"My brother's post just showed up on my loop" Aria said.
"You added him as a favorite?" I asked, chuckling.
"Yeah. Moment of weakness" Aria said, chuckling weakly at the end.
She started typing on her phone as the rest of us followed behind her.
While I was walking, I accidentally walked into Toby. We both nearly bumped into each other but stopped just in time.
The girls looked between us in shock and fear.
Toby sighed and gave me a small apologetic smile.
"Sorry" Toby said.
"It's fine, my fault. Don't worry about it" I said, giving him a small smile in return.
He nodded, turning to glare at the girls but gave a small nod to Emily. I smiled when Emily returned the nod before he walked away.
I walked back over to the girls and Aria looked at us, fear in her eyes.
"I wonder if wejust bumped into A" Aria whispered, so only we would hear.
"Aria, he's not A. Stop accusing him" I whispered back, slightly glaring at her.
Seriously, what the hell is with my best friends and twin sister accusing Toby of something he didn't do.
For goodness gracious, the guy just got here and is trying to adjust after he took the blame for the girls after they blinded Jenna.
"It doesn't matter.We're done with A, right?" Spencer asked.
We all looked at each other and nodded.
"Right. Yeah. But I'm still staying out of Toby's way" Aria said.
"Yeah, and Jenna's" Spencer nodded.
"I guess that's the safest thing to do" Emily nodded.
I sighed and shook my head as we all walked into the hallway together.
Soon after Hanna joined us and told us that her dad was coming so that they could spend quality time together.
"He has to be in New England for a couple of weeks. But he's making a special trip out to see me" Hanna explained, smiling widely.
I scoffed and shook my head, earning a smack to the arm by Spencer.
"That's...that's great, Hanna" Aria nodded.
We all nodded but didn't say anything. Hanna realized we were all being quiet and stopped walking, making us stop too.
"What?" Hanna asked.
I sighed in annoyance and looked at her with my arms crossed.
"Buttercup, I love you, you're one of my best friends. However, I hate your dad. And don't you think he's out here because of the thing with Sean's car?" I asked.
The girls nodded, while Hanna looked at me and them in shock.
"No, he's not" Hanna said.
Me and the girls gave her pointed looks, making her sigh in slight annoyance.
"Look, I asked.Absolutely not. And besides, even if he was, at least he's still coming out to see me" Hanna said.
I still didn't seem convinced, and neither did the girls.
"Spencer! Ethan!" we heard a voice yell out to us.
We all turned around to see mine and Spencer's teacher, Mr. Sheldrake, walking towards us.
Me and Spencer looked at him with raised eyebrows.
"Mr. Sheldrake?" Spencer asked as he made his way over to us.
"I was gonna tell you in class,but here you both are" Mr. Sheldrake smiled, giving the girls smiles before looking back at us.
"Remarkable job on the Russian History essays" Mr. Sheldrake smiled.
I smiled back at him while Spencer's smile seemed a bit more forced and nervous.
"Oh, thank you" I smiled, giving him a small nod.
"Very lucid presentations" Mr. Sheldrake said, giving us both impressive nods.
"It's not really a new idea" Spencer said, looking nervous for some reason.
I gave her a weird look before turning back to Mr. Sheldrake and giving him a smile.
"Thank you Mr. Sheldrake. I worked really hard on that essay and I'm glad you liked it" I said.
"Liked it? I loved it. Both yours and your sisters. And because of it, I submitted it for the golden orchid" Mr. Sheldrake smiled.
This made mine and Spencer's eyes widen in shock.
While mine was from shock and happiness, Spencer's was from shock and nervousness.
Why isn't she happy about this? I mean, this is amazing for the both of us.
Mr. Sheldrake tried walking away, but got stopped by Spencer.
"Wait, you what?" Spencer asked, making Mr. Sheldrake turn back around.
"There's an honorarium. But you know the real upside to winning an essay competition like that is how it looks on your applications" Mr. Sheldrake explained, smiling widely and proudly at the both of us.
I smiled back at him and looked at Spencer, hoping to see her smiling just like me, but instead she was frowning.
And since I know my twin sister very well, I know that she's freaking out on the inside.
"Wait, can we-" Spencer started but Mr. Sheldrake cut her off.
"We'll discuss the details after class" Mr. Sheldrake said before walking away.
I smiled and looked at Spencer, who was playing with the collar of her shirt.
"Ok, what's a golden orchid?" Hanna asked, looking at me and Spencer for an answer.
Since Spencer wasn't going to answer, I decided to answer myself.
"It's a national competition for historical writing" I said.
This seemed to snap Spencer out of her thoughts as she looked at the girls and nodded, smiling slightly.
"More academic bling for the Hasting twins" Emily smiled.
We all laughed and soon the bell rang, meaning it was time to head to class.
We all said our goodbyes before going our separate ways. I stayed with Spencer and looked at her in concern.
"What's up with you? Why aren't you happy about this?" I asked.
"I'll explain it to you at home. Lets just head to class" Spencer said before walking away.
I sighed in slight annoyance before following behind her.
What the hell did my sister do that's got her so nervous?
Back At Home
After school was done, me and Spencer went back home. Hanna tagged along with us since she needed Spencer's help in choosing an outfit when her dad comes.
While Spencer was helping Hanna with her outfit, I was on her bed doing homework.
It's like I said before, I don't like leaving things till the last minute.
And it turns out, the reason why my sister is so nervous about the golden orchid thing is because the paper she wrote isn't hers.
It's Melissa's.
Spencer stole Melissa's paper and made it seem like she wrote it.
I'm honestly feeling some mixed emotions about what she did.
"I wish I had a sister smart enough to steal papers from" Hanna said, looking at the mirror while holding one of Spencer's blazers.
I chuckled and shook my head, not looking up from my English homework.
Spencer took out a few more blazers from her closet and sighed. She walked over to where Hanna was and sat down on her red couch.
"Using Melissa's paper was supposed to be a stopgap. If I ask Sheldrake to withdraw the essay,he'll know something's wrong" Spencer said.
I sighed and looked up from my book to look at my sister.
"Sis, I love you, I really do. But what made you think that stealing our older sisters paper was a good idea?" I asked.
Spencer sighed and shrugged her shoulders, looking guilty.
"I don't know. I was just so stressed with the whole Wren situation that I didn't have any ideas for my paper. I just didn't know what to write, I could barely come up with anything" Spencer explained.
I shook my head at her while Hanna let out a small chuckle and turned around to look at Spencer.
"Spencer, what makes you so sure you're going to win the competition?" Hanna asked.
This made me and Spencer look up at her and give her 'really' looks.
She noticed our looks and scoffed, nodding her head in an understanding way.
"Oh, right. I forgot.It's in your DNA" Hanna said before turning back around to look at the mirror.
"Damn right" I nodded, going back to my homework.
Spencer chuckled before sighing and taking off the hanger from one of her blazers.
"Here. Try this one" Spencer said, handing her another one of her blazers.
"This has to be the perfect outfit. My dad hasn't seen me since I lost the weight" Hanna said, putting the blazer on.
"He hasn't seen you since the day he walked out on you and your mother" I muttered angrily under my breath.
I seriously don't understand why she's agreeing to meet him.
If I was in her position, I wouldn't have answered his phone call, and if I did I would disagree to meeting him.
"That jackets really not you" Spencer said.
"Then it's perfect" Hanna said, and even though I wasn't looking at her, I can tell she was smiling.
Again, she can always call him and cancel.
"Spencer. Ethan" Hanna said.
"What?" me and Spencer asked, looking at her.
"Have either of you peeked?" Hanna asked.
Me and Spencer sighed, giving her pointed looks and shaking our heads.
"We blocked whoever it was,and that's it" Spencer said and I nodded.
"United front, remember" I said, smiling lightly at her.
"No, no, yeah, I know. I just wondered if either of you peeked" Hanna said, giving us a small smile.
"No" me and Spencer said, shaking our heads.
"Yeah. Me neither" Hanna nodded.
The Next Day
At School
It was the next day and me and the girls were in English class, talking to each other and asking Hanna what her and her dad did yesterday.
Hanna was smiling and by the looks of it she seemed to really have a fun time yesterday with her dad.
Shocking. I wouldn't be happy spending time with someone that cheated on their partner then walked out on them.
"Incredible, really" Hanna smiled, looking at all of us.
"Where'd your dad take you?" Emily asked.
"Jolly Roger's" Hanna said with a smile on her face.
This made me and the girls laugh as Hanna gave us half offended half amused looks.
"What, the lame amusement park?" Aria asked.
"Ok,it is not lame. We didn't go on the tilt-a-whirl. We walked around and talked" Hanna smiled.
The other girls smiled at her while I fought the urge to roll my eyes.
I don't want to ruin her happiness, but I can't stand the fact that her cheating father is back in her life after he walked out on her and Ms. Marin.
"And I told him about what's going on" Hanna said.
This made our eyes widen as we looked at each other, in shock and worry. Hanna noticed and she quickly shook her head.
"Some of what was going on,and he listened" Hanna reassured us.
We all sighed in relief, happy that she didn't tell her dad about A.
We can't tell anyone about this until we can figure out who this freaking person is that's sending us these texts.
"He wants to take me to a real dinner tonight. He said he has something to tell me" Hanna said.
"Hopefully to say he's leaving tomorrow" I muttered under my breath.
Obviously I wasn't that quiet because Spencer heard me and smacked my arm, giving me a stern look.
"I don't know,I think he wants to spend more time with me. I mean, maybe summers in maryland" Hanna smiled.
This made my eyes widen in shock as me and the girls looked at her in disbelief.
"Seriously?" Emily asked.
"Would you go?" I asked, crossing my arms at her.
"Well, I wouldn't move away, not forever. I don't want to leave my mom alone, but...I would like to see my dad more" Hanna explained.
I sighed in slight annoyance before flashing her a small smile, the girls following my head.
"Wow" Spencer said with a light chuckle, a small smile appearing on her face.
"Good for you" Aria nodded.
The bell rang and it was time for class to start. More students walked in to take their seats as me and the girls walked over to ours and sat down.
I took my books out and my pens and started writing down a few things.
Mr. Fitz walked him and I got a good look at him, he seemed angry and upset.
"Is anybody else bothered by atticus' hypocrisy at the end of the novel?" Mr. Fitz asked.
When nobody responded, he kept on going.
"No? Well,he's Mr. Due process when it comes to Tom Robinson. Then as soon as Bob Ewell gets stabbed, he's willing to buy into the Sheriff's cover-up" Mr. Fitz explained.
"He was protecting Boo Radley" Spencer said, raising her hand in the air.
"Protecting him? From what,the justice system?" Mr. Fitz asked rhetorically.
This made me narrow my eyes at him in confusion.
"Atticus is an officer of the court, and he's conspiring to cover up a crime. And he's willing to let his own son take the fall for something that Boo Radley did?" Mr. Fitz explained.
Me and everyone else in the class was confused. Mr. Fitz is normally the happy and chill teacher.
Why the hell is he acting like this?
"It was a trade" Aria said, joining in on the conversation.
We all turned to look at her, as did Mr. Fitz.
"What was a trade?" Mr. Fitz asked.
"Mr. Ewell would have killed those kids, Boo saved them. And Atticus was still feeling guilty over Tom Robinson, so he offered Jem to take Boo's place, almost like a sacrifice" Aria explained.
Mr. Fitz nodded and walked a bit closer to her.
"Oh. Very noble" Mr. Fitz said, nodding slowly but his tone was nothing but cheery or happy, his tone was dead.
I raised an eyebrow at him and Aria. I glanced at the girls, only to see that they were confused as I was.
"Too bad Jem was unconscious. You think he might have had a different opinion?" Mr. Fitz asked.
"No, Jem would have said yes" Aria argued.
"You're sure about that?" Mr. Fitz asked.
"He was brought up right" Aria argued back, getting angry.
I looked at Spencer who looked at me, we were both confused and I know Hanna and Emily were too.
Why the hell is Aria fighting with our English teacher over something like this?
A kid in the class, Karter Sperling, cut in their argument but clearing his throat.
This gained everyone's attention as we all turned to him. Mr. Fitz turned to look at him with a raised eyebrow.
"I'm sorry, Mr. Sperling,do you have something to add to the discussion? Aside from Phlegm" Mr. Fitz asked, trying to contain his anger.
Karter looked between Mr. Fitz and Aria awkwardly before looking at Mr. Fitz.
"Just...well, his dad was a lawyer. He could get the kid off. Um...being brought up right had nothing to do with it" Karter explained.
Ok seriously, why are we still on this subject?
I thought we were supposed to be learning and working, not arguing about some damn book.
"Really? The whole book is about what shapes us into adults, or haven't you been paying attention?" Mr. Fitz asked, slightly glaring at him.
"I'm just saying that she-" Karter started but Mr. Fitz cut him off again.
"You're just saying that Aria made an attempt to understand this book. And you haven't" Mr. Fitz said.
"No, I wasn't saying that,Mr. Fitz" Karter defended.
I felt really, and I mean really, bad for this kid right now.
Getting into the middle of this unnecessary argument between one of my best friends and our English teacher.
"Sorry. What are you trying to say?" Mr. Fitz asked.
"Well, it'd probably be easier for Atticus to get the kid off. Well, it'd probably be easier for Atticus to get the kid off. That's all" Karter explained.
I prayed with everything that this argument would stop and we could carry on with a normal class.
Mr. Fitz looked at him for a few seconds before slowly nodding. He glanced at Aria one last time before turning around and walking away.
Aria sighed in relief and slumped in her chair. Karter sighed and shook his head before going back to writing in his notebook.
I glanced at the girls, who glanced back at me, before we went back to our books and class.
Class was good, awkward at times, but still good. Once the bell rang, we all got up and left to head to our lockers to grab what we needed.
I waved goodbye to the girls before heading over to my locker. I put in the combination and opened it.
I sighed and started taking out a few books, putting the ones that I was carrying back inside.
Just before I could close my locker, I heard noises from nearby.
Curiosity took over me and I turned my head around to see a few guys standing near a wall, laughing while looking at something.
I raised an eyebrow at them and turned to see that they were looking at Toby, who was opening his locker.
I looked at Toby and when I saw him opening his locker, only for a bunch of foam to come out and fall to the ground.
My eyes widened when that happened and I grit my teeth in anger.
The guys started laughing even more, patting each other on the shoulders before walking away.
I looked back at Toby, only to see him frowning and biting his lip, obviously upset.
I sighed and closed my locker before walking over to him.
He crouched down and grabbed some of the foam and I crouched down next to him, putting my books on the ground.
"Hey, are you alright?" I softly asked, putting a gentle hand on his shoulder.
"Not really, but thanks for asking" Toby said, looking at me.
"Hey, just ignore those jackasses. They've got nothing better to do in their lives and take it out on you" I said, trying to cheer him up.
Toby chuckled and shook his head at me, looking a bit better.
"Thanks. But I don't think they'll stop, ever" Toby sighed.
"Want me to beat them up? Teach them a lesson?" I asked, smirking slightly at the end.
"No, no it's fine. I can handle it. Promise" Toby nodded, giving me a small smile.
I gave him a small smile back and patted his shoulder before removing my hand.
"Come on, lets get this all cleaned up" I said, helping him by picking up some foam.
Toby nodded and together we both gathered the foam that was on the ground, not wanting to leave it like that.
We put the foam in the trash and I used some napkins I had in my bag to clean up the ground.
Once that was done, I gave Toby a pat on the shoulder before leaving.
Back At Home
At Night
When school was over I got home and started working on homework. I had lots to do and as always, I don't leave things till the last minute.
I spent a few hours on it, but it was worth it because I got it done on time.
When that was out of the way, I stayed in my room and watched some T.V for a while.
But I turned off my T.V and went downstairs when Spencer called me down for some reason. And when I got there, Hanna was there too.
When they explained to me what was going on, I really didn't know how to feel either.
"What are we gonna do about A? I mean, he or she or it hasn't stopped" I said as I crossed my arms.
"They're calling radio stations,making dedications. What do we do now?" Hanna asked.
Spencer sighed in annoyance and sat down on the couch, looking up at me and Hanna.
"I don't know, guys" Spencer said.
"Well, it was your idea to shut her out" Hanna scoffed.
"And everybody went along with it" Spencer defended.
"United we stand. Great" I scoffed, shaking my head.
I turned around, only to stop when I saw the flowerpot on top of the kitchen counter broken into pieces.
"Spence. Han" I said.
They both looked at me before turning around to look at what I was looking.
Their eyes widen in shock as Spencer got up from the couch, Hanna moved closer to me and grabbed onto my arm.
"Somebody's been in the house" Spencer said.
My eyes widen and I looked at her, who looked at me and realized why my eyes were widen in shock.
"Alison's bracelet!" Spencer yelled.
All three of us were quick to run upstairs to get to her room and see if Alison's bracelet was still there.
We ran into Spencer's room and she opened her drawer and started searching.
I sighed in relief when she found the bracelet and took it out. Thank the lords it was still here. Spencer showed it to us and we all glanced at each other.
If the bracelet is still here, who the hell broke in?
All three of us turned around, only to gasp loudly in shock and back away when we saw Spencer's mirror.
I quickly texted 'S.O.S' to Aria and Emily.
A few minutes passed and we heard a knock at the door. Spencer ran out of the room to answer it while me and Hanna stayed behind.
I had my arm protectively around her shoulder, she snuggled to my side, obviously scared.
Spencer ran back into the room, Aria and Emily following behind her.
I motioned to the mirror and when they saw it, their eyes widen in shock and they let out small gasps.
There was an A message on Spencer's mirror.
A was in the house and wrote on my sisters mirror. And they used lipstick. Hanna slowly pulled away from me and started walking closer to the mirror.
"Is that jungle red?" Hanna asked.
Me and the girls glanced at each other before slowly walking closer to Hanna.
"Alison's color" me and Emily said.
It won't be that easy bitches
- A
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