Chapter Fifty-Six: Stolen Kisses
Ethan's Pov
The girls and I were at Emily's house, in her room. We were by her desk, still looking at the website Mona gave us about Maya.
"Mona's trying to help us. Why else would she give us this?" Hanna asked.
I shrugged my shoulders before turning around as Aria walked into the room.
"Emily's still on the phone. She seemed to take it okay, didn't she?" Aria asked, referring to the website of Maya.
"What, like we should be used to hearing from ghosts by now?" Spencer sarcastically asked.
"Spencer, why can't you admit that she is trying to help us?" Hanna asked, annoyed.
"Hanna, did you ever stop to think why Mona would want to help us?" Spencer asked, annoyed.
"Because she's afraid of something, just like we were afraid of her" Hanna said.
"For the record I was never afraid of her, even after we found out she was A" I scoffed, crossing my arms over my chest.
"I don't know" Spencer shrugged.
"Yeah, you don't know, but the cops are still after my blood" Hanna said, annoyed.
"I told you, our mom will handle that" Spencer said.
"I hate needles" Hanna groaned, standing up from the chair.
"Ok, look, whether this if fake or not, we've got to figure out what's on that site" Aria said.
We heard footsteps and turned around to see Emily walking back into the room.
"It was Nate" Emily said, sitting down on her bed.
"What did he want?" I asked, raising an eyebrow at her.
"I promised to hike up with him to the old boat house. Told him it was Maya's favorite spot in Rosewood" Emily said.
The girls and I shared a glance before looking back at Emily.
"You're not gonna, like, tell him about this, are you?" Spencer nervously asked.
"If I did that, I'd have to tell him how we know about it" Emily said.
Thank goodness.
The last thing we need is to involve someone else in this mess.
"Em, what do you want us to do about this?" Aria asked, gesturing to the website.
"Do you mind if we try and break into Maya's site?" Hanna asked.
I saw Emily press her lips into a thin line as sadness washed through her.
It doesn't matter how much time has passed, she still misses Maya. She's slowly learning to move on, but it's been hard.
Emily sighed and looked at us before slowly nodding her head.
"We have to" Emily said.
"Ok. Um, how do we get past the password?" Aria asked.
"It's just a password, there are ways of cracking it" Spencer said.
Emily furrowed her eyebrows together before standing up from her bed as she walked towards her desk.
We all huddled around her and watched her type. She clicked enter but the password she wrote was invalid.
"Thought I had an idea of what it was. Guess I don't know her as well as I thought I did" Emily sighed.
She shut her laptop and placed her head on top of her hands, clearly upset.
I sighed and rubbed her back up and down, trying to give her some comfort.
At The Brew
Wren texted me and told me to meet up with him and Hanna at the brew because he had something to tell us.
How he got my number, I have no idea, but I'm gonna guess Spencer gave it to him.
So right now Hanna and I were sitting at a table with Wren, pouring ourselves some coffee.
"So, what couldn't you tell us over the phone?" Hanna asked.
"Frankly, I shouldn't be telling you anything at all, you two aren't immediate family. But I know how invested you guys are in Mona. Hanna more than you, Ethan" Wren explained.
"Excuse me for refusing to visit someone that lost my trust" I scoffed.
Hanna sighed while Wren nodded in understanding.
"Did something happen to her?" Hanna asked in concern.
"Not yet. But they're gonna move her to a different facility" Wren said.
This made mine and Hanna's eyes widen in shock as we glance at each other before looking back at Wren.
"Near Saratoga. In New York" Wren said.
"No, they can't" Hanna said.
"Her attending physicians think she needs a more intense treatment program. Frankly, I think they're worried about liability more than Mona's health. They want her under high security" Wren explained.
"Why?" I asked, confused.
"For one, Mona's outburst in the day room, and they realize she hasn't been taking all her meds. They think she's been smuggling them out with a visitor" Wren explained.
"What visitor?" Hanna asked, confused and worried.
"Not you or Ethan. But Mona's surprisingly popular" Wren said.
"They can't send her away. What about her parents?" I asked.
"They're still in denial. They'll go along with whatever the board recommends" Wren said.
"Well, talk the board out of it" Hanna basically demanded.
"What?" Wren asked, confused.
"Talk them out of moving her. Tell them in your expert opinion you think she's gonna get much better right here in Rosewood" Hanna explained.
"My expert opinion might not mean much. These are the men who wrote the textbooks" Wren explained.
"I don't care about the books" I scoffed.
Hanna nodded her head while Wren sighed at both of us.
"I can't promise anything, but I'll talk to them" Wren reassured us.
I sighed and nodded my head while Hanna pressed her lips into a thin line and nodded her head.
"You can do it" Hanna said.
"Your confidence in me is bracing. Essentially misplaced, but bracing" Wren softly chuckled.
I rolled my eyes while Hanna let a small smile appear on her face.
I furrowed my eyebrows together when I saw Hanna's eyes wander over to something else, or rather someone else.
I turned around and saw that she was staring at Caleb, who had walked into the brew a few minutes ago to pick up his food.
"Excuse me" Hanna said.
She quickly stood up and walked towards him to try and talk to him.
They haven't spoken to each other ever since they broke up. I hate that he broke up with her in the first place. Hanna's completely heartbroken and misses him like hell.
Caleb and Hanna locked eyes with each other and I can sense some tension between them.
Hanna tried to talk to him, key word, tried.
But Caleb took his food once the cashier gave it to him and left the brew without saying anything.
I sighed and shook my head. My heart clenched when I saw the sadness in Hanna's eyes.
I know she misses him and when he broke up with her a part of her broke.
I just hope that they come back together soon.
At The Park
After leaving the brew house I texted Alyssa and asked her if she was busy. If she wasn't busy with anything I told her to meet me at the park.
Luckily she wasn't busy and agreed to meet up with me. Thank goodness.
I just wanted someone to talk with and hang out with and the only person I could think of was Alyssa.
Sure, I have my best friends and my twin sister, but Alyssa is also my friend and it's nice to have someone new to hang out with.
While waiting on the park bench I was scrolling through my gallery, trying to see if there were some pictures I wanted to keep or delete.
I jumped when I felt a hand on my shoulder.
I turned around, only to smile when I saw Alyssa standing behind me with a smile on her face.
"What's up" Alyssa smiled.
"Hey, blondie. Nice of you to come" I chuckled.
Alyssa chuckled and shook her head at me before walking around to sit next to me on the bench.
Once she sat down I turned my phone off and turned around to face her.
"So, any reason why you called me to come over? Not that I mind" Alyssa asked.
"What? I can't call a friend to hang out?" I asked in mock offense.
Alyssa rolled her eyes, trying to look annoyed, but the smile on her face remained there.
I chuckled before a sigh escaped my lips.
"Fine. I've just been having a semi bad day and I just wanted someone to talk to. That's why" I explained.
"Why didn't you call your sister or your friends? I thought you'd go to them first" Alyssa asked.
"I was tempted to, but I wanted someone new to talk to, and considering you're my new friend I thought why not talk to you" I smiled.
A chuckle escaped her lips as she shook her head at me.
"Well, I'm glad you called me. It makes me feel a bit honored" Alyssa smiled.
I smiled at that, causing her to smile back at me.
I scooted closer to her side and found myself resting my head on her shoulder.
I was afraid she would shove me away from her, but instead she wrapped her arm around my shoulders and gently stroked my hair.
I sighed in content, a smile appearing on my face, enjoying the moment between the two of us.
The Next Day
It was the next day and I was by Emily's locker with Aria.
Aria was telling us that she met Ezra's mom yesterday and she invited Aria to some art gallery.
Now Aria wants our help in what she should wear, she wants to make a good impression in front of Ezra's mom.
"What should I wear? I have to look insanely sophisticated for this" Aria asked.
"How about a hello kitty t-shirt?" Emily sarcastically smiled.
I snorted while Aria shot her a half annoyed and half amused look.
"Help me, please. This is Ezra's mom" Aria said.
"So, what's she like?" I asked.
"Diamonds and chanel on a Sunday morning" Aria smiled.
"I think you're in Spencer and Ethan territory" Emily said.
"That's a good idea" Aria nodded.
Emily closed her locker as the three of us began walking
"Well, I'm not really a fashion expert, but I suggest wearing a classy dress. Don't wear a dress you'd wear for a club. Don't wear too much makeup and tidy up your hair. Either curl it or put it in a bun" I explained.
Aria nodded her head in understanding.
"So, Ezra's family has some money" Emily said.
"Yeah, his mom does" Aria nodded.
I furrowed my eyebrows at the look on Emily's face. Aria saw too and raised an eyebrow at her.
"What?" Aria asked, confused.
"You just said he's been scrambling for work" Emily said.
"I have been with the boy who gets a fat allowance. It's like having the parent on the date with you" Aria said.
"Ok, first, he's not a boy. And second, if he really needed help, don't you think he'd ask her?" I asked.
Aria remained silent at that, unsure of what to say.
Emily shook her head and walked away. I sighed and patted Aria's shoulder before walking away.
At The Courtyard
The girls and I were in the courtyard together and we were discussing an A text that Spencer got when she was talking to Caleb.
Mona's almost gone. Hanna's next
- A
"Mona's almost gone? Gone where?" Aria asked, confused.
Spencer shrugged her shoulders, while Hanna and I glanced at each other in realization.
I sighed and nodded my head, telling Hanna we have to tell them what Wren told us.
"The doctors at Radley want to send her to another hospital, one with thicker bars" Hanna explained.
I nodded my head as the girls looked at us in shock.
"How do you guys know that?" Emily asked.
"Wren told us" I said.
"He did?" Spencer asked in shock.
"What does he have to do with any of this?" Aria asked, confused.
"He thought we should know, and he said that Mona's been passing her meds to a visitor" I explained.
"Lucas?" Emily asked, causing me to glare at her.
"You're saying that the pills that Aria found in his bag might be for Mona?" Spencer asked in shock.
"I don't know. Wren didn't tell us, so we didn't ask" Hanna said and I nodded.
"And 'Hanna's next'" Emily said, regarding to the other part of the text message.
"I don't want to give anyone any of my blood. I need all I got" Hanna said, clearly worried.
"Our mom is handling it" Spencer said and I nodded.
"Wait a second. If they send Mona away, we're not gonna find out why she gave us Maya's site" Aria said.
"If it really is Maya's site" Emily said.
I sighed and shook my head, resting it on Hanna's shoulder. I heard her sigh before laying her head on top of mine.
Back At Home
After school Spencer and I went home, Aria came with us since she asked Spencer to borrow one of her dresses.
"You're sure your mom can stop this court order on Hanna's blood?" Aria asked, looking at both me and Spencer.
"Our mom picks her teeth with court orders" I chuckled.
Spencer smiled and nodded as she set her bag and books down.
"What did you want to borrow?" Spencer asked.
"Well, like Ethan said I want something classy, not frumpy" Aria said.
Spencer placed her hand on her hip and shot her a deadpan look, causing me to snort.
"Not that you have frumpy" Aria quickly said.
Spencer rolled her eyes and shook her head while a chuckle escaped my lips.
My eyes wandered down to the ground and I furrowed my eyebrows together when I saw mom's bag.
"Mom!" I yelled.
No response.
Spencer and I glanced at each other before nodding as I picked her bag up and set it on the counter.
"Guys, she's gonna know you went through there" Aria said.
"Oh please, we can get in and out without leaving a trace" I grinned.
Spencer nodded before opening the bag. She searched through the files that were inside before finding Garrett's.
"Ooh, jackpot" Spencer grinned before taking out the file.
"Garrett's file?" Aria asked, confused.
"Yeah. The works. Get out your phone. We're taking pictures" I said.
Aria nodded before taking her phone out so she could start taking the pictures.
At Radley
Wren called Hanna and I to tell us what happened when he talked to the board about letting Mona stay at Radley.
Hopefully it's good news instead of bad because I'll literally scream if it's bad news.
Hanna paced back and forth while I leaned against the wall, playing with my fingers.
Finally Wren walked out and we both walked towards him.
Judging by his facial expression, he's got bad news.
"I'm afraid you're much more impressed with my opinion than the board. I couldn't say anything to change their minds" Wren explained.
A sigh of disappointment escaped my lips as I dropped my arms to my sides.
"When do they send her away?" Hanna asked.
"It's just a matter of paperwork now" Wren said.
I sighed and walked over to a nearby chair and sat down. Hanna sighed before sitting down next to me.
Wren frowned at both of us before grabbing a chair as he set it in front of us and sat down.
"Look, guys, we may have been going about this the wrong way. I'm not the person to speak to them on Mona's behalf. You two are" Wren explained.
Mine and Hanna's eyes widen as we looked at each other before looking back at Wren.
Is he serious right now?
"Us?" Hanna and I asked.
"Yeah. You guys have been visiting her for months. You're her friend" Wren said.
"You want us to talk to a bunch of doctors? Me specifically?" Hanna asked, raising an eyebrow at him.
"Not the whole board, just her primary physicians. There's an advocacy hearing tonight. Explain it to them the way you guys explained it to me" Wren explained.
"No. I can't talk to them the way I talk to you. Ethan might be able to do it but not me" Hanna said.
"I don't even know I can do it either. I can't talk about Mona without creating a scene and the last thing I want is to give them another reason to send her away" I explained.
I still have a grudge towards Mona because of what she did to us. To me.
What do I even say to the board that'll make them change their mind?
"Then you better be prepared to say good-bye to Mona" Wren said.
Hanna and I glanced at each other before sighing in annoyance.
Great. Just fucking great.
Late At Night
It was time for the advocacy hearing and to say Hanna and I are nervous would be an understatement.
Wren made us change into some professional clothes, which makes sense, given that this is something important.
I went home to change into a casual suit. I didn't really want to wear those fancy shoes so I just decided on wearing my favorite pair of sneakers.
I did get a disapproving look from Wren because of it, but I brushed him off.
My body, my choice of clothing.
So right now Hanna, Wren and I were in one of the meeting rooms with the board.
Hanna and I sat next to each other, Wren sat across from us while the board sat in front of us.
Wren made some flashcards for us to read off of, thinking that it would help.
"I believe it would be very therapeutic for Mona to stay at Radley. She needs the continuity of clinical environment so important to fully integrate the socially challenged teen back into the peer community" Hanna explained.
To be honest these cards make me want to rip them up because what's written on these cards isn't what we'd say.
Hanna nudged my arm, gesturing for me to take the lead.
I cleared my throat and looked at my cards. I opened my mouth to read off what the cards said, but nothing came out of my mouth.
"Look, Mona did some terrible things. She did some of them to me, and I'm her best friend. Believe me when I say that I'm angry, really angry at what she did, but in a way I can understand how angry she was. I was there for Mona when she needed it the most. I befriended her because I wanted to get to know her more, I wanted to know who she truly was because I know she was more than what people thought of her or called her.
My eyes began watering and I blinked, already feeling the tears stream down my cheeks.
"Despite the shit that Mona has done, despite how incredibly angry I am at her, she's still my best friend. No matter what she's done she's still my best friend. I still care about her. And I know that if I were in her position she'd be begging you all to let me stay. If she gets sent to Saratoga, nobody will be there to hold her hand or give her the encouragement that she needs so she can get better. She needs her best friends by her side" I explained.
I closed my eyes and allowed the tears to stream down my face.
I don't know why, but talking about all of this has got me so damn emotional.
Hanna reached over to grab my hand, I could see a few tears streaming down her cheeks.
A sigh escaped her lips as she looked at the board, a pleading look in her eyes.
"So, please, let her stay" Hanna begged.
A Few Minutes Later
Hanna and I were sitting next to each other while waiting for Wren to come back.
I had a bottle of water in my hands while looking down at my feet. Hanna was rubbing my back up and down, doing her best to comfort me.
"I screwed up, big time" I sighed.
"Bubs, don't be like that, you didn't screw anything up" Hanna softly said.
"Yes I did, buttercup. I freaking cursed in front of the board. For all we know they're probably getting ready to send her away" I said.
"You spoke what was on your mind, you spoke the truth and believe it or not, telling the truth can be an amazing thing" Hanna softly said.
I shook my head, unconvinced.
We heard footsteps and turned around to see Wren walking towards us.
We stood up from our chairs and walked towards him.
"I screwed up, didn't I? They're probably gonna send her to Mars now" I angrily sighed.
"Bubs" Hanna sighed, gently patting my arm.
"You did the opposite of screwing up. Based on your testimony, the board has decided to delay any decision to transfer Mona" Wren explained, smiling.
This made my eyes widen in shock and disbelief.
Hanna and I glanced at each other before looking back at a still smiling Wren.
"She gets to stay?" Hanna asked.
"She gets to stay" Wren smiled, nodding his head.
"Oh my god, that's amazing!" I grinned.
Hanna and I quickly shared a hug before pulling away.
I made a move to hug Wren, when all of a sudden Hanna leaned towards him and pressed her lips onto his.
My eyes widen and my jaw dropped in disbelief.
The kiss only lasted for a few seconds before Hanna quickly pulled away.
Hanna glanced at me and I can tell that she was shocked by her own actions.
Wren was shocked, obviously, and just stared at Hanna in disbelief, but I can see his cheeks turning red.
"I thought you'd be pleased" Wren managed to say.
"I am. Thank you" Hanna said.
"You're welcome" Wren nodded.
I opened my mouth to say something when my phone chimed.
I took it out from my pocket and turned it on to see a text message from Spencer.
Have you heard from Em? You need to see something. Now
This made my eyebrows furrow in confusion. What does she need to show us?
Back At Home
When Hanna and I made it to the house we went upstairs and walked inside Spencer's room, where we saw Aria.
I'm not sure where Emily is but my guess is she's either with Paige or Nate.
Apparently Spencer got Caleb to help hack into Maya's site and he was successful.
Right now we're looking at one of the videos and it was one of Emily eating frozen yogurt.
"You're making me laugh. I'm trying to eat" Emily giggled.
"We should not be watching this" Aria said, backing away.
"There are hundreds of videos, and you don't know what they are until you open them" Spencer explained.
Spencer exited the video and began looking at all the videos and photos that were there.
"Everything's jumbled up" Aria said.
"Yeah, it's more of a junk drawer than a journal" I said.
"Yeah, but this is real. Mona gave us the genuine article" Hanna said.
"How?" Aria asked.
"Why?" Spencer asked.
"To help us" I said and Hanna nodded.
"How much of this did Caleb see?" Aria asked.
"He didn't want to see any of it once he realized what it was, but he got us in there" Spencer explained.
She clicked on a video of Maya, she looked like she was in her room, on her bed under the covers.
"I think Emily's got a very old soul. I feel it when I kiss her. I can hear clocks all over the world running backwards" Maya smiled.
Spencer moved away from her laptop and pushed some of her hair away.
"I'm so out of my comfort zone" Spencer said.
Hanna sighed and moved onto the next video, causing Aria to sigh in annoyance as she tried prying her hand away.
"Hanna, just, don't" Aria said.
"Just one more" Hanna said.
She clicked on another video of Maya and it looked like she was in the woods.
"I'm such a coward. I know that. I have to face my fears. I can't hide forever. I can't keep being afraid" Maya explained.
I frowned, she looked genuinely scared of something. And it looked like she was going to cry.
Maya saw or heard something that made her freak out because she put the camera down.
"Call her" I demanded, looking at my sister.
"Her phone is off" Spencer said as she took her phone out.
"Well, call her again. Now" Aria sternly said.
Spencer sighed and nodded before she began dialing Emily's number.
"We can't watch this without her" I said.
"At least it's on this time" Spencer said.
We can't continue watching these videos without Emily.
Maya was her girlfriend, Emily has every right to see these videos, she deserves to be apart of this.
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