Chapter Eleven: Keep Your Friends Close
Ethan's Pov
Me and the girls were at school, by Hanna's locker. She was looking at herself in the mirror, she sighed before turning to us.
"Ok, I need to ask you guys something. And I need you to be totally honest with me" Hanna said, turning to look at us.
I frowned at her in concern as me and the girls nodded.
"Is this side of my face fatter than this side?" Hanna asked, moving her face so that we could get a better look.
We looked at the side of her face and shook our heads.
"No" me and the girls said.
Hanna sighed, not convinced, and touched the sides of her face, making me release a small chuckle.
I looked at Aria, only to see her frowning while looking at something.
I frowned and looked to see what she was looking at, only to see that it was Ian.
Melissa's ex-boyfriend.
I have to admit that he was a pretty cool dude and he and Melissa were perfect for each other. But when he broke up with her, I ended up hating him.
"Is that Ian?" Aria asked.
The girls looked to see Ian walking towards someone, smiling and shaking their hand as he began talking to them.
"Does Melissa know he's back?" Emily asked, looking at me and Spencer.
Me and Spencer shook our heads. I don't really want him around my sister after he broke her heart.
"I don't know why she broke up with him" Hanna said.
"She didn't" Spencer said and I nodded.
"He broke up with her" I scoffed, glaring at him.
"Hey!" we heard Mona yelling towards us.
We turned around to see her walking towards us, smiling widely while holding decorative cards in her hands.
"The first ones for my bestie. And one for each of you, my bestie's other friends" Mona smiled.
She handed Hanna a card before handing the girls their own. I frowned when I didn't get one, but decided to wait to see what Mona would say.
"Oh, what's this?" Aria asked.
"Oh, nothing. Only an invitation to the most awesome birthday party ever, Camp Mona" Mona smiled.
Hanna smiled at her while I tried to hold in my laughter at the girls expressions.
"Camp Mona?" Aria asked in confusion and Mona nodded.
"Don't let the camping part scare you. It's 'glamping,' not camping. M is for Mona and massages, not mosquitoes" Mona explained, smiling.
Hanna smiled at her while the girls were just confused, but nodded at her either way.
Mona looked at me and gave me an apologetic smile.
"I'm sorry, Ethan. As much as I want to invite you to my birthday party, it's for girls only" Mona said.
I chuckled at her and nodded in understanding.
"Nah I get it, don't worry. I guess that's my disadvantage of being best friends will all girls" I said in a joking way.
This earned laughs from all of them as they shook their heads at me.
"Oh, Naomi, Riley, hey, wait up!" Mona yelled as she ran over to give out more of her invitations.
When she left, the girls all looked at Hanna with confused looks.
"Why is Mona inviting us to her birthday party?" Spencer asked.
"She knows that we're friends again and she's just trying to reach out to you. She's trying to be nice. So are you gonna go?" Hanna asked with a hopeful expression.
The girls all looked at each other before looking back at her.
"I know she's your friend, but..." Spencer said.
"Yeah, but I'm gonna have to pass" Aria said and Spencer nodded.
"I've got alot of stuff to do this weekend" Spencer said.
"Me too" Emily nodded.
Hanna scoffed and shook her head at them while I rolled my eyes.
Just when we were about to leave to head for class, all our phones ringed.
We gave each other knowing looks before sighing and taking our phones out to read the text messages.
No surprise that it was a text from A.
"Camp Mona's a scavenger hunt and I'm the prize" Spencer said, reading the text from her phone.
"Come and find me, bitches" Hanna said, reading the text.
"A" all of us said together.
We all looked at each other before looking around. The girls were scared while I was worried and annoyed.
The Next Day
Me and Spencer were in the kitchen, she was preparing some tea while I was preparing a sandwich.
I heard footsteps and turned around to see Melissa walking in.
"Good morning" Melissa smiled at me and surprisingly Spencer too.
"Hey sis" I smiled at her, taking a bite out of my sandwich.
She smiled at me and kissed my head before walking pass Spencer. She grabbed a glass cup and walked over to the fridge
She took out some orange juice and closed the fridge. She turned to me and Spencer and smiled once more.
"Juice?" Melissa asked, pouring some in her cup.
I smiled at her and shook my head while Spencer gave her a confused and suspicious look. Not gonna lie, Melissa being nice to Spencer is weird.
"Why are you being nice to me?" Spencer asked, raising an eyebrow at her.
I'd like to know that too.
Melissa sighed and set the orange juice on the counter before looking at both of us.
"Why didn't either of you tell me lan was back?" Melissa asked.
"Because normal for us is not speaking" Spencer said, as if it were the obvious.
"Sis, I love you, but I wasn't about to tell you that your ex-boyfriend was back. The same one that broke up with you and broke your heart" I scoffed.
Melissa giggled and nodded at my answer before looking at Spencer.
"He told me he saw you both at Alison's memorial" Melissa said.
"Yeah. Well, we didn't talk" Spencer said and I nodded.
I ain't talking to that jerk. After he broke Melissa's heart, no way.
"He asked me out for coffee" Melissa said.
"That's good, right?" Spencer asked, taking a sip of her tea.
"Not even close" I muttered under my breath, taking a bite out of my sandwich.
"Ian broke my heart, Spencer, and I'm still getting over Wren. So I said no" Melissa sighed, shaking her head.
Thank the lords.
"I'm really sorry about Wren, Melissa. I really am" Spencer softly said, looking at our older sister with apologetic eyes.
Melissa looked at her for a few seconds before nodding.
"Yeah" Melissa said.
She didn't say anything else, other then grabbing her cup and walking away to head upstairs. I sighed and shook my head.
Well, at least those two managed to talk without yelling. So that's gotta be something.
At School
Me and the girls, minus Aria, were by the lockers talking. Apparently the cops were here and we were all on edge.
We don't know what's going on or why the hell they're here, but one thing I know is that we're most definitely going to get questioned.
Great, just what we needed.
"What could they have found?" Hanna asked.
"I don't know" I shrugged, Spencer nodding with me.
"Maybe they wanna talk to someone else" Emily said, but I doubt that's possible.
Aria walked over to us and we all looked at her, only to see the confused look on her face.
"Hey, what's going on?" Aria asked.
"The cops are here" Hanna said.
"I heard they found something of Alison's" Spencer said and we all nodded.
"Spencer and Ethan Hastings, Aria Montgomery, Emily Fields, Hanna Marin, please come to the office" the man on the PA announced.
Me and the girls all looked at each other in worry but we knew we had to go either way.
At The Office
Me and the girls were in the office, they were sitting on the couch while I remained standing.
It was quiet for a few minutes, we didn't talk or do anything, we just remained where we were and just waited.
Finally, two people walked into the office.
"Sorry to keep you waiting. I'm Agent Cooper" the lady, Agent Cooper, said.
We smiled at her and nodded as the guy behind her closed the door. Agent Cooper handed me a card and I nodded at her in thanks.
When I looked at the card, my eyes widened in shock and worry.
"FBI?" I asked.
The girls looked at me in shock before we looked back at the agents.
"This is my partner, Agent Randall. We're here because the Bureau was asked by local authorities to assist in the investigation of Alison Dilaurentis murder" Agent Cooper explained.
Me and the girls glanced at each other before glancing back at her.
"I wanna show you something sent to Rosewood Police Department by an anonymous source. Family's given me permission to show it to the five of you" Agent Cooper explained.
She picked up a remote and pressed the play button on the T.V.
We all turned to the T.V to see what we would be watching.
To our shock, it was a video of Alison, the night she went missing.
"Wanna see more? I know you want to" Alison smiled, her smile being a flirty one, slightly taking off her green sweater.
I kept my eyes glued to the screen, the girls did too, we wanted to make sure we didn't miss anything.
"If the girls or Ethan knew I was seeing you oh, my God, they would not stop talking about it. Well, other than Ethan, he would either not care that much or get all protective" Alison smiled.
Me and the girls glanced at each other before looking back at the T.V.
"I wish they were more mature, like Ethan, but. We don't have a lot of time. I have to get back before they wake up. I know you wanna kiss me" Alison smiled.
Agent Cooper stopped the video and turned to us.
"Is there anything you can tell me about what you see?" Agent Cooper asked.
"They're at the kissing rock. It's in the woods behind the lake" Emily said and I nodded.
"I think this was taken the night that Alison disappeared. She was wearing that yellow top" Aria said.
"But that's not her sweater" Hanna said and I nodded.
"Are you sure?" Agent Cooper asked.
"Ask her what's in each one of our closets and she'll give you an itemized list. Trust me, she knows clothes" I said.
This earned a small smile and nod from Hanna.
"I think she's talking to the older boy" Spencer said, pushing some of her hair away from her face.
"So-called mystery boyfriend?" Agent Cooper asked.
"Alison didn't want us to know who he was" I said.
"Was it an older high school boy?" Agent Cooper asked.
"She only told me enough to make it a secret" I said.
Agent Cooper hummed and nodded, taking the remote.
"Ah. Alison liked secrets?" Agent Cooper asked.
"She thought sharing secrets kept us close" Emily said.
"They do. But secrets are made to be found out with time" Agent Cooper.
I had to admit that what she said was true. Secrets are meant to be revealed in time. And I honestly don't want that time to come.
The Next Day
It was the next day, the day of Mona's party and the girls were all going.
Well, minus Hanna.
Apparently A sent Mona a text and made up a fake rumor about Hanna. And because of that she uninvited Hanna to her party.
I wanted to find A and smack him or her across the face for doing that to my best friend, but I'll save that for when we finally find out who they are.
Right now, me and the girls were at my house, heading inside while carrying a few boxes.
When we got inside, we saw Melissa talking to Ian.
"You broke up with me, remember?" Melissa asked, crossing her arms over her chest.
"I just wanna take you out for coffee" Ian said, walking a bit closer towards her.
Melissa scoffed and shook her head, turning around to look at us and flashed us small smiles.
"You guys are going camping? Cute" Melissa said.
We all nodded, a bit awkwardly, Melissa then looked back at Ian before scoffing and walking away to head upstairs.
"Wait. Wait. Hey, wait" Spencer said, running towards her to catch up.
I raised an eyebrow at her before smiling when I realized what she was trying to do.
I couldn't hear what those two were saying, but it looked like Spencer managed to convince her based on the look Melissa gave Ian.
"Coffee, that's it" Melissa said, walking down the stairs.
"Okay" Ian nodded.
Melissa grabbed her purse and walked out the house. Ian looked at Spencer and nodded at her in thanks.
Spencer nodded and with that he left the house. She sighed and made her way towards us.
"Since when are you mending Melissa's relationships?" Aria asked.
"I kind of owe it to her" Spencer said.
"What's she ever done for you?" Emily asked.
"It's more about what did I do to her. I'm the reason she and Wren broke up. We had a moment and Melissa saw us" Spencer sighed.
"A moment?" I asked, raising an eyebrow at her in confusion.
She looked at me and bit her lip while nodding.
"Yeah. It gets worse. Yeah, Melissa doesn't know this part, but I also had a moment with Ian" Spencer sighed.
My eyes widened in shock, along with the girls.
"Shut up" Hanna gasped.
"It was early in the summer, before Alison went missing. It was just one kiss. But after they broke up, we started seeing each other" Spencer explained.
Oh my lord. Spencer and Ian kissed.
I'm not sure whether to be shocked, mad or both.
"I feel like the poster child for poor judgment" Spencer sighed.
"You could have told us, Spencer" Emily said and I nodded.
"Really? Ali knew about the first kiss and she thought I was awful" Spencer scoffed.
"Well, sis, we're not Ali. We wouldn't do that to you, even if I'll admit that I'm shocked myself about it" I softly said.
The girls nodded and she sighed in relief.
"I should not tell Melissa, right?" Spencer asked.
"Right" we all nodded.
Spencer sighed and nodded. My eyes wandered over to the T.V and when I saw Alison's picture they widened in confusion yet shock.
"Spence, turn the T.V up" I said.
The girls looked at the T.V and when they saw Alison's picture their eyes widened. Spencer quickly grabbed the remote and turned up the volume.
"Authorities searched the family home earlier today reports have confirmed that a blood stain on the sweater is a match to the victim's" the reporter explained.
This made our eyes widened even more, my eyes glued to the T.V the entire time.
"If you just tuned in, police issued a warrant for the arrest... of missing Rosewood teen Toby Cavanaugh. He is wanted for the murder of Alison DiLaurentis" the reporter explained.
My eyes widened when a picture of Toby came up.
The sweater Alison was wearing was Toby...?
Meaning that he was there when she went missing. But no, no I still don't believe that he killed her.
There's no way that Toby was the guy she was seeing and there's no way he killed her, no matter how much he hated her.
"That sweater was Toby's" Hanna gasped.
"No, Alison was not dating Toby. There's no way that's the guy she's talking to in the video" Aria said and I nodded.
"Aria, you saw the news. They have proof" Hanna said.
"If it's Toby's sweater, then he has to be the boy at the kissing rock" Spencer said.
I shook my head, still not believing this.
I don't believe that Toby killed Alison. He's not responsible for my best friends death. He's my friend and I don't believe that he did this.
No matter what proof the police have, I know that Toby didn't do this.
"Is it finally over?" Emily asked.
"No. Toby's been missing for weeks. It won't be over until he's behind bars" Spencer said.
None of this will be over until we find out who A is.
I don't give a shit if my sister of my friends believe Toby is A and killed Alison.
I believe that A is still out there and he, she or it won't leave us alone.
An Hour Later
I was in Spencer's room, helping her pack for the party. We were packing her clothes, putting them in her bag.
While we were packing her stuff, we heard a knock at her door, and turned around to see Melissa.
She smiled at both of us, and to my shock and relief, her smile for Spencer was a real one.
"Knock, knock" Melissa said.
This made me chuckle and shake my head at her, Spencer doing the same.
"I actually had a good time with Ian" Melissa smiled, leaning against the wall.
"Oh. Well I will call TMZ" Spencer joked, making me chuckle and shake my head at her.
"I was thinking about what you said earlier. About being tired. You and I hating each other has become a lot of work" Melissa said.
I smiled at that while Spencer looked a bit shocked.
Finally, finally they were making up.
Finally, Melissa was getting over the Wren situation. Maybe from now on those two will learn to get along.
"I didn't know we hated each other. I just I thought we didn't like each other" Spencer said.
This made me laugh, making Melissa join in on the laughter.
"You two have seen the news, right?" Melissa asked.
"Yep" Spencer nodded.
"Yeah" I sighed, shaking my head, putting a few of Spencer's shirts in her bag.
"Alison fooled us all, didn't she? I remember her constantly trashing that kid and the whole time, she was seeing him" Melissa scoffed.
"Well, Ali played a lot of games, Melissa" I said and Spencer nodded.
"It's probably what got her killed" Melissa sighed.
And I had to admit that what she said was right.
Alison played lots of games, hurt lots of people, and so many other stuff she did is probably the reason she was killed.
A Few Hours Later
At Hanna's House
After Spencer left to go to Mona's party, I went over to Hanna's house to keep her company since she wasn't going to the party.
However, she told me that she was still going to the party, without being seen.
I'm going with her. Not for the party, but so that we can catch A in the act. This is our only chance at finding out who they are to put a stop to this.
We were in the kitchen, I was helping her pack when she took her phone out and began calling Aria.
She set her phone down on the kitchen counter and put it on speaker.
"Hey" we heard Aria say.
"Hey. How's our friend Mona?" Hanna asked.
It was silent for a few seconds before Aria responded once again.
"Uh...she's Mona" Aria said and I snorted at that, already knowing what she meant.
"Well, me and Ethan are leaving in 10" Hanna said and I nodded.
"Yeah. And if A's watching you guys, we'll be watching her" I smirked, holding up some binoculars.
Hanna smirked and nodded, putting a few more items in her bag.
"Are you sure you guys are gonna be okay?" Aria asked in worry.
"I went to fat camp for five summers. I can handle some woods" Hanna scoffed, shaking her head.
"Hanna, Ethan, listen. Emily saw Toby" Aria said.
This made mine and Hanna's eyes widen in shock. We tried asking her something, but the line begins to falter.
"Hello?" Hanna asked, but nothing.
I sighed and shook my head and ended the call.
"No use calling them, their in the woods, the reception has to be terrible" I said.
"Alright, we'll help me pack a few more things and we should be good to go" Hanna said.
I nodded and with that we both walked off to get a few more things before we could head to the woods for Mona's party.
And to find out whoever this A person is.
At The Camp
Me and Hanna left her house to head to the camp for Mona's party.
We made our way into the woods, walking close by as we did our best not to make too much noise and to avoid being seen.
While we were walking, we made a stop when we realized we were close by.
We managed to get a peek of what was going on and saw everyone at the party. But we couldn't see Spencer, Emily, or Aria.
Me and Hanna looked at each other and nodded before walking away to head somewhere we could hide out for the moment.
"Hey, buttercup, I'm really sorry about what happened between you and Mona. If A hadn't texted her and made up that lie, you would've been at the party and had fun with your best friend" I said.
"It's fine, bubs. Really. I'm not mad at Mona, I'm just angry with A. She, he, or it just can't seem to leave us alone" Hanna sighed in annoyance.
I gave her a small sad smile and nodded.
She let out a small sigh before turning to me, not stopping to walk as we kept on going.
"Bubs, can I tell you something. It has nothing to do with A or the situation we're in, it's just something I want to tell you that I've been meaning to tell you before. Even before Ali died" Hanna said.
I looked at her with furrowed eyebrows but nodded, telling her yes.
She took a few deep breaths before opening her mouth to speak again.
"Don't tell Spencer, but you've always been my favorite twin. Mostly because you were the only one that defended me whenever Alison made fun of my weight" Hanna softly said.
This made a soft smile appear on my face as I let out a small chuckle.
"Hanna, before Ali went missing you and I were always close. I hated whenever Alison made fun of you. How my sister and the others just let her and didn't do anything. I couldn't just stand by and let her do that to you. Whether she was my best friend or not, she was still a bitch" I said.
This made Hanna laugh, and soon we were both laughing messes.
And with that, we both continued walking to continue what we were doing.
To continue what we came here to do.
At Night
Night time came by faster then expected.
Me and Hanna managed to find a hiding spot nearby and that's where we currently were.
She was using the binoculars, trying to see something, anything that could help us since we were desperate for any clues.
I didn't need the binoculars that much since my eyesight was pretty good.
Hanna kept scanning the place for anything but nothing. She put the binoculars down and let out a defeated sigh.
Then all of a sudden we heard a noise.
We looked to see where that noise was coming from and to our shock we saw a car pulling up.
This made our eyes widened as we glanced at each other before looking back at the car. Hanna used the binoculars while I did my best to try and see who was driving without them.
But I guess neither of us could see as Hanna put the binoculars down, again, and sighed. Me joining in on sighing.
We were gonna be here forever.
The car was still there, with the lights on, and me and Hanna were doing our best to see who was inside.
"This is getting boring" I muttered under my breath.
Hanna still heard me and smacked me upside the head. She giggled at the glare I gave her, making me roll my eyes.
I shook my head before my eyes wandered over to a noise I heard nearby the car. I looked up and saw a figure walking towards the car and getting inside.
Hanna used the binoculars to try and get a better look while I took out my phone to use my camera to see if I could see whoever was in that car. We needed something, anything.
The lights to the car turned off, and I still didn't get a good look at who was in the car.
I groaned in annoyance and turned my phone off. I looked at Hanna, only to see her still looking at the car with the binoculars.
"Mr. Fitz and...Oh, my God" Hanna gasped, putting the binoculars down.
"What? Mr. Fitz and who?" I asked, wanting some answers.
She made a move to say something, when we heard another noise. We turned back to the car, only for our eyes to widen when we saw a figure in a black hoodie walking behind the car of Mr. Fitz.
Me and Hanna glanced at each other before she used the binoculars and I got my phone out.
This time, I managed to get a better look at the figure. I couldn't see their face, but something tells me that I will, once they turn around and I get a better look.
Hanna gasped and quickly pulled out her phone and began typing.
I was confused and turned back to look at the figure. But when the figure turned around and ran away, I got a good look at their face.
My eyes widened in shock and I dropped my phone. I couldn't believe what I just saw.
Me and Hanna glanced at each other and she grabbed her bag.
"Come on, I've texted the others. We're meeting them at the parking lot" Hanna said.
"Got it" I nodded.
I picked up my phone and put it in my pants pocket. With that me and Hanna began running as fast as we could to get to the parking lot.
We had to get to the girls and tell them what we knew.
At The Parking Lot
Me and Hanna were completely tired after the running we did, but it was worth it because we made it to the parking lot.
When we got there, we stopped running and began walking instead. We made sure to stay close since we were alone, it was dark and A could've followed us.
While we were walking, we heard rustling. We ignored it and continued walking before we stopped when we heard a twig snap.
We both looked behind us but saw nothing.
"Come on" I whispered to her.
I grabbed her arm and pulled her to hide behind a car with me.
We began scanning the area, trying to see anything or anyone.
We heard more footsteps and rustling. Our eyes wandered over to where we heard the noise and we jumped slightly when we saw the same figure running away.
We glanced at each other before turning back around, trying to see if they were still here or if they had truly run off.
"Hanna? Ethan?" we heard Spencer yelling from nearby.
This made me and Hanna turn around to see Aria, Spencer and Emily on the other side of the parking lot. With flashlights in their hands.
"Hanna. Ethan. We're over here!" Aria yelled.
Me and Hanna sighed in relief as we began walking towards them.
Walking soon turned into speed walking, which soon turned into jogging. We wanted to get to the girls and tell them everything.
The three of them ran towards us, but then stopped all of a sudden.
I was confused, so was Hanna, until we both stopped running when we heard a noise nearby. Not only that, but a light shone near us.
"Hanna! Ethan! Watch out!" Aria yelled.
Me and Hanna turned around and our eyes widened when we saw a car driving towards us, at fast speed and it wasn't stopping.
"Hanna, Ethan, look out!" Emily yelled.
Neither of us moved, we were both frozen in shock. But when the car came closer towards us, I snapped out of it and knew what I needed to do.
Without any hesitation, I quickly shoved Hanna out of the way with every strength in my body.
She landed on her back, a few feet away from me but luckily nowhere near me or the car.
But bad luck for me, the car kept coming and before I knew it it collided with me. My entire body rolled over the hood of the car and then I made contact with the ground.
"ETHAN!" I heard Aria shouting.
"ETHAN! GET UP!" I heard Spencer shout in fear.
I tried to stay awake, I tried to keep my eyes open but I felt weak. My entire body hurt and the last thing I saw before losing consciousness was my best friends and sister running towards me.
Nobody's Pov
Aria, Emily and Spencer gasped loudly in horror when they saw Ethan getting hit by the car.
Hanna watched in horror as Ethan collided with the car and landed on the ground, his eyes closing, looking completely lifeless on the ground.
"NO! ETHAN!" Hanna shouted.
Using all the strength in her, Hanna shot up from the ground and ran towards Ethan as fast as she could.
"ETHAN!" Spencer shouted, running towards her brother as fast as she could.
"Call 911!" Aria yelled as her and Emily ran behind Spencer to get to Ethan.
Hanna had tears streaming down her face, Ethan's head resting on her lap.
When she was close, Spencer crouched down and immediately brought Ethan into her arms, holding him tightly.
"Ethan! Ethan! Wake up!" Spencer yelled, looking down at her brothers lifeless body with tears in her eyes.
Emily took out her phone and quickly dialed 911.
"There's been an accident. We're in the Camp Rosewood parking lot" Emily begged, her voice cracking as she hung up.
"He's not breathing" Hanna sobbed.
Emily quickly brought Hanna into a hug and allowed her to cry and sob.
"Ethan. Ethan come on" Aria begged, her own tears streaming down her face as she held onto his hand.
They heard a phone ringing and turned around to see Ethan's phone on the ground.
"Oh please no" Emily begged, shaking her head.
Aria picked up his phone and looked at the text.
"They knew too much. But I was aiming for Hanna. A" Aria said, reading the message from Ethan's phone.
Hanna cried and sobbed more as she hugged Emily tighter. Emily rubbed her back up and down, her own tears streaming down her face.
"Somebody! Help!" Spencer yelled.
Her eyes were red, her voice hurt from yelling as more tears streamed down her face.
She brought her brother closer to her chest, rocking back and forth, holding him tightly in her arms as she refused to let him go.
The four friends remained where they were. Huddled around Ethan's lifeless body, looking around, yelling and shouting for someone, anybody, to come and help.
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