Chapter Eighty-One: Into The Deep
Ethan's Pov
The girls and I had spent nearly the whole night at the police station in hopes to get some answers.
Considering Mona confessed to a murder she didn't even commit.
Unfortunately, they didn't tell us anything.
It was getting late and because of that mom suggested that we all go home since it was getting late.
None of us wanted to leave but we were getting tired and had to admit that we needed sleep.
Caleb decided he'd drop Emily off at the hotel her and her mom were staying at.
Jake took Aria home and would stay with her since it's clear Aria didn't want to be alone.
Hanna came with Spencer and I and slept over at our place since she didn't want to be alone.
Right now it was morning and Spencer, Hanna and I were lying on the couch.
Mom wasn't here when we woke up so we figured that she woke up earlier than us to head back to the police station to get some information.
So, after eating breakfast we decided to wait for her in the living room so we could get some answers.
We waited for a bit before she finally walked into the house.
The three of us immediately stood up and made our way over to her.
"Hey, where were you?" Spencer asked.
"I went back to the station to see what I could find out" Mom told her, setting her purse down.
"And?" I asked, crossing my arms over my chest.
"Apparently after we left last night, Mona made a full confession" Mom told us.
My eyes widened at that as Spencer and I shared a glance while Hanna remained silent.
Why isn't she saying anything? Why doesn't she look shocked like we do?
"Did you guys put her up to this thinking it would somehow help Ashley?" Mom asked.
"Of course not. Mom, we would never do anything that stupid" Spencer said.
I nodded because we would never do something like that.
"I knew Mona was devious, but this is beyond anything I ever thought she was capable of" Mom sighed.
"What makes you so sure that she didn't do it?" I asked, confused.
"Things she said in her confession contradict some of the evidence" Mom told me.
Mom then turned to Hanna.
"Do you have any idea why Mona would do this?" Mom asked.
"No. No, honest" Hanna told her while shaking her head.
"I hope not, because if you guys are involved in any way, it will really hurt your mother's case" Mom sternly said.
With that she left the room leaving the three of us alone.
Spencer and I glanced at each other before looking at Hanna.
"Please tell me you had nothing to do with this" Spencer begged.
I really, really, want Hanna to deny that she doesn't know why Mona would do something like this.
But when she turned to look at us, the expression on her face said everything.
At School
Alyssa and I were walking down the hallway together.
I told her everything that happened and to say that she was shocked would be an understatement.
"Why the hell would Mona, of all people, confess to killing Wilden?" Alyssa asked.
"This is Mona we're talking about. She does the most unexpected things" I huffed.
Alyssa hummed at that an nodded her head.
"I know she's devious but I didn't think she would do something like that" Alyssa said.
"You and me both" I muttered.
It still baffles me that Hanna had come up with the idea for her to take the fall for Wilden's murder.
But what baffles me even more is that Mona decided to take the fall instead.
"Babe, are you alright?" Alyssa asked, placing her hand on my arm.
"I'm fine, i'm just thinking" I told her.
What exactly does Mona think she's going to gain from this?
Did she plan this? Does she have something else in mind or what?
It's just all so confusing.
Alyssa, having caught the look on my face, sighed and stopped walking.
I stopped walking myself and turned to face her as she did the same with me.
"Try not to think about this whole situation too much. Let's just hope that whatever Mona was trying to do actually helps Hanna's mom" Alyssa told me.
"I can't. Not when these bad thoughts are filling my head" I told her.
Alyssa sighed and moved closer to me and wrapped her arms around my neck.
On instinct I wrapped my arms around her waist.
"Like I said, try not to think about this too much. All we can do is hope that this doesn't affect Hanna's mom in a negative way" Alyssa softly said.
I stared at my girlfriend for a bit before releasing a sigh.
"Yeah, I guess you're right" I nodded.
I can't do anything now, not when Mona has already confessed.
All I can hope is that whatever she's planning doesn't affect Ms. Marin.
"I'm known to always be right" Alyssa cheekily grinned.
I playfully rolled my eyes at her while laughing to which she laughed back.
When our laughter died down I leaned down to give her forehead a kiss.
"You're coming to the party at the lake house Paige is planning, right?" I asked.
Paige came to the girls and I and told us that she wanted to plan a surprise party for Emily.
She believes that this is something Emily needs and deserves after everything that has happened.
And I agree, Emily deserves a break and this party would be the best thing for her.
"Of course. I'd never miss it" Alyssa smiled.
"Remember, wear whatever makes you comfortable. You'll look beautiful no matter what" I told her.
Alyssa blushed at my words as a little giggle escaped her lips.
"Why do you always make me blush and make my heart flutter?" Alyssa asked.
"I happen to be charming in whatever I do and say" I grinned, sending her a wink.
"Shut up, you idiot" Alyssa laughed while rolling her eyes.
"Make me" I challenged, my grin growing wider.
Alyssa grinned back before leaning in and pressing her lips onto mine.
I hummed in satisfaction and began kissing her back, my arms tightening around her waist as I pulled her closer to me.
We were so lost in our kiss that we didn't notice someone staring at us from nearby.
After School
When school was over Aria, Spencer and I had gone to our respective houses to get dressed before meeting up to buy the snacks that we needed for Emily's party.
After getting the snacks, along with everything else we needed, we left for Paige's aunts lake house since that's where the party would be held.
We were currently getting out all the snacks from the bags while also talking about Jenna and Shana.
Apparently, from what Spencer and Aria told me, they caught Shana and Jenna talking to each other at school.
And it sounded like they knew a ton of information, especially about Alison.
"Am I crazy, or did it sound like Jenna was saying she knows Alison's alive?" Aria asked.
"That or she knows who killed her" Spencer said.
"Either way, this could lead to A and who's setting up Hanna's mom" I added.
"Yeah, but Jenna's not just gonna tell us" Aria sighed.
The three of us continued taking out what we had bought for the party.
"Well, she might if we could pry her away from Shana. Jenna's really vulnerable right now, and not just because she's losing her sight again" Spencer said.
"How does that even happen, anyway? One minute you have it, the next minute, poof, it's gone?" Aria asked, confused
"Well, Toby said that that operation has a really low success rate, so apparently she's one of the unfortunate ones" I explained.
"Are you finally back on speaking terms with him?" Spencer asked with a smile.
I sighed and shook my head.
"Not really. I mean we text time to time but we aren't talking in person. Baby steps" I told her.
Just because I unblocked Toby and we're back to talking through text, I don't think I'm ready to talk to him in person.
And I don't think I'm ready to forgive him, not just yet.
"It's something" Spencer sighed with a small smile.
I shrugged at her and went back to what I was doing.
"Hey, has Toby had any luck in New York?" Aria asked.
"He traced that number back to an empty apartment, and the landlord said that it was rented out to a girl. He wouldn't give the name, but he did give a forwarding address" Spencer explained.
"To where?" I asked with a raised eyebrow.
"A P.O. box in Philly. He's on his way back from New York right now" Spencer said.
I sighed and nodded my head with Aria doing the same.
We heard the front door open and we turned around to see Paige entering the house with a bag in her hand.
"Hey" Spencer greeted Paige.
"Hey" the three of us said in unison.
"Guys, Em's gonna be here at 6:30. We gotta hurry up" Paige sternly said.
"Aye, aye captain" I sarcastically smiled.
Paige glared at me halfheartedly before shaking her head as she turned around to walk away.
But before she could leave Spencer stopped her.
"Oh, did you invite the whole swim team?" Spencer asked.
"Yeah. But don't worry, Shana won't show up. I made it clear she was unwelcome" Paige said.
"Could you call her and make it unclear? We kind of need her to come" Spencer said.
Aria and I nodded while Paige looked at us in confusion.
"Why?" Paige asked.
"Because until tomorrow morning, wherever Shana goes, Jenna goes" Aria said.
Paige continued to look at us weirdly but didn't say anything and just nodded her head.
A Few Hours Later
A few more hours had passed and everyone had arrived for the party. Now we were just waiting for Emily to arrive.
Everyone was either dancing, drinking, eating or talking to their friends.
Aria was currently on the phone with Hanna while walking around to make sure that everything was good.
Hanna couldn't come because she wanted to spend time with her mom after she got out on bail and was now home.
That's something the girls and I completely understand, given everything they've both gone through.
Spencer was somewhere trying to stop Tommy from doing something to the guacamole and out of the corner of my eye I could see Aria hanging up the phone.
Just as I was about to get my phone out to call Alyssa I felt a tap on my shoulder.
I turned around and smiled when I saw my girlfriend standing across from me with a smile plastered on her face.
Her hair was straightened out and she wore a beautiful pink dress with some black boots.
I held out my hand for her and she took it and I spun her around a few times.
"My, my, don't you look beautiful" I grinned.
Alyssa giggled while shaking her head at me in amusement.
"You always tell me that, babe" Alyssa smiled.
"Because it's true. You're beautiful no matter what" I complimented.
Alyssa giggled and wrapped her arms around my neck to which I wrapped mine around her waist.
"Well then I guess it's my turn to tell you that you look handsome, as always" Alyssa complimented.
"Thank you, darling" I smiled.
Alyssa hummed before leaning in to kiss me on the lips to which I kissed her back.
When we pulled away we smiled at each other before we heard Aria and Paige speak.
"Ok, you guys, let's go hide!" Aria yelled.
"She's almost here. Everybody!" Paige yelled.
Alyssa and I smiled and held hands as we searched for a place to hide.
Once everyone found a hiding spot Paige took a peek outside her window before looking back at us.
"Ok, guys. She's here. Everybody get ready. Somebody get the lights" Paige said.
Somebody quickly turned off the lights and we all quieted down as we remained hidden.
There was a knock at the door and Paige opened the door to see Emily.
I smiled at seeing my friend only for that smile to turn into a frown when I saw the expression on Emily's face.
She didn't look happy, she looked upset for some reason.
"Hey, birthday girl" Paige smiled.
Emily sighed at her and walked past her as Paige closed the door behind her before turning to Emily.
"Everything ok?" Paige asked, confused.
"Why did you lie to Dominic?" Emily asked, looking and sounding angry.
Before Paige could say anything someone turned the lights back on and we all jumped out from our hiding spots.
"Surprise!" all of us yelled.
Emily turned around and her eyes widened in shock, clearly not expecting any of us to be here.
I smiled and pulled away from Alyssa and jogged over to Emily.
"Happy Birthday, Em" I grinned.
I pulled her into a hug while placing a kiss to her temple.
Emily didn't say anything before slowly wrapping her arms around me as she hugged me back.
We pulled away from the hug just as the others came over to her to tell her happy birthday.
Soon after that the music turned back on and the party resumed. Everyone was having a great time.
Emily seemed to have fun too, but I can tell that she was still pretty upset about something.
I wanted to ask what was wrong but it felt like it was something between her and Paige and I didn't want to get in the middle of it so I didn't say anything.
Alyssa and I were currently sitting on the couch while eating some snacks that we grabbed.
"Something happen with the birthday girl?" Alyssa asked.
"I don't know" I shrugged.
"I was expecting her to be happy about the party and have fun but she looks a little down" Alyssa frowned.
"Yeah, I noticed that when she arrived. Maybe something happened" I said.
"Do you think it has something to do with Paige?" Alyssa asked.
"Probably. If that's the case it's best I don't get involved since it's none of my business" I said.
I really want to help or at the very least help Emily feel better but I don't want to stick my nose in other peoples business.
Besides, maybe this is something that the girlfriends need to work out on their own.
"Well, is Hanna going to come?" Alyssa asked.
"Oh, I forgot to tell you that her mom managed to make bail. She's home now and Hanna wants to spend time with her" I explained.
Alyssa's eyes widened at that and a smile appeared on her face.
"Oh, that's good news. I'm happy for the both of them" Alyssa smiled.
"Me too. We all are" I smiled.
"Well, we need to celebrate this fantastic news. I'll go get us some drinks" Alyssa grinned.
"Don't take too long. I'll miss you too much if you do" I told her.
Alyssa laughed at that before leaning in to give me a peck on the lips.
I smiled at her and she smiled back before she got up and walked away to get our drinks.
I sighed and went back to eating my snacks, without Alyssa near me I'm already bored.
Just as I finished eating the last bit of my snack I felt someone sit next to me and a drink was held out to me.
"That was fast. What did you get?" I asked.
"Soda. It's coca cola, your favorite".
My eyes widened at the voice of the person, a voice I knew too well.
I snapped my head into the person's direction and, behold, it was Seth.
He was sitting next to me, a little too close for my liking, while still holding out the drink for me to take.
"What the hell are you doing here?" I asked, glaring at him.
"I was invited" Seth told me.
"By who? Last I checked you don't have any friends" I scowled.
Seth looked a little hurt at that before a small smile appeared on his face.
"Don't you remember that you and I were friends? And if I recall, we were a little more than that" Seth said.
I glared at him, trying my best to control my anger, and scooted back from him.
"That was in the past, you and I both know that. We're not going back to how it was before" I reminded him.
"Why not? We were happy and I'm sure we could be again" Seth smiled.
"Keep telling yourself that" I scoffed.
I wanted to get away from this asshole as fast as possible.
I don't want to be near him, being near him makes my skin crawl.
Just as I was about to get up Seth grabbed my arm with his hand, causing me to tense up.
"Ethan, please. Can we talk?" Seth asked.
"We have nothing to talk about" I told him.
"Yes we do" Seth sternly said.
"No we don't" I scowled.
I shoved his hand off my arm and hurriedly got up and walked away.
Just as I was walking away from where Seth was I ran into Alyssa.
"Hey, where are you going?" Alyssa asked.
"There's too many people where we were sitting. Let's sit somewhere else" I suggested.
Alyssa raised an eyebrow at that, clearly confused, but just nodded her head in agreement.
I smiled at her and wrapped my arm around her waist, guiding her to another couch.
I could feel Seth's eyes on us but I didn't care.
As long as I wasn't anywhere near him I would be alright.
An Hour Later
The party was going well for the most part, Emily still seemed upset but she did her best not to show it.
When it was time to cut the cake we all sang happy birthday to Emily and cheered as she blew out her candles.
As she cut the cake the girls and I handed out slices to everyone.
When Alyssa and I got our slices she told me if we could eat outside since she wanted some fresh air.
I agreed because it was beginning to get a little hot inside and I wanted some fresh air too.
So, while Alyssa went to the bathroom I went outside.
I found some chairs nearby along with a small table.
I walked over and set mine and Alyssa's cake down before taking a seat, letting out a sigh.
I have to admit that while I love parties they tire you out.
And right now I would rather be at home in my bed.
Or better yet have Alyssa be in bed with me so that we could cuddle all night.
Whenever I have Alyssa in my arms it always brings a smile to my face and makes my heart flutter.
Just as I began to close my eyes, wanting to doze off for a bit, I could feel a presence in front of me.
At first I thought it was Alyssa or one of the girls so I didn't say anything nor did I open my eyes.
Unfortunately, it wasn't my girlfriend or my friends for that matter.
My eyes snapped open and I looked in front of me to see Seth.
And I swear to god that I wanted to throw my cake at him and run away.
But I refrained myself from doing that.
Instead, I shot him a glare before getting up and began walking away.
Unfortunately, Seth followed after me.
"Ethan, come on. I just want to talk" Seth said.
"We have nothing to talk about" I told him.
"Yes we do. Plenty in fact" Seth reminded me.
"Seth just leave me alone. I don't want to hear anything from you" I scowled.
Why can't he understand that nothing he says will interest me?
Why can't he understand that I just want him to leave me alone?
Seth hurriedly ran around me and now stood in front of me, blocking me from walking any further.
"Ethan, please. I just want to talk" Seth told me.
"Seth, get out of my way" I scowled.
I tried walking around him in order to leave but he quickly blocked my way.
I glared at him but Seth ignored it and continued.
"Ten minutes. That's all I'm asking. Ten minutes of your time and I'll leave, please" Seth begged.
My scowl deepened and I clenched my fist at my side.
I really wanted to leave, I really wanted to get away from him, I really didn't want to hear anything that comes out of his mouth.
But, at the same time I wanted to get this over and done with.
If I hear whatever it is he wants to tell me then he'll leave me alone.
And that's all I freaking want.
"Ten minutes and that's it. Go" I ordered.
Seth sighed in relief, sending me a slight smile to which I ignored.
His time is running out so he better be quick about this.
"I know you hate me and I don't blame you. I was a complete jerk to you when we were together and I hate myself for it" Seth said.
Good to know because I hate him too.
"Things were complicated for us after we got together but that wasn't your fault. It never was. It was mine because I was a coward. If I had been more like you maybe things wouldn't have ended the way it did for us. Maybe you and I would still be together and we would be happy" Seth said.
I'd never admit this out loud, especially to him, but he does have a point.
If he was more like me, if he wasn't the coward he was in the past, maybe we wouldn't have ended up like this.
Maybe we would've still been together and we would've been happy.
But not everything turns out the way we want them to.
As much as that sucks, that's just how life is.
"But here I am now, standing in front of you, asking for a fresh start. I want us to fix what was broken, I want us to try again because I believe that this time we can make it work" Seth added.
I couldn't stop myself no matter how hard I tried.
I laughed.
I downright laughed at what he said.
I laughed so hard I doubled over a bit while clutching onto my stomach.
I stood up straight, still laughing might I add, and looked at Seth to see him staring at me in confusion and concern.
"You're joking, right?" I asked.
He has to be joking, there's no way he's serious.
"Why would I joke about this?" Seth asked.
"Because it's ridiculous" I told him.
After managing to calm myself down I shot him a glare.
"You and I both know that we can never go back to how we were in the past" I told him.
"Why not?" Seth asked.
Is he an idiot?
I know he was in the past but I don't remember him being this much of an idiot.
Or did he just have too much to drink?
"Two reasons. One, I want absolutely nothing to do with you and have no interest in us returning to what we were before. Two, I have moved on and I have a beautiful girlfriend that I adore" I explained.
He should've known that my answer was going to be no.
Considering ever since he got her I have been avoiding him and have give him the cold shoulder.
Not to mention he knows that I'm dating Alyssa.
And there's no way in hell I would ever leave her for him.
"Are you talking about blondie?" Seth asked, scowling slightly.
"Her name is Alyssa, asshole" I reminded him.
"Whatever. What makes her so special that you want to stay with her?" Seth asked, annoyed.
"Isn't it obvious? She makes me happy, something I haven't felt in a long time. Especially with you" I told him.
Alyssa is the reason I'm happy. Alyssa is the reason I smile everyday.
Why would I give up the amazing relationship I have with her for someone that hurt me in the past?
"Come on, Ethan. You and I are much better together than you and her. Compared to that blondie, I would say that I'm the better option" Seth scoffed.
I glared at him for that and could feel my anger begin to rise.
Without saying anything I stepped forward and slapped him as hard as I could.
Seth's head snapped to the side and I could see his eyes widened in surprise by what I had done.
He slowly turned his head back around and slowly brought his hand up to clutch his now red cheek.
"Don't you dare compare yourself to Alyssa when you and her are nothing alike. You're nothing but an asshole from when we first got together and when we broke things off. And you're still an asshole now that you're back, you haven't changed. You have done nothing but hurt me and you being back here has done nothing but bring back painful memories that I have done my best to bury" I scowled.
I could feel tears begin to gather in my eyes but I was holding them back.
I refuse to let them fall, at least not yet.
"Alyssa is the complete opposite of you. She's the most amazing and the most beautiful girl I've ever met. She makes me smile and laugh all the time. She was always there for me, even before we got together. And she's still there for me now that we're together and no matter what troubles I get myself into she's there to help me. And the most important thing is that she makes me happy, something you never did" I finished.
The scowl never left my face as I spoke.
I was full of so many emotions just by looking at him and speaking to him.
I wanted to do more than slap him, I wanted to punch him until he bleed but I refrained myself from doing so.
However, what he said made me want to break tiniest bit of self restraint I had.
"I made you happy in the past, I know I did. And I can make you happy again, if you let me" Seth softly said.
I growled, no joke, and jabbed a finger into his chest as hardly as I could.
Nothing but complete rage shown in my eyes as I stared at him.
"You broke and shattered my heart into a million pieces. It took me months just to put myself back together again. You don't get to walk back into my life and assume things are gonna go back to the way they were before!" I angrily yelled.
I tried my best to keep my tears from falling but it was hard.
Especially when I've been holding in so much anger because of what happened in the past.
Seth coming back into my life was something I never wanted because I believed that I had finally gotten over what happened between us.
Unfortunately, that's not the case and I hate it.
And the fact that he wants us to have a second chance, knowing that he's the reason we're no longer how we were in the past, angers me more.
"Ethan" Seth frowned.
He tried reaching out to grab my hand, wanting to hold it, but I quickly took a step back from him.
Seth looked hurt by that but I didn't care.
He sighed and was silent for a second before speaking once again.
"You were the best thing that ever happened in my life and I hate myself for letting you go. I hate myself for hurting you. If I could go back in time and erase everything I said and did, I would without hesitation. Please, give me another chance" Seth begged.
Tears began to gather in his eyes and I could tell he was doing his best to stop them from falling.
I just glared at him with my teeth gritted and my fist clenched at my side.
Not being able to say anything, and feeling more tears stream down my face, I turned away from him.
"Leave" I said.
"Ethan-" Seth started but I cut him off.
"Your ten minutes is up, so leave. Now" I ordered.
"Ethan" Seth said as he took a step forward.
I spun around and shoved him away to which he stumbled backwards, clearly caught off guard by what I did.
"Seth, just go! Leave me alone! I don't want you near me, especially not now, so just go!" I angrily yelled.
Seth looked at me with sad eyes, his tears beginning to stream down his face.
A sigh escaped his lips and he nodded his head.
He turned around and walked away. I watched to make sure he was really gone.
When I was certain he was gone my lips trembled and more tears streamed down my face.
I fell to the ground on my knees and clenched my eyes shut, letting my tears fall, and sobbed.
I hate that Seth told me all of this, I hate that I didn't try my hardest to leave.
I hate that he's back and making me feel this way.
I hate that he's making me relive what I did in the past.
Why couldn't he have just stayed away? Why did he have to come back?
All of a sudden I was snapped out of my thoughts by screaming.
I furrowed my eyebrows together and quickly got up from the ground and turned around.
I saw tons of people running towards something and I could see Alyssa was among those people.
I wiped my tears as fast and best as I could before running towards my girlfriend.
When I reached her I grabbed her arm causing her to stop and look at me.
"What's wrong? What's going on?" I asked, confused and worried.
Alyssa opened her mouth to say something only to stop and frown when she noticed the state I was in.
She walked closer to me and gently cupped the sides of my face with her hands.
"Babe, are you alright? Why are you crying?" Alyssa asked, worried.
My heart fluttered at her words, it made me feel happy at how worried she was for me.
But that wasn't important right now.
Not when people were running, worry and fear shown in some of their eyes.
"Worry about that later. What's going on?" I asked.
Alyssa frowned, she looked like she wanted to ask more questions but refrained herself from doing so.
Instead, she sighed and pulled her hands away from my face and slid her hand into mine.
"Someone heard screaming, it sounded like Emily" Alyssa told me.
My eyes widened at that and I felt fear coursing through me.
Without wasting anymore time the two of us ran as fast as we could to where the others had run off.
When we arrived we saw everyone huddled together as they were looking at something that was on the ground.
Alyssa and I pushed past some people in order to get to the front so we could see what was happening.
When we got to the front our eyes widened and gasps escaped our lips at what we were seeing.
Jenna, who looked to be unresponsive, was lying on the ground and her clothes were wet.
Emily and Jake were crouched at her side, both of them looked wet but Emily looked the most drenched, as they tried to wake her up.
"Jenna! Oh my god!" Shana yelled as she ran forward.
Spencer ran towards us and stood next to Shana, her eyes widening when she saw Jenna.
"I thought she was inside! What happened?" Spencer asked in worry.
Emily checked Jenna's pulse and her eyes widened and she quickly looked at us.
"She's not breathing!" Emily yelled.
Mine and Alyssa's eyes widened and I hurriedly looked around.
"Call 911, hurry!" I yelled.
Some people began taking out their phones while others ran back inside the house, either to get some blankets or call the cops.
Jake crouched down and began CPR to see if that would help.
For now it was a waiting game until the ambulance arrived.
A Few Minutes Later
When the ambulance arrived they covered Jenna up with some blankets and put her inside the ambulance car to take her to the hospital.
Alyssa and Paige had gotten Emily blankets since she was freezing after getting into the lake to help Jenna.
I was standing in between the girls while Alyssa had gone inside with Paige to make Emily some hot chocolate.
The girls and I watched Shana talk to the paramedics about Jenna.
It's clear she was worried about Jenna considering they came together meaning that Shana was basically in charge of her.
No doubt Shana believes that she failed to keep her safe.
"Did somebody push her in?" Aria asked.
I shrugged but then Emily shook her head causing all of us to look at her.
"I think somebody hit her first. There was blood on the back of her head" Emily told us.
She showed us her jacket sleeve and our eyes widened when we saw some blood on it.
Did someone hit Jenna and shoved her into the lake?
Or did they hit her and she fell into the lake on her own and then the person ran off?
Whatever happened, this person clearly didn't want Jenna talking to us about Alison.
And something tells me things are just going to get worse from here.
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