Chapter 7:Papa!Look at the birds!
"Papa,please.Lets play!." A little girl begged her Father,who sat on his desk with some papers in hand.
"Not now Maika.I'm busy today.Maybe you could go play outside for now."He replied,filing up the papers."I'll follow you once I'm finish"
The girl looked down,upset;knowing that it would take forever for her Father to finish up those papers.She went out her father's office,grabbing her sling bag,sitting by the table.She also took a brown,stuffed cat with red buttons for eyes.
She exited the house,closing the door behind her.
The girl wasn't used to walking the streets all by herself;in fact,she always does this with her Father by her side.But because she's on her own,she felt anxious.All she wanted to do was go to the park,but her Father had stated that she'll need to wait outside.
But what the girl didn't realised was that when her Father meant by 'outside',he meant near the house.The girl?She's on her way to city!
She walked passed multiple stores and houses,with her head glued to the ground.She passed by many adults,all asking if she lost her way or that she lost sight of her parents.
"Are you ok?","Where's your parents?","Are you lost?"
But she ignored it,all of it.
No.She's not ok.
No.She's not lost.
No.She didn't lose her parents,he's just at the house doing work.
At this point,she was just dragging herself to wherever her legs bring here.
And unconsciously,she arrives at the playground.The place where kids like her go.A place where she and her Father would always go whenever they go out.The exact same playground she would spend hours with her Aunts and Uncles,playing tag or hide'n seek.The same place where she and her only Friend would go and find some stray cats or would just watch the clouds go by.
But strangely enough,there weren't any kids around.
Why?Thats because all the other kids get to go to school,but she couldn't.Its not like she doesn't like being the only girl in the neighbourhood not going to school,in fact,she enjoys it.It didn't bothered her at all.
But she always felt lonely.Although this didn't bother her much.
She hopped onto a swing,using her legs to push the ground and allow herself move.Her eyes were still glued to the ground,only watching her feet hit the ground before pushing it again,and her hand were holding onto the swing's rusty chains,while the other was hugging the stuff toy.
.She wished her father could be with her right now,not doing work.
"Papa!Over here!"She hears.Her slowly looks up to see something nostalgic.
The girl can see herself on the slide,a wide smile plastered on her small face,where a black-haired man waits below."I''m going to catch you,ok?"He called as he opens his arm for the child.
"1...2...3!"The girl chanted as she slid down the slide,embracing her Father on the way down,
"Gotcha!"He spoke,nearly falling down when the child pounced on him.They both laughed,a smile adorned their faces.The man ruffled the child's hair as the said kid giggled in glee.
"P-...Papa..."The girl uttered as she feels the tears were beginning to leak.She wished things were the same as before.
"Are you ok,kid?"A voice asked.The girl looked up to see a man.He had a scar on his face,along with a bandage on his nose.His expression was unreadable,but she could tell he was not good news.
The girl didn't answer,but just stared.She feels slightly uneasy."Kids like you shouldn't be alone,you know?"He added,as he kneeled in front of her.The child's grip on the swing tightened.He smells...weird.
"You don't talk much,do you?"He said,moving closer.The child's breathing hitched.
"I..need to go sir..."The child softly spoke as she quickly got off the swing.But before she could go away,she felt something grab her arm.
"I didn't say you could go yet."He taunted.The child felt scared.Without thinking,she yanked her arm,forcing the man to let her go and runs.She glances back to see she was being chased by that man.
"Where are you going,kid?Don't go"The man begged,his voice sounded as if he wants to harm the child.The girl ran faster,trying to lose that creepy man."Come back!".
Then,without knowing,the girl got herself in an alleyway,with no other exits.She turns around to find a different hiding spot,but that man was standing in the way of her freedom.She had cornered herself."Not so smart,huh?"The man spoke,pulling something out of his pockets.
The girl's eyes widened,seeing a knife being held.She slowly backs up against the wall,gripping onto the stuff cat,"P-..Papa!"She calls out,hoping he'll hear her.
"Its no use girl,your papa might have left you."The man taunted.He grabbed the child's collar,raised her up,mocking her.She was still gripping onto the stuff toy,hoping it would calm her down.
He took the knife and slowly taunted the child by drawing the knife near her arm,but not too close for him to cut it.The girl cried uncontrollably,she begged the man to stop,but he just laughs at her.To make her even scared,he forced the kid to drop her only item she used for comfort.
"How weak you are.Naive and stupid too."
And without hesitation,the girl kicked the man in the very,very weak spot.The man grunts in pain,forcing himself to let the girl go.
The child ran as fast as she can,but the man was quicker.She felt something wrap around her waist and she was sent flying to a wall,where she crashed.The stunt caused her to let out a cry of pain.
She fell down;feeling something warm oozing out of her head.Dark red substance puddled around her.She sees an extended arm grow short as it made its wat back to that creep."I have just realised something."He spoke,walking up to the girl,his posture showed he was still in pain.
"You're not using your quirk.I believe your five or something,maybe younger.But who cares."He added,kneeling in front of the bleeding girl.His face sneered.
"Papa!Help me!"She yelled,despite how much the pain hurts.
The creepy man grabbed the girl by the neck,almost choking her."Now listen her you little brat.Call for help again,and your f##king dead."He mocked.
Suddenly,a piece of white cloth blinded the man,forcing him to let go and fall back first.The girl fell down again,"Let go of her,you scum."The girl saw a familiar black-haired man,accompanied by some other adults.
"P-Papa!"The girl cried in relief.
She ,wobbly, ran up to him,not caring about the pain she felt on her head,and outstretched her arm.She happy that her Father was finally there,She was finally safe...
She felt uncontrollable pain.The girl stopped dead in her tracks,feeling something poked her,something really sharp,that it caused her upper body to slightly bend .She wasn't able to tell what was going on.This feeling was something she never felt.
It felt horrible...
Then...she felt the same warm substance coming out of her mouth.
She covers her mouth with her hand as she coughed,revealing red.She had just coughed out something red.Her body stiffness,her small figure trembles.
"....B-blood....?"The girl assumes,fear beginning to rise in her.Is she...bleeding!?
"Maika!"Her Father yelled.The girl looked down to see a sharp,pointy object,poking out her side.It was covered in blood,HER blood.
.She then glanced at her Father,confused and scared."P-...Papa..?"She uttered,as she fell down.
Her Father caught her,before she could reach the ground.The other adults were pinning the man to the ground,the rest were calling the ambulance.
"Maika!Maika,sweetie.Hang on,I got you!"Her Father spoke,holding onto his Daughter as she bleeds and struggle to breath."Eraser,look out!"One for the adults yelled,the man was free from their grasp and was running at them.
But he took care of him,by throwing his binding cloth at the guy by the arms,pulling him down back to the ground as he carried his child to a safer portion of the alleyway,watching the others continued to restrain the man.
The child wasn't able to process the whole thing,as she was in a deep level of pain for her,but one thing's for sure,
Her Father just protected his child.
At least...he tried.
"P-Papa..!"The child gasped,feeling unbearable pain that she couldn't breath properly."H-hurt...!H-...hurt-"
"Shhh,shhh,it's ok,just hold on.Everything will be ok.I promise.Just hang-"
"Papa...."The girl called,trying to raise her hand and wipe the tears forming in her father's eyes.He gently held it,more tears forming."I-I'm...Sorry..."He uttered."I'm so sorry,Sweetie..."
The child knew her father's in a stage of guilt.Thats one thing she understood.She remembers how her Father would smile back whenever she smiles.So she formed a smile,thinking it could cheer him up.
"D-don't worry,p-papa...look.."She said,pointing her fingers at the sky.As Shouta was putting some pressure on the wound,making sure not to move the weapon on his child's side,he looked up,seeing some of the birds flying by.
"Papa...look at the pretty birds...!"She muttered,watching the birds fly.
The ambulance arrived,but the girl passed out,uttering out the phrase,
"I wonder...if I could fly like them too...."
**********"Wake up..........You sleepyhead"**********"
Maika wakes up from her deep sleep.She finds herself on a grassy area.She's still at USJ?She looks at her hair,still the same brownish tone.
She's still in her OOE state.
"Sorry I'm late,everyone!"She hears a voice.She looked up to the entrance,her eyes slowly widening."I gathered all who could come.".It continued.
"I,Iida Tenya,Class A-1's president,have returned!"A familiar voice announced.
"T-they...brought...t-teachers...!"Maika exclaimed,trying to bring herself up.
She finally hears shooting,probably from the villains.Then,a loud,ear piercing shout appeared.It sounded so familiar."U-Uncle Zashi!"Maika thought.
She grabbed onto a pole,shaking.Trying to see what's going on.
Then,she sees a very familiar face,or..faces.Wearing a Long,light brown coat;"U-Uncle Ecto!".
"H-help...!"She calls,hoping one of he would hear her.Sadly,they didn't notice."I...need to...hurry..."
Maika was about to lose her conscience again,slowly about to let go of the pole she was holding onto.But she didn't let that happened.
She slowly made her way towards the stairs,feeling hazy.She was force to kneel on the stairs,almost gagging.She hated this kind of feeling.It made her sick.
Well...she was partially sick.
"Dang it,nausea..."She thought.
As the Teachers And students watch from the entrance,Mina sees something from the corner of her eye.She gasped.
"MAIKA!LOOK OUT!"She yelled,grabbing the teacher's attention.
Maika hears the yells and looks back to an injured villain,ready to stab her with a sharp object.Her mind flashed the flashback of the alleyway incident.Her body stiffness as the knife was about to-
The villain drops dead in front of her.Maika stared in silence,panting,"It was...probably Uncle Snipe...who did that..."she thought.
She,Then,hears footsteps from behind,multiple footsteps.Voices calling her name.She looks up to see blurry faces,that she can't tell who was who.Her vision was too hazy and her head throbbed like crazy.
Maika didn't care,she's too tired.She wanted a nap.
She passed out on someone's arms,hearing one last thing;An unfamiliar man's voice
"You did Well kid."
It's Author-Chan,again...
Now I don't really like leaving notes here for some reasons.
But I thought about leaving something here for the chapter.
First of all,I'm not so proud of this chapter,but I think it's decent enough.
Second,When pre-making this chapter,I decided to leave some digital art here.
Because when I first made this chapter,I was really proud on how it turned out,so I originally made the art as a bonus.But then,I edited the chapter cause I suddenly felt like it wasn't good.But I decided the art can stay,cause...
Y e s
Art is made by me,btw.
It's Dadzawa and lil Maika!
I'm kinda(?) proud of the drawing.
Anyways,I hope you enjoy reading this~
See ya in the next update!
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