Chapter 4:The aftermath
Izuku slowly opened his eyes,feeling some pain.The first thing he noticed was the fact he was laying on a soft bed.He remembers what had happened.He was fighting Katsuki during the activity.He used his support items and knocked him out.He realised he was at the infirmary.How Long has he been in the infirmary??Izuku tried to adjust his eyes towards the clock in front of him.His eyes widen.It noon now.
"Your awake."He hears and winced a bit,before seeing Recovery girl.
"H-how Long...have I been knocked out?"He asked,nervously."Aizawa sensei's gonna kill me"
"A few hours.You mostly missed your noon classes."She replied.Izuku begins to panic,recovery girl seemed to notice.He gently rested her hand on the teen's,it was enough to comfort him.
"Don't worry,boy.I told your teacher about it when he came to get Maika."She explained.
"Maika?Was she visiting me?"He thought."What was Maika doing here,Recovery girl?"Izuku asked,as the old lady begins to remove the unnecessary extra bandages.Was that girl that worried about him?I mean,she could be.
"She had a panic Attack when she saw your reckless fight.Three of your fellow classmates came in and brought her here right after you arrived."She answered."Oh"
Izuku mentally facepalms himself.He caused a younger teen to have a panic attack because of how reckless his battle was.But in his defence,Katsuki was being Katsuki;so it was expected that he'd get injured because of that explosive blonde.
As soon as Izuku was free to leave,Recovery girl spoke,"Be sure to come back tomorrow.I need to do a few checking if I want to remove that cast.".Izuku nods and leaves the room.
As he walked down the corridor,he couldn't help but worry.He missed the afternoon lessons and classes;not to mention giving a young girl a panic Attack from their crucial fight with Katsuki.He wondered what part of the fight triggered it."Izuku,you idiot.Its probably the part where Kacchan blasted me towards the other part of the building.",He thought to himself.As the warm,orange light of the sunset filled the halls through the glass wall,Izuku finally spots his classroom,and opened the door.
"Midoriya!"The red hair called,getting the others attention.They then circled around him,telling him how awesome he was during the match,as well as introducing themselves,excitingly.
Izuku seemed so confused to see them complimenting him so much.He was never used to getting compliments from his fellow classmates;in fact,he never got any from his previous school.He was so bewildered by the others,that he didn't notice someone was running at him."Deku-Kun!!!"He heard a cry.
He looked to see a familiar dark pink-like hair,almost magenta, running at him."A-Are you o-ok!?"She asked,sounding so scared.Her hands were clasped together to get a hold of herself.Izuku could see his younger friend's arm trembling.
"Y-Yeah.I'm fine,just-"
He wasn't able to finish what he was trying to say,when he saw tears slowly forming in her eyes."M-Maika?"He called out,worried."Oh boy..."
The girl quickly wiped the tears away with the heel if her hand."D-dont scare me that..I don't..l-like it wh-when..Someone I-..I care about..g-gets...hurt.."She spoke,stuttering all over the place.
Izuku felt guilty."I'm sorry...really."He said,trying to cheer the girl up.He rested his free hand on the teen's shoulder and gave her a reassuring smile,which was able to calm down the poor girl.Maika got the message and weakly smiled back at him.
"Deku!Are you Alright."Another familiar voice called.It was Uraraka,carrying some books with Denki.
"Oh-Yeah,I'm fine.I just used up all my energy."he responded,embarrassingly.
He looked at an empty seat,recalling something."Hey...actually.Has any of you guys seen Kacchan?"He asked.
They all shared a confused look."Who's Kacchan?"A guy named Hanta Sero asked.
"Ah,it's Kastuki.Thats just how I call him."Izuku corrects,scratching the back of his friend with his free arm.
"Oh,Bakugo.We tried to stop him a minute ago,but he wanted to leave so badly.He was looking so pissed."Kirishima responded.
Suddenly,Izuku ran down the hall,going down the stairs,fast.He left everyone just standing there,confused as to what had happened."W-what..just h-happened..?"Maika asked,shocked.
"He's probably looking for him.Wanna come inside."Mina suggested.Maika nods anxiously,entering the room to see most of the students she didn't know.
Some of them weren't there thought,but it didn't bother the girl.She prefers to meet everyone one by one,rather than all at once.
Maika looked to see the frog girl from the monitor room.She was the one who was begging All Might to stop the test.Her dark green hair and eyes were the first things that Maika noticed."I'm Tsuyu Asui."She greeted.,"Call me Tsyu."
"M-Maika..I'm M-Maika..."The younger teen responded.
"Are you ok,Maika-Chan?You weren't doing well back there..kero."Tsuyu mentioned,a hint of concern in her eyes.
"A-Ah...I was...h-having a p-..panic...Attack.."Maika answered,covering half of her face with her bangs to hide the pink-tinted cheeks.She's actually talking to others.It made her feel so...strange."Am I doing this right?"
"Actually Maika,I wanted to know;why do you have panic attacks?"Kirishima asked,only to get smacked in the head by the pink alien,which caused Maika to jolt backwards slightly from the sudden movement.
"Kirishima!That might be too personal for her!"Mina scolded while Kirishima rubs the back part of his head,looking so confused and in pain.Maika swore she wanted to giggle at their silly shenanigans.
"Yeah,especially since it was during the test."Tsuyu added,keeping her neutral expression.
"I-it's...fine,a-actually..."Maika spoke up,rubbing the back part of her neck in embarrassment.
"L-let's...just say I..."She uttered,playing with her fingers to keep calm,"R-remembered...s-..something bad.."She finished uttering,which was loud enough for the nearby students to hear.
"Aww,Maika."Ochako commented.
"B-But it's fine!D-don't worry a-about me!"She assured.
The magenta-haired glances over to the window,noticing a familiar ash blonde walking and suddenly stood still.She walks up the glass pane,only to see what was going on.It seemed Katsuki and Izuku we're having a big talk,but the blonde looked so pissed.Did Katsuki's eyes just...shined?
"What ever's going on out there,it probably isn't pretty."Kirishima spoke up,looking out the window as well.
Maika thought she would get another panic Attack from theses two boys outside,so she quickly tore her sight away from them,rushing towards the door."I-I..g-gotta go.I'll s-See you g-guys tomorrow!"She spoke,running out the classroom to find her Father waiting for her.
"There you are."Shouta spoke,as soon as he sees his Daughter running at him,"Let's go Maika."He said,holding the girl's hand as they left the hall
At first,she thought everything would be ok by the next day.And that it would be just another normal school day from them.Boy,was she wrong.
When the next day came;the first thing that happened was news reporters were swarming the entrance of UA,asking and pleading other students on their opinions about All might being a teacher.This was definitely why Shouta didn't like the idea of the number one hero being a UA staff member.
"Maika,stay close."Aizawa instructed as he held a defensive gesture for Maika when the press gathered around them.As the reporters began to circle them,Maika tightened her grip on her Father.She slowly started to feel the anxiety rise.
Shouta noticed his daughter's trembling body and pulled her close, resting her head on his side to block the view of the reporters.
"Sir please,can you tell us something about All might being a teacher at UA?"The lady reporter asked,sternly.
"He's on his day off.Now please,your disturbing the class."He said.The reporter doesn't seem pleased with Shouta's response,so she turned her attention to the poor,trembling teen.
"How about you?What are your thoughts on-"
"Leave her alone.Can't you see she doesn't like the current situation right now?"The annoyed and tired Father interrupts,dragging Maika to the entrance,both being greeted by one of the student of class 1-A;Shoto Todoroki.
"Todoroki.Take Maika inside now.I'll deal with the press first."He instructed as he handed Maika over to the bi haired coloured boy.
"Yes,Sensei."He responded,eyeing the younger teens before looking away."Come on.I'll probably take you to the Teachers lounge.".
From there,Shoto guided the girl to the school comus.For most of the time,the two were quiet.None of them spoke to each other,which created an awkward atmosphere for Maika.But it seemed Shoto didn't mind.This was the first time Maika felt awkward with someone.Well,she always felt that,especially with someone new;but this kind of awkward feeling was different.The strange aura between the two felt so...special?
"What's happening...?"
Thankfully,Midnight was there to bring the girl herself,letting Shoto proceed to class.
Later;around lunch.
Shouta allowed Maika to go have her lunch at the cafeteria,thinking it would be a good start for Maika to make friends.
There,she spotted Izuku,Ochako,and Presumably,Iida,sitting by one of the lunch tables.There,the brown haired girl spotted the young one,to which she smiled."Oh!Maika.You wanna have lunch with us?"She playfully offered.
There,Maika quietly listened to Iida boast about his older Brother,Ingenium;while both Izuku And Ochako were amazed at."Wow Iida-Kun!You must really have a wonderful family!"Izuku compliments."Yeah!And to be a part of a family of heroes sounds like a lot of people's dream life!",Ochako added.Maika hid her grin,"Well...unless you decide to live with EraserHead as a dad..."
"Yes.It really is wonderful.And I dream to be just like him!"Iida responded.His posture showing nothing but pride and confidence.
Maika was fascinated by Iida's resolution to be just like his Brother.She started to wonder about her motives,wondering if it was worth it like Iida's.
"What about you,Maika-Chan?"Ochako calls,noticing that Maika was slightly missing out on the conversation."Who inspired you to be a hero?"She asked.
The students looked up to hear the bell ring loud.The students around them slowly begins to panic and worry.
"Attention,all students.Proceed to evacuate the school building.Security three has been broken"The person announced through the speakers.
Then,every student in the area panicked,quickly getting off they're seats and running out the doors,scared.
"Wait,what's security three!?What going on!?"Iida asked,trying his best to stay calm despite the panic build up within him.When nobody didn't answer for about 2 seconds;Maika decided to answer,nervously.
"I-I'm not s-sure-"
"It means someone has broke into the campus!Lets Hurry!"A student answered,cutting Maika off,and immediately leaving the lunch area.
The trio had no choice but to follow along."Maika!Take my hand and hold on!"Izuku demanded,taking the girl's hand and rushing towards the doors.But that doesn't end there.
The students had completely filled the hall.Students pushing each other to try to escape,others are constantly tripping over either the people's legs or they're own feet,even a few were already in the ground after being pushed too hard.
The trio were separated by the wave of students.Iida had been dragged towards the glass wall,Ochako was lost in the wave of students,along with Izuku,who seemingly disappeared into view.
Iida watched as his fellow classmates begin to get lost in the wave.He had spotted Kirishima and Denki ,trying to calm the others,to which they failed to.
"H-help!"A voice called out.Iida turned to see Maika panicking,almost as if she was being pushed non-stop.Fear and anxiety was written all over her face.
It had seemed she regretted loosening her grip on Izuku's hand,by accident.
Maika was stuck in the middle,all by herself and constantly shifting areas.At one point,she was in the middle of the hall;Now she was slowly moving towards the wall.She originally was with the two students,after loosing touch with Izuku,But the wave separated the three,leaving Maika leaning by the wall,terrified and alone.She never thought that a stampede of students would be so terrifying.
Suddenly,everything went silent.As if the whole thing was just in her head.She looked up to see Iida on the top of the doorway,saying something.But she couldn't hear due to the sudden ringing in her ear.It hurts so much,that Maika had to cover them with both of her hands.But,it wasn't enough to block the whole sounds.She ended up falling to her knees in discomfort.How the hell are the students not noticing?Its like they didn't see her and that Maika herself was invisible to their eyes.She's not Hagakure for goodness sake.
"I'm over here!""Slow down!""Run!""Be careful!""Hehehe!""You're going too fast!"
The voices were back.Multiple voices,both a lady's and man's voice.Who were these people?Past friends?Adults that she actually knew?Childhood memorise?They feel familiar,but she's certain she never met them.Or...has she?She was no longer able to focus on reality anymore,theses voices were distracting her.She hasn't noticed that the hall was slowly growing bigger.Or perhaps,was loosening up a bit.But,Maika couldn't notice,the voices were back again.Its just calling out to her.
"Move!","Go away!","I'll push you!","Hold on tight!","No!","Wait for me!","MAIKA!"
Maika was able to snap out,realising she was having another episode."Maika!"Another call.
She looked up to see Izuku,Ochako,Iida;who's finally on the ground,Denki,and Kirishima.They all looked so worried,this teen was on the ground since the students had already returned to they're respective classrooms.Maika realised she was hyperventilating throughout the whole event.That explains why she felt so light headed.
."Are you ok!?"They asked,as they help the girl up.
"Y-Yeah..I'm fine..."Maika replied,gripping her head.
"Are you sure!?You were on the ground,shaking."Iida responded.
"Do-don't worry...I'm..j-just c-claustrophobic...t-that's all.."She replied,catching her breath.She held her head as if it was gonna fall over.
"I-I..gotta go n-now..."Maika stuttered out,leaving the three to worry as they watch the teen leave.They didn't miss the way she left,wobbling and shaking.As if she was about to fall over.
As she ran,she bumped into someone by accident,but Maika was in a hurry."A-Ah!S-Sorry!I d-didn't mean to!I-I'm Sorry!"She apologised and ran off again,not realising who she bumped into.She was too dizzy to even check who it was.She just wanted to look for her parent.She didn't even noticed the voice that called after her.Her sight was glued to the ground.
"Maika!"She heard,a little later.Maika jolted her head up to see a familiar blacked hair man.Ok,maybe she jolted her head a little too fast.The world was spinning.
"P-Papa!"She called,quickly rushing towards him before letting herself stumble into her father's embrace.
"Are you ok!?Are you hurt!?".Shouta noticed the way his Daughter was short on breath,and how wobbly and shaky her body was."Panic attack.Probably from the sudden alarm.",he assumed.He quickly kneeled in front of the teen,gently gripping her shoulders."Are you Alright?"
"P-Papa,I'm f-fine!j-just tired..."Maika responded,gently rubbing the side of her forehead to try and ease the throbbing.It worked anyways."A-And Maybe....a little light headed..."
Shouta sighed,"Come on,Let's go to the lounge and let you rest for a while.I still have class."He spoke as he got up.He held Maika's left hand as he gently gripped onto her right Shoulder,slowly guiding her.He's already expecting the migraines to attack his Daughter.
"P-papa,what h-happened?"Maika asked,nervously,tightening the grip of her hand.
There was a long pause.
"Someone has turned the security gate into ash."Maika stiffened,Her expressions were both shocked and scared."But don't worry.The police was able to fix the problem with the press."He assured."But...the gate-"
Then,he stops walking."Maika.Theres something I need to asked of you.A little favour.I've been thinking about it ever since I saw the schedule.The only thing I'm worried about is;Would bringing you along be worth it?."Shouta spoke,looking worried.
"O-of course p-papa!I-I w-would love t-to h-help you!"Maika replied,showing determination.Her headache seemed to disappear,not that she was relaxed.
Shouta took a deep breath;"It has something to do with the lesson me and my class will be having."Maika looks at her Father,confused."L-...lesson?"
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