Chapter 2:First Day of Class.
Shouta was in the Teachers lounge,filing up the students paper.He scanned to see his students face and name,trying familiarise them.Until he stopped at the last student paper.His eyes slightly widened.
"W-whats wrong,p-papa?"He hears,turning around to see the familiar child He raised.
"Maika...Nothings wrong,kid.Don't worry."He assures,rustling the girl's hair and hiding the student papers.Maika face showed suspicious,but it faded away soon after.Thinking it's just a little surprise fact from a student.
Shouta stood up,grabbing a yellow sleeping bag and proceeded to suit up in it.So when Maika glances over to the man on the floor in a sleeping bag,she mentally slapped herself in embarrassment.
"P-papa!A-Are you really g-going to!?"Maika exclaimed after seeing her Father suit up in a sleeping bag,realising what was going to happen."D-don't you th-think that's a l-little a-awkward for your s-...students,P-Papa?"
"Don't worry about it.Just stay here with your Uncle Ken for your lessons."He replied,calmly,and left the room,moving like a worm on the floor.Not caring about the few glances from the students.Maika buries her face with her arms on the table,embarrassed.She hears a faint chuckle at the door.
"Don't worry too much about your Father,Maika.You know who he is."A voice spoke out.Maika looked up to see what appears to be a huge walking cement slab in clothes smiled at the child.Ken Ishiyama,commonly known as Cementos,was Maika's private teacher.
Maika grew up homeschooled because of her condition,usually she would be homeschooled at their house and usually there was someone to help her with it.
But sadly,that someone was going off somewhere important,and since both Shouta was Teacher at UA,along with a few schedule change,she had no choice but to tag along;just so she could continue her schooling.
The staff had also pointed out that letting her visit UA often would allow Maika to experience what being in school was like.Sure,we wasn't exactly in a classroom with students who would potentially be her classmates,but at least she was recognised as a student in the school.
He even asked Nezu if it was alright if she could have private lessons here.Thankfully,Nezu agreed and assigned Cementos as her private teacher.
"Maika dear,I'm afraid I'll have to start the lesson a little later;or in other words,later by lunch.Can you do me a favour and send this to your Father?I have an urgent meeting with principal Nezu."Cementos instructed,handing Maika some files of paper.
Maika nodded,walking out of the teacher lounges,waving bye at her teacher.
As she walked aimlessly through the hall,she continuously glances at the labels for the rooms."1-A...1-A...Where is class 1-A..?"She thought.She wondered about what the students looked like in her father's class.
Since it's her first time at UA she doesn't know what it's like to be there;except for the few times Shouta would tell her things about his daily routine in his class.Speaking of which,she doesn't even know where her father's classroom is.
"I should've asked Uncle Ken where the classroom is..."Maika thought.
And finally,by sheer luck,she spotted a label,1-A.She walked towards the door,already hearing her father's voice,but muffled.She slowly opened the door,peeping inside to see all the student's eyes were suddenly on her.She starts to feel nervous.Her body stiffened.
"Uh many students...all looking at me."She thought,slightly shaking.
"Maika?"Her father's voice called out,grabbing her attention.Maika immediately and anxiously walked up to Shouta,handing him over the papers,all while avoiding eye contact with the students.
She clearly knew she was in the center of attention,hearing the lowly mutters of the front row."U-Uncle Ken... told me t-.,to give this t-to you.."She stuttered out,feeling the papers leave her hand.
"Alright then.I was going to need this later,but thanks anyways kid."He replied,rustling the girl's hair,hoping it was enough to comfort her.
Shouta knew Maika was feeling uneasy with all the attention being thrown at her,so he immediately faces the class."Now,everyone.Hurry up and change into your practical clothes.I'll meet you all in the field."He instructed.
"Hai!"The students responded.
Maika's head jolted upwards,surprised."Y-your already s-starting t-their pra-..practical test!?"She whispered,but was still loud enough for the nearby students to hear.
The others were already on they're way to the door."There were some changes in the schedule.Aren't you supposed to be taking your private lessons's?"Shouta said,raising an eyebrow.
"U-Uncle Ken said h-he was...busy.."Maika responded,knowing that a few students were still looking at her.Shouta sighed,"Alright then.Lets go to the field.Just sit by the bleachers and watch.There's probably a few things you might learn."He suggested,resting his hand on her shoulder
By the time Maika was by the bleachers,Shouta was waiting for the other students.Some of them were already there,chatting.
The teen couldn't help but examine the students,most of them were pretty excited,some were nervous.She even felt worried for them,especially the ash blonde,who seemed to be irritated.
Then,her eyes laid on a familiar green headed boy.Her eyes slightly widened,"M-Midoriya..."She uttered.She was surprised to see Izuku being part of class 1-A,but also felt proud to see the cheery boy there.
He was the one that helped her the day before.And seeing how he treated her,she could tell he was fitted for a hero.
As soon as everyone was present,Shouta began to give out instructions on the first practical test.Maika sadly couldn't hear most of the conversations and instructions Shouta told the class,since she accidentally sat pretty far.
But she knows they were doing a couple of test like an agility test ,endurance test, and some other tests.All of them would require to prove themselves to be a hero.
Maika swore she heard a student chant about something that had to do with 'having fun',and knowing her Father personally,she knew Shouta wasn't please with that.
The teen swore she was able to hear her Father saying something about 'whoever scored last,will be expelled'.Uh oh..
That just made Maika even worried.She remembered during the last school year,when her Father had expelled everyone in his class.But she heard that he re-enrolled them eventually.
Although,she did had a feeling that they only said that to her so she wouldn't worry much.She became suspicious when she noticed how often her Father was at their home;not that she didn't like him staying at home,she was wondering if he really did have classes to attend.
She noticed that most of the heads of the students,along with Shouta's,was looking directly at her.Maika immediately turned away from them,her Father probably told them they already have an audience.
She never liked the feeling that she was being watched.It made her feel like she's being judged.That made her very uncomfortable.
As time passes,Maika was impressed by the student's agility and speed during the track and field test.
Well,especially for a few who used they're quirks to speed up they're running,especially the one with engines in his calves and the boy making explosions out of his hands.Plenty of them did pretty well,in Maika's opinion.
Her expression was always in awe whenever a student had used they're quirks.Aizawa,along with a few students,had noticed the teen's amazement.It brought a smile on their face to know she was doing fine and was enjoying the sight.
It wasn't long till the ball throwing test was now in play.It was a test to see how strong the students are.
And surprisingly,they were doing pretty decently,well...including the ash blonde.As it was his turn,he shouted "Die" as he threw the ball,which flew off pretty far.
And the short,brown haired girl,who caused the ball to fly off towards space.Maika could see the infinite sign on the monitor.She even had to stand up to see if the ball would even fall,which sadly didn't.She wondered if that ball's about to head towards the moon.
Then,it was Izuku's turn.In Maika's point of view,it seemed he was going to use his quirk to throw the ball.She recalled All might telling her about passing on quirks,but she wasn't sure what kind of quirk it was,since All Might wasn't specific.
But it looks like Shouta activated his quirk,preventing Izuku to use his own.Maika,free from her trance,was now really worried for the green bean,she knows what was going on whenever her Father would use his quirk in his student's.And it wasn't good.
Shouta seems to be talking to Izuku,maybe taunting and warning him.At this point,she didn't even noticed the few eyes of the students were staring at her.
She was worried and anxious,she always felt this,wether its about her or other people,it always brought her discomfort.Worrying for others is one of Maika's habits.Wether she knows them or not,she never really liked seeing people in danger and such.
She was the kind of teen who just want's to reach out to people.But couldn't,due to her mental health and issues.
Finally,Izuku was going to try again.This time,he finally threw the ball really far,but Maika couldn't make out the numbers on the monitor.A lot of students were amazed though,including the teen herself.
But there was something Maika noticed.Izuku's first finger was covered in a purple hue.Did he really used his quirk in his finger?
It seemed the test had finished up,most of the students are about to leave,going back to the classroom.Maika immediately stood up and hurriedly walked to search her Father.
She was able to find him in one of the passageways,where he just finished talking to All might,in his buff form."P-Papa!"She called,seeing both Shouta's and All might's heads turn toward her."W-what did you say to M-Midoriya??"She asked.
Shouta seems surprised.He eyed All might for a moment,before turning back to Maika."I'll tell you soon enough.If you need me,I'll be at the classroom."He replied,rustling the girl's hair and left.
Maika stares as Shouta leaves,hands in his pockets.Then,glances at All might,worried,"W-what...did he you..?"She asked.
All might took a deep breath."He said he was this close to expelling Young Midoriya.Good thing he was doing good."All might answered.
"C-can I see him?"Maika asked,worryingly.
All might nodded,"He's at recovery girl."He replied.
Maika nodded and rushed off.All might felt relived,seeing Maika worry for Izuku.It seemed she's fond of him.Maybe because he's the only student she first met and that he interacted her.Recalling the incident the day before,it was clear Maika could trust Izuku.
"Ah...I should've asked Uncle Yagi where the infirmary was..."She thought.
Maika had been walking the halls for what seemed like hours;but in truth,it was only a few minutes.Thankfully,she was able to reach the infirmary,where she saw Izuku with Chiyo Shuuzenji,Better known as,Recovery girl.
She peeped in the room,"G-granny Chiyo..?"She called.The old lady turned her head to the teen,along with Izuku.
"Ah,Maika dear.What a surprise."She said,smiling.Maika entered the room,closing the door behind her.
"Hi Maika!"Izuku greeted,also smiling.
"A-Are you Ok,M-Midoriya..?"She asked,anxiously.
Maika finally realised what she brought herself into;she begins to panic.
"Don't worry!Its not that bad!"Izuku replied."Oh, can call me Deku if you want."He added.
Maika's head jerked up,"D-Doens't that mean u-useless?"Maika asked.
"Its fine,Its a nickname my Friend gave me."Izuku explained.
"B-But that's mean!A-aren't you ...annoyed w-with it...?"Maika exclaimed,but her voice trailed off at the end.
"It Alright.I grew up with it.Don't worry."Izuku replied,assuring her.
"O...ok.I-I Guess I gotta g-..go now,D-..Deku-Kun.I'm...gonna r-roam around f-..for a bit.."She stuttered,leaving with her face,covered in red.
Izuku hears a giggle from recovery girl."Sigh....I'm happy she has warmed up to you."Recovery girl spoke.
Izuku,confused,asked,"How come?"
"She's a very special girl.She doesn't just talk to random people.In fact,she prefers not to.A very quiet girl indeed."The old lady said,"She rarely asked people if they're fine.Of course,she worries a lot.Including her Father,especially whenever he goes on patrols and missions."She added.
"Hey recovery girl.."Izuku calls.
"Hmm?What is it my boy?"She replied.
"Who is her Father?"Izuku asked,curiously.
Recovery girl smiled,"Why,it's your homeroom teacher!"She responded,chuckling at the end.
Izuku eyes widen,"A-Aizawa Sensei!?"
Recovery girl chuckled,"Please don't tell anyone about that,Alright.Let them know on they're own."She instructed,putting up her finger over mouth,a gesture to keep quiet.
From shocked to surprisingly relived,Izuku smiled,"Ok ma'm!"
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