Error walked home with his lover. Hoping he will never part from him again. Once they were home ink uncovered himself and looked at error.
"Now where did we leave off? Oh yeah.. your dick in me~" ink said looking at error. He was still in the mood but error wasn't.
He know what ink will do just to try and get him in the mood also. Ink hugged errors torso and kissed him. "Wanna go for a ride~?" Ink asked after the parted.
Error smirked at him knowing he just used errors line he used back in the deep woods. "I would love to~" error said picking ink up.
Error carried ink all the way to their room and error sat ink down. Striping himself from all cloths error then laid on the bed. Ink followed soon after the sat on his Bonner.
"Error~ that awful Jason... He.... He did touch me." Ink said looking down at him. Ink could feel error tensing up with anger. "He touched my body.." ink said lightly crying remembering that night...
*Flash back*
As ink sat in the cage he cried wanting his beloved error. He wish he had something to eat too.... He was being starved here. Only being giving scraps of food.
Ink would take anything from Jason though. No matter how much he starved. He wanted errors cooking. Especially his delicious fried chicken.
The thought made inks mouth water of the taste of the fried chicken would dance on inks taste buds.
(Enough about food cuz I'm getting hungry... :0 I just found a nutri Gran bar... Yessssss)
The top of inks cage was opened and he was pulled out by non other than.... Jason.
Ink hissed and growled at him. "OH FUCK OFF!! If you fuck me I would bet that my error has a fatter cock!!" Ink yelled. Jason didn't like this but.. he still brought ink into his tent anyway.
He then gripped inks hips. Ink tensed up since.it was nothing like errors touch. His was soft gentle and caring. While his was need want and rough.
"STOP YOUR HURTING ME!!" Ink yelled at him. He mocked ink and laughed.
Ink the slapped him across the face.
But boy how Jason reacted. He punched ink down to thee ground. "I was going to be gentle.. but... I changed my mind" he said pinning ink to the ground.
He left rough bites all over ink and ink begged for him to stop... Infact ink was bleeding so much he passed out.
When he woke up... He couldn't remember a thing. Just that he was back in this awful cage again.
*End of flashback*
Error looked at the bite marks he left on ink in disgust. "My poor inky... Don't worry ... I'm here now." Error said kissing inks stomach softly.
Error was glad he hadn't beaten ink because that would've killed most likely ink and their child. Speaking of which it's been about what? A week?
Error was getting impatient of how slow it took to process a baby. Error looked at ink lovingly as he kissed inks stomach some more. "Oh error~ I luv you so much~" ink cooed to error who now looked up at him.
Error licked inks stomach still not breaking eye contact. Ink gave out a soft moan. He missed error all those days.
It was the worst days of his life. Ink bent down kissing errors forehead as he sat back up hearts were back in his eyes.
"Now. Shall we~?" Ink said now on his knees above error. Error smirked lining his dick to inks beloved entrance.
Ink moaned as error made his member rub against inks entrance. Ink sat down causing error to groan. Ink moaned himself as for ink felt like error gotten bigger.
Error decided he would take control of this whole show and pin ink down and him senselessly.
Error flipped them over causing ink to lay down facing error. Errors tail swung back and forth as he flipped ink over to face the bed.
Inks entire body was shaking even his wings. Error kissed the back of inks neck and ink moaned out loudly. "Sensitive back here hmmm? Is that why your shaking my kinky inky?" Error asked then gave off a dark chuckle.
Ink slowly nodded and error smirked. He then took one hand and ran a finger from inks neck to his tailbone. Ink gave off a shiver as his back arched.
Error the suddenly slammed into ink.. and deep. Ink moaned out enjoys his lovers cock fitting in him in all the right ways.
Error loved how his lovers entrance was so sweet and tight... It made error groan just being in him. "O-oh error~" ink moaned from under him.
"G-go .. go fast!!" Ink said bucking his hips. Error started to slam into ink a a descent pace but it still wasnt fast enough for ink.
"Error~o-ohhh~ faster pleeeeaaaseee~" ink begged. He wants more of his touch. More of him penetrating his entrance. Error began to go faster causing ink to moan out loving how fast he could go..
"H-HARDER!!" Ink screamed out loving errors dick more and more. Error slammed into inks tight little entrance harder.
Ink now screaming his moans enjoying this. It was like winning the lottery to ink. The fucking lottery. Error came deep into ink and pulled out.
Ink collapsed right after pulled out. Ink flipped over and saw error above him. Error then laid his head down on his stomach.
Soon after you could hear soft snores coming from error. Ink soon also fell asleep and there they slept.....
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