Senpais inner being
This story is dedicated to llMeronll
He looked at me my long blue hair over my shoulders I took my water sword and charged at him he jumped up and turned into his inner being that is basically what he looked like when he reaches his true power he was sooooo hot( he is in The media) he tried to crack my skull open I doged and used the new spell I learned to hold him in the air in a bubble I took the fire house pin off his shirt and put it on mine blue and indigo fire works went of the announcer called a air and earth user and so on once we were finished the head master or whatever people call them I'm just calling them that. He called the 12 house representatives. The first house the house of the house of fire a male and female are picked the man was none other than my Senpai this would be had
M Fire: dark flame/ Ashton flame
F Fire: Vanessa jade
M Earth: jake stone blade
F earth : Eva mirth
M water: Pyro Messina
F water: Lilia element
M air: William t. Fin
F air: Emma
M light: Michael kana
F light: Mary Gina
M dark: Kyle polio
F dark: Hannah Jeffery
Me and pyro trained for hours he would be against mary gina I was against my Senpai who is kinda scary now that I think about it MABYE he is not my Senpai after all tonight I am going to see him.ya.(below is Ashton normal form)
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