Time skip to 7:00
I sneaked over to the fire side slowly trying not to get caugth when I reached Ashton's cabin I saw him with a girl KISSING!!!! I dropped the love letter I made with so much care and ran away crying he saw me and tried to catch me but I ran tears streaming down my face my eyes watery I ran back home to my cabin in the ran he stoped and stared at me I dident look back I ran to my cabin being alarmed by my cabin mates I locked my door and leaned against it I curled down and cryed I could feel the demon feeding of my sadness and anger until I snapped I was going to find that girl and I was going to kill her i waited until midnight when my cabin mates were asleep and I slowly sneaked to the fire side I found her still making out with Senpai i ran in it was just her and him I grabbed her by the neck pinned her on the floor and stabbed her I couldn't stop doing it I wasn't in control I grabbed her she was very injured and I stuck my knife throw her windpipe she feel on the floor with a smack. I turned around I couldent make out what he was saying but he said to me father let her go but I must be making things up after that he grabbed me and hugged me close please he said I fell on the ground he got rid of the knife and body and made it so I wouldn't get caught no one knew only dark flame not even me. The two graves are all my falt I bent down and shamed myself Ashton placed his hand on my shoulder I pushed it off then he grabbed me and kissed me I backed up away he looked at me. I need to tell you something he said. what I asked.i I i am the s s son of the demon that
Possessed you he said i back away confusion plastered against my face I backed up slowly he tryed to grabbed me again but I dodged I ran away crying 😢 towards my cabin I wanted to break this curse I want everyone that is related to dark flame to die I want him to die I want nothing to do with his family he must pay for what he did to me.i shoved my Senpai shrine of my table and burned every picture of him I have and shredded the note he gave me I took the house badge I got from him and burned it he will pay.
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