9- Busted.
😈 M- Rated.
The day had come...
I knew it would and it had been accelerated by my clumsy pill taking the other night.
"Thing is Leah.. You grabbed a lot of men's attention when you were off your face. Granted it wasn't great for you to be like that, but you pushed yourself out there and let's say, it's worked in your favour. They are offering some big money." Ace said sitting opposite me as I shifted in my seat. "And I have been lenient, your boy took you that night, he's been here nearly every night and I know you aren't earning enough. See I may look like I haven't got a handle on things, but I have. Most girls start within a month of being here, you've been here a lot longer than that, it would be stupid to turn the money down."
The idea made me feel dirty, stripping was one thing, but letting a man touch you, do things to you...
"I- I don't know."
"One man is offering 2k... 1k That's your take home for a 15 minute, probably less romp. You can fake 15 minutes."
I swallowed the bile down. "Ace.. I know you think this a good idea."
"It's a brilliant idea!"
"But I don't think.. No. I know, I don't want to do this.. I'm sorry."
He nodded and sat back in his seat, "That's okay, but I have to make changes or let you go. You understand that right?"
I nodded.
"So from now on, your boy can't come in unless he's paying for a private dance and that's only to be one session. After that, he has to go. You have to do at least 6 private dances a night. You're not earning enough."
No Zak...
The mere idea makes my stomach sink. "What?"
"You heard Leah, I need you circulating the club, not on his lap all night. I can't allow it."
"But what? What do you expect from me? I can't give you anymore opportunity than what I already have. He is taking up too much of your time. Or, would you rather leave instead?"
I blinked. "I don't want to lose my job." But I didn't want to lose Zak either. He came here for more than just me. I mean, that's why he was in the club in the first place... Right? But now I had him, I didn't want to lose him and I know that makes me selfish.
Ace laced his fingers together "Then I'll leave it to you."
"What if I considered it?" I asked making his green eyes flick up from the papers in front of him.
"Considered what?" He replied, clearly playing me at my own pride, he wanted me to say it out loud.
"What if I thought about the offers?"
He shrugged resting back against his seat, "Then I'd have no reason to cut your boys time short. Would I? You'd be one of my top earners.."
My brows furrowed thinking about it, as well as the other girls, with money came conflict, it was the way the world moved. I was on my way to making enemies, the women here, Patience, Candy and all the rest of them worked hard to get high pay. Me coming in and taking high paying clients isn't going to go down well.
"Leah... I get you feel obligated to worry about the others. But let's face it, they don't give a fuck about you." He said cruelly.
I wanted to argue my case, based on the fact Patience got Angel when she was concerned for me. Although she didn't until I left her side, but it was better late than never... Right?
"Who is the guy that's offering big money?" I ask, reminding myself that knowledge is power.
"Don't know. Didn't go into details, he just said that he will be back the weekend. He wants an answer. Can you really afford to turn down $1000? For laying on your back for 15 minutes?"
"I'm not a hooker."
"No, you're a stripper. Men have already seen it all, so what's the difference?"
His attitude hits a nerve and I think it stung more that he called me a stripper, although that is what I am, I have become accustomed to Zak calling it exotic dancing. It made me feel a little better about myself and not so low rent.
Just like people say pole fitness instead of pole dancing.
Same thing, just without the stigma.
I grind my teeth before deciding to bite back. Hard. "The difference is you showing your ass and having a man shove his dick up it!"
"Watch your tone." He growls back, the anger making his green eyes glow slightly. I huff back and look away from him. "I gave you a chance when others wouldn't, you came here with not a fucking clue on how to be seductive or the slightest bit alluring. Now you are. You live the lifestyle you have, because of me and my club. Let's not forget your puppy that comes in every damn night looking for you. Just one more word Leah. You'll never see him again. Do you understand?!"
Now I'm angry, angry and sad and I can't do a damn thing about it, accept sit there and take it. You don't bite the hand that feeds you, at least not twice..
"You can tell that lapdog of yours that he is having limited conjugal visits from now on... Now get the fuck out."
I get off the chair and leave the office without another word, already beating myself over the back of the head for my big mouth. I just didn't know when to shut up.
I fixed my shirt collar and checked my hair in the car mirror before getting out and making my way to the door. My heart seemed to gain strength as I slid through the door and made my way down the corridor.
As always, the club was packed and low purple lighting filled the room whilst men gathered around the stage watching one dancer strip off, her sparkly bikini top landed on one man's head making him and his groups of friends rawr and toss money onto the stage.
Glancing around the room, I didn't see Leah, until I checked again. That's when I found her stood beside a man. Her eyes looked at me and instead of showing happiness like I had always been welcomed with, I was washed with sadness. I noticed the guys hand clamped on the top of her arm and I was about to cross the room to remove it when he let go and stood back giving me a view of his face.... The boss.
He glanced over to me and gave me a smile before slinking off into the dark.
Keeping my eyes on Leah, she took a breath and made her way over, fixing a smile before she arrived.
"Hey baby." She cooed.
But instead of answering, I picked up her arm and rubbed at where his hand had been. "Are you okay?"
She nodded, still with her smile. "Of course. Drink is on me tonight. So you having a water? Because you never drink the whiskey."
"Leah.. What's wron—"
"Water?" She questioned not letting me finish. Seeing the determination in her eyes to block out and look past what happened, I nodded.
Two hours in and I was tittering on snapping.
Our usual night had been quashed, Leah played the part of the entertainer all night, by distracting herself with other men who looked in her direction, not paying the slightest bit of attention to me. Leaving me sat there beside her, looking like some chump.
I tried to get her alone, suggesting a private dance but she refused claiming that she wanted to stay here and we could sit closer together in the booth if we wanted to talk. But frankly it wasn't the same.
Yelling in her ear wasn't my idea of a nice time, but having her alone, with the music a little quieter, sat on my lap whilst I played with her hair and chatted was.
"Hey! Are you going to stop fucking with me?"
My question made her head whip around. Confusion danced behind her dark eyes, and whilst I had her off guard, I went in to attack. "You've been eye-fucking every damn guy here but can't even look at me. What's going on?!"
She shook her head.
I threw up my hands "Fine."
Pushing myself up, I got out the booth and walked in the direction of the exit when a small hand pulled me to a stop. Turning I looked down at Leah.
"Quit fucking with me! Just talk to me!" I shouted over the base of the song.
🎵 Let me.... Let me satisfy.🎵
"I'm sorry. I—"
"I don't want you to be sorry!" I answered trying to keep my calm. I grabbed her face between my hands making her eyes stay on mine "What's going on with you? Don't bullshit me."
🎵Let me satisfy.🎵
Leah pulled her face from my grip and held her hand up to one of the men dressed in complete black with security wrote across his front.
I looked back to her as she held my hands, glancing around the room, her grip tightened before she pulled me hard and led us out the room towards the private dances. Watching her stride in her heels made me determined to keep up with her and I knew the protocol as soon as we slipped inside, she left me to lock the door whilst she locked the second security door. One that the owner and security used sometimes to check on the girls for their own protection.
As Leah came back, she stopped in front of me. Her eyes looking up into mine before she grabbed my shirt and pulled me against her mouth.
My eyes fell shut instantly at the softness of her lips and warmth of her tongue. Feeling her urgency, I lowered myself down enough to grasp the back of her legs and lift her up onto my waist.
The small gasp that left her lips made me smile, but nothing made me moan quicker than her small fingers pulling at my hair whilst rubbing her hips against mine.
I angled my mouth away from hers "L-Leah."
"Please.. Please just.. I need you." She admitted making me cave into her needs and forget my own questions. Walking to the stage, I placed her on it and grabbed my wallet from my pocket, dropping it onto the floor when I pulled out the condom whilst she tugged at my belt. Leaning forwards, I kissed her and moaned when her hands pulled down my jeans and boxers so that she had full access.
"Fuck.." I sighed as she worked my body. "Come here..."
She stood up and took the condom from my fingers, tearing the packet and placing it on me whilst I ate at her lips, almost shaking with anticipation.
My fingers found the small piece of lace under her skirt, pulling it down harshly, Leah pulled her skirt up and turned using the stage to brace herself. I coaxed her to push her ass out a little more and grabbed her hips putting them exactly in front of me.
In one hard and fluid thrust, we both gasped. I felt her body tighten against the intrusion of mine, but I didn't move, instead, I laid kisses on the back of her neck and shoulder until I knew it was okay to move again. When Leah pushed her hips back to me, I met her with my own thrust and within seconds we were off. Out of sync and desperate for release, it was like our bodies had been starving without each other and I wanted nothing more than to feed and to feed greedily!
"Fuck!" She moaned hitting her palm against the stage. Wrapping my hair around her pony tail, I pulled her up and growled into her neck as I continued pushing her. Her hand wrapped around my wrist which held her hip for some stability. The other guided my hand to leave her hair and wrap around her throat.
I bit her neck playfully before squeezing her throat cutting off her panting in short bursts, each squeeze was appreciated with a breathy yes after.
"Fucking ignore me. Eye fuck other men." I snarled at her, thrusting harder.
"Yes! Fuck! Yes baby!"
I smiled at her pet name and despite being older and bigger than her, I found it endearing. Whilst it meant little to anyone else, I wondered if she called me it because she too felt there was a little more to this agreement than we both wanted to admit?
"I-is this what you wanted? Huh?"
"Yes, yes, yes." She moaned before I squeezed her throat again. I waited a couple seconds this time it was up to 5 before letting her go.
I slowed my pace, waiting to keep her on tender hooks, but where I slowed, she picked up and tried desperately to get the momentum which I had built back.
"Get it." I coaxed as she cried in frustration. I laughed and took back over until we were both at breaking point. It only took a few more pushes before we both fell over the edge, and as Leah collapsed onto the stage, I fell over her and held my weight off her by planting my hands either side of her head.
Panting heavily, I looked down at her as she blinked slowly. "Y-you okay?"
She nodded and kissed the back of my hand before nuzzling against it. Swallowing, I slowly pulled out and got myself sorted before pulling up her panties and fixing her skirt. Leah stood up and fixed her hair before smiling at me.
"Well that was unexpected." I breathed.
"And yet you came prepared and rose to the challenge."
"I'd hate to disappoint the lady."
"Let me know when you find her." She giggled fixing my collar.
"Now, without the bullshit. What's going on?" I asked moving some hair off her face which had fallen from the pony tail.
"I got a chance to make some more money..."
I nodded "That's good news, right?"
"It's not dancing, Zak."
My eyes left her lips and snapped back to her eyes "No. no fucking way."
"There isn't really much cho—"
"No! I don't want you shagging around Leah. No, tell whoever the fuck manages you that you're not doing it!"
Her eyes looked away from me. "It's not that simple."
Her answer only made my eyes grow in size "Yes! Yes it fucking is! Tell him you're not a hooker! You're a dancer!"
"It's $2000!"
"I'll pay you $4000, not to!"
She rolled her eyes "Be reasonab–"
"$6000! I'll pay you—"
"I don't want your money!" She interrupted me harshly.
"But you'll take some strangers money for what? Oral? Sex? Both? What?"
"I.. I don't know."
I stepped back and pulled at my hair in frustration "Jesus Christ Leah! I am willing to pay you three times as much not to do it! Why can't you accept it?!"
"Because I don't want your money, Zak!"
"Why?! If you're in need of cash then I can give it to you!" I shouted back.
"It's not about the money. Okay? It's not!"
"Then its sex is it? Just plain sex? Like we just had?" I questioned. She shook her head. "No. Of course not.. You're not doing it."
"You're not the boss of me. Let's just make that clear." She fought back.
"No! I'm not and this other guy... He's a client, like I am. Right?"
She sighed "Zak don't be like this.."
"Forget it Leah." I scoffed and left the room, slamming the door on my way out.
I marched across the nightclub, pissed off and angry at how the night was ending. How she was willing to sleep with a stranger, how she was willing to put a price on herself!
My eyes connected with the man in charge, two security flanking his sides as he sat with a shit eating grin on his face. Like cat had got the cream. This fucker...
I just unknowingly played right into his hands, angrier at myself, I left the club and stalked towards my car when I froze.
"No, fucking way bro..." Bacon laughed.
"You're coming here every night?!" He asked incredulously.
"How did you find me?" I glowered.
Bacons smile faded "I was curious.."
"You followed me?! Are you fucking serious?!" I snapped ready to tear him a new one when the door flew open behind me.
"Hey! Don't you walk away from me!"
My eyes shut as my heart sank, taking a breath I turned to face Leah. "You don't get to tell me what I can and can't do! You're not my father!"
"No! Cause I'd be disgusted!" I snapped back before wanting to kick myself, preferably in the head.
"So that's what you think of me is it? That I'm disgusting?! Fine!" She shouted shoving my wallet into my chest. "Fuck off and don't come back."
Not wanting to be ribbed over this by Bacon, my asshole card came out to play and I opened my wallet and shoved the money into Leah's hand. "For your services."
I saw the hurt in her eyes shift into anger. She threw the money back in my face before storming back into the club leaving me stood outside. Feeling like the worlds biggest asshole and having to listen to Bacon's sniggering.
"Dude... I can't believe you're fucking a hooker. You, of all people."
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