50 - It's time.. Right?
If anyone was to ask me how I feel after reading the letter from Cody, I would have to say.... Indifferent, maybe even conflicted. Whilst I was proud of how far he had come whilst away (because I don't like to think of him in a hospital), I was concerned that maybe a large move to North Dakota and to a place we once spent time together, would evidently trap him in a time loop of the past and set him back.
However I was not a doctor, nor a nurse and therefore I could not say that his decision was a good decision. I just had to trust him.
The bedroom door creaked open making me wipe the tears that had escaped during the reading, setting a smile on my face, I looked up to see Zak leaning against the door frame. "I've come baring tissues..." He speaks pulling a pack from his pocket.
I smile gratefully and pat the side of the bed, he slips in and passes me the small handy pack before grabbing my foot in his hands and rubbing the soles of my feet. The time of this pregnancy had flown, with days and weeks slipping by, I was now at a whooping 8 and a half months. My belly was larger than I ever expected, my ankles were swollen and I slept more than ever. (Better now, because when this little bundle arrives, I won't be getting any sleep.)
"That's wonderful." I sigh at the sensation he's making my feet explode with.
"I'm making lunch as we speak, Gracie is walked and I've told mom that I'm taking the day off." He notifies me with a small smile.
"You didn't have to cry off work, I won't do anything. I promise."
"Says the woman who is almost ready to give birth. The same woman I found climbing a ladder and cleaning the windows." He gives me a cocked brow.
"You're never going to let that go, are you?" I question, still slightly embarrassed for being so reckless. But what else is a girl suppose to do when the windows were dirty from some flying rat. I didn't want to stare at the bird poo, and it was also interrupting my view of the small tree Zak had near the window where a small hummingbird frequently visited.
"Not at the moment. I'm still waiting for the traffic tickets." He murmured, after checking the cameras and finding me window cleaning, someone crossed Vegas and a blaze of fury and has probably jumped 15 red lights and speed cameras whilst on his way here.
"You're lucky you weren't in an accident."
"Back at you." He threw back.
His eyes move to the letter on my lap before looking back at me with a gentle smile "I promised I would take care of you.. But it now includes both of you."
"I know." I reply looking at the handsome God, rubbing my feet.
"Was it good?" He queries.
I shrug "I don't know how he got our address, with your address being privatised and a private community.."
"That is an easy answer. I gave it to the hospital."
I blink.
"He needed an emergency contact and whilst you were on the list, alongside me, I made sure I was first port of call. I also gave my address, because at the time, he was desperate and I filled out whatever I needed to, to help him."
My heart warms and I reach out wanting to hold his hand, releasing my foot, he takes my hand in both of his. "Thank you." I whisper.
"You're welcome.. How is he though, really?"
I then take note of how Zak is actually concerned for Cody, and I only presume that is because he was there to witness Cody's cry for help that night. Whereas I stuck my head in the sand and believed I could help him.. Somehow.
"He is leaving Vegas." I reply making Zak frown.
"Really? Where is he going? Is that a good choice? I mean, whilst he is here, we can help him. Although I guess nowhere in America is too far and he has my number, he knows he can ring me.. For anything. I just thought that he would want to remain close, you know?"
"Apparently not."
"And how do you feel about that?" Zak questions as his hands leave mine to rub my bump. A small token of contact I was seriously going to miss.
"I'm not sure if I am honest." I reply as his hands disappear. He gets off the bed and disappears into the bathroom before returning with my lotion. My bump lotion to be precise.
In his own little world, he pulls up my t-shirt and places some lotion on his hands before rubbing them together and gently applying it. "It's okay to feel a mix of emotions. Whilst Cody was.... Away. We kind of knew he was in safe hands."
"I know, but it is where he is going that is playing a part in this too."
"And where is that?"
"North Dakota. He is staying in some lodges for a while."
"North Dakota is nice. Trees, plenty of peace, and oxygen. Fishing is good." Zak lists.
"But it is also where he proposed to me.." I trail off.
"Ahh.." He answers.
"I just don't want him to be living in the past, if he has gone, truly for himself. Then I will be happy. But it pains me slightly to think that he has gone on some misguided attempt to live in the past."
Zak's hands swirl over my bump making the baby move and push back against my stomach. He laughs "Hey you, I'm helping your mommy out, I've got time to enjoy every second with her, then I have to share and if I'm honest..."
He leans in close to my stomach where a foot or maybe a hand pushes against my skin. "I'm not much of a sharer." He whispers making me giggle.
Most of my belly activity happens when Zak is around, all baby movements are preserved for his entertainment, and I suspect that the baby is well in advanced with his voice and tone. Maybe it's the baby picking up on the heartbeat that skips every time I see Zak. Yes, it still happens. I don't think it will ever, not happen.
"Listen." Zak speaks changing back to me. "Cody is a strong guy, he has been having counselling and help. He knows what he is doing and if going to somewhere like that is going to help him, then you have to believe and trust him."
I nod.
"I can't imagine he would do anything to harm his progress, and he was in a seriously dark place.. I think he is going back to a time where he was happy and is going to build up from that." He continues to glide his hands over my stomach in a theraputic notion until any stress has been soothed out of my body.
I never considered that possibility but I do hope for the best. I hope he finds what he is looking for in life and secures himself another piece of heaven, because if anyone deserves another piece, it is Cody.
"Stop worrying about things you cannot change. I have faith in him." Zak concludes making me smile gently.
"You're right. Plus my concentration should be here."
This time Zak nods "Absolutely. I mean, now you're all pushed out, it's hard to get some me and you time."
I laugh gently "Are you feeling neglected?"
"No.... Maybe a little.."
"You heard the doctor, we are perfectly safe."
He shakes his head, "Nope, it's not happening. I.. I just can't. You know why."
I roll my eyes and stifle another laugh at Zak's anxiety of poking the baby. Even after the doctor explained that there is no possibility unless he has some deformed penis that can reach up and around. But according to Zak, raining on his own child or even attempting such an act need to be avoided. And heaven forbid should I suggest helping out with his frustrations! If I was not sat on a peddlestool or laying in bed resting, then the world was going to end. Being on my knees was not something he was going to entertain, which is weird considering I thought most men would have been begging for such a luxury.
"Enough about that..." He frowns, reminding me that we also can't speak of the act.
I almost roll my eyes again, swearing and the words sex have been ban in this house, I cut my finger and said the word fuck, you'd think I had given him some aphrodisiac as he disappeared muttering about his trousers being too tight... I found him in the shower shortly after.
"Now, would you like lunch here or at the table?"
"I think I should get up. Sleep is hard to come by at night, sleeping in the day does not help."
"The baby needs more sleep.." He shrugs as if it is nothing.
"The baby is having plenty, it is me that longs to lay on my front."
He laughs softly. "My poor baby can't get comfy at all. Come on, if you insist on getting up."
"This isn't some victorian thing. I am allowed to move around the house and have you heard, pregnant women are allowed outside the house too." I tease.
He mutters back and helps me up before walking out the bedroom. I waddle after him, rubbing my back and sighing as the sun floods onto my skin as I cross the lounge. "Oh this is lovely." I gush stopping to take in the warmth.
"You look pale."
I look to Zak and was about to tell him to stop his fussing when a sudden call of nature happens. "I need to pee." Turning I head back to the bedroom and use the bathroom. Everything was almost normal, when you have to encounter the bump whilst making sure you have cleaned yourself properly. That's when I pause noticing something different..
Hoisting up my panties and leggings, I wash my hands and head back to Zak with a slightly forceful waddle.
"What's up?" He asks as I puff at the kitchen door.
"I um... There's..."
He waits before his confused face suddenly looks pale itself. "What is it?"
"There's some blood.."
Lunch is almost dropped on the ground as he tosses it on the side an pats his pockets frantically before finding his phone and ringing the midwife. I explain what is happening and how when I wiped there was something different. He cringes as he relays it and begins to ask me 1001 questions, whilst I grab a fork and begin eating food from the pan. (What? I'm hungry..)
"Stop eating that." He hisses pulling the pan away making me whine. "We need to go to the hospital. They uhh.. They think it could be time."
I scoff "Don't be absurb. It's a little back ache and some blood."
"Leah. Baby... I will take a fucking tupperware full, so long as you get your beautiful ass in the damn car. This fucking instant."
"Uh, swearing Zachary." I point out.
He lifts his hands which are shaking. "Leah please.."
Seeing the stress it was already having on him, I give in. "Fine but I swear, everything is fine, I have another half a month yet and I can bet this is all norm-"
I freeze as water hits my feet, looking down at the puddle, I tilt my head. Then I realise, this isn't a drill.
"Oh. Oh dear."
"Car! Now!" He panics running away to grab the hospital bag.
I nod to myself and grab my hoody.... I also grab the saucepan and fork, because nothing is going to get in the way of this stove top lasagne.
This pregnancy lark is a walk in the park.. Isn't it? I mean, if this is labour, then sign me up cause a little back pain is nothing at the moment..
Zak rushes past me to put a towel on his car seat before sighing harshly and removing the saucepan from me, I pout furiously as he puts me in the car and puts my belt on whilst I'm still trying to fight for the food.
"Seriously woman! You're about to drop a baby and you want carbs?!"
My eyes snap to him and a simple look has the saucepan back in my reach and we are driving to the hospital.
Pregnancy. It's a breeze...
It's almost 8 hours later that I find out that pregnancy isn't a walk in the park, that Zak is never going without a condom again and that my privates feel like they are on fire. And our agreement on swearing is thrown out the window as I become fluent in every swearword, in every known language known to man.
Authors note;
As you all suspect, this story is almost done. & I have struggled to finish this one. Whilst I love writing, I also love reading and the way to balance the two is almost impossible as I have read a whole range of books in the past few weeks, I think I'm nearly at 35 books. From missing people, to rom-coms, to hockey men. (I never knew how much I enjoyed these!) My E-reader and bank account has certainly taken a hit and I'm currently hiding from the bank statement.
I hope to be finished by this Saturday as it is my birthday and I am reaching the age of 26. I've spent the last 4 years worrying about my life every single day and as I write this at the moment, I have a mood of "Whatever happens, happens." I won't stress about the future.
So if you're having a bad day or moment, just remember, tomorrow is another day and its a fresh start. Right now, I have learnt to enjoy every single day!
There will be some stories disappearing, but I have yet to decide which ones, however I will work a system so that everyone has time to finish them, before they disappear. I'll probably give them a six months time limit etc. I wanted to come away from Fanfic, I will, in some sense, but I can't help but stick with what I know as well. So more stories, (fiction & Fanfiction) will arrive in time. Because y'all are awesome.
Peach out my loves xxxx
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