38: Dear Future
Update time! I know ya'll been waitin' but I had a weekend off to spend with my family & replenish my mind. I'm back, recharged and ready for action!
Sunlight flooded through the window of Zak's car, making my arm burn slightly whilst the rest of my body was frozen by the powerful air conditioning.
It was still relatively early, but the strip and the roads were busy as tourists and workers hurried about their day. So sometimes the traffic built up, sometimes we had to stop. But the whole time I didn't mind, because of the man sat beside me.
With the music from his phone filling the car and his hand resting on my leg, his thumb soothing against my skin occasionally, I could safely say that I was happy.
His hand moved from my thigh, instantly taking the heat which his hand had left, away. I suppressed a shudder when his hand slid along my shoulder and came to settle against the back of my neck. He squeezed before rubbing gently, repeating the moment until his hand travelled back down, back onto my thigh where it came to rest, again. Zak's patience was something to be admired, by now, I would be having a fit of road rage and screaming at the other drivers.
I turned my head feeling his eyes wandering my skin, as I did, they met his, where he smiled and turned his eyes back to the road. We didn't speak, just shared longing glances at each other, sharing those moments of last night with a simple look. The same look that could make me feel naked sat beside him, with the way his eyes glowed, illuminating the blue and grey within them.
The museum didn't open to the public until 1pm, which gave us plenty of time for our private tour. After Zak had turned off the alarm, he pocketed his keys and turned taking my hand and leading me to the left hand side of the wall where a small case sat.
"I want you to put this on." He spoke quietly fishing out a rosary and looping it over my head until it came to rest on my chest.
"This place is strong, I am used to this type of energy, you are not. You could say, you're a virgin to this. I don't want that being stolen from you because my items want to act up." He spoke brushing a piece of hair behind my ear. "I don't want you to be harmed by anything."
A warm feeling swelled in my chest, leading me to take his hand and kiss his knuckles. "I'm with you. Nothing can harm me."
He nodded in agreement. "Although I do not wish to find out due to my ego."
With our fingers laced together, Zak led us to the office where he picked up his hat and placed it on top of my head gently. I grinned.
"Now, where do you want to start first?"
It was hard to decide, with over 40 heavily decorated rooms, packed with memorabilia, antiques and haunted items. So I suggested that he take me to the room which he based off his first real demonic attack. - The replica of Bob Mackey's Music World.
Stepping into the room, I watched the physically changes of Zak as he began to shift on his feet, fiddle with his keys which he had removed from his pockets, just for something to hold onto. He gave me a brief explanation of the room. Explained what happened there and how it effected him. I still believe it did, even to this day.
"Besides being scratched, why is this place different than the other demonic locations?" I queried, looking into the dirt pit in the centre of the room.
He blew out a breath before taking a large intake, "Being scratched was just the start. Being scratched was and is something I can deal with. But it's the chaos that follows after. The nightmares, the energy and the demon that followed me home was not something I was prepared for. I was young, dumb, thought I could take it all on. I was wrong. It's the only location that I won't go back to. Not for me, nor for Aaron. It changed our lives, and I can't say it was for the better.." He answered.
"Would you ever take it back? What happened? Would you have done things different in that lockdown?"
He thought about that question before shaking his head "Honestly? No, despite everything that happened during and after, it made us stronger. A stronger team, stronger people. We got evidence, we propelled ourselves and if it wasn't for me taking those steps, there is no saying what would have become of the show. I don't regret any investigation, I just won't to go back to Bob Mackey's."
"Ever." He finalised.
I nodded and slipped my hand into his before giving it a gentle squeeze. "Show me more."
The next room we arrived at was the doll room, one room that made me stop in the doorway and give each delicately painted faces a stern eye.
"Nothing will fly at you." He spoke amused as he walked into the room.
"Sure about that?"
He shrugged "It's never a quiet day, that's for sure."
"So what's with this place?"
He chuckled "This is my hell, well, not completely but a small aspect of it is.
I have a fear of dolls. Dolls and clowns. And heights.... And snakes."
I grin "Heights? Really? You're how tall now?"
"6,1. Yes I really am. As daft as it sounds."
I pinch my lips together and wink.
Zak discusses the dolls, which ones are haunted, which ones cam from where and how long he has owned them.
"This one is really from Villisca?"
He nods. "Present from the owner."
"One heck of a present." I mutter looking at the doll through the glass. It's eyes seemed scary/friendly, in a weird haunting kind of way. They looked harmless, but when added with dark thoughts of a nightmare, those friendly eyes can become horrific.
We took the tour slowly, letting him tell me about his adventures and his hobby of collecting things. I was partially fond of how his eyes sparkled and how excited he got to explain his items in great detail.
He beamed even more when I asked questions.
Charles Manson's room was.... Different.
It made me uncomfortable but also intrigued at the same time, which is how I came go hold the rosary in my hand and soothe my thumb over it as we talked about Sharon Tate's final days. But as my eyes came to rest on her photo, an emotion tugged hard within my soul and I was forced to take myself out of the room.
"You okay?" Zak asks joining me.
I nod and give him a small smile "It was... She was pregnant. She uh.. Well.."
I couldn't finish my words but Zak understood and wrapped his arms around me before placing a kiss onto my forehead.
"Let me show you some other rooms."
I nod back and let him lead me away.
After the puppet room, Ed Gein's cauldron, the funeral parlour and countless other rooms, Zak stopped us outside the last door.
"Okay, this is the mirror."
"The one that holds the vampire?"
He nods.
I pushed my shoulder back "Let's go wake Dracula."
His face said it all with a disapproving scowl at my words but he followed me in.
"Holy cow." I whispered stepping towards the largest mirror, I have ever seen!
"That's not the one." He points out, but I wave him off.
"I don't care. Look at how beautiful the frame is!"
I catch his reflection as he smiles and nods. "So it's said that if you look into the mirror, you can communicate with the dead, it also gives you an image of your deepest desires."
I giggle "I think we covered that last night."
He grinned "Then I have to do this wit you."
Joining me, we both stood in front of the mirror and stared at our own reflections.
Minutes passed and all I could see was myself. There was no change in atmosphere, Zak was still beside me. But the smile on my face was wider, fuller and my eyes seemed to be dazzling.
So I'm in for more happiness?
"All I'm getting is what we did last night, that and more. What about you? Zak asks.
"Hm?" I ask as my future self turns, a glint flashes on my hand.
A ring?!
My future self kisses Zak on the lips.
"I'm getting hot over this." Zak hummed beside me.
"I know right." I replied trying to keep up with his conversation on our futuristic love life. Letting him believe that I was seeing it too. When in fact I was seeing something completely different.
There is a ring. This is weird. I don't want to marry Zak. So why is there a ring? Maybe it symbols something else? Like deep love? Or unity? Yes, it has to mean unity.
I almost screamed when a small girl ran up to my side, holding my hand and beaming up at me.
My eyes began to water as she stood in a little white dress, a band pushing her long dark locks back and tumbling down her back. She was beautiful.
"Oh baby.." I whispered wanting to reach out in my reality and feel her skin against the palm of my hand.
Zak moaned slightly beside me but I guiltily pushed him out of my mind to look at the little girl. A flower in her hand, a daisy, whirling between her fingers as she twisted herself back and forth making the dress move around her legs.
My future self turned, a smile spread across my face in absolute joy at seeing the little girl. But my reality face was different, in fact, it was a whole lot different!
The blood left my face, pooling at my feet as I watched the future me lower myself onto my knees.
My hands cradling a swollen tummy, Zak was stood beside me, his hand on my back lovingly.
A baby..
I shook my head as the future me spoke to the little girl, clasping my hands in hers and talking excitedly making the little girl hop around in happiness.
Reality lifted my hand up, in a hope that I would be able to feel Amelia's cheek. That my other hand would feel the swell of my stomach. But just when my heart leap at the image of me reaching for the little girl, Zak moved and pulled me into his arms, breaking my concentration and stealing the only vision I had.
My heart broke in my chest but I didn't let it show to him, I couldn't. So I buried my face into his chest, hiding the tears that were forming.
It wasn't until a little later that we left the museum, before the staff and visitors showed up.
"So I was thinking about going for some lunch?" Zak suggested as he locked the door behind him.
I was about to answer when my eyes shot down to the pathway, in the centre of the path laid a flower.
A daisy..
Picking it up, I straightened myself up and looked around. Confused as to why a flower had been left on the path when no flowers were growing at the museum.
Amelia had a flower..
What if it wasn't?
"That's cute." Zak spoke pressing a kiss onto my cheek as he joined me. His eyes looking at my hands as I twirled the flower. I nodded and faked a smile.
Walking behind him, I glanced back at the museum, still holding the flower in my hand.
But for what?
That little girl, was always how I imagined Amelia. Even down to the little birthmark. My little angel..
Getting into the car, I fished my phone out and followed my own trail of thought by typing in the word daisy into the search engine.
A few seconds later the flower was no longer just a flower, it was a message. Glancing at the flower on my lap, I looked back at my phone and re-read the symbolism.
Childbirth, motherhood, new beginnings.
Amelia was trying to tell me something, but a baby couldn't be it. Not whilst I was taking birth control. It was impossible. But it didn't stop a small slice of hope splint itself into my heart.
There was hope. A hope for me, for Zak. For a family.. For a future.
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