36- What you do to me.
I was more than surprised to wake up in the middle of the night and find that a storm had taken Vegas. Through the rumble of thunder, flashes of lightening and the heavy rain, I slid out from under the sheet and slowly made my way to the large floor to ceiling window in Zak's bedroom.
I knew that feeling all to well as I glanced back to see Zak asleep on his front, is arms swept up under his pillow holding it into position. My eyes roamed over the large shoulders and the delicate curl at the base of his spine. It was strange how it almost felt feminine but knew it wasn't, not at all. His muscles shifted under the pale white skin, a stretch away from my tanned complexion from hours bathing in the deserts sun.
A rumble vibrated the window, making me glance back outside into the garden and across the grass. I watched as the raindrops collided with the pool water, mixing the chlorine cleaned water with freshly produced rain which had been most likely carried for days in the sky.
A flash lit up the outside, making me suppress a shiver and wrap my arms around my nude body. But I didn't move, the longer I stood there, the longer I felt a purpose, a purpose that I should be somewhere, doing something. Something that was always familiar when the weather turned like this.
And that's when I seen him. Stood in the garden, his eyes boring into mine. Clothes soaked and hair plastered to his forehead.
My hand instantly went to the door handle and I almost opened it wide not caring about my state of undress, when a flash came filling the garden with light. My eyes never moved as what I thought was Cody, was actually nothing at all. Just a rose bush pinned to a wall...
I jolted as warm arms wrapped around my waist and Zak's face nuzzled into my neck tiredly.
"Hey." I whisper softly running my hands over his arms and rubbing my face against his hair. Enjoying the smell of his shampoo and shower gel all rolled into a beautiful bundle.
"Did anyone tell you, it's dangerous to stand by a window in a storm like this?" He grumbled rocking us back and forth.
"I don't believe in those kinds of tales." I answer.
"You think you can take on Mother Nature?" He questions amused.
I smile "David took on Goliath."
"With a slingshot." Zak added.
"Maybe I am unprepared. But I have you to back me up."
"Absolutely. But this... As fascinating and pretty as it is.." His arms tighten around my waist and I'm slowly lifted up onto his feet. "I'd rather watch it in bed."
He slowly transports us across the bedroom, placing me back into the bed before getting in his side and laying on his side. Watching him, he pulls me back against his chest onto my side letting us both watch the lightening that shot across the sky and the rain that washed down the windows.
Cody used to be afraid of this weather.. He used to think the rumbles were tanks and rain hitting the window was stone being tossed up after a bomb. The lightening? Well that used to be enemy fire through night vision binoculars.
"He's in a safe place." Zak spoke making me twist my head. "Cody. You're worrying about him."
I nod guiltily, knowing how wrong it was to worry over one man and then laying next to another. "Sorry."
"Don't apologise. I don't want you to ever feel like you can't speak about him Leah. He was, he is a big part of your life."
"I think I'm always going to have my worries about him. But you are right. He is in a safe place and with people who can help him." I reply giving him a genuine smile.
Zak returns it before kissing my forehead. I turn back to face the window and snuggle in closer until I'm enveloped in his warmth and safety.
It's then that I drift off back to sleep knowing that the world will be a different place in the morning when I wake.
As I predicted, the morning was completely different as I woke up in bed... Alone.
The sun was blazing through the glass, warming the room slowly as I laid in the cool sheets wondering where Zak was and exactly what time it was. At one stage, I almost gave in and grabbed my phone, but I decided against checking it for any messages or missed calls from Cody. Telling myself that he wouldn't call. He didn't want me to contact him, he was doing this for him.
I'm brooding over the day ahead of me when the bedroom door opens and Zak comes in carefully, fully dressed and carrying a tray. Upon seeing me led there observing him, he smiles "Morning sleepy."
I return a smile, mine much smaller as I pull myself up. "You're dressed."
"I am. I had to go to the museum."
His words make me pause "What time is it?"
He twists his wrist glancing at his watch. "A little after 1pm. I didn't want to wake you up, but I left you a note.."
As he set the tray of food down, he grabbed the note and showed me.
Leah, Problem @ the museum. Won't be long. Z xx
"What happened?" I asked as he screwed it up and carelessly tossed it over his shoulder.
"Oh, damn delivery. The driver damaged the box in transit, I paid $500 for a damaged display case."
"Have you got insurance or made a complaint?"
"No need to, I know the dude. He couldn't apologise enough. He's sorting it all out and making sure that it gets delivered without a scratch."
"You believe him?"
He nods "He's a good guy... But enough about that. Breakfast."
Glancing down at the tray, I feel my heart warm at the selection displayed before me. Croissants, orange juice, fresh fruit and pains au chocolat.
"Woah." I whisper as he kicks off his shoes and gets on the bed beside me. "I could get used to this."
He grins and takes a strawberry giving it a generous bite. My eyes are zoned into his lips as he moans in delight. A feeling stirs in my gut making me glance back down at the plate and pick up a blueberry, popping it into my mouth.
"You should get used to this."
"I've never had anyone make me breakfast before."
He licks his lips "Well I plan on spoiling you. Today this is just an apology for leaving you in bed." He shifts closer.
"You will never know my struggle on leaving you there, undisturbed and naked or sorting out my business."
I smile wickedly "For the record, I'm glad you made the right choice. I don't want anything to change. That museum is your life project Zak."
"I know. But that doesn't mean I can't take a day off and spend it between your legs."
My eyes whip to his face as he picks up another strawberry and eats it, wiggling his brows at me.
"Eat up. We got a lot to do today." He speaks suddenly, rolling off the bed.
"Yeah? What are we doing? Where are we going?" I question biting into a croissant like a starved caveman, or cavewoman..
"Now that would be telling." He replies coming over my side of the bed and stealing a kiss.
I pout at the lack of information but almost dissolve when he lingers against my mouth letting me taste the strawberry across his tongue and lips.
Whatever he wanted to do, I was down.
Stripping in Vegas had left me with a small nest egg stashed in my account and despite nearly working every night, I never lived a life of luxury, much like the other girls did.
Instead of splashing and splurging on material things, I saved and scrimped in case one day, a bill or some twist of bad luck had me needing money.
But when I was with Zak, I was finally able to enjoy the idea of spending some of the money I made. Especially as we headed down onto the strip.
The lively chatter of tourists and shoppers made me feel light as I glided almost them with possibly the most hottest man I'd ever clapped eyes on. His eyes working across the people quickly before he would come closer to me and place his large hand on the base of my back.
At a foot taller than me, Zak was the perfect shopping partner. Anything out of my reach was accessible and from the sheer size of him? People moved when he was walking at a pace.
Picking out clothes with him was more enjoyable than I anticipated, always sticking to his dark clothing choice and listening as he complained about the fit or the length. He was a diva in his own right and quiet frankly? I freakin' loved him for it.
"What about theses?" He asks lifting up a loafer with diamanté crystals all over it.
"Umm. I don't think they are you. You're not a loafer kinda guy." I replied.
He slotted it back down and came over wrapping his arms around my waist "And what kind of guy am I?" He asks looking at the shoes in front of me.
I reach out for a shoe, bending to pull them off the shelf when he inhales sharply making me pull myself up fast.
"What?" I ask conscious.
"It was a lovely image to behold. You bending over like that. Me in the perfect position."
My cheeks flush and I slap my hand lamely against his chest "Behave. These."
I pass him a pair of black high tops with a red sole. He takes it in his hand and checks over the shoe before nodding "Good choice. I'll have them. My favourite colours."
"I know..."
We continue around the store for him before he takes the items to be rung up. I zone off at one point, glancing at a couple walking through the store, wrapped up in Cupid's curse as they giggled and kissed, even sneaking in some gropes. I wondered if we would ever be as carefree and in love as that?
Suddenly I realise Zak has been gone for a while and look around, where I find him stood with his phone out. Rolling my eyes, I head over, imagining being able to throw myself into his arms and kiss him passionately, instead of him looking around cautiously all the time.
As I reach him, I see his phone screen and the way he zooms in, intently on a picture of a woman with a smile on his face.
The woman? Oh she's hot. Insanely hot and I then feel inadequate. Embarrassed, I clear my throat surprising him. "Are you done? Or do you want to get her number?"
"Huh?" He asks with a confused face.
"She's hot. Go for it."
"Whatever Zak. Just go chase tail." I interrupt storming away.
She was blonde... Is that what he likes? Blonde women? Her small waist! Not these curves and bumps! Why did I th—
I'm almost pulled off my feet when Zak pulls me back by wrist. Surprised, I stumble into his chest, at the same time his mouth collides with mine.
I want to be mad. I am mad. Mad that he's checking that woman out and smiling like a damn Cheshire Cat!
"N-no." I struggle pushing him off me.
"Shut up and listen to me." He orders instantly making me step back.
Rude, arrogant, dominating... but why did I enjoy that order so much?
Taking my hand, he guides me into a fire escape of the mall which is left empty as shoppers flood by chatting and calling people. They don't see us stood close together, bags either side of our feet..
He pulls his phone out and unlocks it with his thumb before turning the screen to me. "Look."
I refuse.
"Look at the screen now. Or..." His jaw tenses making me bite my lip.
"Or what?" I ask.
He sees the glimmer in my eye "You little freak. Well I can play that.. Or I'll..." He leans in and whispers some toe curling explicits into my ear.
Pulling away, I wet my lips and bat my lashes.
"Look at the phone." He orders again.
This time, I submit and glance at the woman. She's beautiful, in a small underwear set, showing off her figure.
"Want an upgrade already?" I ask.
He rolls his eyes. "Look..." He shows me again. "It's a lingerie website."
"Oh wow this is making me feel even better." I joke.
"Damn it woman."
I try to fold my arms but he grabs my hand and places it on his crotch. "Feel?"
I shake my head.
"Exactly. No enjoyment. Not a fucking quiver. I'm looking for you. The shop is on the upper level but men get weird looks when they go in there. I just wanted to give you my order so that you can buy them.. For me."
"I'm not sure they do your size." I tease.
"Quit fucking playing. You thought I was looking at her. Not the underwear. Now you have my balls and cock in your hand and as you can tell. Flaccid. To prove my commitment to you.. Watch."
He closes his eyes and inhales before exhaling. I'm almost tempted to flick him in the head and ask him what he's playing at with me pinning between his arms and hand on his crotch when there's a twinge in my hand.
I look down feeling a change and look up to find him staring at me intensely. "Now I'm imagining you in that underwear. Your hair running down your back, your lips painted red, your eyes heavy..."
He twinges again, only this time there's power behind it and he hisses. My cheeks are burning hot and I'm getting my ego stroked in volumes to think I can do this to him.
Leaning in, he gives me a longing kiss before pulling away from me completely. "Now I've proved my point, you're gonna walk your sweet ass up to that shop, with your phone in your hand. You're going to find every item I send you. You're going to pay for it, with my card. Because I want you wearing them. Are we clear?"
I nod.
He hands me his card and pulls my phone out of my back pocket, giving my ass a squeeze in doing so. Handing me my phone and his card, he cocks his head dismissing me.
"Now get up there and buy me the underwear."
"What if they don't do your size?" I tease earning a glare. I giggle and race up the steps, as I'm walking along the upper level, I find him below, watching me with a smile on his face. He looks away and begins using his phone.
Just as I enter the store, I receive a message.
- Jealousy looked good on you. But for the attitude, you're in trouble.
I bite my lip as I wander around the store, glancing at the underwear, sexual aids and toys.
The first message I received almost made me trip over my own feet. I stop and text him back.
- Are you sure? Xx
A beat later, my phone pings and his answer tells me that he's not playing. He wants it.
- Pick up the blindfold now.
There's no kiss or any type of sign off, just a command.
He's getting mad and I'm getting excited..
You can imagine what he whispered in her ear...
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