11- One month
The party continued around us as myself and Zak stood giving each other awkward glances, like a pair of pre-teens at a school dance.
"So... If I get you a drink, are you going to throw it back in my face?" He asks giving a slightly awkward laugh after.
It's one that makes my heart feel funny, but I don't allow the amusement to show, because let's face it, he owes me an apology as much as I owe him one... Did I owe him one really?
"Depends on if you treat me like an alcoholic when you give it to me." I counter.
"Touché." He answers with sly smile.
A part of me wants to be angry with him, but the stupid smile and not to mention his damn good looks has my anger swaying. It's like trying to be mad at an adorable puppy. It's simple... You can't.
"Long time no see.."
He smiles slightly amused and begins turning his empty bottle over in his hand "It's been 5 days."
5 days? Is that all? Swear it's been a lot longer. It's felt like a lot longer..
"But I know what you mean." He adds a beat later. "Why have you missed me or the attention?"
I look at him, annoyed at his question and cockiness, it felt like he was baiting me, so I took my stand and served him one back.
"Haven't noticed, with all the men and extras I give and get now." I reply crudely.
He tweaks his brows and looks away from me. There's no way in hell that he hasn't heard me, his reaction alone was the tell tale sign.
"Was the $2000 worth it?" He counters, trying to gauge my reaction.
I wanted to do this, spar with him, but the chances of me coming off worse were strong. I knew Zak was a viper with his tongue, in more ways than one if you get my drift... But I knew I couldn't keep throwing things at him, because I didn't want to hurt him, not really.
"I'll let you know when I've done it." I answer a little quieter, falling into line with my decision to back my attitude down.
"So you are considering doing it then. Never thought you would."
"I haven't really got much option."
"You always have an option. Because it's an illegal offence to force someone into having sex." He responded in a clipped tone.
I sighed because he was right, but Ace wasn't forcing me into it. He was just going to make my work life impossibly miserable until I comply because he gets a fat pay check out of it as well.
"You don't understand.." I murmur looking away at Candy who was beaming at his friends.
"Then help me understand. Because from all the talks we've ever had Leah, the last thing you've wanted to do is lap dance, but now you're considering sleeping with the guys too? Sorry if I'm a little lost. But I need help understanding what changed."
What changed? The idea of you not coming to see me? The idea that I had got used to you not being there but the moment you came around again, I lost all memory of time you were away. Now you've walked again and there's nothing to look forward to in the day or night.
There's a void in my chest again, and although it's not as big as the one from two years ago, it's still there. Nonetheless. It makes me feel uneasy, sick and alone. Taunting me with its darkness..
"I..." the words die in my throat.
"You what?" He pushes. "You want to do it? You need the money? You want the attention? What? Help me make sense of this Leah. I thought we had a good thing going. Me and you. I thought me coming by chatting was enough for you?"
"It was. It is.."
"So what's happened?"
"The game changed. Okay? New players were pushed onto the pitch and now the betting odds went higher." I grumbled.
"W- What are you even talking about? Bets? Your time has got more expensive, is that it? Because some guy is flashing the cash, suddenly I'm not good enough for you?"
My eyes widen. "No! No, no that's not it. Not at all."
"Then what? Just tell me or I'm out of this conversation."
"You owe me an apology." I fight back surprising him slightly.
"Do I? For what? Giving you money for sex? When that's what you're going to be doing soon anyway?" He asks.
"That's... No. The point is, you made me feel like some cheap slut and that it meant nothing to you."
"You're gonna be accepting some stranger's money soon enough?! Right after he rolls off you, leaving you unsatisfied and most likely feelings sick to your stomach. What part of that won't make you feel cheap? What part of that is going to be okay? The money? Is that's what's going to get you through?"
"You don't get it." I stress as images and confusion hits me at all angles.
"Then tell me!" He shouts a little more abruptly.
"You!" I fire back at him. "The thought of you is going to make it okay..."
His brows knit together "Thinking of me whilst some other guy jumps your bones? That's going to make it better? Imagining it's me. Wow. That's some kind of fucked up logic you have going there."
I grip my hair and clamp my eyes shut in frustration to try and block out the chaos around me to sort the mess inside my head. But it's even worse inside, just a spaghetti street of chaos, images, memories and voices. All clumped together throwing insults at me.
A cool and light pressure touches my forehead, it's enough to make me moan softly and as I open my eyes. I find Zak's forehead against mine.
"I need somewhere quiet. Take me somewhere quiet."
His nods gently, rubbing his nose against mine. Pulling back, his hand takes mine and he leads me away from the party and into the hotel. We slip into the bar inside which is almost empty except for a few patrons in suits and supporting laptops on their knees whilst they work.
Zak pulls me to a small table and gestures to a seat, it's one I take instantly and slow my heart rate and anxiety down.
"Now.. I get this is a little much sometimes, but quit fucking with me Leah. Tell me what's going on."
I nod and twist my fingers. "After I accidentally took those drugs, I.. I don't know what I was doing but I caught someone's attention in the club. A guy, he wants more than just the usual lap dance. He wants everything for $2000. From what I can guess, Ace has told him that I'll do anything he wants. To sweeten the deal because Ace will make $1000 out of it."
"So he's taking half straight away..."
I nod.
"The guy is a fucking pig. Continue."
"I said no. Because... Because I don't do that. I dance, I strip, no more."
"At least that is what I thought." Zak commented.
"But Ace then used you." I mumbled making Zak's eyes flick to mine instantly. "He said he will stop you coming to the club, that he will only let you in some nights for 15 minutes, for a private dance and then you have to leave. The only way that it won't happen, is if I sleep with the guy, meaning he gets paid and you get to come into the club."
"So it's me or him?" Zak guesses.
"Essentially, yes. So I chose you, because I wanted to make sure you had access to come and see me. You know I enjoy our time. That although it's only chatting and kissing, it's still better than the filth that gets shouted at me by drunks assholes. Sometimes we do other things..." I trail off making him sigh.
I don't miss the way his eyes go down my body as he thinks about those other things. But I can't enjoy the moment because I'm too pent up on how he's going to react.
"What if I paid double? Triple?" Zak asks.
I shake my head "No I don't want you to do that.. Plus I think Ace is set on this guy, I don't know who he is or what he does. But he's eager to please him."
"Probably because of how much he gets out of it."
"Maybe." I answer.
"So what your saying, is that you're going to sleep with him?" He concludes.
"It's the only way Ace will stay off my back and let you come in for however long you wanted."
"And I just have to accept the idea that you're fucking other guys?"
It irks me. That question grates me in a way that I don't think about retaliating.
"We're not in a relationship and you're still fucking other women."
He scoffs and shakes his head.
"What so it's okay for you to do it? Just not me, right?" I guess.
"I'm not pimping myself out." He hisses back.
"And neither am I! In fact I'm doing it for you."
"Well don't. Don't push it on me because the idea? Makes me feel sick."
"But it's the truth. I'm only doing this for you. I don't care about the money. I just want to know that you can swing by whenever you want and stay for however long you need. We both know you need something in your life Zak. Otherwise why would you come into the club?"
His eyes lock with mine and I give him a shrug, waiting for him to elaborate. Because I'm at a complete loss.
"Or was it all a little bit of fun and I misread all the times we hung out, just talking?"
"No.." He answers a little quieter. "I don't want you sleeping with those guys for me. At all. I don't care about the time shortage because I'm through with the club."
My heart deflates, it sinks to the pit of my stomach and hangs heavy in there..
But instead of displaying any hurt emotions, I smile. "Good. I'm glad you're back to where you need to be."
"Listen I have to go, and uh.. Hand out some more business cards so I guess I'll see you around? Or not now. Heh." I get up quickly and flash a smile.
"Have a good night anyway. Whoever the girl that has helped you ground, she's very lucky." I answer as my voice breaks.
Turning, I quickly head to the door with all intentions on leaving. Because the black void was biting at my soul, threatening to suck it back into its sink hole to hide. Much like it did two years ago.
Biting the inside of my lip, I keep my smile, I'm ready to slip out the door when Zak's reflection behind me causing my body to stall.
"Stay with me."
I turn and smile "I can't, I have to work the crowd, remember, it's what I do. Business cards won't hand themselves out." Maybe the ones in Patience and Candy's hands will. But I can't stand here and speak with him when I feel so raw.
"No." He speaks taking my wrist in his large hand. "I meant... Stay with me. For one month. Fuck the club. Leah I don't know how you got into the dancing. I know you hate it and I know you got hurt which lead you down that path.. But let me put you back a new path. A safe one. Give me one month. Just me and you. Let me help you like you've helped me."
One month.. One month of just him and me, like he says. One month to spend with him, and then how long after when he throws me aside after? The last time I was left, it nearly killed me...
"No." I breathe, shocking myself at the answer as well as Zak.
"No? What? Why not? I can help—"
"I'm not a charity case, I'm doing fine on my own." I reply.
"If that were true, you wouldn't have been so quick to run. You're hurting, I can see it. I'm not an idiot, there is no other woman. Sure there's been women that I fall in and out of bed with. But none are steady. It's all for fun."
"Like we were." I comment.
"You don't believe that." He points out making my face falter. "One month... Let me show you how different your life could be."
"Starting when?" I ask. Unable to believe I'm even considering this ridiculousness.
He glances at his watch "Say... The day after tomorrow? 9am. My house. I have an investigation here in Vegas tomorrow night so it will be impractical. Then I'm free. Gives you time to tell Ace where to shove his job and pack for a couple weeks."
I fold my arms. "Why?"
"Because like I said, I want to set you on the right path and this one is only set for self destructing. I'll even pay you for your time."
I frown.
"I'll give you $10,000. For a month. No men, no women. Just us. Deal?" He asks holding out his hand.
I swallow the lump in my throat. It's all completely ridiculous and unheard of. But whilst I want to dismiss the idea, I'm also intrigued with the idea too.
Which is how my hand finds his.
"$10,000 for one month." He smiles.
"I would have stayed for five." I quip back making him grin.
But before I can keep up my cockiness, his hand pulls me into his chest making my hands brace themselves out in front of me to catch myself. They land on his chest as his arm snakes around my back shielding me in warmth.
"Bullshit, you would have stayed for three... I just had to ask." He whispered down in a husky voice making me bite my lip.
He's wrong. I would have stayed for free. He just had to ask..
And here we go... One month.
Readers, it's now your time to shine. One month, endless possibilities. Write your suggestions. What would you want to do in that one month?
Picnics and bike rides? Right?
- Ya'll telling lies. You're thinking naughty things. Bunch of freaks 😜😈
But serious, I have a few ideas, but let's incorporate more.
Get sending my loves!
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