The little girl walked down the narrow alleyway, scared. She felt something watching her, but when she looked around, there was nothing but darkness to be seen.But the demons, sent from Hell to inhabit the planet, took a fancy to the little girl, for she had a strong soul.When the little girl first saw the demons, she was peeping through a magical eye hole. Later on in life, she developed eyesight so sharp, she could see the demons' in their true form, even when they were in their false one. Because of this, the little girl became the demon hunterOver the course of a few years, the demon hunter saved many cities. But she discovered that the portal to Hell, which was letting demons onto her planet, was based in Africa, but other than that she was clueless. In quite a few interviews, the demon hunter was reported saying, "I'll quit my job when all Hell brakes lose,"It was a serious statement, as the demon hunter's 'house' was based in Africa, and it was there that she met her partner in demon hunting.Daniel Shadowblade was a legend throughout Africa. He was rumored to have killed three lions, two elephants, and an entire herd of charging bull with his mighty sword. And when America decided to try and attack them, Daniel was there, and he demolished three out of four armies single-handed, then slept for half a week.Anyway, when the demon hunter met Daniel Shadowblade, it was at the portal to Hell, where Daniel slaughtered all the demons that tried to come through while the demon hunter tried (and failed) to shut down the portal.Problem 1, wrote the demon hunter. When you find the portal to Hell, it moves places after you leave. ARRRRGH!Soon the demon hunters, for Daniel was a demon hunter too, were still fighting demons, but they also taught inexperienced others how to recognize demons; these were people without the sight but still willing to help fight demons. It made the demon hunter sad to see how little knowledge people had of demons. So the demon hunter told Daniel that she thought he could do brilliantly fighting demons on his own, as she had decided to go on a quest to find the Lost Library, which contained precious knowledge on demons and other creatures.Almost immediately after she left Daniel in her living room, the demon hunter felt lonely and vulnerable. She was sure that the demons could sense her fear, for three 'grannies' attacked her in a random street at midnight, and there was no moon in the sky to provide a soft light.Tramping through harsh environments wasn't fun. Add demons attacking you at every rest stoop you take, and that pretty much sums it up.Finally, after tramping for some months, the demon hunter found the Lost Library. She'd been too busy walking and fighting demons to keep time for herself. But some part of her was still fighting demons, not sitting inside an ancient, and abandoned library reading. She felt tiredness overtake her, even though she fought against it. She dimly felt the demons lean over her, and grab chunks of her soul for herself.But when she came back into reality, the demon hunter realized that she, in fact, was still alive, but it must have been someone else, some one she'd spent a lot of time with... Daniel Shadowblade.
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