"Mom!" I ran down the stairs to see her and Dad watching TV together. She glanced at me and opened her arms, motioning for me to go over to her. She pulled me onto her lap and wrapped her arms around me. I was shaking still as I nuzzled my head into her shoulder.
"Another nightmare? Vision?" She asked me and I just nodded my head." I felt all sweaty and gross, the sweat dripping down my back causing me to feel really uncomfortable.
"Want me to come lay in bed with you for a few minutes?" She asked me and I frowned but ultimately nodded my head.
She walked up the stairs with me and into my room.
"Mommy? What are you doing in there?" I looked at my door and saw James sitting there and looking at us he was holding his stuffed bear, Jeff.
"I'm having a quick chat with your sister sweetie, so why don't you go back to bed or go get your Dad, he's downstairs." She told him standing up to give him a quick kiss on the head. He nodded and immediately turned around and went downstairs.
"Lets change your clothes quickly." Mommy said while pulling off my pajama shirt and grabbing me a new one from my dresser.
"You have it so much harder then your brother and sister." She frowned running her fingers through my tangled dirty blonde hair. Another thing that was different about me then my brother and sister. My brother had my moms pretty blonde hair, my sister has my dads dark brown hair and I got a little bit of both. I had my moms eyes though with specks of my dads green ones. I was really the only kid who got a little of something from both parents.
"Want to talk about it?" She whispered running her hands through my hair soothingly. I just shook my head. The vision replaying in my mind like a broken record of my pack being invaded by bad men. They were trying to take Mommy away from us. I will tell them eventually but not right now, it was probably
just another bad dream nothing more.
"Lets get you back to bed, sweetie pie." She smiled sympathetically at me pulling the covers up to my chin.
"Goodnight, Octavia." She kneeled down and placed a kiss to my forehead before making her way to my door.
"Goodnight, Mommy, Love you." I spoke glancing up at her.
"Love you." She spoke before walking down the stairs.
I knew I wasn't going to be able to sleep again so I got out of bed and grabbed my teddy bear. I tip toed to the top of the stairs and sat down.
"I feel so bad, Octavia shouldn't have to deal with this. It's not fair for her." I heard Mommy say.
"I know baby, but she is a tough cookie just like you, she can handle it and she has you to help her the entire way."
"How will we have her rule too? I know how these powers get." I sat there confused at their conversation. Were they talking about me.
"I wish James was here, he would know what to do." I heard mommy say. What does she mean, James is six years old just like me. How would he know what to do?
"Wait. I think we have a visitor at the stairs." Daddy spoke.
Before I could get away Mommy and Daddy were giving me pointed yet sad looks from the bottom of the stairs.
"What are you doing out of bed already?" Asked Daddy walking up the stairs. He scooped me up in his arms and walked me to the bottom of the stairs next to Mommy.
"I couldn't sleep." I mumbled leaning my head on Daddys shoulder.
He walked over to the couch and sat down with me on his lap and he changed the channel to Disney. After a little bit of Mickey Mouse I began to get sleepy. I tried to keep my eyes open but they eventually gave in and sealed shut as I was greeted with a restless sleep.
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