Disclaimer: I hope you are enjoying the story so far! I just wanted to leave a quick warning for the next few chapters. There is both physical and mental abuse and the mental struggles that come along with all of that, it gets kind of dark. This may be triggering for some people so I just wanted to give a quick warning! I hope you guys enjoy the rest of the story! Thank you for everyone who has been reading and voting!
I could hear voices. But I couldn't open my eyes. What is happening? Where am I? I tried really hard to open them, but that's when I realized they were open. I was in the dark. I went to move but a burning sensation erupted through my arms and ankles causing me to scream out in pain.
"Promise me that no matter what happens you will protect the baby." I demanded her.
"I will do everything I can." She softly replied, the first time she ever sounded kind, genuine.
"Are we on Earth?" I asked cautiously, fearing for her answer.
"Yes. Cade cannot travel to the gods." I sighed a shaky breath of relief.
I tried to examine the chains, but I couldn't see anything. This wasn't just a dark room, something was off.
"Why can't we see." I asked her panicking.
"Enchantments probably. We can't manipulate this." She sighed. I internally groaned as I once again tried pulling at them but immediately regretting it as my arms viciously stung. It almost felt like my skin was burning from the contact of the chains.
There was constant dripping of water echoing wherever I was. The cement floor was freezing against my bare legs, my dressed was bunched up around my thighs. My heels were still on. I carefully reached down crying out in pain as I pulled one of them off and hid it behind my back. The burning effect from the chains causing my hands to shake slightly.
The voices were getting louder as they neared where I was. I tried to calm my heartbeat when I heard metal keys connecting with a lock.
The door opened and light flooded the room. I had to squint my eyes to adjust. There stood two large men.
"Where is Cade?" I spat out. One of the men chuckled darkly before stepping closer. I didn't have time to react when the back of his hand connected with my cheek. I refused to show pain as I spat the blood pooling in my mouth on his shoes.
He growled grabbing a fistful of my hair making me look up at him.
"We're going to have so much fun." He smiled darkly. That's when it hit me. This man. He had an X branded on his shoulder.
Without thinking I grabbed for the heel behind me and slammed it at his face. He growled viciously slamming me back into the wall. I cried out in pain when the chains dug deeper into my now burned wrists.
He raised his arm but stopped midair. Confusion lined his face that mirrored mine.
I heard a tsk come from the hallway my attention not wavering from the man in front of me.
"Let's not hurt our beloved guest just yet." Cade laughed. The man stared at me with so much hatred as he backed away from me.
"Let me go." I snapped at him.
His face lit up with amusement.
"But you only just got here."
I went to grab my other heel when I was slammed hard into the wall again. I screamed out in pain as electricity shot through my body.
I slumped against the wall and to the ground.
"You are going to help me, do you understand?" He asked. I mustered all the strength I could and flipped him off. Probably not the wisest move as I felt his fist connect with my cheek.
"Do you understand?" I ignored him earning another punch. This exchange continued for a while until he grew tired of me.
"I know what's best for you Octavia." He spoke quietly petting my hair. I tried to cringe away from his touch, but I couldn't muster the energy to do so as darkness clouded my vision.
Two weeks later
I slouched against the wall as the men, Hayes and Kyle. Cade had told me that he told the survivors of that pack of rogues that I was the one who killed their pack mates that day. I tried pleading with them that it wasn't me, but it was no use. Finished with my beating for the day. Cade wanted me to go to a temple with him to retrieve a dagger, but he wouldn't tell me why. I just kept reminding myself through every beating that if Cade wanted it, it was dangerous. Through every beating I reminded myself of the people I love that it would hurt. Ryland, my baby, Mom, Dad, James, Lydia, Kolton, Jeremiah, Jake, Brent and my people. I would not break for their sake.
Light filled the room, as Cade walked in. I refused to look up as I stared at his shiny black shoes. He squatted down in front of me grabbing my chin and forcing me to look into his dark hate filled eyes.
"Change your mind yet?" He asked softly. I ignored him.
"I know you want the pain to stop, you can stop it. I just need to hear you say it." He spoke calmly brushing his fingers through my hair. I felt like I was going to be sick.
The small amount of food I've been given splattered on the floor in front of me as my body heaved.
"Is the baby, okay?" I asked her.
I felt a hum of power before shivers racked through my body.
She had surrounded the baby with our shadows, so they would remain unharmed. However, she was using all her energy to protect the baby, meaning I rarely heard her now. I never thought I would miss her constant insults. Anything was better than being this alone, this helpless.
Cade had a disgusted look on his face as he yanked my hair back to look into his eyes. However, this time there was a look in his eyes. A look I never expected to see. Sympathy and regret as his hand loosened on my hair. But it faded quickly back to his hard black eyes as his grip hardened. It almost seemed like he was fighting with himself.
I looked into his eye's confused. He quickly stood up and walked out slamming the door shut. I groaned as my sore, bruised and cut legs spread out on the cold cement. My once beautiful dress, torn, dirty and bloodstained. My wrists and ankles were almost numb to the constant stinging and burning.
Suddenly the door cracked open, the metal groaning loudly as it was forced open. That's when I spotted the small cloth next to my leg, I quickly covered it with my leg, hiding it in my dress.
"Cade says you're not behaving." Hayes chuckled walking in. "We decided we've been too gentle, too easy on you."
He kneeled in front of me I tried to pull away, but I was too drained from earlier. He clipped an enchanted iron collar around my neck and chained it to the wall behind me. I immediately felt as though the energy had been sucked out of my body.
"Let's see how long she lasts now." He chuckled kicking my side hard.
I felt tears running down my cheeks as I held my stomach, praying that I survived this, for the baby's sake.
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