Chapter 1- Strolling
As me and Chase were strolling through the woods we heard a sudden noise coming from behind the bushes we quickly turned our heads to the sound. But it stopped once we looked at from where it was coming from.
SeaSalt: Stay here Roxie
Roxie: NO Way I'm coming with you
SeaSalt: No stay here
Roxie: it's fine I'll be ok don't worry and besides I got my big brother to keep me safe
Sea salt: oh well umm *blushes* hehe
Roxie: anyways where are we going (completely forgetting about the situation at hand)
SeaSalt: Well I was going to take a stroll but then you begged to came along and now I have to---
Lucas: Boo
Sea salt: AAAAAAA umm I mean *clears throat* what are you doing here
Roxie: Wow my own brother scared of my best friend that is just amazing high-paw for my best friend Lucas (I say as I chuckle a little) who scared the living out of my brother.
Lucas: WOOHOO now that's what I'm talking about anyways ... what are you guys up to strolling in these part of the woods?
Roxie: Well you see Lucas I followed my brother here and ( I was cut off by my brother)
Sea salt: FOLLOWED FOLLOWED (chase said in a surprising/anguish tone I know very well that's not a word)You basically begged to come along and you also had toughs puppy dog eyes and I bet you inherited that from mom
Roxie: Ya true I got all of moms fetchers except for her fur that was all you.
SeaSalt: see she admits it! Oh and I know I have great fur thanks for pointing that out sis.
Roxie: ya ya whatever now can we play something please I'm bored
Lucas: Oh I have an idea wanna play hunt the runt
Roxie: I hate you so much Lucas
Lucas: haha I know but this is fun you better start running or ima getcha
~Chase POV~
Chase: Hey Lucas can I talk to u for a sec
Lucas: Sure what's up
SeaSalt: I'm not sure what's the game your playing or what your doing to get her attention but just so you know she is my sister and I won't let her fall into the likes of you I get you've known her since she was a pup but that is still no excuse just because I known you doesn't mean that can I trust you
Lucas: Wow you sound more and more like your father every single day you should chill dude. Me and your sister are nothing more than friends we've known each other since birth (Lucas said as he walked away) you know you should have a little more faith in your sister she's capable of doing things her self you know she's not a puppy anymore.
Roxie: Come on lazy heads your missing out on all the fun
Lucas: Were coming
Lucas: You should consider my advice and this is not just coming from a one-eyed dog.
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