Chapter 2: Becoming His Pet
As the carriage arrived close to Azazel's castle, Chanel started feeling nervous. She was scared about seeing Azazel, she had heard all the stories about him putting people on spikes when they tried to fight back against him and his army when he invaded different kingdoms.
The thought of that alone, terrified her to death. She could feel her heart rapidly beating inside her chest and she knew that she needed to calm herself down or she was going to have a panic attack. Quickly, she took several deep breaths and leaned back against the padded carriage seat and tried to relax as she got closer to the demon king's castle.
As she closed her eyes and tried to get her mind off of things, she felt the carriage slow down. Feeling a bit curious, Chanel moved over to the curtained window and slightly pulled the side of the curtain back and took a peek at her surroundings. She could see the rugged landscape of the mountains and the lush green fields that bordered around the looming, dark castle that her carriage was coming closer to.
The sight alone left her in a state of awe, and she could feel herself starting to get nervous again. Quickly, she closed her eyes and took a couple deeper breaths and cleared her mind of the terrified thoughts that were coming to her mind. As soon as she opened her eyes, she felt as the carriage came to a stop and heard as the driver stepped down from his perch and walked over to her door and opened it and said. "We have arrived at your destination, princess."
Chanel nodded and took the driver's outreached hand and stepped out of the carriage and noticed that Azazel's castle looked even more intimidating than what she had first thought. She could see the giant stone gargoyles that was sitting neatly on top of the castle, looking as if they were guarding the place and that they would come to life and attack her at any given moment.
She knew that she needed to get this over and done with, so quickly she decided to be brave and walked over to the front door of the large castle and grabbed the knocker that was on the door and banged it a couple of times. As soon as she was getting ready to make the third knock, she watched as the heavy wooden door opened and saw a small demon with reddish skin look to her and asked with an air of arrogance. "What can I do for you madam?"
"I am here to discuss something rather important with the demon king. Can you please tell him that Princess Chanel wishes to talk with him."
The demon nodded his head in understanding and quickly ushered her inside and closed the door behind her once she stepped inside. As she stood in the main entryway, Chanel looked around at her surroundings and admired the red colored walls and the beautiful tapestries that decorated the walls. But as she continued looking at the decorations on the wall, she noticed a giant, golden colored picture frame hanging on the wall in front of her.
The frame contained a large painting of a monstrous looking red skinned demon with short black hair. He was shirtless and wearing a black loincloth and Chanel could see how toned and well-defined his body was, he looked almost god-like. Without turning her attention from the painting, she curiously asked the small demon. "Um, just out of curiosity. But who is this?" Chanel asked with a point of her pointer finger.
Chanel heard as the small demon made a 'hmm,' sound, and then heard as he walked over to where she was standing and then watched as he stopped beside her and then looked up at the painting and then replied to Chanel's question. "That, my dear. Would be Master Azazel, the Demon King himself." He answered with a slight smirk.
She was shocked by what she was just told. Ever since childhood, she had always been told that Azazel was considered a hideous man who was covered with warts. But, after seeing the painting, she knew that what she was told was nothing but one huge fable. However, she was still nervous about meeting the demon that would soon become her master.
As she stood in front of the painting, trying to shake off the nervous feelings that she was having, she felt as the small demon touched her hand and then heard him say. "Come along, my dear. Let's hurry up and take you to see King Azazel. I feel that he should be extremely pleased with what he is about to hear."
Chanel let the small demon gently pull her along behind him through the entrance hallway and up the massive iron staircase and continued on, until he finally stopped in front of a large dark wooden door and then watched as he released her hand and then loudly knocked on the door several times, until they both heard a loud baritone voice reply from behind the door. "What do you want, Cyrus? Why are disturbing me at this god-awful hour? You have exactly one minute to explain yourself or I promise you that I will chop your head off and mount it on my wall!"
Cyrus gulped in fear and slightly rubbed his hand with his black clawed hand and then replied. "Master, Princess Chanel has traveled hear to see you. She says that she has something rather important that she wishes to discuss with you."
As soon as Chanel heard those words leave Cyrus's lips, she watched as the heavy wooden door was quickly jerked open and watched as the same man who she had seen earlier in the painting, stand before her and started eyeing her with a devilish grin on his face. Chanel nervously smiled back at Azazel and then felt as he gently took her by the arm and pulled her closer to him and then said. "I was not expecting to see you, Princess Chanel. Though I can say that this is a wonderful surprise. You have become more beautiful since the last time I saw you, those many years ago. Please come into my suite and well shall discuss whatever it is that you have came all this way to talk to me about."
Chanel nodded her head at his response and walked inside Azazel's bedroom when he released her arm from his grip, left him standing at the doorway and then heard Azazel tell Cyrus. "If that is all that you needed to tell me, then I think that I will no longer need your services for a while Cyrus. Why don't you go down to the kitchen and annoy Ember for a while. I'm sure that she will appreciate the help, that is if she doesn't kill you first." Azazel said with a chuckle.
"As you command, your majesty." Cyrus replied with a slight bow to Azazel and then quickly scampered off down the stairs and out of sight.
Azazel breathed a sigh of relief once Cyrus had finally left and then turned back to his suite to see Chanel sitting on the side of his four-poster bed and watched as she swung her petite back and forth. He was overjoyed that the petite, blonde princess was in his suite and sitting on his bed at that. He had been dreaming of this for so long, and now that she was within grabbing range, he knew that he didn't want to let her go.
Knowing that he needed to keep himself in check, Azazel quickly buried the sweet feelings that he was feeling for Chanel and brought forward his dark and dominant side and looked to Chanel and said in a stern voice as he closed the door behind him. "Now, little princess. What is it that you have come all this way to discuss with me?" He said as he walked over to a deer skin chair and took a seat and gave princess Chanel a questioning look as she nervously looked at him and then nervously replied.
"I-I wish to discuss with you the matter of your desire to marry me."
Azazel raised a dark brow in questioning and then asked. "What about it?"
"W-well the thing is that I know that you plan on destroying my country if I do not marry you. And in some way, I hope to put a stop to it. But the thing is that as of right now, I have no desire to marry you. So instead, I have come to your palace to offer myself to you as your pet."
"A pet, huh?" Azazel said as he stroked his beard as he somewhat thought over what Chanel had offered to him. It sounded like a good idea and he saw no problem with it as of right now. Approving of what she was offering, Azazel stood from his chair, letting his open red silk robe flow behind him, showing Chanel everything that he had to offer her as he walked over to where she was at on the bed and then sat down beside her and placed his large hand on her chin and brought it up so that they could have eye contact and then said. "Sounds interesting, little princess. I accept your proposal." He said and then kissed her deeply.
Once their lips had parted from one another, Chanel moaned with passion from the intoxicating kiss that she had just shared with Azazel. Her body was telling her that she wanted more, that she needed him. While her mind was telling her that she stay away from this man, that he was nothing but trouble with a capital T.
Knowing that she needed to trust her mind more than what her heart desired the most, she quickly pushed herself away from his chiseled, semi-nude body and moved her body back towards the headboard of the bed and nervously spurted out. "T-there is no way that I can do this anymore. Forget that I even mentioned this!"
Azazel wagged his finger back and forth at Chanel and then said. "Now, now. Little princess, you made a deal with the devil himself and there is no way in hell that I am going to let you back out of this now. You promised yourself to me as my pet, and my dear, you are going to keep up your end of this promise too. That I will make sure of!"
Chanel shivered slightly at the hint of the annoyed growl that was in Azazel's voice. Nervously, she looked back to Azazel with her teary baby-blues and then pleaded. "How about this then, if you promise to free me from this deal. Then I will give you whatever it is that you desire. Whether its gold, jewels or beautiful women. Then I promise you once you let me go, I will make sure that you have it."
"I already have what I desire most in this world and it is currently sitting right in front of me. You can keep your gold and jewels, I have enough of a supply of those particular things. And as for beautiful women, your kingdom can keep those too, I have no desire for anyone but you, my sweet little princess." Azazel replied with a growl and then stood up from the bed and walked over to the large dresser that was at a side wall, turned his back to her and began digging through it, searching for something.
Chanel kept her eyes on the demon king's back as she watched him dig through one of the drawers, and then gently moved closer to where he was at on the other side of the bed and watched as he pulled a large darkened jewel case, opened it and gave a slight grin at the contents and then turned around to Chanel and said he open the case, showing Chanel the jewel encrusted collar. "Years ago, I had this custom made for you, with the hope and desire that one day you would be finally be mine. And now that you are now right in front of me, I can now say that this dream of mine has finally come true."
Azazel sat the dark case on the bed beside Chanel and then removed the jewel encrusted collar to Chanel and then said as he unclasped it and placed around her neck. "You are now my pet. You will obey me no matter what. And in return I promise to give you my undying love and devotion in return. We will both to see that all of our needs are met with one another, both mentally and sexually, my sweet little princess."
Chanel remained quiet, she didn't know what to say to him, especially after what she had heard the sweet words that he had just uttered to her. As she continued to remain quiet for a few more minutes she heard as Azazel loudly clear his throat and then say gruffly. "Well, princess. I think it's about time that you promise yourself to me."
She knew that she was far too deep in this now to back out of this now, no matter how hard her mind was telling her not to do it. Quickly, she took a deep breath and then looked up to his big brown eyes and said. "I promise to devote myself entirely to you, Azazel. I promise to obey your every command, no matter what it may be. This I promise you."
Happy with hearing those words finally coming from Chanel's mouth, Azazel leaned his muscular body forward and placed his hands on both sides of Chanel's face and gave her another deep and passionate kiss, and then pulled her closer to his body. Their tongues danced together in a slight tango, both fighting for dominance. Knowing that he shouldn't push her to far because he feared that she would reject him once more.
Azazel finished off their kiss and then smiled at her and placed a kiss on her forehead, before he picked up her petite body and climbed in the bed with her and pulled the quilt over the top of them. Chanel was confused by what was going on right now, as she figured that she and Azazel were going to have sex. She looked to him and then asked in a confused tone. "I don't understand, I thought that you were going to have sex with me. Why did you stop?"
"Because, my sweet princess." Azazel said with a smile. "We need to take our time with this. I do not wish to rush you into sleeping with me and I know that more than anything that you need your rest. Now, lay your head back against my chest and sleep, my sweet princess."
Feeling the effects of her long journey and barely able to keep her eyes open for much longer, Chanel quickly obeyed Azazel's command and gently laid her head against one of his warm pecs and closed her eyes and nuzzled up against him and fell into a deep comforting sleep.
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