Chapter 1: Dreaded Decisions
The sounds of her father and his advisers shouting back and forth at one another, filled the throne room as they argued nonstop about the oncoming threat that the demon king Azazel possessed to the kingdom of Dorne. The tension was so thick that someone could have literally cut it with a knife and Chanel wondered if they would ever stop arguing just for once.
"There is no way in hell that I am going to surrender to the demon king. I would rather take my own life than do anything that stupid!" Chanel's father shouted to his advisers who seemed to be dumbfounded by the statement that their king had made.
"But, dear. We do not have the resources nor the large army like he has to stop him. We have to do something even if that means surrendering to him in order to protect our people." Chanel's mother, Queen Maria said as she tried pleading with her husband, hoping that he would at least listen to her.
Chanel watched as her father brushed what her mother had said to him and then replied. "Bah, woman. What do you know about war? You've never fought in any battles, you have no clue as to what it would mean if me the king, bowed down and surrendered to the demon king and horde. I would look like a fucking idiot if I did something like that. Instead of being respected by the people of this kingdom, I would be looked as weakly by them!"
"Then what are you going then, fight him when he comes?! That monster would rip you from limb to limb tried something like that." Queen Maria said and Chanel could see her mother's face contorting into something of pure anger and aggravation, one that she hadn't seen in quite a long time.
"But we have to do it. I mean I am not going to just give him Chanel. You know just as good and well as I do, that is why he is doing this to begin with. He's been in love with her for as long as I can remember. And I am not going to just lay down and let him take our daughter and our kingdom too." Her father said in a huff.
Chanel watched quietly from her seat as her mother turned in her golden throne and looked her father, king Jorah and said in a rageful tone. "Do you honestly think that I would actually give him our daughter?! Of course, I wouldn't. He can have this bloody kingdom and castle if that is what he wants. But we do need to think of what is best for Chanel and the people who live in this kingdom."
King Jorah rubbed his hands down his face in annoyance and then replied in a semi-calm voice. "I realize that Maria, I do. But it's either Chanel or the kingdom and it's people. We can't have it both ways. And damn it, I would rather fight Azazel to the death than lose either one."
Chanel had grown tired of listening to her parents arguing, back and forth with one another. She herself hated the idea that Azazel wanted her hand in marriage. But what other choice was there. She looked up to her parents and said aloud as they continued going at each other and said. "Look I understand what the both of you are saying here. But maybe if I offer myself to Azazel as a pet, then maybe just maybe. I can get him to change his mind on invading Dorne."
As soon as those words left her mouth, Chanel watched as her parents stared at her in shock and then heard her father say. "That is out of the question. I absolutely refuse for you to do something stupid like that and if you even try to do something that stupid, I promise you that I will lock you up in the north tower for your own protection."
"But father, I think-" She tried to say in retort. But was immediately cut off by her father.
"I will hear none of this, Chanel and I mean it. Whether it be by marriage or as a pet, I will not allow you to lower yourself like some cheap whore. I am done with this conversation. Please go to your room, Ser Edward will escort you there." King Jorah said in annoyance ending the conversation.
Hearing her father's final word on the entire conversation, Chanel gently stood and walked down the steps of where her mother and father's thrones sat at and walked over to where one of her father's most trusted knights, Ser Edward Ramsey, and took his hand and let him lead her out of the throne room.
As they walked quietly through the hallways and up the stairs up to the hallway where Chanel's suite was, her mind was clouded with annoyance and anger at her father's arrogance. She knew that he was trying to protect her, and she understood that he meant well. But she also knew that if she didn't try to offer herself to Azazel, then it could possibly mean the utter destruction of her beloved kingdom and the deaths of thousands of innocent lives, and that was one thing that she refused to see that happen.
Once they reached her bedroom door, Chanel thanked Ser Edward and opened the large oak door and went inside, closing the door behind her. Happy that she was alone in her room and that there was wasn't servant in her room. Chanel walked over to her four-poster bed and collapsed on top of it in a heap and then sighed.
She thought long and hard about what she needed to do. She knew that she had quite a few supporters inside the castle that would support her decision no matter what it was and knew that they would help her escape the castle if she needed their help. T And it was then a few minutes later that she understood what she needed to do, and that was to offer herself to Azazel as his pet.
Chanel knew that her father would be enraged once he discovered that she had left. But, honestly at this point she didn't really care. However, her mother was the one that she worried about the most, considering how close she was to her. Not wanting her mother to cry and her decision, Chanel quickly got off her bed and walked over to the small wooden desk that was sitting in the corner of her suite that contained sheets of parchment and an ink and quill. And quickly wrote a letter to her mother, explaining why she had chose to make her decision.
Once she was finished writing the letter and the ink had dried, she quickly rolled up the yellowed sheet of parchment and then sealed it closed with a wax seal and placed it in the sleeve of her dress and walked over to her bedroom door and opened it. Seeing one of the of the castle's guards standing at the end of the hallway, Chanel looked to him and said. "Guard, go and get Lord Brenan and bring him to my room. I have something important that I wish to discuss with him."
The guard nodded his head in understanding at what Chanel had said and Chanel watched as he walked off in search of Lord Brenan. With the guard now gone, Chanel walked back into her bedroom and closed the door behind her and walked over to her bed and collapsed across it and waited on Lord Brenan to come.
Several minutes into her wait, Chanel heard the familiar sound of knocking on her suite door and quickly stood up from her bed and brushed out a couple of wrinkles that were in her red fabric dress and walked over to the door and opened it and let Lord Brenan inside and quickly closed the door behind him.
As soon as Chanel closed the door, Lord Brenan looked at her and asked. "Princess, I was told that you have something that you wish to discuss with me. What is it that you would wish to discuss?"
"I wish to discuss with you the matter regarding the demon king Azazel." She said in a relaxed tone.
"And which matter about him do you wish to discuss about him with me, Princess Chanel?"
"The matter regarding Azazel asking for my hand in marriage." She replied and walked over to a chair that was sitting beside the suite window and sat down.
Chanel watched as Lord Brenan raised a dark brow at what he had heard her say and asked in a gruff voice. "What about it?"
"Well, since Azazel is wanting me to be his bride and with the upcoming siege that he promised would happen to Dorne if I my parents do not accept. I have decided that I am going to leave in a little while and go to Azazel's castle in Levens and offer myself to him as a pet, in order to try to appease him so that he will not wreak havoc on this kingdom." Chanel said with a sigh.
"With all due respect, princess. But, are you crazy or something?" Lord Brenan asked with a bewildered look on his aged face.
Chanel chuckled at what he had said and replied. "No, Lord Brenan. I am not crazy; I can promise you that I am one hundred percent sane."
"Then why are you planning on doing something like this? I mean you and I both know that the demon king is considered mad. He's brutal and he's blood thirsty. How do you know that by you becoming his pet will make him stop going on a rampage through this kingdom?" Lord Brenan asked as he walked over to where Chanel was sitting and sat down beside her with only a table separating them.
"Because, I am the one that he wants. The one that he supposedly needs, and with me by his side, it may mean that thousands of innocent lives don't have to die because I made the right choice." Chanel said as she moved a stray piece of her blonde hair that was hanging over her right eye and then watched as Lord Brenan rubbed his temple with his hand and then sighed an exhausted sigh and then replied.
"If you are absolutely sure that this is what you truly want to do, then I know that there is no stopping you from doing as you wish. So, what is it that you need me to do to help you prepare?"
"Thank you, Lord Brenan. I have two things that I need you to do for me. The first is, I need you to give this letter to the Queen after I have left." She strictly as she removed the letter to her mother out of her dress sleeve and handed it to him and then said. "And the last thing that I need you to do is to have a carriage prepared and waiting on me. I will be down in about twenty minutes to leave, so have it ready by then."
Lord Brenan nodded salt and pepper colored head at Chanel's strict instructions and stood up from his chair at the same time that Chanel did and gave her a tight hug, and then released her from it and gave her a solemn look for a moment and then turned and went to prepare Chanel's carriage.
With Lord Brenan now gone, Chanel quickly prepared for her trip and walked over to her dresser and grabbed her long black, fur trimmed cloak and put it on and then waited around for twenty minutes and then walked over to her bedroom door, opened it and quietly slipped out and went down to the main gateway of the castle.
As soon as she arrived, she saw Lord Brenan standing off to the side with a couple of maids, Angela and Lana, who Chanel considered extremely close to her, so much to the point that they were almost like sisters. Feeling the tears starting to come forward, Chanel ran over to them and gave them a group hug and said. "I'm going to miss you guys so much!"
Angela patted Chanel on the back and Chanel heard her say as she released them from the hug and wiped a few tears from her eyes. "We will miss you too princess. But, don't worry, I'm pretty sure that we will get to see each other again."
Chanel nodded her head, smiled and replied. "I hope you're right."
Once she finished speaking to the maids, she gave Lord Brenan another hug and then got into the carriage and headed off into the cold, night air towards the demon king's castle.
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