Chapter 1:The Return of the Demon Dragon Knight
Maruto POV
I hate this.I fucking hate this world.Let me explain why on planet Remnant 99% of the human population has some kind of power for example quirks,semblance,sacred gears or any other power and there's me......The 1%.I have nothing because of this I've been shunned by everyone by everyone.My family disowned me,most of friends abandoned, everyone hated me,and my own girlfriends betrayed me.I got myself into Union Academy by the Acing the test but when I did I became almost's everyone's target.Almost Everyday I would be harassed and beaten the shit out of by some assholes and my most former friends and most of the staff members doing nothing my real friends tried but the headmasters threatened them by saying that if they help me they will get expelled and the teacher that help me will get fired so I told them to leave it as it is since there was nothing they could do about it.The worst thing about this is....My girlfriend:Asuka, Yumi,Homura,Miyabi,Rias,Ruby, Weiss,Blake,Nora and Izumi.I thought they actually loved me but I was fucking wrong...I caught them cheating on me with my bullies CRDL,SSSN,Bakugo,Issei,Saji,Jaune,and Ren.My Ex girlfriends have my numbered so they would constantly bombared me with videos of them having sex until I blocked there numbers.I hate this....WHY WAS I BORN IN THIS WORLD IF IT FUCKING HATES ME!!!! I DON'T HAVE POWERS BUT I WAS BORN IN A WORLD WHERE EVERYONE ELSE DOES AND WHY DID GOD HATE ME SO MUCH TO DO THIS TO ME!!!But I don't know if would be still be alive if wasn't for the friends I still have I have attempted suicide to many times.(Hyper Sonic:"Hey if you are ever in deep depression please don't ever try to commit suicide because if you feel like people don't love you,you are surely mistaken if you ever feel this please get a therapist and talk to your family about it even they don't please don't commit suicide.")If it weren't for Naofumi ,Raphtalia, Filo,Melty, Ichika, Ikki,Ryuko,Nero,Jotaro,Squad 13,Tsukune,The SAO team,Night Raid,and The Scouts I wouldn't be alive if it weren't for them,I also want to thank Dante,All Might,Kakashi Sensei,Professor Peach, General Najenda,Captain Levi,Commander Erwin and Recovery girl for putting up with me,healing me,training me,basically Parenting me,especially All Might,Kakashi,Najenda,Levi thank you.
3rd POV
The Powerless Freaks made his way to his designated classroom which belonged to an old man who would rant on and on about his"adventures"that are very"educational."Maruto then paused in front of the door leading into the classroom,pondering if he should enter or not but knowing that will make no differences Maruto then decided since it makes no difference he just get it over with so then he walks in.
Maruto POV
Professor.Port:"You are both late again.Mr.Hirmada !" Port exclaimed,very annoyed,no doubt because his story was interrupted.
Maruto:"Our Apologies.I had some problems involving...assholes."Ireplied through gritted teeth,ignoring Port's irritated expression.
Prof.Port:"That is not an excuse?"Port scolded.
Maruto:"Did I ever say that was an excuse?"I rebuked harshly only stopped Naomi putting her hand on his shoulder.
Prof.Port:"Hmph,being late to class along with a horrible attitude.You will have detention with me!"Declared the old man,making me scoff
Maruto:"Sure.Sure.Whatever."Was all I said as I walked up the stairs to my seat where it is located at the very dark and dirty corner.
As I made my way up,the trashbag known as Cardin Bitc-I mean Winchester thought it was funny to trip the guy and humiliate me but the I was already expecting it and decided to instead of stepping over it.I forcibly stepped on the foot with all my might,causing the trashbag to reel back his foot in anger and pain and give him a pathetic death glare which I responded with.
(HyperSonic:His right eye his normal.)
Which cause Cardin to back off during the lecture on Port's stories,students threw rubbish at me,gave me disgusted glares and gossiped about me but it stopped when I gave the same cold death stare I gave Cardin.But that was just another daily occurrence in the hellhole known as the Union Academy.Sure,I tried to leave but was brought back by force and given me useless lectures and detentions for"skipping important lessons."What a shit day I had.
After the periods was over and the last one involved the"Sparring Lessons",more like the "Personal Torture Chamber"for me as I'm was subjugated to all of the students attacks and insults and taunts.He basically became a punching bag who can fight back for the it others.As me and the students sat on the seats,Cardick Bitchester raised his hand.
Cardin:"Professor,can I select who ti fight next?"Cardick asked.
Prof.Goodwitch:"Yes,Mr.Winchester."Goodwitch answered.
Cardin:" team and everyone here against...him."Cardick said,pointing at me who's not even surprised anymore.
Maruto:"Nah,I'm too tired."I Replied yawning.
Prof.Goodwitch:"Young man,you are not allowed to forefeit a match by yourself without my consent!"Goodwitch stated with a glare but I gave a colder one cause her to flinch.
Maruto:"Your consent?You don't own me,Bitch."I sharked while flipping her off,making her fume.
Prof.Goodwitch:"Mr.Hirmada!Either you step down to the arena or face detention with me for a month!"Goowitch threatened,making the me sigh and jump down the arena where his tormentors awaited.
3rd POV
Even through he put up a really good fight Maruto still got his ass handed to him.
Rias:"How disappointing know wonder me and other left you for people who are better."Rias said dusting herself off.
Bakugou:"You're weaker than an ant!"Bakugou snarked as he kicked Maruto in the stomach.
Weiss:"No kidding Rias you don't even deserve to stand near us."Weiss stated,giving him a disgusted look.
Maruto:"Tch.As if you have the right to judge others just because you have powers.Damn Cowards."Maruto snarled,spitting blood onto shoes,which resulted into another a pummeling.
Akeno:"What a naughty boy~it's time for another punishment!"Akeno declared,unleashing lightning onto Maruto.
Cardin:"How about you just go and kill yourself,loser?"Cardin sneered,kicking him.
Neptune:"Agreed,no point with a useless person like you here."Neptune added spitting on.
Maruto:""Maruto growled as he stared at his own blood forming below him and then gazed up as Issei stood over him.
Issei:"Might as well let you die.No one will miss a person like you,ever!"Issei declared fire a Dragon shot on Maruto cause ever more damaged as ever one laught at him.
As the tormentors left along with Goodwitch,Maruto real friends and Mentors walked not before giving a death to even who left one of easily hoisted Maruto over his shoulder carefully and another two glared at the retreating backs.As the duo walked to the infirmary with the unconscious Maruto over one's shoulder.Maruto real friends and Mentors only back again to deliver a death glare that froze everyone in fear.The Mentors having one with digust and disappointment and Maruto friends with one of pure hatred only.
Timeskip to three days later.
Inside the school infirmary,Maruto woke up with a pained groan as he slowly forced himself up.Looking around and realizing where he is,he simply asked.
Maruto:"How long this time?"Maruto asked
Naofumi:"Almost three days."Maruto big brother figure Naofumi said.
Maruto:"*Sigh*that's another day added then."Maruto said with a sigh.
All might:"Young Hirmada,you know this can't go on."All might stated.
Zero Two:"All might's right,Maruto.You're just being treated like garage."Zero Two said worried about her friend.
Ryuko:"If this continues,you might actually die!"Ryuko said pissed about what been happening to Maruto.
So far,these these three along Recovery Girl and Maruto other friends and Mentors were the only people who treated Maruto right with friendliness and kindness.In the beginning,All Might or Toshinori Yagi was also a powerless person just like Maruto,he obtained One for All through his teacher's training and Maruto ex Izumi was just the same.Powerless until he received training All might,Dante,and Kakashi even though the headmaster declared there's no need to train a "powerless"person but All Might,Dante,and Kakashi ignored that statement and continued to do so.Maruto's powerlessness reminded All might of himself in the past thus he can relate him and so the others can kinda and that's why they befriended him,to train him and let his dream come true but fate is cruel.Thankfully,Hiro and his team,Naofumi,Ryuko and the other understand Maruto pain and befriended him as well with them trying to protect only for Maruto to remind them what would happen if they help him.
Maruto:"I know,I know but what can I do?I didn't come to the academy for two days only to be brought back by force and getting detentions."Maruto said,making the people shake the heads in disgust,
All Might:"I always thought this academy would be powerless people,guess I'm wrong."All Might said disappointment more clear on his face.
Hiro:"Now I don't know if it's a good idea if I joined in the first place."Hiro interjected
Recovery Girl:"Have you tried talking to the headmasters?"Recovery girl asked as she walked in.
Maruto:"Been there done that and they just sent me away."Maruto answered,further fueling the disgust in the air.
Recovery Girl:"It's really disappointing,to think I joined a place that only looks down on the weak."She said,shaking her head.
Naofumi:"I might considering leaving if this continued."Naofumi stated with Ryuko and Hiro nodding in Agreement
Maruto:"Guys,it's alright.You don't have to worry about me.I appreciate it but I don't think will stay here any longer."Maruto only dejectedly said.
All might:"Young Hirmada,I'm positive one day you will awaken whatever powers you have."All might reassured declared,patting Maruto's shoulder.
Maruto:"You positive?"Maruto repeated.
All Might:"Beyond Ultra Positive."All might replied with a smile.
Maruto:"Thank you."Maruto said hugging His friends and Mentor as they hugged him back.
Ryuko:"Don't mention it,we are friends for reason."Ryuko answered with a blush and a smile'But I wish we were more than friends"Ryuko said Mentally.
Maruto:"Thanks again,see you guys tomorrow..."Maruto said with a small smile and waving the others off.
Timeskip to night time
Maruto was then seen walking into a forest the reason was because of the secret he crept from everyone as he reached a cave he saw something he left for safe keeping in case he ever need it again it's appearance was a silver sword with a red gem in the middle but it was just any sword it was the key to Incursio the Demon Dragon Armor of the Demon Dragon Tyrant.
As Maruto picked up the sword he started to remember everything he did with sword to were he ended up with it he as he was holding it his right eye started to change from it's normal blue to a crimson dragon eyes
Tyrant:"Hello Maruto it been along time since I seen you."Tyrant said pretty happy to be with his user after a long rest.
Maruto:"Hello Tyrant I'm sorry I had to seal you away."Maruto said saddened about sealing his partner.
Tyrant:"It's alright kiddo I know why you did and it was a just both our decision to keep you safe from the villains getting there hands on you by the way what been happening every since I been gone?"Tyrant asked but Maruto during know to respond so he just stayed silent.
Tyrant decided to read his mind to find out and let's just say when he was finished he was furious on what Union Academy did to his partner but he was happy to see he had friends to help him through the pain he also saw what Maruto been doing at night still keeping his duties as a Assassin/Vigilante but he noticed things as been getting harder for Maruto since the Villains and Criminals has been timing up with Demon Orcs so he knows why he's back.
Tyrant:"Okay Maruto are you ready to get back to work."Tyrant asked.
Maruto:"Yeah let's do it Partner."Maruto Said as slammed the of his sword to the ground and yelled."Incursio!"Maruto yelled
The red Aura radiate around Maruto as it fused him and Tyrant together become the Demon Dragon Knight Incursio.
Incursio:"It feels good to be back in my armor." Maruto said in sigh in relief as Maruto then jumped and flew into the air.
Time skip
Incursio was then seen on the top of a building narrows his eyes.Showing of the Dark night, in the city of the Tokyo.
Incursio:'The time has passes.In the day of modern city it may be peaceful but...It is dark and corrupted ruling over by Edwin Black and the league of Villains.Edwin Sends his man to kidnapped people and make them into slaves to be sold.But...They didn't know that the Demon Dragon Knight has returned to protected people from the Shadow.' Maruto said mentally as he see's one his teacher that he has a bond with it was Asagi Igawa.
Before being attacked Asagi was on a date with her boyfriend Kyousuke and he ask her to marry him,she agreed.But suddenly Asagi encounter meeting her arch rival Oboro.As she attempted to fight her but causing her body to be paralyze unable to move until she realize it was the ring cause her to be unable to move her body.
Oboro:"Now then....Kyousuke bring her."Oboro ordered him with a smirk.
Kyousuke:"Yes, mistress...."Kyousuke responded.
But before they could walk towards Asagi they suddenly heard a sound which sounded like running only to be attacked by Incursio he first kicked Oboro's gut as she screamed in pain before he send her flying into a wall.
Oboro:"Who are you?"Oboro asked spiting out blood and in a anger tone.
Incursio:"Me I'm the vigilant that along time ago foiled your boss's and the other villains plans for world Domination."Incursio said in a cold tone.
This made her eyes open wide and gritted her teeth in realized.
Oboro:"You Incursio your back after all these years!"Oboro said in a angered tone.
Incursio:"That right,come at me fake wolverine bastard."Incursio said in a cold tone.
Oboro:"What did you call me Kyousuke, kill him."Oboro said in a angry and ordering tone.
Kyousuke:"Yes, my mistresses."Kyousuke said as he charges at Incursio.
(HyperSonic:O:49 to the end)
As both Incursio and Kyousuke charged at each other they then clashed with a punch Incursio then over powered Kyousuke punching him so hard that it shattered his neck killing him.
Incursio:"May you Rest In Peace, now I going to kill you next."Incursio said coldly as he glared at Oboro.
Oboro:"Why you I'll kill you!"Oboro said in anger.
Oboro then take's out her claws as she charged at Incursio and trying to slash at him but he dodge it and Incursio punch her back rapidly as she scream in pain before Incursio punch in the face sending her through a wall.Making Oboro scream in pain.
Oboro trying to stab him but he dodge it and he jump before he used a grand fall towards her face, send her to another wall before she is growled in anger and then he throw another punch at her.Making her block the attack until it got on her claws he then grabbed her and started spinning her around then roundhouse kick her face and send her to walls.
Oboro:"This isn't over I'll be back!"Oboro said in a anger tone then vanished courtesy of a smoke bomb.
As he stare before he turns toward at Asagi.
Incursio:"You alright?"Incursio said in a soft voice.
Asagi:"Yes, you're him. Aren't you?"Asagi asked.
As Incursio walk toward at Asagi before removes the ring making her body to be moves again.
Incursio:"Yes, I am."Incursio said in a soft tone.
Asagi:"But....Why do you fight to protect the Innocent."Asagi asked.
Incursio:"Because it's the right thing to do I use my power to protect the innocent and to end the Villains corruption."Incursio said a cold and serious tone.
This made her open her eyes in surprised.
Incursio:"I will be going,be careful on your way home."Incursio said started to walk away.
Asagi:"Wa...."Asagi began but it was interrupted.
Incursio then turned Invisible and left leaving Asagi alone.
Asagi:Wait....Why does he sound so similar to Maruto?"Asagi muttered.
As Maruto returned back his dorm room he defused with Tyrant revealing his cold face mixed angry on his face.
Maruto:"Edwin Black....I will make you and the other villains pay for what you done."Maruto said in a cold and angry tone.
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