Chapter 1
Kimiko ^
My life is boring, I never go anywhere or do anything. I just go from home, school, and back again. Nothing ever happens, and to make things worse I live in a small town with no friends. No one really likes me because I am a nerd, not even my foster parents. Although I have heard some rumors af someone living in the woods lately, and that is where I am going now, to look threw the woods. But I have also heard that anyone that tries to find said person comes back with sever burns. I know the woods surrounding the town like the back of my hand because I often spend my free time in the woods. I followed a path that lead to a cave that has been abandoned for years until now. I walked up to the cave and immediately knew something was different. The first thing that I noticed was that the path was warn like someone or something had been using it. I walked into the cave with my flashlight and shined it around. There was claw marks everywhere. I walked out and started wondering around more. I noticed that it was getting darker so I started to run back home. I didn't get very far until I ran into something. I screamed as I felt a burning sensation on my forearm. I heard a gasp as I fell to the ground and everything went dark.
I woke up and groaned sunlight filtering into the cave. I suddenly remembered what had happened last night. I shot up but fall back when I put weight on my arm "carefull!" I hear someone say. My head snaps toward the sound. I can just barely see a figure standing in the shadows. "Who are you, and what am I doing here?" I asked. "You had ran into me and I hurt your arm so I fixed it for you." The voice said, I turned to the bandage that was on my arm. I started to pull at the bandage "No, don't do that!" I looked up just in time to see a clawed hand retreating back into the shadows. (I forgot to say that it is morning) I stared at the shadows in shock, but I quickly snapped out of it. "Who are you, show yourself!" I yelled. "No, I can't." He said. "Don't make me come over there!" I yelled at him. Silence, "no, I-I don't want you to scare you." He said. I sighed, "Fine, but you will have to show me at some point." I said calmly. He stepped out hesitantly, I stared at him. He looked about my age, and was about 6 foot. He had white hair, but the most striking thing about him was his eyes. His eyes were red. I couldn't see his mouth because he had a bandanna or something over it.
Why was he so afraid to show himself? I wondered, that is when I noticed something that was abnormal. He had wings, dragon wings. He shuffled under my gaze. "W-what are you?!" I asked still mystified. "I-I think that I am half d-d-demon." He stuttered, he looked surprised that I was still there, then he looked down "You are the first person to not scream and run." He mumbled. I looked at him "Why would I run, this the first time anything interesting has ever happened in my life." I said. I took a step forward, his head shot up and he tensed "Please don't!" He pleaded holding his clawed hands out. "I'm not going to hurt you." I said "I don't want to hurt you again!" He pleaded "I hate hurting people, but I always do." He said. "Well you won't be able to learn how not to hurt people if you don't try." I said "Y-you are willing t-to help me!" He asked surprise showing clearly on his face. "Well why wouldn't I? All you want is to not hurt people." I said "Ok." He said uncertainty. "First you need to let me get close to you," I said "but let's do that out in the open." I added seeing the look on his face. I walked out of the cave and waved for him to follow. "Ok you can sit down if you want to." I said and he sat down, and I sat down a little ways in front. "Ok, what happens when you touch someone?" I asked, "W-well normally I burn them." He said. "Ok." I said thinking "Maybe it's because you are afraid that you will hurt them. Maybe if you think of something else that makes you happy or calm you won't burn anyone." I said. "Ok?" He replied, "Let's try it, think of something that makes you happy or calm, if you have to close your eyes to focus." I said. He did as I told, "You have it?" I asked, he nodded. "Ok, keep focused on that thing." I said creeping forward, I reached out "Keep focusing." I urged. I let my had touch the back of his hand, it worked for a second until he realized that I was touching him. His head shot up and his hand burnt my hand. I gasped in surprise at the sudden heat and leaped back when it burned. "I'm so sorry!!!!! Please forgive me!!!" He pleaded. "It's ok, I have been through worse." I said looking down at my red hand. "What do you mean?!" He asked, "Everyone in my town abuses me, either emotionally or physically." I said, "My foster parents abuse me physically, the rest is emotionally, most of the time. The only people in the town who doesn't do anything to me are my teachers, and they help me whenever they can." I said, "What?!" He exclaimed "and you don't do anything to stop it?!" He added. "Not really, most of the time I ignore them. I don't let what they say affect me, what they think doesn't matter. What matters is what I think, and if they don't like me then I'm not going to waste my time on them." I said. He looked up at the sky, "You should probably head home." He said, I followed his gaze and noticed that it was getting dark plus I have school tomorrow. "I will come back tomorrow after school." I said, "Please don't tell anyone that I am here!" He pleaded. "I won't. I never caught your name." I said grabbing my stuff out of his cave to head back to my town. "My name is......."
I hope you enjoyed my new book!
I need help with his name
He looked about my age, and was about 5 foot. He had white hair, but the most striking thing about him was his eyes. His eyes were red. I couldn't see his mouth because he had a bandanna or something over it. That is his description, comment any ideas please.
Oh and the song that is on this video is what gave me the idea for this book.
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