I enjoy the feeling of ash heavy on my back and began walking into the forest with nothing but the night following. I walked back to my packhouse. I could tell by his breathing that he was still awake and spoke to him, "So you have a choice, you can stay in the guest bedroom or sleep in my room if you are scared."
Ash though on it a moment letting his head rest on the my shoulder "I-I'm fine with your room, I just..... I don't want to feel trapped" his voice, was low almost scared as he spoke.
I nod as we enter the house. Setting ash down I search through the rooms finding some clothes before shifting. Coming back I look at the food I made for us and smiled at ash who stood looking around the room looking uneasy.
"Ash?" He jumped and looked to me giving a tight lipped smile. I spoke gently "you hungry?" He nodded and sat down a bit his hands shaking as he reached for a fork
"sorry, I don't do well in closed s-spaces." He stutters slightly and I nod sitting down, what he said earlier about not wanting to feel trapped falling into place.
"It's alright" I sat down and began eating. After a while of silence I clear my throat "can I ask you a question ash?" He stalled his movements and seemed to freeze up for a second before a stiff response
"Yeah?" I set down my utensils and looked him dead in the eye not letting my gaze falter.
"When I first saw you, you were shot, dying in fact... I want to know who did it." In the end what I said wasn't really a question and there was a slight growl to my voice. I was angry not at ash I was angry for ash. He looked scared at the growl but I could see it in his eyes as he blocked everything out and kept all else in.
"I don't know...." I stare a moment longer my gaze pulling at him until he looked away. Sighing I drop it and take a drink standing having finished my food.
"Alright.... do you have any questions for me then? Or the pack?" A small blush blossomed on his cheeks but it was easy to see on his pale skin as he chewed his lip. He must do that when he's worried. Looking back to me he started to speak then stopped and looked to his plate starting again.
"When you say your wolf chose me, it didn't sound like you had much choice in the matter...." I waited for him to continue "so...I mean....a-are you even gay?" His blush grew and he couldn't meet my eyes. I smirk and walked over gently putting my finger under his chin as I kiss him deeply. He froze and went stiff shocked, but melted into it quickly pressing back within the kiss. I pull away slowly and look down to him.
"does that answer your question?" Ash looked to me cheeks still pink as he nodded slowly blue eyes showing with embarrassment but unable to hide the happiness in them.
"Alright..." leaning down I take his plate. "I'll show you to the room, I'm gonna shower before I sleep." Looking to ash he nodded smiling blushing and tongue tied. Damn he's cute. "come on, the bedroom is this way" I lead him through the halls making my way to the room. I opened the door to a huge bed and a skylight.
Ash audibly gasps and steps in slowly his eyes widen at the sight "it's so nice," His voice was soft almost a whisper mostly talking to himself. I chuckled
"I'm glad you like it. Also tomorrow I'm taking you shopping for clothes. But these will do for now." I walk to my closet and grab him some clothes."they might be a little big." He takes them and gives a true smile the first time I've seen, it takes my breath away as I blush slightly. He's so pretty. I stare a moment and he notices tilting his head like a puppy
"what?" damn he's too cute, I blush more and turn away covering my face and waving the question away
"well I'm going to shower if you need anything just knock." With that I open the door and step in the bathroom shutting it quickly behind me my heart racing. I could hear my wolf chuckle at me in my head I groan and laugh at myself a bit as well before stripping and stepping into a hot shower.I was in the shower when I heard the door to my room burst open and a young female voice yell for me
"KYLE!!!" I panic a bit and shut of the water quick none of the pack knows about ash yet, there was a loud thud on the ceiling and a hissing sound. I curse myself and grabbed some boxers and slipped them on as quick as I could and threw the bathroom door open just as Anna started to scream I ran forward and tackled her to the ground covering her mouth
"sh! That's my mate!" Ash was in his dragon form there was white dust from the ceiling on his head from where he must have bumped it in shock and looked from me to Anna his eyes showing panic.
/Should we act?/ Ash asked, as I look at him.
"You're ok Ash," I say as I hold Anna she was shaking. "Anna hallway, now I need to get dressed." she nods and leaves scrambling away. Throwing on some shorts I sigh walk over petting ash's head brushing some of the dust of chuckling a bit. Ash huffed and pressed his head against the other /I can shift, didn't mean to scare her/.
"No you are fine." I pet him softly as I smile. "I'll be back ok? I'll be in the hallway if you need me." Ash gave that rattling noise again in his neck that ended in a hiss but it was soft almost like a purr. Blushing I go to walk out. Ash watches me go his piercing eyes following my form as he rests his head back on his paws. I talk to her in hushed tones trying not to freak out ash any more then he was but she only whined in response
"Kyle he's a guy! You can't mate another male it's not fair!" She stepped closer and pressed herself against me her breasts squishing against my chest. "besides wouldn't you rather be mine?~" I blush and can't help but look for a moment shocked before pushing her off. Rolling my eyes I growl at Anna and walk downstairs getting a drink. It was strong and burned when I swallowed it bit it calmed my nerves. All of a sudden every hair on my body stood on end and my blood ran cold for a split second my mind went still. Someone hurt ash. I rushed upstairs and open the door to find Anna in front of ash who looked beyond scary lips drawn back fangs exposed and wings spread slightly.
"Oooh and what are you going to about it!" She taunts. I walk in and growl as I punch her to the floor.
"He isn't going to do shit until it's a fair fight. Ash turn human and go outside. ANNA YOU GO SHIFT OUTSIDE ASH WILL FIGHT YOU THERE!!!" I wanted to skin Anna right then and there, I looked to ash and a strange sense of relief flooded over me as the anxiety that I didn't know was there, calmed. Ash shifted obediently and tried to cover himself a bit still looking shy. I grab a blanket and wrap him in it. Trying to ignore the draw that came from seeing his bare form. "Anna just challenged you, in a pack you must fight when this happens..." My rage bubbled up and I growled into his ear "kill her when you two fight...." He pulled away at that and looked to me shocked
"Kyle, I can't do that! I can't just kill a woman!" I sighed and stepped closer again touching his cheek.
"she is a bad person ash, anywhere she can. she disrupts the pack, and interferes with mate bonds..." He paused,!at that and looked at me with those piercing eyes and didn't look away
"Alright" His voice was quiet and cold, his face sad.
I hugged him close and kissed his forehead. Going outside ash seems detached from himself as he waited for his opponent. She walked into sight as I nod at him as I lean on the porch. I had called 10 pack members there to watch. They were also there if something happened. One of the pack members stood to the side and yelled "fighters ready! Shift!!"
Anna shifts to her wolf growling as she stood her ground. Ash shifted and dropped the blanket his much larger form looming over her. His head held high as he dropped a strange sort of goop from his lips that glowed blue and hissed on the ground making smoke. Anna took one step and he was instantly on her wings spread as he sunk all his front claws into her sides and took of into the air. Seeing it now I was terrified as he flew higher and higher into the sky Anna yelling and crying the sounds terrible. I watched as everyone looked in terror to there alphas new mate, from the ground I saw her bite onto his leg actually causing damage, ash made a pained sound and clawed deeper the acid dripping from his lips fell to the ground along with blood and fur. He stalled in the air far above the ground and bit her exposed neck and bit down she yelped and clawed at his muzzle leaving deep gouges as ash bit harder enduring the pain. there was the hiss of burning flesh as smoke filled the air giving an acrid smell and the blood curdling helped and cries for help from Anna before a brutal snap that came from her neck ending all the sound of her struggling leaving only the sound of abs steady beating wings. Removing his fangs he let oh of the lip body and it fell to the earth making a sickening crunch as it smoked and bled acid still eating away at flesh blood pooling around it. I stare a moment at her body no life reflected in her eyes before looking away gritting my teeth and whistling for ash. My pack members looked to me for something anything, but I gave them nothing my mind dealing on how quick it all had been ash landed on the ground with a thud and walked to me where I held the blanket and shifted his face had deep claw marks on it along with his arms and a bite mark. He Covers his mouth which had blue on it mixed with bright red that dripped from his fingers he was shaking and didn't make eye contact with anyone. He was afraid, I hugged him tight and swallowed the lump.
In my throat that formed from seeing him like this as I raised my head looking to those gathered. "You see that if anyone in my pack even touches him wrong he will do to you what he did to her!" Ash flinched a bit and tears welled in his eyes as everyone bows and looks scared. I hold you as I kiss your head. "I'm sorry baby," he pulled away from me and went inside. I looked to him and wanted to whine what did I do. Hurrying after him I show him upstairs to the bathroom and start a hot bath. "here you can clean off in here." I smile. "I'll be right in the bedroom if you need help just call for me."
Ash walked past me without even looking at me and looked to the ground shutting the door most of the way, "don't ever make me do that again." His voice was quiet and hurt as he shut the door and locked it just as tears began to fall. I gulped as I whined and opened the bedroom door and stormed out slamming it hard. I went outside as I shifted as I began running through the woods.
*2 hours pass*
I found myself in a hospital slowly as I looked at the white ceiling as my eyes were blurry at first. Slowly I looked over at a chair as I felt a warm hand holding mine as I moved."The hell where am I?" I ask as I look over to see ash.
His eyes were puffy and wet with tears eyelashes sticking together as he looked overwhelmed with releaf. "H-hey, you okay? I-im so sorry. I didn't mean to..." he trailed off, and slumped a bit against the bed squeezing his hand.
"You Are hurt because of me?" I look at him, confused as I try and lean up as I yelp. My wolf Luca screamed in pain as I pull the blanket back revealing deep cuts in my chest and abdomen area. I sigh and lay there as I cover my face.
"I remember running in the woods then bright lights and a loud crash sound. Then I woke up here I don't remember much of what happened...." My voice trailed off as I looked at Ash as my eyes glided to his lips.
I grabbed his shirt as I lean him down and kiss him deeply. Our lips locking as I felt shocks run through me as he couldn't feel them, but that's ok. None of that matters right now. Ash was shocked but didn't pull back entirely. His cheeks becoming wet again from tears as he pulled away slowly covering his mouth lightly with his hand. "k-kyle."
I looked at him confused as I wince in pain as I began to shake a bit. The pain exploded through me as the heart monitor started to shoot up as doctors rushed in the room. Jake came in as he touched you I growled my heart raced more as my body was going into shock. "I'm fine don't touch me! Let go!"
Ash looked even more worried and reached out touching his shoulder, "What's wrong?!"
The doctor looked at you as the buses began to restrain me as the bed shook and I wasn't calming down. My heart was pounding as the doctor tries to push you out of the room. What was happening was my body was restless and wasn't healing correctly. As Jake pulled you in the hallway as the nurse fills a syringe with sleep solution. I screamed and slammed against the bed as she shoved the needle in my IV and I was out in 10 seconds.
~Ash's POV~
I shook and held myself out in the hallway tears wet on my cheeks still. I'm scared. My mind tumbled with everything that was happening my heart feeling like it was in a vice.... Slumping against the wall I held my head and squeezed my eyes shut, "why do I care!? Why do I care so much!?" everything felt too loud and too close I shook and slid all the way down to the floor sitting down on the floor back against the wall. "My mate...thats what he said... and I-I feel it I think..." I heaved, in a sob and sat there. But he's hurt, I hurt him, my chest compressed and I gasped feeling panic overtake me.
Jake stared at me as he sighs, "Are you going to be alright?" He walks over and sets me in a waiting room chair.
I jumped at his touch but let him guide me to the chair. "What's wrong with him? he looked like he was having a seizure."
Jake sighs as he didn't touch me, he sat next to me. "Your mate will be fine it's the fact that his healing process was... not working correctly and when the guilt hit him his wolf took it to heart after kissing you to the point. When his heart sped up it started to anger his wolf... You see the alpha is so different, our human and wolf forms are so different. His wolf is like a puppy while his human self is strong and dominant."
I looked to him and calmed a bit. "Will he get better?"
Jake chuckled and nodded, "The Alpha may be hurt now, but his healing factor will kick in while he is asleep and he'll heal in like 2-3 hours tops..."
I slumped, a bit and looked relieved nodding. Jake leans back closing his eyes as the nurse walked over as she took me back to Kyle's room as Jake slept for a bit. Kyle was out in the hospital bed the restraints off and the heart beat was strong as I watch the wounds heal fast. Kyle's chest was rising and falling as he slept the mate bond was a little stronger since kyle kissed me deeply. Ash looked through the small window and smiled slightly.
*Hours pass*
~Kyle's POV~
I slowly opened my eyes to the smell of antiseptic and a dark hardly lighted room. I look around the room sitting up in the bed as I yawn. I got up and ripped the IV out of my arm as I walked over to you as my eyes were glowing gold stare at you as you were asleep. I gently touch his hair as I kiss his temple. I then walked over to a backpack and grabbed my clothes out of it and went to the bathroom changing. Ash stirred a bit and looked up just in time to see kyle leave to the room. I walk out in a tight black shirt and my dog tag necklace, with blue jeans as I had really bad bed head. Ash smiled a bit his eyes still looking sad.
"Ash... I'm ok... I promise you.." I whisper softly, walking over to him my eyes gold as i lean close so my breath was fanning his face. Lucky I had a mint in the bathroom ash blushed a bit and looked him dead in the eyes the bright deep blue in his eyes vibetrant and transfixing.I lean closer as my eyes stay there as I wanted to kiss you, but slowly pulled away as I pick you up in my arms and began carrying you out of the hospital. I carried you as I made sure you stayed warm I walked to the pack house. The thing was I didn't live in the pack house my house was a palace but I wanted Ash to be comfortable before I moved him there with me.
"Ash... are you scared of me?" ash looked up to him his arms wrapped around my neck.
"No...I'm not," he sighed, and rested his head against the others shoulder. "I'm afraid of hurting you," his voice shook. " I want to love you, but I don't know if I can."
"L-Love me..." the word choked in my mouth. love, I never really had that. I blush and turned my head away as he could see the pink tint.
He turned a bright red. "That's what this is supposed to be right? I m-mean, your my mate right? T-that's what that means right?" his voice shook nervously.
I chuckle as I lean close this time kissing his lips softly as I blushed. My arms tensed as I held him close my wolf smirks at me as I purr softly. Ash smiled at the kiss and let him hug him tight.pulling away slowly I look at the sky as the sun started coming up as I began walking again. I see the pack house as I carry you inside setting you on the couch so you could sleep. I went to my office as it was still trashed as I chuckle a bit. As I shut the door I began to dance around and fist bump the air excited. My mate kissed back this time and he was mine all mine! Ash fell asleep quick covering his eyes from the light of the day his eyes slightly sensitive but he could stand it if he wore sunglasses.
Ash hears little girl screams and jumping as I was extremely happy for the first time in a long time. Ash smiled a bit bearly awake listening to kyle before he was out. After some time after my fangirling as I sigh getting into a shower. I finished my shower as I walked down stairs as I smile and close the shades on the packhouse as I walked close. My eyes locked on his neck as I blush and licked my lips softly I wanted to mark him so bad. Thing is though I couldn't. I couldn't force my mark upon him I want him to want it first.
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