Before you get your hopes up, this isn't an actual update. The drama of the selection will have to wait until another date (yes, that rhymed. I went there)
The reasoning behind this announcement is that The Demigod Selection is one year old.
Can you believe that? I can't. I went back yesterday and reread my first few chapters. They were awful. I don't know how or why any of you progressed after reading it, but thank you for doing so. I doubt that I would have continued this fanfiction if no one had read it and given me so much feedback and support.
I have a lot of shout outs that some of you may want to skip (it will be long. Even longer than this book)
GoWithTheFlo_Mad for being one of the first to read this and give me positive feedback.
semiperfectgirl for commenting on a bunch of the chapters
_ReadingQueen_ for commenting on the majority of the book (yes, I go back and read every comment anyone posts)
CBGlovesbooks for being her usual awesome and supportive self
LaBlueBadger for being really supportive and giving me feedback on what I could add
travestiously for being hilarious in the comments
Megkingk for giving me clever ideas
1GreekGirl1 for being really supportive while this book was a piece of crap (at least in my opinion)
36bluedrinks for being supportive
KaylaKIKIomg for reminding me to update
EzraandAriaLover44 for being a fangirl over my book (it's weird to think there are people are actually like what you write)
Nightowl0301 for being there and reading this in the very early stages of this fanfiction
MockingjayEverdeen12 for being an insane fangirl
pearljackson3 for being a fangirl right next to MockingjayEverdeen12
happypandaperson for messaging me just to say that they love my book
Pegasus_for_life for telling happypandaperson about my book
Anniethebookacorn for also reminding me to update and saying "I need to find out what happes! This is the most original fanfic of Percy Jackson I've ever read!"
Tamberickle for commenting (it means so much whenever anyone comments)
GirlonFire137 for making connections from my fanfic to the actual Selection books
RissaTheLostPotato for being a crazy fangirl over my book and for giving me a really good idea (which hasn't happened yet in the book :) )
fangirlingfirever for giving me positive feedback
TheEpicB00kL0ver for being really positive
livelovelaugh5377 for commenting and guessing whenever I have an "unknown" POV (which I seem to have a lot of)
Agua001 for declaring war on Rachel (it's not really a good thing, just something crazy to read)
music_lover_2550 for making sure Percy was still sane
TealGreenOwl for reminding me to update
WeirdGirlTheFirst for commenting (comments help make stories more interactive)
Blackjack394 for commenting multiple times
AddictedReader_ for giving me feedback
bookfanawesomeness for saying "Omg, how do you write brilliant stories like this"
666DevilsDaughter666 for reminding me to update
ImAHeroOfOlympus for giving me their exact play by play for what they want to happen
And finally, thank you @EveryoneWhoEvenBotheredToReadThisFanfiction
Everyone's comments and support are what made all of this continue for the past year. All of you are really what made this possible.
In honor of this one year anniversary, I'm making a special announcement. There will be a sequel to The Demigod Selection. It will be titled "The Demigod Elites" and will be released sometime in the fall (or possibly late summer). That book will pick up where this one leaves off, after all but six ladies are eliminated.
Thank you again for reading this book!
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