The prophet (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam) said: "Among Allah's servants are people who are neither prophets nor martyrs but whom the prophets and martyrs will deem fortunate because of their high status with Allah."
The companions asked: Who are they? "They are the people who loved each other for Allah's sake without being related or tied to one another by exchange of wealth. By Allah, their faces will be luminous and they will be upon light.they will feel no fear when others will be afraid and they will feel no grief while others are grieving."
Bide your time and remove your heart from the hands of. People,then place it in the Hands of Allah. Only than will you find true rest under the watchful,ever-caring gaze of the One who Never forgets.
When Allah tests you,it is never to destroy you. When He removes something in your possession, it is only in order to empty your hands for an even greater gift.
Ibn al-Qayyim (Rahim Allah) saud: Allah loves His attributes and characteristics, and He loves to see the effects of His attributes on His slaves. As He is beautiful; He loves beauty.As He is all-Forgiving;He loves forgiveness. As He is Generous; He loves generosity.As He is all-Knowing; He loves the people of knowledge. As He is Strong and Powerful, so a strong and powerful believer is more beloved to Him than a weak one. As He is As-Saboor,He loves the patient ones. As He is Ash-Shukoor, He loves the grateful ones, As He loves those who have Hus characteristics, do He is with Them and This us a special and unique type of Companionship.
Indeed it is, may Allah make us among those who possess most if not all of these characteristics and use them to please Him Ar-Rahman,Ar-Raheem (Ameen ya Allah).
You don't own whatever is Stoll on your hands,you only own the reward for that which you give away for His sake. If you love someone,give him a gift that will weigh heavily on his scales.
Our existence is in a sense merely an exchange OF good,we are seeking to purchase the best and most lasting thing which is paradise,but we have to pay the price for it. We have to live,not for the benefit of our current selves in a world that value selfish desires but for our future selves: ourselves that need,more than anything else to be given a home in paradise by the mercy of Allah.
The prophet (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam) said, "for one of us goes forth in the morning as a vendor for his soul. He either achieves its emancipation or brings it to perdition."
Love is something that lives even when you die. You do not part at death.
Love is eternal. Perhaps it becomes subdued,or muted by the shadows of stress and life. But it follows you,stapling itself to your garments and holds unto you even when you feel alone. True love!! it never dies!!!
"You will be with the ones you love" our beloved Nabi said. Its a fact,a promise. So love fully but love Carefully as well.
Why me???
Patience isn't always sweet. Its sometimes a bitter pill,a burden that makes its carrier hunch with exhaustion. Having one beautiful moment as true patience and trust in Allah becomes easy.
Patience doesn't follow you,it isn't enslaved to you. If you turn your back on it for a moment,it will evade you. You cannot simply be patient, its not a state of mind that can be fully achieved. Its a battle that must be fought daily.
I pray that in the struggle,I win against the darkness more often than I lose.( I pray we all win ameen ya Jabbar)
We attach our hearts to the physical gifts of which we are in possession. We love the gifts,we spoil the gifts,we love then tightly. We ignore the Giver, then when He takes the gift away, we become angry and ungrateful as though we were the true owners of that thing/one.
We own nothing! We don't even own ourselves!!!
Sometimes we need the gifts He gives and Sometimes we need Him to take them away. Perhaps only then will we understand our need and love for the Source of those gifts.
When the world becomes narrow,Allah invites you to seek the home that I s expensive. When life becomes painful,He invites you to seek a life in the place that has no sorrow or grief,when you lose hope in Allah,He inites you to open the doors of hope in Him.
How merciful our Lord is that He does not let us know our future.He is merciful to let us fail,merciful to let us loseerciful to let us feel pain.It is only because of this mercy that we are able to try and strive and attempt love and happiness.
Every person on thus earth has one thing in common,we do not rejoice in hardship or pain PR suffering. We want our hardships to end.we wish for our days to be full of only love,laughter and abundance.
Yet when we stand in front of Allah on the final day and see how many of our sins were expiated because of the pain we were exposed to,we'll wish those difficult moments had lasted our whole lives. When w see the untold rewards that are reserved for those who remained patient in every difficulty, we'll wish we suffered every moment of everyday in this world.
And no soul knows what has been hidden for them of comfort for eyes as rewards for what they used to do.
Trusting in Allah means that your feet keep moving forward even when you cannot see what is ahead. It's knowing that He will care for you,grant you the gift of courage to keep going,and never leave you to yourself even for a blink of an eye.
This is the light we need in the darkness of the unknown.
We are given blessings in every possible form.we are even given blessings through pain.we ask Allaj for happiness, stability, wealth,children and health and He tests us by taking them away or delaying His response. Sometimes the pain that is left in the absence of what you desire is the soil that your heart needs to grow. His ultimate plan is absolute in perfection!!! (Subhanallah). He didn't give you exactly what you wanted because there is something mor blessed coming. There is always an plan of that there is no doubt. The only doubt lies in whether we will open our eyes to it.
Sufyan ath-thwri said: in our view,a person does not have an understanding of the religion until he thinks of a hardship as a blessing anr comfort and luxury as being a hardship.
When you come to a point during a trial when there is literally nothing you or anyone else can say or do lift the immense pain from your heart,turning to Allah for relief is your only choice. To turn to anyone or anything else in this time can only be a form of madness. The true difficulty lies in turning to Him in times of ease,those smooth times when everything seems to be going just perfect according to your plans,it becomes easy to lose sight of the one who sustains you.
It becomes easy to forget that the enjoyment of thus world is temporary.
Times of ease requires a patience that is difficult to master. Patience in abstaining from evil and patience in performing that which is good. It requires a kind of consciousness and constancy that us challenging even to the strongest of us.
What good will you fear of people do for you then?
We spend our lives fearing what others will do to us if we speak the truth or insist on staying faithful to our beliefs and values. We are preoccupied with attempting to fit our bodies & souls into the suffocating boxes they have cut out for us. We know we don't fit into those boxes.
The truth is too big to fit into a box. Our hearts are too busy and full to stay confined. Our souls are owned by the King not by His slaves.
You have only few moments on thus plane,you don't have time to waste.
The sun lays itself against our skin and tugs at us to rise from sleep. The light of guidance too,beckons us to leave the shdows of pain and torment. It calls us to believe in a Compassionate and merciful creator. It calls us to deposit the pain within our hearts in to the posssesssion of The Lord who heals.
Say: Have you considered: If Allaj should make for you the night continuous until the Day of Resurrection,what dirty other than Allah could bring you light? Then will you not hear?
From- A temporary gift
By - Asma Husseini.
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