"Am back at it again. So I will showing so wholesome photos to cheer up the mood." Fries said feeling a little bad for the last multiverse.
"Oh! My heart! It can't!" Mina yelled fainting.
"Look at this! Little Eri in Midoriya's hero costume is so cute!" Momo said squealing.
"I have to admit. It is kinda cute." Katsuki mumbled. Kirishima smirked.
"Oh my God! Even Bakugo-"
"BITCH! I NEVER SAID THAT!" Katsuki yelled only for Mitsuki's to giggle.
"But like. It is cute so. . ." Kaminari said not knowing where he was going with that statement.
"I wanna wear Mr. Deku hero costume!" Eri said wishing she had one.
"I could give you when we head back. We can have a costume party!" Izuku whispered in Eri's ear causing her to smile.
Fries wiped a tear.
"So wholesome."
"Oh look! It's me," Kota said.
"This is so cute." Mina said.
"That boy is really nice." Mt.lady mumbled feeling a little jealous.
"Not gonna lie, I never thought Lots would agree to chill with Midoriya. Looks like he is opening up to him." Present Mic said finger gunning.
"Of course it is problem child who is so nice." Aizawa said shaking his head.
"This is wholesome. Why can't we be like them." Toga whinned.
"Because. You guys are annoying." Dabi stated, bluntly.
"Wha?!?!" Twice Said.
"No one gonna talk about how both of them are fighting for his attention." Shigaraki mumbled to no one.
"Oh My God! It is baby Midoriya!" Midnight squealed.
"It's so cute and he is wearing an All might outfit!" Present Mic yelled after her.
"Secret Love Child?" Todoroki mumbled.
"No one is gonna talk about how beautiful Inko is?" Mt. Lady said.
"Yeah she is gorgeous." Mirko said a little jealous.
"EEK! When did you get here!" Tsukauchi said causing the bunny to facepalm.
"I have been here the whole time."
"Um. The first letter in the Picture is not capitalized!" Iida yelled.
"This is adorable." Kendo said smiling.
"I know." Shiozaki said after her.
"I gotta agree. This is wholesome," Monoma added.
"Their smiles are so bright!" Pony yelled shielding her eyes.
"This is just so manly," Tetsutetsu said wiping some tears.
"This family is really sparkling!" Aoyama said out of the blues.
"Wait. Where is his father in all of these photos?" Ojiro said causing everyone to go quiet.
"You're right. Where is he?" Shoji said.
Izuku physically froze in his seat which Shinso seemed to notice.
"Well. H-he had w-work most of t-the t-time." Inko said starting to come up with a lie. Hisashi glared at her slightly but said nothing.
Everyone in the room believed to see it.
'Idiots,' Fries thought.
'After all of these world how come you don't get it. Am trying to get you to save Izuku's life! Why don't you guys see it,' Fries thought.
"Who is she with blonde hair?" Shigaraki asked squinting his eyes.
"That is Mitsuki actually." Inko said giggling a little.
"PFFFT-!" Kaminari yelled.
"I see where he gets it from." Sero giggled.
"This is funny!" Mineta said.
"SHUT UP!" Katsuki yelled!
"OH YOU SHUT UP!" Mitsuki yelled out at him.
"Wait. What happened?" Momo asked.
"You see French fries hair of there? That's All Might when he was younger. He bumped into us." Inko replied.
"Wow All Might." Jiro said.
"Am getting Haikyuu vibes." Shigaraki said causing Fries to smile.
"Yes! More Haikyuu weebs!" Fries yelled.
"Haikyuu?" Compress asked confused.
"It's an anime. Where the main character acts like Izuku. (And If I were to make a book on Haikyuu It would be abused Hinata.)" Fries answered.
"So his mom plays volleyball huh? That's why they can both swing their arms so fast." Spinner said causing Toga to laugh.
"Yeah their hands can go Whoosh and then POP with an explosion." Toga said impersonating Hinata.
"We are getting off point. . ." Big Sis Magne said.
"Oh look it is my mom." Todoroki said bluntly.
"And mine!" Izuku added.
"You guys, well accept Bakugo, act like your parents." Sato said.
"Bakubro! Why don't you act like you mom!" Kirishima said shaking Katsuki.
"Yeah! You already look like her! Just take her personality already." Kaminari yelled shaking Katsuki as well.
"FUCK OFF!" Katsuki yelled.
"Not gonna like, I actually prefer loud Bakugo over quiet Bakugo." Tokoyami said causing everyone to yawn.
Aizawa though wasn't paying attention. He was looking at Izuku. Who was being really quiet. He wasn't even smiling.
'What's happening?' He thought.
"This is cute!" Midnight squeal.
"Mother like son." Nezu said.
"Okay. It might have been my fault Katsuki is so annoying." Mitsuki mumbled.
"Ok you guy. My readers. All 700 of you! yes you! I just came here to say that you guys have never seen me before" Fries said.
"Readers?" Death Arms said.
"So here I am!" Fries yelled ignoring him.
"Oop." Kaminari said quietly.
"Yes I drew myself. Yes it is cringe. The eyes look like empty portals and the shading is no existent." Fries said.
"Drawing, readers, Wha-"
"Kaminari don't question it." Kirishima said.
"But Don't leave yet! Someone so kind sent me Fanart! Me! A small Wattpader fanart!"
"Fanart! Did I get fanart!" Kirishima asked.
"Look at it! Look at it! It is so cute!" Fries squealed.
"The art style is nice." Momo said.
"Yes it is nice to look at." Iida added.
"Yes this is cute!" Present mic yelled.
"I want fanart! Someone draw me!" Mina and Toga yelled at the same time.
"No child this is my time to shine." Fries said laughing.
"But wait! they drew more!" Fires said.
"Just get over with it." Aizawa mumbled.
"Oh come on! I know you wanna see it." Ms. Joke said jabbing him in the ribs.
"Oh? It's me! I look cute." Izuku mumbled smiling.
"Is it-"
"Yes. It is made by the same person Kaminari! I know. Adorable!" Fries yelled.
"That is very beautiful!"Inko said smiling.
"I KNOW!" Present Mic yelled.
"Stop yelling! Am trying to sleep." Aizawa said.
"Well guys. That is enough happiness. So We have to go to the next multiverse!"
Art By: Duvcdjhfdryyf
My Fellow French Fries,
Yes I accept Fanart! Just privately DM if you want to send it to me so I can figure out something. Or tag me in a story! :)
Also am not use to writing. . . Happy stuff.
I usually write Angsty trash.
Also I didn't check my Grammer so their will be some mistakes.
That's All!
Star Safe And Don't Get Corona
Peace <3
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