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"Oh." Fries said as they looked at the name if the multiverse. A frown was clearing seen on their face as a tear feel down their eye. The class stared at her in utter confusion.
"Eri and Kota please come with me to the Play Room." Fries said while ignore the endless confusing glares coming from the students.
"Is this not good for kids?" Aizawa asked the God who just nodded and in a snap of a finger disappeared.
"Oh! Maybe it's about murder." Toga squealed causing Shigaraki to nearly disintegrated her.
The screen showed Deku walking up to a roof top looking quite sad. The screen then showed Deku at the roof top taking off his shoes.
"Wait. . .Why is he on roof?" Kaminari asked in confusion. Aizawa's eyes widened at what was on the screen while All Might had fear in his eyes.
"Isn't that his Junior High Uniform?" Mitsuki asked breaking the silence. Inko and Hisashi both nodded in unison while Bakugo just looked guilty.
'What is he doing. . .' Dabi thought not wanting to express his thoughts.
"Just as I was about to take my shoes off of the roof top there I see A girl with braided hair before me." The screen then showed Izuku staring at a girl with long green hair that had two messy braids. Freckles littered her cheeks as tears were streaming down the girl face. The girl at the edge of the roof with her fingers gripping the railing.
"Ok. That person looks like an exact clone of him." Stain said in confusion while Momo nodded.
"Maybe that's his sister?" Kendo suggested while all eyes went to Bakugo.
"What the Fuck are you guys looking at me for!" The boy yelled at the class while Mitsuki resisted the urge to scold him on cursing.
"No he doesn't have a sister!" The loud boy continued.
"Despite myself I go and scream Hey, don't so it please."
"Despite myself?. . .Was he going to jump?!?!" Mina exclaimed while realization hit her other classmates.
"W-what!?!" Inko exclaimed in fear while her husband kept the same expression.
"Why though. He is a happy kid." Mic said softly but loud enough to be heard.
"Maybe he meant something else?" Kamui wood suggested.
"And I bet he had a great past." Midnight added causing Bakugo to chock on his spit.
Nezu kept quiet though as he noticed Izuku being quite quiet this whole time. In the end The mouse just sipped his tea and turned his attention to the screen.
"Whoa wait a minute what did I just say? I couldn't care less either way."
"Harsh much!" Kirishima added after that comment. Sero just nodded at his remark.
"That's not a nice thing to say Midoriya!" Iida said chopping his hands in front of Izuku.
"Ehh?!? That's not me!" Izuku said waving his hands in embarrassment.
"You guys could at least praise him for saving that girls life." Overhaul said making the room silent. All eyes went on him with confusion.
"Ok I might be a villain but I wouldn't want someone to kill themselves." Overhaul said making everyone to stop looking at him.
'Problem Child.' Was all Aizawa thought this whole time.
"To be honest I was somewhat pissed. This was an opportunity missed."
"So we were right." Nezu said making every to look at him in confusion.
"He went to the roof to jump and that sentence confirmed our theory." Nezu continued. Aizawa felt weird hearing a student that has been in his class thought of killing themselves.
"Midoriya you never thought of doing this right." Aizawa said turning his attention to the boy.
"N-no. This is a-another universe." Izuku said coming up with a reasonable lie that everyone seemed to believe.
Inko, being her oblivious self, sighed in relief.
Nighteye this whole time held his hand. He didn't believe what the boy was saying. He has seen the boy crying in the bathrooms in the agency once when he thought everyone was gone.
Nighteye didn't know what he was doing in there but he came out smiling an almost real looking smile but it barely met his eyes.
"The Girl with braid hair told me her woes. You probably heard them all before. I really thought that he may be The one but then he told me he was done." The screen showed the braid hair girl talking with with a guys with spiky blonde hair. The two were having a great time until a girl came causing the boy to leave her.
"Ok, that's a dumb reason to kill yourself." Toga said shaking her head in disappointment.
"I have to agree." Vlad King replied while Mic and Aizawa nodded.
"But the spiky hair looks familiar." Hawks said eyeing the screen. All eyes went to Bakugo in an instant.
"What the fuck do you guys want now." Bakugo said growling at the attention he was getting.
"Did you reject anyone in the past? Were they a friends to Midoriya? Is that why you hate him?" Jiro asked causing Bakugo to growl.
"What the fuck! No! I barely talked to that nerd." Bakugo said finishing off quietly. The class nodded while Aizawa eyed Bakugo suspiciously.
Masaru eyed Izuku as he was shaking in his seat A little but said noting.
"FOR GOD'S SAKE PLEASE ARE YOU SERIOUS I JUST CANT BELIEVE THAT FOR SOME STUPID REASON YOU GOT HER BEFORE ME!" The screen said as it showed Deku yelling at the figure in front of him.
"Ok, I know what he is saying is right but he doesn't have to phrase or like that." Recovery girl said.
"Young Midoriya you could have said it nicer." All Might said to the timid boy.
"Wha?!?!? That wasn't me though!'
"ARE YOU UPSET CAUSE YOU CANT HAVE WHAT YOU WANT!?!? YOUR LUCKY THAT YOU'VE NEVER GOTTEN ROBBED OF EVERYTHING!" Deku yelled at the girl while he clutched his chest. The screen showed Deku being bullied by his peers. Him being pushed to the wall and getting his work taken or stolen from others. The screen then showed Izuku thrown on the floor with his clothes ripped off.
The whole room went dead silent as their jaw hung open. Mitsuki head snapped so fast to her sons direction they whole room swore they heard it crack.
"YOU BULLIED HIM?!?" Mitsuki yelled but only got a small nod in return. Aizawa shook his head in disappointment while the class looked sad.
"So he didn't even have one friend. . ." Shinso asked the boy softly who shook his head looking down. All idea sudden Fries/God entered the room.
"I just came here to take Izuku Midoriya to play with the kids." Fries said snapping their fingers before anyone could do anything.
"Wait. Were are his clothes, Kero?" Tsuyu asked causing the room to go silent. The whole room looked at the last frame in horror. Aizawa felt a rush of anger flow through him.
"It could all be a different universe. What we are thinking happened might have never happened in another world." Mic said calming everyone down.
"Am feeling better thank you for listening." The girl with braided hair then disappeared. The screen showed the girl vanishing in thin air like noting happened while Deku slowly walked off the roof top.
"Wait. What about the girl?" Ojiro asked causing everyone to shrug.
"I think I figured it out." Nezu said sipping his tea. Hisashi turned to Nezu in Fear and Confusion which the animal didn't seem to notice.
"Figure out?" Mt.Lady asked in confusion.
"I think I have as well." Tsukauchi added.
The screen then switched to a new day. Izuku walked to the same roof with the same dull expression as yesterday.
"That look doesn't suit him." Kendo said breaking the silence.
"It looks weird." Shinso added getting a nod from the girl.
"Well like they said it could be a different universe." Uraraka said quietly.
"Alright Today's the day or so I though. Just as I took both of my shoes off there was a girl short as can be. Despite myself I go and scream. The screen showed Izuku talking to a short boy who himself looked like clone of himself.
"Again with the clones." Shigaraki said somewhat growling.
"What's wrong with clones." Twice asked confused but only got a flare from crusty.
"I still don't get the clones yet. And I don't think he has siblings." Cementoss said scratching his head.
"The petite girl told me her woes. You probably heard them all before. Everyone ignored me everyone steals. I don't fit in with anyone here." The boy said to Izuku as it showed scenes of the boy getting bullied and the teachers not helping him.
"Oh? I feel bad for the boy." Uraraka said softly.
"Those are some shitty teachers." Aizawa said sipping his coffee in anger.
"Look at those injuries!" Recovery Girl added as he saw the blood from his clothes.
"CAUSE EVEN SO YOUR STILL LOVED BY EVERYONE AT HOME, THERE US ALWAYS DINNER WAITING AT THE TABLE YOU KNOW?!?!" The screen showed Izuku's mom barely at home while he starves in his room. The screen the switched to an angry Hisashi throwing a bottle at Izuku's head while punching him.
Inko sat their quietly in fear if what her husband would do while Hizashi sat their quietly while all eyes went to the duo.
"Please tell me this doesn't happen." Aizawa said with the most calmed voice ever.
"Well I never hit him before but we do overwork so were barely home. I didn't know it effected him that much." Inko said scratching her messy hair while smiling a fake smile. The room sighed in relief as they thought what lady said was the truth.
Aizawa noticed the usage of I instead of we But thought nothing if it. Nezu just kept his mouth shut as he looked through the lady's fake smile. He knew it was fake but he didn't know what she was hiding.
"Am hungry. Said the girl as she shed a tear. The girl short as can be then disappeared."
"Why are they disappearing?" All Might asked while no one answered.
"I think I figured it out but I need more evidence." Momo said cracking her knuckles. Midnight just stared at the genius kid in confusion.
"Could you explain?" Thirteen asked.
"Wait, lets wait until we get more evidence." Nezu said cutting of Momo.
"And like that, there was someone every day I listened to their tale, I made them turn away. And yet there was no one who would do this for me No way I could let out all this pain."
"No Deku! We are here for you!" Uraraka said feeling bad.
"But we were not with him during middle school." Shinso added making the room go quiet again.
"Am going to book him a meeting with you Hound dog." Aizawa said facing the hero.
"For the first time their I see someone with the same pains as me. Having done this time and time again she wore a yellow cardigan." The screen showed Izuku staring at his clone as it wore a yellow outfit. The person was covered in bruises and looked dull.
"That looks painful." Endeavor said causing his family to glare at him.
"You have no right to speak." Todoroki snapped at him.
"Shut your mouth up " Rei added speaking up for once.
"Dang. What did the old man do." Kaminari joked.
"A lot."
"I just wanna stop the scars that grow everytime that I go home that's why I came up here instead"
That's what the girl in the cardigan said. The screen should the girl getting abused and hurt by his father while she screamed in pain.
"Oh! I don't like that." Ojiro and Sero said at the same time.
"I don't think anyone does."
Whoa, wait a minute what did I just say? I couldn't care less either way but in the moment I just screamed something that I did not believe "Hey! Don't do it, please."
"I hope Midoriya doesn't feel like this in real life." Kirishima said softly not wanting to lose a friend.
"Maybe he does." Nezu said causing everyone to look at him.
"Maybe that is why Fries took him away. So he doesn't get a panic attack." The animal continued.
"Maybe he has tried to kill himself."
Agh- what to do!? I can't stop this girl, oh this is new! For once I think I've bitten off more than I can chew But even so, please just go away so I can't see Your pitiful expression is just too much for me! "I guess today is just not my day" She looked away from me and then she disappeared. The screen showed the girl walking off instead of fully disappearing.
"Why didn't She 'disappear'". Midnight said still recovering from the last statement.
"Ok. The people who looked like him were his mind convincing himself not to die. The reason they vanished is because he fully let go of the Idea and the grudge. But the reason why that one didn't disappear was because he didn't let go of the grudge of being abused. So if am correct he might no himself the next day." Momo said nearly causing Inko to cry.
"My brain hurts." Kaminari said only to get stabbed by Jiro.
"Not the time."
There's no one here today, I guess it's time It's just me, myself and I. There's no one who can interfere. No one to get in my way here. Taking off my yellow cardigan,
Watching my braids all come undone. This petite girl short as can be. Is gonna jump now and be free.
"No Deku!" Uraraka yelled at the screen.
"I might hate the kid but I don't want him to kill himself." Shigaraki said quietly.
"I feel bad for him." Big Sis Mag said.
"Problem Child." Aizawa said quietly.
"I was right." Momo said somewhat frowning indicating she wished she was wrong.
"I didn't like this one." Tokoyami said breaking the silence.
"Me neither." Shouji said quietly. All of a sudden Fries came back placing Eri and Kota in their seat.
"Is everyone ok?" Izuku asked his crying classmates reviving a nod in return.
"Can we get something happy?" Mina asked Fries while they scratched their neck.
"I'll try." Was all Fries responded before the screen lit up.
Multiverse Found
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