Young Justice: Phantoms
"We're gonna be returning to the Young Justice universe, since in my universe it's the 12 year anniversary of when the show first aired. This time it's ten years after we last saw them, and a lot had happened in that time. A number of other young heroes joined The Team, Kaminari died, Jiro became a hero called Tigress, Shinso became a hero called Nightwing, Iida became the new Aquaman, Reiko got her father back, Kendo has a son who's autistic like me, clone Bakugo renamed himself and had a daughter with Jiro's sister and he's now raising their daughter on his own, and Izuku and Ochako were gonna get married, but something went wrong. Izuku, Ochako, and Koda, who's a hero named Beast Boy, were on Mars and Izuku and Ochako were gonna get married in Martian tradition, then they were gonna head back to Earth to get married in Earth tradition, but a bomb with Kryptonite in it went off and Izuku was presumed to be killed. In truth, he was sent to a dimension called the Phantom Zone with the help of Yui from 1-B, who's a superhero from the future. They were both sent to the Zone which knocked Yui unconscious, and Izuku met Endeavor, who in this universe is a former Kryptonian general named Dru-Zod, there was also Rei who's named Ursa-Zod, and a number of other Kryptonian criminals who were placed there by the government of Krypton before it was destroyed. Izuku's mind was damaged and he began to regress to his Cadmus programming to kill Hisashi, so Endeavor began to brainwash Izuku and make him loyal to the House of Zod. Yui eventually woke up and tried to get Izuku to leave the Phantom Zone with her, but he refused, so she left. Once she was back in her own dimension, she went to Ochako and told her Izuku was alive. Ochako, Hisashi, Yui, and a few others opened a portal to the Phantom Zone, but Shoto, who in this universe is from the future and named Lor-Zod and is also the one who set the bomb on Mars, stopped them from entering with the help of his allies. Endeavor, Rei, Izuku, and another Kryptonian left the Phantom Zone through the portal and Shoto introduced himself to his parents. Then some other stuff happened, and now Hisashi's been defeated and Endeavor's about to have Izuku kill Hisashi in public. Now we're gonna see what happens next" said Luke.
It began with an older Izuku covered in burns and wearing a white jumpsuit with a red 'Z' on the chest. He was holding Hisashi in a choke hold. Hisashi's skin was also green. They were all in Metropolis with cameras focusing on them.
It showed flashes of what happened before.
It showed Shinso injured, bleeding, and lying perfectly still in the Fortress of Solitude. It showed Bio-Ship crashing outside the Fortress and Ochako with a bunch of other people on board presumably dead. Then it cut back to the present.
"I have a theory" said Endeavor, who in this universe has a normal beard instead of a fire one.
"You see, Jor-El could've sent his son to New Genesis. He had allies there, but on that world, his boy would have been an orphan, at the mercy of New Gods. So, instead, Jor-El chose this world where his son could be raised in benign anonymity, before rising to become a god among men. But where Kal-El, the Superman, failed to take his place as humanity's god, where he failed to rule and raise your world to galactic supremacy, I, General Zod, will succeed for you all and a new day with dawn on the world, today, re-christened as New Krypton, re-christened in the blood of your failed savior" said Endeavor as he turned to Izuku.
"Superboy. Execute Kal-El now" Endeavor ordered.
"Kal-El is Hisashi's Kryptonian name. Jor-El was his biological father. But now we're gonna see the new intro" said Luke.
(A/N: As usual, replace Superboy with Izuku, Miss Martian with Ochako, Aqualad with Iida, Artemis with Jiro, Zatanna with Reiko, and Rocket with Kendo.)
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
"We're not exactly Young Justice anymore, since we're not so young" said Kendo.
"I'm aware" said Luke.
"Still a manly intro" said Kirishima.
It showed the Fortress of Solitude and it said 'NORTH POLE | September 14, 01:41 UTC | FIVE MINUTES EARLIER.'
It then showed an adult Shinso, who was wearing his Nightwing costume, walking over to the crashed Bio-Ship with his forehead bleeding. He saw Ochako and the other people who were on board presumably dead.
"No..." Shinso said.
But then, the image of the corpses of Ochako and the others disappeared, revealing that it was all just an illusion Ochako created with her telepathic powers. Ochako and the others were fine, although some of them were unconscious and injured. Ochako's skin was white as snow now.
"Hitoshi" said Ochako telepathically.
They both sighed in relief.
"My skin was all green the last time we saw this version, why is it all white this time?" Ochako asked.
"In this universe the martians are divided into three races. The red martians who are royalty, the green martians, and the white martians. You're a white martian and your race is looked down upon by the others on Mars. When you came to Earth, you disguised yourself as green so you'd be accepted, but eventually you revealed your true form to your teammates and they still accepted you. When you, Izuku, and Koda were on Mars you, with the help of the Martian prince, were able to put an end to the racism. But even before that, you already embraced your true color" said Luke.
"Sorry, sorry. It's not as bad as it looks. Although, I guess it's bad enough. You're hurt!" Ochako said as he noticed Shinso's injury and then the background turned pitch black as their minds connected.
"Ah, it's nothing. My own illusion" said Shinso before it showed what had happened.
"I got slapped by a rogue Kryptonian. Might have killed me, but I rolled with it" said Shinso as it showed parts of a statute and a giant stone globe falling on top of him.
"Wait, I don't have superpowers in this universe, correct?" Shinso asked.
"Correct" answered Luke.
"Then now the hell did I survive a freakin' statue falling on top of me?!" Shinso said.
"No idea. I heard there's a theory that you're a meta-human, which is a person who has natural superpowers like quirks in this world, but I don't know" said Luke.
"And cut yourself to fake an injury" said Ochako as it showed Shinso cutting his forehead with one of his gadgets.
"Forehead bleeds look bad, but aren't. It's an old pro-wrestling trick" said Shinso.
"Then you slowed your pulse to fake your death" said Ochako.
"And old Batman trick" Shinso responded.
"But how is it you're here in the first place?" Ochako asked as it cut back to them just talking telepathically.
"Tenya, Kyoka, Itsuka, Reiko, and I were in a place called the Phantom Zone" said Shinso as it showed them in the Phantom Zone. Color there was different, so they were mostly blue and white with black and yellow eyes like Mina's.
"Searching for Izuku. And you followed the Kryptonians' boomtube to Superman's Fortress" said Ochako as it then showed Shinso stepping through a portal to fight the Zods.
"How did you-" said Shinso.
But then Ochako interrupted.
"Because we were looking for Izuku, too!" said Ochako as it showed Ochako and her group trying to find Izuku.
"Ah, right. But you were attacked by the Emerald Empress and the Eye of Ekron" said Shinso while it showed Bio-Ship flying towards the Fortress.
"The Eye of Ekron is a powerful magic eyeball from the future that turns whoever's worthy of it into a being known as the Emerald Empress. It chose Rei" said Luke.
"Saturn Girl sent a last-second psychic warning" said Ochako as it showed Pony Tsunotori with no horns and wearing a white and red costume doing what Ochako said she did.
Hisashi zoomed to the front of the ship.
"GET DOWN!" he shouted before a blast from the Eye of Ekron hit the front of the ship.
"Superman and Tetsutetsu rushed forward to take a brunt of the blast, giving Saturn Girl and I the chance to create the illusion you saw" said Ochako as it showed the ship crashing in the snow.
"Faking your deaths. Our best trick, one we've gotten way too good at" Shinso said.
"Tetsutetsu, Lightning, and Forager were knocked unconscious" said Ochako.
"While the rest of you played possum" said Shinso.
"Except Superman, who stood up to sell the illusion" said Ochako as it showed Hisashi getting up to face Endeavor.
"Only to be taken down by the ma'al kryptonite I stupidly brought to the Zone" said Shinso as it showed Endeavor pulling out an opening a small box that had kryptonite in it, then another white Martian mentally moved it on to Hisashi chest to weaken him. It also showed Endeavor swiping the box from Shinso in the Phantom Zone before.
"My brother forced a Motherbox and a horribly abused meta-kid named Katsuma Shimano to open a boomtube to take them all to Metropolis" said Ochako as it showed all of that.
"Ochako is one of many Martian children in this universe. She has an evil Martian brother named Ma'alefa'ak who was involved in the explosion on Mars. Katsuma was a runaway meta-human who's brain was cut out and put in a high-tech box called the Kaizer-Thrall. He opened the boomtube to the Phantom Zone, but then Shoto and Ma'alefa'ak stopped them and took control of Katsuma" explained Luke.
Many people were horrified about what happened to Katsuma. Izuku put his hand on the boy's shoulder to comfort him.
"Metropolis? Tigress, Reiko, and Tenya just radioed me from there!" said Shinso as it showed the three mentioned heroes inside a school bus in a junk yard.
It then cut out of them reading each other's minds.
"What about Rocket?" Ochako asked.
Shinso sighed.
"She didn't make it" he said.
"NOOOOOO!!!" screamed Tetsutetsu.
Ochako's eyes widened.
"It just gets worse and worse" said Ochako as she looked down.
"But we'll have to mourn Itsuka later. Superman, Katsuma, and Izuku need us" said Ochako.
A young man in a more modern and advanced looking version of the Kid Flash costume zoomed over to them. He also had bandages wrapped around his torso.
"I can set the Prince up with medical supplies to tend the wounded. But Forager's down for the count" said the young man as the camera moved to show the unconscious heroes being tended to and Bio-Ship spitting out a high-tech treadmill of some sort.
"That's Bart, he's the Flash's grandson from the future. He came back in time in season two as a hero called 'Impulse' and took up the mantle of Kid Flash after Kaminari died" said Luke.
"As is Bio-Ship. She needs time to hibernate and heal" said Ochako, this time not telepathically, as it showed Bio-Ship transforming into an egg shape.
"But we can take the Fortresses's Zeta-Tube to Metropolis" said Ochako.
"No-go. The Zods destroyed it" said Shinso.
But then an alien-like sound was heard and Ochako looked up.
"We won't need it!" she said as it showed another Bio-Ship with a different color scheme in the sky.
"That Bio-Ship is called 'Baby.' It's Bio-Ship's child that she had on Mars" said Luke.
"Space ships can have babies?" Kaminari asked.
"Yes, Kaminari. Space ships can have babies" said Luke.
It then cut back to Izuku and the villains in Metropolis.
"Izu-El, do your duty. Prove you are worthy of the Family of Zod" said Endeavor, but as he said that, the word 'Family' began to echo in Izuku's head.
In then showed flashbacks of Izuku and Hisashi. It first showed the scene from the last time the audience saw this universe, with Izuku and Hisashi talking after The Team freed the League.
"I, uh, heard you took a name" said Hisashi.
"Uh, yeah. Izuku Midoriya" said Izuku.
"My secret identity is Hisashi Midoriya" said Hisashi.
Izuku's eyes widened.
"I didn't know! I wasn't trying to-" Izuku tried to explain.
But then Hisashi interrupted.
"No, the thing is... I'm glad" said Hisashi as he put his hand on Izuku's shoulder.
"Izuku Midoriya. It seems... right" said Hisashi.
It then cut to another scene. This one of Hisashi in civilian clothes introducing Izuku to an elderly couple.
"Izuku, these are my parents, Jonathan and Martha Midoriya. We're all hoping you'll accept them as your parents, too" said Hisashi.
"Jonathan and Martha are Hisashi's adoptive human parents who found him when he was in infant and raised him" said Luke.
"Why do they have American first names and a Japanese last name, then? And how come they gave my dad a Japanese first name, despite their's being American?" Izuku asked.
Luke just shrugged.
"I... I'd like that" Izuku said.
It then cut to another memory of Hisashi holding a newborn baby.
"Izuku, meet your nephew" said Hisashi as he handed the infant to Izuku.
"Jonathan Samuel Midoriya" Hisashi said as the camera showed the infant, who looked a lot like Hisashi.
"Wait, what?" said Inko.
"Since you and him are enemies in this universe, Hisashi is instead married to a woman named Lois Lane" said Luke.
"Hey, there, Johnny. I think I'm gonna like being your uncle" said Izuku softly.
It cut back to the present. Izuku loosened his grip on Hisashi.
"I can't kill him again. He's family" said Izuku.
"I told you, Father! You must kill them both!" said Shoto.
"I have to concur" said Rei.
Endeavor growled.
"Fine! Stay behind me" said Endeavor as he took out the box with the kryptonite in it, but then Bart zoomed past them and grabbed the kryptonite while doing so.
"Yoink!" Bart said.
"I'll get him!" said Shoto as he flew after Bart, but then the school bus from earlier appeared out of nowhere while flying and hit him.
"Jected!" said Jiro who was driving the bus.
"And the Trogowog magic is holding, as is yours, Reiko. Keep at it!" said Iida, who had a beard now.
"That bus was what Iida, Jiro, Reiko, and Kendo used to enter the Phantom Zone" Luke explained.
Reiko said a spell and the bus turned invisible again.
It then cut to Baby soaring through the sky. It said 'EASTERN SEABOARD | September 14, 06:08 EDT.'
"Thank you, Baby. I'm so grateful you came when you heard your mother's psychic scream. And I promise you, she'll be ok" said Ochako as she flew the infant space ship.
"We're on a deadline here. The Zods aren't at full power yet, but once the sun rises, their Kryptonian cells will charge up fast. If we don't put them down before that, the whole world's in trouble" said Shinso.
"Kryptonian's get their powers from yellow suns, such as Earth's. Red suns don't give their powers and even drain them" Luke explained.
He turned his attention to Ochako.
"I'm looking at you, O'chako. I know you're afraid of abusing your power, but you're a ball of sunshine hiding a terrifying demi-goddess. When the time comes, you can't hold back" Shinso said.
"Appropriate description of Ochako" said Mina while everyone else nodded in agreement.
It then cut back to Metropolis as it showed the police evacuating the civilians.
It showed the Eye of Ekron trying to shoot green lasers at the invisible bus, before it hit its target and the vehicle exploded.
"The heroes we thought were dead clearly are not. Reopen the portal to the Zone. I must have my army" Endeavor ordered.
Ma'alefa'ak telepathically activated the Kaizer-Thrall and a boomtube opened up with two Kryptonians coming out of it. One was a woman who was injured, the other was a hulk of a man.
The woman groaned as she began to feel the pain of her injuries.
"Do not fear, Faora. This world's yellow sun energy will heal you in no time" said Endeavor as the woman's wounds began to heal.
"Now, report" said Endeavor.
"Yes, General. Kru-El, Vor-Kil, and Jax-Ur gather your forces. If you maintain this portal, your army will arrive within the hour" said Faora.
"Did she say Kru-El? Isn't El the last name of my dad's Kryptonian family?" asked Izuku.
"Yeah, I looked it up and he's your grandfather's cousin or something, but he's not the only House of El family member in the Zone. But you'll have to wait and see who I'm talking about" said Luke.
"Excellent" said Endeavor, but then an arrow zoomed past their faces and went into the ground right next to them, then exploded.
Reiko then said a spell that created a ring of fire around Ma'alefa'ak that weakened him. Then Iida created a giant lizard-like creature made of water that burst out of a manhole, grabbed the Kaizer-Thrall, then pulled it into the sewers, making the Phantom Zone boomtube close.
"Where are these enemies?" said Rei.
"Here's one" said Shoto as he flew at Jiro and was about to shove a car at her, but then Bart grabbed her and moved her out of the way at super speed.
"Double yoink!" he said.
It then cut back to Ma'alefa'ak in the ring of fire.
"I can't see you, sorceress, but I can taste your mind" Ma'alefa'ak said as he used his psychic powers to attack Reiko, who was behind him and invisible.
Reiko turned visible, screamed in pain, and collapsed to her knees while the ring of fire disappeared.
It then cut back to the Eye of Ekron trying to shoot Bart, but he ran so fast that he was able to grab the eye.
"Triple yoink!" he said before the eye electrocuted him with green lighting.
"Kid!" said Jiro before the Kryptonian brute grabbed her.
Iida then jumped out of the sewer and was about to hit Endeavor with two maces made out of his water magic, but Endeavor stepped back so Iida missed, then Izuku charged at Iida and knocked him back.
"Guess Midoriya still isn't fully himself" said Todoroki.
"Finally, you show your loyalty" said Endeavor, "This one isn't family. Kill him."
Izuku approached Iida and then it cut to the Kaizer-Thrall floating in the sewer, before cutting to inside Katsuma's mind where it showed him sitting on top of the Kaizer-Thrall. He was also wearing glasses and looked to be about 11.
"Thanks, Motherbox. I'm ok" said Katsuma in a southern accent.
"No, you're not" said Ma'alefa'ak as he appeared in the boy's mind.
It then cut to Reiko fighting Rei. She said a spell and the Eye of Ekron caught on fire, but it seemed to have no effect.
Rei laughed.
"Such a small fire" said Rei as the Eye of Ekron removed the fire from itself.
"I prefer ice" said Rei.
The camera panned over to Endeavor about to finish off Hisashi.
"Time to die, Son of El" said Endeavor while Izuku approached Iida, but then Baby, who was in camouflage mode, fired blasts of energy at Endeavor and Izuku.
It then showed the Kryptonian brute holding Jiro while she tried to break free, but then Shinso kicked him into a wall, making him let go of Jiro.
"Better take this one down before he goes all super" said Shinso.
The brute slammed his fist into the ground.
"Right. BEFORE" said Jiro.
As they went to fight the Kryptonian brute, Ma'alefa'ak approached them, with Yui and Nirengeki Shoda, who looked like a complete alien, went after him.
"Keep 'em busy" said Pony telepathically to them.
"Understood" said Yui.
"Good, I wanted a rematch" said Shoda before transforming into a giant green alien beast.
Ma'alefa'ak transformed into a red and white version of the beast and fought Shoda.
It then cut to Shoto using his thermal vision to see Baby flying in the sky. He used his heat vision to try to shoot her down, but he kept missing.
The camera then panned to Iida fighting Endeavor with his water maces.
"General!" Izuku said as he was about to go help Endeavor, but then Ochako phased through the ground in front of him while invisible, then turned visible.
"No. Not you" said Izuku in worry.
"Yes..." said Ochako as she cupped Izuku's face and they entered his mind, "Me."
"Hell, yeah. More Izuocha" said Mina.
"We get it almost every universe" said Bakugo.
"Don't care" Mina said.
Izuku backed away from her, but she still approached him.
"Stay back. You don't understand. I'm a killer! I'll hurt you!" Izuku said.
"It's not true. Believe me. No matter what horrors you've been through, I still recognize your mind touch. And I absolutely know... you could never do me any harm" said Ochako.
"Izuku." she said as she took his hands, "Let me show you who you are."
Images began flashing in Izuku's head again, this time of his memories of him and Ochako. It showed when they first met, them on a mission together, her blushing when she realized she was close to him one time, their first kiss, them being cute together on Kaminari's birthday, them kissing on New Year's Day when the audience last saw them, them rediscovering their love for each other when they were broken up, him proposing to her and then her kissing him, then them dancing while floating together on Mars not long before Izuku was believed to be lost, them kissing again, then them passionately kissing in the spot on Mars where they were gonna get married.
Izuku gasped, then looked at Ochako and smiled.
"Hi" Izuku said.
"Hi" Ochako said in a flirty tone.
"He's back!" All Might said with a smile.
It then cut out of Izuku's mind where it showed Iida continuing to fight Endeavor. Endeavor punched him in the air, then punched him into the ground. It then showed Reiko fighting Rei and the Eye. She created a force field to shield herself from the Eye's blast.
"Guys, this eye is magically out of my league. Especially while Mrs. Evil here tries to laser out my skull. I need to trade dance partners" said Reiko telepathically to her teammates.
"Alright, listen up. Miss M, run interference. R, you help Superman. Tigress and I will handle this bruiser. Tenya, you keep Zod occupied" Shinso telepathically said.
"Yes, that is my intent" said Iida as he charged up his powers.
As the Eye of Ekron continued shooting at Reiko's force field, a motorcycle nearly landed on it and Rei, but the Eye blew it up, revealing that it was Ochako, who now wearing her hood, that mentally threw it.
"You will die for that" said Rei, who was now more pissed off.
Reiko ran over to Hisashi and casted a spell, then the Kryptonite effects began to wear off and his skin began to return to a normal color.
Shoto flew into the sky, grabbed the invisible Baby, then threw her into a building. Iida continued to fight Endeavor, but then Endeavor grabbed him and threw him at Reiko. Shoto lowered himself so he was next to his father.
"You used me, manipulated me." said Izuku as he and Hisashi approached them, "But you also saved me. So, I'm giving you one chance to stand down."
"If he expects a Zod to surrender, he clearly learned nothing from your time together" said Shoto.
"I should have respected your knowledge and my history with the House of El" Endeavor said.
"So, for the future of New Krypton" said Shoto.
"For the future of Earth!" Izuku and Hisashi both said.
Hisashi then clashed with Endeavor, while Izuku clashed with Shoto.
It then cut to the Eye of Ekron shooting a blast of green fire around Ochako, causing her to weaken and drop to her knees. Rei powered up her heat vision.
"Please don't make me" Ochako said before Rei fired her heat vision at her, but Ochako turned intangible so the beams went through her, but then when she turned tangible again, Rei punched her arm into Ochako's chest and ripped her heart out.
"There's no way they're gonna kill her off just like that, right?! Not when she just got Midoriya back!" said Jiro.
"Keep watching" said Luke.
Rei laughed.
"I love this world. It has made me a god" she said as she believed she was holding Ochako's heart, but then it was revealed that it was just an illusion Ochako created and she was right behind Rei.
"You want to be a god? You'll have to go through me" Ochako said as she used a psychic attack on Rei, which also effected the Eye of Ekron. Rei's Emeral Empress costume disappeared and her and the Eye dropped to the ground.
People sighed in relief.
It then cut to Ma'alefa'ak using his psychic powers on Katsuma in his mind.
"How 'bout picking on someone your own size?" Pony said as she entered Katsuma's mind.
"You are too late, human! I already control this child's mind! You cannot stop me!" Ma'alefa'ak said.
"Depends on how distracted you are" said Pony with a smirk.
It then cut to Ma'alefa'ak while he was simultaneously trying to fight Shoda, but then Yui appeared out of the ground and started pulling him into it.
Ma'alefa'ak screamed in pain in Katsuma's mind.
"Now, that's what I'm talking about! Kick his evil butt outta my head!" said Katsuma.
"I could... Or you could" Pony said.
Katsuma used his psychic powers to grow big in his mind, then he kicked Ma'alefa'ak into the darkness.
"Ok, you know what you have to do?" asked Pony.
"Yes, ma'am, I surely do" said Katsuma.
It then cut to Endeavor throwing a car at Izuku, but he punched it to the side.
Endeavor then grabbed Izuku by the throat and pulled him close to him.
"Is this how you show your loyalty to Krypton, Izu-El?!" Endeavor said.
"It's how I show my loyalty to Earth and the people I love" Izuku grunted.
"Not like you'd know anything about showing loyalty to anyone, old man" Dabi said.
Endeavor then punched Izuku into a building. Izuku also hit a bus while flying towards the building.
It then showed Hisashi fighting Shoto in the air. He kicked Hisashi with both feet, making him crash next to Izuku, who then helped him up.
"They're good, but not in sync" said Hisashi.
"Let's go for the combo" said Izuku.
As Endeavor and Shoto were about to attack Hisashi and Izuku again, Hisashi flew in the air while holding Izuku's hands. He spun around and then threw Izuku into Endeavor, then Izuku tackled Shoto into the ground.
Hisashi punched Endeavor some more, while Shoto punched Izuku and shot him into the ground with his laser eyes.
Then Ochako became visible in front of Shoto.
"STOP TRYING TO KILL MY MAN!" Ochako shouted mentally as she used a psychic attack on him.
"Oh, now she's pissed" said Toru.
It then cut back to Jiro and Shinso fighting the brute. Then it showed the Kaizer-Thrall and Pony coming out of the sewer.
"One boomtube to the Phantom Zone coming right up" said Katsuma.
A boomtube to the Phantom Zone opened up on the ground behind the brute.
"West Maneuver?" asked Shinso.
"Oh, yeah" said Jiro.
Shinso slid under the brute's legs and behind him, then Jiro shot an explosive arrow at the brute, making him stumble back and trip over Shinso and fall into the portal.
Faora was then about to attack them, but then a familiar looking force field trapped her. Shinso and Jiro heard a familiar laugh and turned to see Kendo standing there next to a some sort of sphere shaped glowing machine.
"Miss me?" Kendo said.
Tetsutetsu sighed in relief while the other 1-B students cheered.
"Rocket? How?" said Jiro in joy.
"I'll explain later" said Kendo before dropping Faora in the portal.
The heroes then surrounded Ma'alefa'ak.
"I will not be cheated of my reward!" he shouted.
"Here's your reward!" said Katsuma as he blasted Ma'alefa'ak with energy, sending him towards the portal, but then Ochako entered his mind real quick.
"You were glad Izuku was dead" she said with a pissed off look.
"No, no, NOOOOOO!!!" screamed Ma'alefa'ak as he fell into the portal.
Rei looked up and saw Hisashi punch Endeavor into the ground, then Izuku punched him some more.
"Sorry, General. Should have waited for your troops" said Izuku.
"And you should have learned on Krypton" said Hisashi.
Endeavor tried to punch Hisashi, but Hisashi punched him first.
"Never mess with the Els" Izuku and Hisashi both said as they both punched Endeavor into the portal.
"Husband!" shouted Rei.
The heroes surrounded her, but then the Eye of Ekron put a green force field around her and carried her into space.
"No! Wait! Stop!" said Rei as she went into the sky.
Shoto knew he was defeated, so he rushed into the sphere Kendo used and it disappeared.
"The sphere is called a Time Sphere. It's what Shoto used to time travel" said Luke.
As soon as Shoto escaped, a number of other heroes arrived.
"What happened?" asked female Present Mic, "Did the-" but then they all noticed Izuku and gasped.
"Superboy? Are you alright?" Mic asked.
"Fine" Izuku said as he put his arm around Ochako, "Feeling the aster."
"So, is it over?" Mic asked Shinso.
"A little bit. Yeah" Shinso answered.
"No" said Pony.
"Lor-Zod just stole our last chance to get home to our era" said Yui.
"It's worse than that. With Lor on the loose in a Time Sphere, we're right back where we started" said Pony.
"We won the battle," Shoda then sighed, "but not the war."
Then, the sun began to rise, and everything was a bit more calm.
It then cut to the next day and said 'METROPOLIS | September 15, 14:42 EDT.' Where we see Hisashi in an apartment building watching Koda, who had green skin and hair but besides that was more human looking, on TV being interviewed by a girl in an American themed hero costume while holding a small dog.
"Thanks for asking, Courtney. I'm still on a leave of absence from both Space Trek and the Outsiders. But my fans have been so supportive. And if being open about my mental health struggles helps even one of them to seek help, it will all have been worth it. And I also want to welcome Superboy back to Earth-" but then Hisashi heard the elevator ding and he quickly turned off the TV.
The apartment door opened and in came Hisashi's wife Lois and their son Jonathan.
"What did Koji say about Superboy?" Jonathan asked excitedly.
"His hearing gets more super every day" said Lois.
Inko was very jealous to see Hisashi with another woman.
"Well, son, you remember what we told you about Uncle Izuku's death?" Hisashi said.
"Uh-huh" said Jonathan.
"Well, that was all true, but we made a mistake about Izuku" said Lois.
"He was lost and hurt. But we found him alive" said Hisashi.
"I knew it!" said Jonathan.
"Well, uh, we didn't. But we've never been so glad to be so wrong. Now, would you like to see Izuku again? It wouldn't scare you?" asked Hisashi.
"No! I mean, yeah, let's see him!" said Jonathan.
They played a video on a laptop, revealing Ochako in human form, and Izuku in his normal clothes, both of them holding hands and sitting on a futon. Izuku's burns had also mostly healed.
"Hi, everyone! It's very short notice" said Izuku.
"But we're determined to get married right away! You know, before anything else could go wrong" said Ochako.
"Black tie optional. Masks and capes optional. Don't worry. Everyone invited is in the know" said Izuku.
"Oh, and no gifts. We'd just love to have you there to share our joy" said Ochako.
It then cut to the day after and said 'HAPPY HARBOR | September 16, 16:16 EDT.' Outside Izuku's and Ochako's house where we see wedding decorations being set up.
"Alright! Izuocha wedding!" said Mina.
"Technically it's supposed to be the Supermartian wedding, but whatever" said Luke.
Ochako's parents and sister also arrived. Ochako's mom and sister were green Martians, while her dad was white. Although, her sister still looked human, yet still had green skin.
"Mom, Dad, welcome to Earth!" said Ochako's sister.
"That girl's your sister, Ochako" said Luke.
"Oh, we're so excited to be here, Em'ree" said Ochako's mom.
"Actually, I've decided to go back to being M'ree U'raraka. That's my name" said M'ree.
"Oh, M'ree!" her mother said as she and her husband hugged M'ree.
"Why does my sister have two names?" asked Ochako.
"Long story" said Luke.
Guests continued to arrive as the camera panned over to Mic talking to Aizawa, Jeanist, Kota, Martian Manhunter, Reiko's father, Red Tornado, and Black Lightning.
"Listen, I've been thinking about something. I mean, we're all here, together, on a wonderfully happy day. And thank God it turned out alright. But... what if it hadn't? Some of you saw what Koji went through this year, and O'chako, the struggles that Andie, Violet, Vic, and some of the other kids are facing every day, for that matter, the struggles that Cliff and Jay and some of the other adults are facing every day. Well, to put it simply, we need more than the all-purpose room at the Youth Center can provide. We need a place where our people can go to escape the life for a day, a week, a month. Somewhere... safe, somewhere where they can receive treatment, a Sanctuary" said Mic.
The UA teachers thought of this as well. Their students had been through so much already this past year, and they were worried there was more trauma to come. They decided to create a Sanctuary of their own for students.
A boomtube opened up, and out came two friends of Izuku's from New Genesis who hugged Forager and another Forager.
It then cut to Koda talking to Ibara Shiozaki by the trees. She had normal hair instead of vines.
"Koji, I am truly glad you're getting help and doing well. And I will always love and care about you" said Ibara in a different accent.
"In this universe Koda and Ibara were also a thing. They hooked up after Kaminari's funeral. I thought I'd do a universe where they were together since they both have innocent personalities and nature-related quirks. She's also the mother of Koda's child in the next Gen universe" said Luke.
"That's the second time now you've shown a student of 1-B with a degenerate from 1-A! This is an outrage!" said Monoma.
"Calm your tits, Monomer" said Luke.
"Hey, since you told us I end up with Kendo, Yanagi ends with Shinso, and Shiozaki ends up with Koda, and you've also told us all the 1-A couples, can you tell us who the rest of the girls in our class end up with?" Tetsutetsu asked.
"Sure. Pony's with Monoma, sorry Pony, Yui's with Kaibara, Komori's with Kuroiro, and Setsuna's with Honenuki" said Luke.
(A/N: These are the ships I'm going with. Deal with it.)
The mentioned couples blushed while the others teased them.
"But, uh... I've moved on. You need to move on, too" said Ibara.
Koda put his head down.
A black limo pulled up the the house and Izuku and Hisashi came out in tuxedos. Izuku also had a shaved head, and his burns had fully healed.
"You clean up well" said Black Lightning.
"Especially for a dead guy" said Izuku.
They then walked over to Iida, who was talking to Kendo, Tetsutetsu, Forager, and the other future heroes.
"We cannot leave the Kryptonians, even Zod, in the Phantom Zone forever. All have served their sentences" said Iida.
"And then some" said Izuku.
"I know your hearts are in the right place. But freeing them in the 31st century is what caused this mess in the first place. They were released on Daxam, and a decade later, were conquering my home world, Durla" said Shoda.
"Forgot to mention. Pony and Shoda are also from the future like Yui and Shoto. Yui's known as Phantom Girl, Pony's known as Saturn Girl, and Shoda's known as Chameleon Boy. They're all a part of a group called the Legion of Superheroes" said Luke.
"Shouldn't Reiko be the one with the ghost hero name and Setsuna be the one with the lizard hero name?" said Yui.
"Yeah, but I wasn't thinking that far ahead at the time when searching for MHA/Young Justice universes" said Luke.
"What about Trombus and its red sun? No sentient population, no tech" said Hisashi.
"Yes, let them conquer and build their own world" said Tetsutetsu.
"While the League, the New Gods, and the Green Lantern Corps keep watch!" said Kendo.
"Then it is settled. After the wedding, we return to the Phantom Zone" said Iida, but as he said that, it showed Endeavor and the other Kryptonians trapped and unconscious in pods of some sort on board a spaceship. Overhaul and an ape creature were on board. It also said 'THE WARWORLD | September 16, 20:19 UTC.'
"The heroes won't find a single Kryptonian in the Zone. Tenko was surprisingly cooperative. He seemed to enjoy the hunt. And Apokolips required only one Kryptonian in tribute. Well, one Kryptonian and All For One's pet Martian" said the ape.
It then showed that the War World was in the Phantom Zone, but then left through a portal.
It then cut to an alien planet where a boomtube opened up. Ma'alefa'ak and an alien-looking Kurogiri stepped out of it.
"All For One always keeps his word. Though Lor-Zod failed, the Ma'alefa'ak did his part. So, here, a pristine world for the A'ashenn" said Kurogiri.
"It will suffice. Does this planet have a name?" Ma'alefa'ak asked.
It then said 'DURLA | September 16, 20:21 UTC.'
"Oh, no. Durla is my home world in this universe!" said Shoda.
It then cut to Kendo and Tetsutetsu talking at the wedding.
"But... how did you survive?" asked Tetsutetsu.
"The boomtube was collapsing, and I didn't make it out" said Kendo as it showed a flashback of what happened.
"But somehow, my force bubble protected me and I popped up in Metron's Infinity-Vault, where Metroman offered Lor-Zod's repaired Time-Sphere as my way home" said Kendo.
"Hmm. I'm surprised Metron was so cooperative" said Tetsutetsu.
"Surprised me, too. He said it was in gratitude for past service and part of some experiment he was running" said Kendo.
"Yes. That sounds more like Metron. But you knew how to operate this Sphere?" asked Tetsutetsu.
"Metron pre-set the coordinates, brought me to Metropolis right on time. I'm just... sorry Lor escaped with it" said Kendo.
It then showed Shoto in the Time-Sphere right after he escaped. He was trying to set new coordinates, but it was no use.
"The controls, they're locked!" said Shoto.
He then arrived in the lava caves on Mars. It said 'MA'ALECA'ANDRA | March 25, 23:18 UTC | SIX MONTHS EARLIER.'
"Sending the kids to the kids room real quick" said Luke.
"Damnation. Where has this machine-"
But then the Izuku from this time and the bomb Shoto had set fell through the ceiling and into the lava. Izuku screamed in agony.
"Ah. I know exactly where I am and what I'm being offered. One last opportunity to truly kill Superboy!" said Shoto.
Izuku and the bomb sank into the lava and Yui arrived to try and save him.
"But I must hurry!" said Shoto as he left the Sphere, but as soon as he did, it disappeared.
"Wait, no!" said Shoto.
He then heard Yui screaming from trying to save Izuku and was about to stop her, but then she and Izuku disappeared to the Phantom Zone.
Shoto then realized what was about to happen, and it was too late. The bomb went off and disintegrated his entire body.
"NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!" Shoto screamed as he disintegrated.
All that was left of him was a shadow of ash behind.
"Bringing the kids back now" said Luke.
It then cut to the present where we see Metron with the Time-Sphere. Metron smiled sinisterly.
"I got a bad feeling about that guy" said Kirishima.
"I don't know much about him, but me, too" said Luke.
It then cut to Rei flying through space in the green force bubble.
"You saved me, but at a high cost. Still, the war is not over" said Rei as she put her hand on her stomach.
"I swear I will raise this child to wreak vengeance for the House of Zod" said Rei as they headed to a planet and it said 'DAXAM | September 16, 20:36 UTC.'
It then cut back to the wedding where Pony, Yui, and Shoda were talking to Bart.
"You know we shouldn't be here. The timestream-" said Shoda.
Then Bart interrupted.
"Dude, you really gotta start acclimating to the now" said Bart.
Then a Time-Sphere appeared.
"Or not" said Bart.
The Sphere opened up, revealing an green alien person.
"Brainy!" said Yui.
"Hello, Legionnaires. I've come to fetch you home" said Brainy.
"I thought we were too far out of our old timeline to ever be rescued!" said Pony.
"Quite the contrary. I calculate a 99.84% likelihood that the timeline has been substantially restored" said Brainy.
"What about the other point-one-six percent?" asked Shoda.
"Just... don't go there" said Bart.
Yui, Pony, and Shoda were about to get in the Sphere.
"Wait, you're leaving?" said Izuku as he and Hisashi walked over to them.
"It is long past time. But give Miss Martian our best, and have a wonderful wedding... a wonderful life" said Yui while a smile.
"But you never told me. Why was I so important?" asked Izuku.
Pony clicked her tongue. "You'll see" she said before getting in the Sphere.
The Time-Sphere levitated into the air, then vanished into the future.
Izuku looked at Hisashi.
"Don't look at me" Hisashi said, making Izuku groan.
"About ten years from the time in this universe you're currently seeing, Izuku does some heroic thing that inspires the Legion of Superheroes centuries later. In the future, Endeavor and the other Kryptonians were released from the Phantom Zone and Shoto was born. Since in the Zone your body and age stay the same. They tried to take over the galaxy, but the Legion stopped them. Endeavor and the other Kryptonians were sent back to the Zone, except Shoto since he was just a teenager. But then Shoto stole a Time-Sphere and some Kryptonite and went back in time to kill Izuku to prevent the Legion from ever existing, while Shoda, Pony, and Yui went back in time to stop him" said Luke.
A white limo then arrive at the wedding.
Rody then snapped his fingers.
"Alright, everyone, please take your seats. We're ready to begin" he said.
It then showed all the guests at the wedding. Some heroes, some civilians.
It also showed Katsuma, still in the Kaizer-Thrall, with Wolf, Sphere, Koda's dog, and another dog.
"This is so cool!" Katsuma whispered.
It then showed the people at the alter. Rody was the priest. Hisashi, Shinso, Iida, Bakugo, and Koda were the groomsmen. And M'ree, Jiro, Reiko, Kendo, and one other woman were the bridesmaids.
Reiko said a spell and wedding music began playing.
Izuku and Hisashi's adoptive parents approached the altar while one Izuku and Ochako's friends from high school was whispering something.
"So, I was the only who who didn't know my friends are all superheroes. And the reason I didn't know was because everyone thought I already knew?!" said the guy before being shushed by two other of Izuku and Ochako's highschool friends, plus a man with white hair and a beard in a prison jumpsuit and chains, who then shed a tear of joy.
"That's Icicle Jr. He was a super villain who was there when Izuku and Ochako hooked up" said Luke.
Izuku hugged his adoptive parents and they sat down. Ochako's parents then opened the door to the white limo and Ochako stepped out in her wedding dress and holding a bouquet, her skin was also a normal color now. Then the Here Comes the Bride theme began playing, and both limos also transformed, revealing them to be Bio-Ship and Baby.
Everyone was so happy to see this wedding. Even though it was a very different version of them, Ochako's parents and Inko still cried tears of joy.
Ochako's parents walked her down the aisle, then she hugged them both and they took their seats, then Ochako handed her bouquet to her sister.
"Welcome. I think we can all agree that even death can't part these two. Still, before the next supervillain attacks, let's get right to the exchange of vows and rings" said Rody.
"I got 'em!" said Jonathan as he ran up to them and handed them the rings, then took his seat.
"O'chako, from the moment we met, you have been my whole heart." said Izuku as he put her ring on her finger, "I didn't know how to love, let alone express that love... until you taught me. With this ring, I promise to love, honor, and cherish you for all eternity."
"Izuku, I came to Earth with some pretty messed up notions about what it meant to be in love. But your purity of spirit taught me what true love and commitment really are." said Ochako as she put Izuku's ring on his finger, "With this ring, I promise to love, honor, and cherish you for all eternity."
"That was beautiful" said Momo as she and the other girls cried.
Rody wiped some tears from his eyes.
"And now, by the power vested in me by the State of Rhode Island, the website that ordained me last night, and hopefully with a blessing of love and long life from, uh, C'eridy'all..." Rody said.
Ochako's mother gave a thumbs up.
"I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride" said Rody.
Izuku and Ochako kissed passionately.
The crowd went wild.
"And now for a little bonus" said Luke.
As the credits rolled, it showed Wolf, the other dogs, and a small lizard sleeping, while they heard people laughing.
"Get ready, everyone, the bride's about to throw the bouquet! And the lucky lady is..." said Rody on the speaker.
They heard someone say "Hah!" But it sounded more like a man.
"Icicle Jr. Ok. Did not see that coming" said Rody.
Everyone couldn't help but laugh that a prisoner caught the bouquet.
They continued hearing people laughing and having a good time until Rody spoke again on the speaker.
"Ladies and gentlemen, it's time for the newlyweds' first dance as a married couple! So, please clear the dance floor" said Rody.
Clapping was heard next.
"Or... don't. If they want to dance 16 feet in the air, who are we to say no?" Rody said.
"Let's remember to be floating when we dance at our wedding, Ochako" Izuku said.
"Absolutely" said Ochako.
Suddenly, a little greenish-yellow creature was seen running off with the bouquet.
"W-W-What was that?" Rody asked.
"That's called a Trogowog. They helped get Izuku back. But now for an end credits scene" said Luke.
It showed a hellish looking planet. It said 'APOKOLIPS | September 17, 00:00 UTC.'
"Lord All For One, it is my honor to officially introduce to you, Granny Goodness's two newest recruits" said Kurogiri as he was talking to All For One, who was a hulking alien like in the MCU.
"All For One is quite possibly the most powerful and evil villain in DC. He's also Tetsutetsu's father here" said Luke.
"By adoption, right?" asked Tetsutetsu.
"Nope" said Luke.
"The first, Black Mary, was stripped of her birthright by her brother, her mentor, and all her peers" said Kurogiri as it showed a woman in a black supervillain costume with a lightning bolt on it.
"Mary is Kota's adoptive sister and was one of Reiko's students. Some shit happened and now she's bad" said Luke.
"As for the second, she is a Kryptonian, captured by the Light and turned over to Apokolips as tribute. Decades ago, she was sent to the Phantom Zone alone" said Kurogiri.
It then showed a blonde woman standing up next to Mary.
"This... is Kara Zor-El, the Supergirl" Kurogiri said as the woman was revealed to have the House of El symbol on her.
"Kara is the cousin of Izuku's father. Her origin was much different in the comics, though" said Luke.
"Together, Kara and Mary represent the next generation of Furies, ready to take the battle to the so-called heroes who betrayed them" said Kurogiri while All For One grinned.
The screen went black.
"We may never know what happened afterwards. Since Warner Bros said there isn't gonna be a Young Justice season five. Hopefully they'll change their minds, though" said Luke.
Happy 12-year anniversary, Young Justice. Thanks for being the best show ever.
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