X-Men: First Class
"Alrighty then. This universe is kind of like yours, but not exactly. Some people are naturally born with superpowers, but it's a lot less, and they're called Mutants. Izuku's name is Izuku Xavier, and he's a psychic. He can read people's minds, control their minds, talk to them in their minds, etc. Bakugo can control metal. Toga can still shapeshift, but differently. And the rest of you also have similar powers. But anyway, this universe takes place in 1962 during the Cuban Missile Crisis. All For One is a powerful Mutant who's trying to get Russia and America to nuke each other so there will be more mutants, and Izuku, Bakugo, Ochako, and the Mutant team they've put together, who would later be called the X-Men, are trying to stop him. Also I should say the X-Men were created by Marvel, but this movie isn't a part of the MCU. Although, different versions will be joining, eventually" said Luke.
It began with a mansion one morning.
"That's Izuku's family mansion. You're rich in this universe, Izuku" said Luke.
It then cut to inside the mansion where we see a closed door with a piece of paper on it that said 'Gone to the airbase, bring the crate marked X. Jurota'.
"I'm in this?" asked Jurota Shishida of Class 1-B.
"You are. You're a scientist" said Luke.
An adult Izuku removed the piece of paper and then opened the door, but saw that the lab inside had been completely destroyed.
It showed that an adult Bakugo, a teenage Aoyama, an adult Toga, a teenage Present Mic, and an adult Ochako were with him.
"Why are they kids adults and I'M a kid?" asked Present Mic.
"Your power is pretty much the same in this universe as it is in yours. But instead of Izuku being your student, you're his. And your hero name is Banshee" said Luke.
"What the hell happened here?" said Bakugo in a different accent.
Toga looked concerned, she also had blue scaly skin, red hair, and fully yellow eyes.
"Why do I look like that?" asked Toga.
"That's part of your mutation. Although, you usually shapeshift to make yourself look normal. But after hearing some words from Bakugo, you've decided to embrace who you are. You also call yourself Mystique" said Luke.
Izuku walked up to a large metal crate that had an 'X' on it in tape. He opened it and they all looked to see what was inside.
"Jurota has been busy" said Bakugo.
"Do we really have to wear these?" asked Aoyama in an American accent.
"I'm American?" asked Aoyama.
"Yep. And your hero name is Havoc" said Luke.
"As none of us are mutated to endure extreme g-force or being riddled by bullets, I suggest we suit up" said Izuku in a British accent before closing the case.
"You're also British in this universe, Izuku" said Luke.
It then showed them at an Air Force base, looking at a large black military jet. The Mutants were all wearing yellow and dark blue uniforms. Some of them were a bit different from others.
"You guys look so manly!" said Kirishima.
"Yellow spandex? Seriously?" said Bakugo.
"What would you prefer? Black leather uniforms? Because that's actually what the later team wore" said Luke.
"Where's Jurota?" asked Toga.
"I'm here" said Shishida's voice.
They saw him walking towards them, but due to the lighting, they could only see the outline of him. But he looked furry.
"Jurota?" said Izuku.
When he got closer they saw that he was wearing a uniform like there's and he had blue fur. But besides that he didn't look any different than in the audience's universe.
"Why was there such a dramatic reveal? The only difference is that I have blue fur" said Shishida.
"That's not what you always looked like in this universe" said Luke.
"It didn't attack the cells. It enhanced them. It didn't work" said Shishida as he put his head down.
"In this universe the only part of your mutation was that you had hands for feet, but you wanted your feet to look normal. So you used some of Toga's blood that she gave you to make a serum that would allow you to use your feet as hands, but they would look normal. Instead, the serum did the exact opposite and mutated your entire body. Turing you into a blue beast" explained Luke.
"Yes, it did, Jurota. Don't you see? This is who you were meant to be. This is you" said Toga as she cupped his cheek.
"No more hiding" she said.
"Toga and Shishida have sort of a thing going on in this universe" said Luke.
"I'm dating a villain?!" said Shishida.
"He's not really my type" said Toga.
"You two had decent chemistry in this movie. Then I think you had a scene in the director's cut in the next one, then some bland dialogue in the next one, then you are a couple in the fourth movie, but it's barely ever acknowledged. Really goes to show how downhill the X-Men movies have gone with character development" said Luke.
"Never looked better, man" said Bakugo before Shishida grabbed him by the throat.
Shishida growled like an animal.
"Don't mock me" he said.
"Jurota, put him down immediately, please. Jurota. Jurota!" said Izuku.
Shishida let him go.
"I wasn't" said Bakugo.
"Even I got to admit, you look pretty badass. I think I got a new name for you: Beast" said Aoyama.
Shishida growled lightly.
"Beast is actually the name of my quirk" said Shishida.
"You're sure you can fly this thing?" asked Present Mic.
"Of course I can. I designed it" said Shishida.
It then cut to Cuba where we see a Russian cargo ship about to pass between a group of American military ships and Russian military ships.
It then cut to inside one of the American ships.
"Status of the cargo ship" said the captain.
"Bearing one-eight-zero at twelve nots" said one of the crew members.
"Three minutes to the embargo line, sir" said another crew member.
"Mm. God help 'em if they cross it. God help us all. Sound general quarters" said the captain.
"General quarters, general quarters! All hands, man battle stations! Set condition zebra" said a crew mate as they all put on life vests and helmets.
It then cut to inside one of the Russian ships.
"Captain, we already have our orders. Why so eager for new ones?" asked one of the Russian crew mates in Russian.
"I lived through one war, comrade. I'd prefer not to start another" said the Russian captain in Russian.
"Battle stations! NOW!" said the Captain as they all put on life vests and helmets.
"If that Russian cargo ship crosses the line, it'll mean war" said Luke.
It cut back to inside the American ship, as the cargo ship was about to go over the line.
"Gun Boss, target cargo ship bearing ships one-eight-zero" said the American captain as the guns targeted the cargo ship.
It cut back to the Russian ship.
"Fleet reports all weapons ready" said one crew mate.
"From the Kremlin, sir. New orders. As of 1025 hours, the cargo vessel Aral Sea is hereby ordered to reverse course and return to port in Odessa. Aral Sea, come in. Aral Sea, come in" said another crew mate as they tried to radio the cargo ship, the Aral Sea, but there was no response.
"They are not responding. She's not turning around" said another crew mate.
"Aral Sea, you are ordered to turn around. Do not cross the line" said the crew mate.
It cut to the American ship.
"Target ready to be fired upon, sir" said one American crew mate.
"Stand by to fire" said the captain.
"Standing by, sir" said the crew mate.
But then, the black jet flew past all the ships. It cut to inside the ship where we see Shishida flying it.
"Looks pretty messy out there" said Shishida.
The rest of the crew were all strapped in.
Izuku then used his telepathic powers to go into the mind of one of the people on board the Aral Sea. He saw Dabi, who had red skin, a spiked tail, and wearing a black suit. He looked like the devil.
"I take it my mutation is that I'm the devil or something?" asked Dabi.
"Kind of. You can teleport and stuff" said Luke.
Dabi saw that the person Izuku was controlling was awake, and he slammed his foot down on him.
Izuku then returned to himself.
"Crew of the Aral Sea are all dead. Shigaraki's been there" said Izuku.
"He's still here, somewhere" said Bakugo.
"He set the ship on course for the embargo line" said Izuku.
"If that ship crosses the line, our boys are gonna blow it up. And the war begins" said Ochako, who was wearing a military uniform.
"Why aren't I in an X-Men uniform?" asked Ochako.
"You're not a Mutant. You're a CIA agent who's helping the team" said Luke.
"Unless they're not our boys" said Izuku.
It cut back to the Russian ship.
"USS Independence, this is Alexander Nevsky. We have lost control of our cargo ship. She's been instructed to stop. Do not fire! Repeat, do not fire!" said the Russian crew mate as it showed Dabi manning the controls of the Aral Sea and accelerating it. He was also wearing one of the crew members hats.
It cut back to the American ship.
"They've signaled the cargo ship to turn around, sir" said an American crew mate.
"It's a ruse. Pay no attention! Stand by to fire" said the captain.
"Standing by to fire, sir" said another crew mate.
"On my count. Five, four..." said the captain.
But then Izuku used his telepathy to take control of one of the Russian crew mates. He made the crew mate walk over to a console and press a button, firing a missile at the Aral Sea. The missile was about to hit the blast jet, though. Shishida spun the ship out of the way.
"Hold on! Hold on!" said Izuku.
Dabi saw the missile heading towards him.
"Nyet" he said just before he teleported out of the Aral Sea before the missile hit it and blew it up.
"Midoriya's mind seems to be even more impressive than mine" said Nezu.
It cut to inside a submarine. Where we see Momo, Yoarashi, Dabi, and All For One.
"What was that?" asked Momo.
"I'm on the villains' side?!" said Momo and Yoasashi simultaneously.
"Yep. You were originally recruited by Izuku and Bakugo, Momo. But you couldn't handle the discrimination from your mutation. So, you joined All For One. Since he believes that Mutants are the dominant race" said Luke.
"So, Mutants are treated the same was people with quirks were when quirks started appearing?" asked Izuku.
"That's correct" said Luke.
"The Russians. They have fired on their own ship" said Dabi as he teleported inside the submarine.
All For One looked worried. He also had no damage on his face and looked young.
"I was so beautiful, then" said All For One.
"No, you weren't" said All Might.
It cut back to inside the jet.
"A little warning next time, Professor" said Shishida.
"Sorry about that. You alright?" Izuku asked the others.
"Yeah" Present Mic gasped.
It cut back to the American ship.
"Son of a... Give me CINCLANT on the horn; I want a new set of orders" said the American captain.
It cut to the Russian ship, as the Russian who fired the missile was regaining control of his mind.
"Congratulations, comrade. You just averted nuclear war!" said the Russian captain.
"What?" said the crew mate in confusion.
"Take him to the brig" said the captain.
"What? What just happened?!" said the crew mate as he was taken away.
It cut back to the submarine.
"They say the comrade lost his mind. The Americans are applauding" said Dabi as he was listening to the Russians through a headset.
"They're here. That telepath is powerful. We're moving to a backup plan" said All For One before putting on a black and silver helmet.
"Dumb looking helmet" said Bakugo.
"Irony. But, you see, that helmet is designed to keep any telepath out of the head of the person who wears it. So, as long as All For One is wearing that helmet, Izuku can't read or control his mind" said Luke.
It cut back to the jet.
"That was inspired, Izuku" said Ochako.
"Thank you very much, but I still can't locate Shigaraki" said Izuku.
"He's down there. We need to find him now" said Bakugo.
"Jurota?" Izuku asked.
"Is there anything unusual on the radar or scanners?" asked Shishida.
"No. Nothing" said Ochako.
"Well, then he must be underwater. And obviously, we don't have sonar" said Shinshida.
"Yes, we do" said Present Mic.
"Yes, we do" said Izuku.
Izuku, Bakugo, and Present Mic all unbuckled from their seat, removed their headsets, and got up.
It cut back to the submarine.
"They are ready for war. We just need to strike another match to light the fuse. And we still have the most powerful weapon of all: me. Turn the nuclear reactor to 100% output and make sure I'm not disturbed" said All For One before going inside his quarters.
It cut back to the jet.
"Jurota, level the bloody plane!" said Izuku as he, Bakugo, and Mic tried to keep their balance.
Shishida leveled the plane.
"Whoa! You back right off" Mic said to Bakugo.
Bakugo smirked and put his hands in the air.
"Beast, open the bomb bay doors!" said Mic.
Shishida opened the doors on the floor, and Izuku and Mic saw the ocean below them.
"Remember! This is a muscle! You control it!" shouted Izuku as he put his hand on Mic's throat.
"You'll be in here the entire time!" shouted Izuku as he pointed to his own head.
"We'll see you soon! On my mark! Three, two, one! Go!" shouted Izuku.
"WHOO!" shouted Mic as he leapt out of the jet and started gliding with a wing suit of some kind while also screaming.
"I can fly?!" said Mic.
"You can glide. Shishida made a suit for you that allows you to glide if you scream loud enough" explained Luke.
"Could I actually do that with my quirk?" Mic asked himself.
"I could try making a gliding suit for you to try that out" said Mei.
Mic flew into the water and it cut back to the jet.
"Alert the fleet they may have to take they cans off" said Ochako into a radio transceiver.
It cut back to Mic in the water. He let out a huge underwater scream that reached the submarine. Yoarashi heard it through his headset and grunted in pain.
It cut back to the jet.
"Banshee's got a location on Shigaraki. You ready for this?" Izuku asked Bakugo.
"Let's find out" Bakugo answered.
It then cut to inside a chamber of some sort that was inside the submarine and had mirrors for walls.
All For One entered the chamber and Dabi turned on the reactor from outside. All For One grabbed two handles and he started to change. His skin started to become wrinkly.
"What's he doing?" asked Momo.
"All For One's Mutant power is that he can absorb energy. It's kept him from aging for decades. As to what he's doing right now; you'll just have to watch" Luke explained.
It cut the the jet flying right above the water. The landing gears came out, with Bakugo holding on to it. Bakugo tried to use his power to find the submarine, but he couldn't. He kept struggling.
"Remember, the point between rage and serenity" Izuku said to Bakugo telepathically.
Bakugo then tapped into his full power, and he lifted the submarine out of the water.
"So, I take it I'd be screwed against this Bakugo?" said Tetsutetsu.
"Absolutely" said Luke.
The Americans and Russians looked at the floating submarine in disbelief.
Shishida started to fly the jet closer to a nearby island to put the submarine down, but then Yoarashi came out of the hatch and used his power to create a tornado that was coming towards the jet.
"Katsuki, take my hand!" shouted Izuku.
"Hold on, guys. It's gonna get bumpy" said Shishida.
The jet then got caught in the tornado and started spinning out of control. Bakugo let go of the submarine and it crashed on the beach.
"Katsuki, take my hand!" Izuku shouted as he reached his hand out.
One of the engines was ripped off of the jet and Bakugo took Izuku's hand and got back inside.
The jet crashed on the beach and started rolling. Bakugo magnetized himself on the ground and on top of Izuku to keep him in place until the jet was still.
The two of them checked to see if everyone was ok.
"Ochako? Ochako, are you alright?" Izuku asked.
"Yeah, I'm ok" said Ochako.
Bakugo helped Toga out of her chair.
"I read the teleporter's mind. Shigaraki's drawing all the power out of his sub. He's turning himself into some kind of nuclear bomb" said Izuku.
"We got no time. The Geiger count's going out of control" said Ochako.
"Alright, Ochako, this is what we're gonna do: Get on the radio and tell them to clear both fleets out immediately" said Izuku.
"I'm going in" said Bakugo.
"Beast, Havok, back him up" said Izuku as they looked out the window to see Momo, Dabi, and Yoarashi outside the sub.
"Katsuki, I can guide you through once you're in, but I need you to shut down whatever it is that's blocking me, and then we just hope to God it's not too late for me to stop him" said Izuku.
"Got it" said Bakugo.
"Good luck!" said Izuku.
Toga was about to head out with Bakugo.
"Himiko, stop!" said Izuku.
"I'm going to help them" said Toga.
"We don't have time for this. Anything comes in the entrance, you're taking care of it. Yes?" said Izuku.
"Fine" said Toga.
Bakugo, Shishida, and Aoyama went outside to fight the evil Mutants. Momo had the wings of a bug and started flying in the air, Dabi had a sword, and Yoarashi created whirlwinds in his hands.
"My power is that I'm a bug?" asked Momo.
"You have the wings of a bug and can spit balls of fire. You go by Angel" said Luke.
Aoyama fired a blast of red energy out of his chest and at Yoarashi, but Dabi teleported behind the heroes and tried to attack them. He choked Aoyama with his tail, but Shishida grabbed Dabi by the throat, then Dabi teleported the three of them into the sky and above the American ships.
"BEAST!" said Aoyama as they fell.
Shishida grabbed Aoyama with one hand, and dug his claws into Dabi with the other.
"If we go, you go" said Shishida.
Dabi teleported them just above one of the American ships, breaking their fall.
It cut to Ochako inside the jet on the radio.
"We believe Shigaraki is trying to detonate some kind of bomb" she said.
It then cut to Bakugo outside running towards the submarine. He ripped a chunk of the wall out with his powers and hit Yoarashi with it, then went inside.
"Katsuki, make for the middle of the vessel. That's the point my mind can't penetrate. We have to assume that's where Shigaraki is" said Izuku from inside the jet.
It cut back to the American ship, where Aoyama and Shishida were fighting Dabi.
Aoyama tried to fire a blast of energy at Dabi, but he teleported behind Aoyama and started choking him with his tail while making him accidentally shoot his laser everywhere.
Shishida charged at Dabi and tackled him, but then they both teleported away. The soldiers surrounded Aoyama and aimed their guns at him.
It cut to Bakugo inside the submarine looking for AFO. He walked over to the controls Dabi was using earlier.
"That's the nuclear reactor. Disable it" said Izuku.
Bakugo pulled the lever down, and the handles All For One were using were shut down.
It cut back to Aoyama on the ship with the soldiers surrounding him.
"Stop! Don't move!" said one soldier.
Aoyama heard wings buzzing and he looked up and saw Momo flying above them.
"Get down!" shouted Aoyama.
Momo spit balls of fire at them. One of them burned Aoyama's laser device he had on his chest, and he had to take it off.
Momo was about to fly back around, but then Present Mic flew out of the water and screamed a sonic blast at her. She then chased him across the war zone.
It cut back to Bakugo, entering All For One's personal quarters.
"Katsuki, you're there. You've reached the void" said Izuku telepathically.
"He's not here, Izuku. Shigaraki's not here! He's left the sub!" said Bakugo.
"What? He's got to be there! He has to be! There's nowhere else he can be. Keep looking" said Izuku as it showed him in the jet.
"And I'm telling you he's not! There's no one here, God damn it!" shouted Bakugo.
The wall behind Bakugo opened. Showing All For One in the chamber.
"Katsuki. What a pleasant surprise" said All For One.
"I know All For One?" asked Bakugo.
"You'll know the full story soon" said Luke.
"Katsuki? Katsuki!" said Izuku.
It cut back to Bakugo and AFO.
"So good to see you again" said AFO.
It cut back to Momo chasing Mic. She spit more fireballs at him, but they missed and went into the water.
It then cut back to Bakugo, now entering the chamber where All For One was. The door closed behind him.
"May I ask you something? Why are you on their side?" asked All For One.
It cut back to Izuku.
"He's gone" he said.
"What?" said Ochako.
"He's gone into the void! I can't communicate with him there!" said Izuku.
It changed back to Bakugo and AFO.
"Why fight for a doomed race who will hunt us down as soon as they realize their reign is coming to an end?" asked AFO.
Bakugo punched AFO in the face, but his head just looked like it was duplicating, then it changed back.
It cut back to Aoyama, being escorted to the brig by the soldiers. He saw Mic flying towards him. He smirked and covered his ears.
Mic let out a huge scream, causing the soldiers to drop their guns and cover their ears. Aoyama made a break for it and jumped off the ship. Luckily, Mic caught his hand and they flew together.
"Kid must not weigh that much if I'm able to lift him with just one arm while still flying" said Mic.
Aoyama laughed in excitement.
"Yeah! Yes!" he said.
But then Momo spit a ball of fire on one of Mic's wings, causing him and Aoyama to crash on the beach.
It changed back to Bakugo and All For One.
"I'm sorry for what happened in the camps. I truly am" said AFO.
"What does he mean? What camps?" asked Bakugo.
"Hang on" said Luke.
AFO then launched Bakugo into a mirror wall by simply touching his forehead with his finger. But this left a crack in the wall, allowing Izuku to reach Bakugo's mind again.
"He's back! Katsuki, whatever you're doing, keep doing it. It's starting to work" said Izuku.
"But everything I did, I did for you. To unlock your power, to make you... embrace it" said All For One before launching Bakugo into another wall, shattering it.
"It's working! I'm starting to see him, but I can't yet touch his mind" said Izuku.
It cut back to Mic and Aoyama, as Aoyama tried to help Mic up but Mic saw Momo flying towards them. But then, Aoyama threw a disc of laser energy at Momo, slicing one of her wings off and causing her to crash onto the ground.
"Aoyama's power is that he can shoot energy from his body or something like that. Shishida created the device he was wearing on his chest earlier so he could control it better, but now he doesn't need it" said Luke.
It cut to Bakugo and AFO.
"You've come a long way from bending gates. I'm so proud of you" said AFO.
Bakugo then pulled pieces of the ship into the chamber and hit AFO with them, but it had no effect on him.
"And you're just starting to scratch the surface. Think how much further we could go together" said AFO as he got closer to Bakugo and pressed a beam against him.
It cut to Shishida and Dabi fighting. They teleported back to the beach. Dabi had Shishida pinned the the ground and was about to stab him in the eye with his tail.
"Stop! Touya" said what looked like All For One standing there, but he was wearing slightly different clothes.
"Wait, wasn't he with Bakugo just a moment ago?" said Jiro.
"And wasn't he wearing different clothes, too?" said Tsu.
Dabi stood up, but then Shishida took him down.
All For One then changed into Toga, revealing that it was just her in disguise.
"Oh, never mind" said Tsu.
It cut back to Bakugo and AFO.
"I don't want to hurt you, Katsuki. I never did. I want to help you. This is our time. Our age. We are the future of the human race. You and me, son. This world could be ours" said All For One.
"In this universe, Bakugo is Jewish and he's a Holocaust survivor. In Auschwitz, when Bakugo's parents were being taken away by the Nazis, he unleashed his power for the first time and bended a gate. All For One, who was a Nazi scientist then, saw this and wanted to unlock Bakugo's full power, so he threatened to shoot Bakugo's mom if he didn't move a coin by the time he counted to three. Bakugo wasn't able to move the coin in time, so All For One shot and killed his mother. But then, in anger, Bakugo crushed all the other metal in All For One's office. All For One let Bakugo keep the coin, and he experimented on him for years. And ever since he escaped the camp, Bakugo's been searching all over the world for All For One, plotting his revenge" said Luke.
"YOU MONSTER!!!" All Might shouted at All For One.
"Everything you did made me stronger; made me the weapon I am today. It's the truth. I've known that all along" said Bakugo while looking at the ground.
He then looked at All For One, who smiled.
"You are my creator" Bakugo said before using copper wiring to grab All For One's helmet off his head.
"Now, Izuku!" Bakugo shouted.
All For One tried to grab the helmet back, but Izuku used his power to take control of him and freeze him in place.
"Are you ok?" asked Ochako.
"Ochako, be quiet. I can only control this man for so long" said Izuku.
Bakugo released the metal beam from himself and stepped in front of All For One.
"Sorry, Izuku" said Bakugo as he took the helmet.
"What's he doing?!" said Kirishima.
"Katsuki, please. Be the better man. You have it in-" Izuku tried to say telepathically.
"It's not that I don't trust you" said Bakugo as he started putting on the helmet.
"Katsuki, there will be no turning back!" was all Izuku could say telepathically before Bakugo put the helmet fully on, blocking Izuku's power from his head.
"What's he about to do?!" said Camie.
"Sending the kids to the kids room real quick" said Luke as he snapped his fingers.
It cut back to Izuku.
"No!" Izuku groaned.
"Izuku?!" said Ochako in worry.
"Don't do this, Katsuki!" Izuku shouted as he slammed his hand on the wall of the jet repeatedly.
It cut back to Bakugo standing in front of All For One, who was still frozen. Bakugo stepped closer to him.
"If you're in there, I'd like you to know that I agree with every word you said. We are the future. But..." said Bakugo as he turned away and took a few steps away from his enemy.
"...unfortunately, you killed my mother" he said before turning back to face him.
Bakugo then help up a Nazi coin.
"That's the coin I was talking about earlier" said Luke.
"This is what we're going to do" said Bakugo.
"No. Please, Katsuki, no" Izuku said as it briefly cut back to him.
"I'm going to count to three, and I'm going to move the coin" said Bakugo as he began levitating the coin towards All For One's head.
"One..." Bakugo said.
"Please, Katsuki" Izuku pleaded.
The coin was getting close to All For One.
"This is so suspenseful" said Todoroki.
"Two..." said Bakugo.
Izuku braced himself.
"Three" said Bakugo.
The coin went into All For One's forehead and Izuku screamed in agony as he felt all the pain All For One was feeling.
"JESUS CHRIST!!!" shouted Kaminari.
The coin went all the way through All For One's head, then out the back, and it was now covered in blood. The coin then dropped to the floor.
Bakugo had tears forming in his eyes as he finally got it. He finally got revenge.
"I can't believe I just did that" said Bakugo in shock.
"You're a man filled with rage and thirst for vengeance. You've been wanting All For One dead since you were 12" said Luke.
It then cut to America where we see a bunch of generals at a meeting.
"The Russians share our concern and will join a strike on all the Mutants. We can end this threat for good. We'll never have another opportunity like this" said one general.
"We have an agent on that beach" said the head of CIA.
"One agent" said the general.
"She's a good agent" said the head.
"She's collateral damage" said the general.
It cut back to Cuba, where we see Izuku and Ochako leaving the jet to see Bakugo levitating All For One's corpse in the air.
"Today, our fighting stops!" said Bakugo before dropping AFO's body to the ground.
Bakugo then levitated himself to the ground.
"Take off your blinders, brothers and sisters. The real enemy is out there" said Bakugo as he pointed to the ships out at sea.
"I feel their guns moving in the water, their metal targeting us. Americans, Soviets, humans. United in their fear of the unknown. The Neanderthal is running scared, my fellow Mutants!" said Bakugo.
He turned his head to Izuku.
"Go ahead, Izuku. Tell me I'm wrong" said Bakugo.
Izuku used his powers and sensed that the humans were, in fact, about to fire on them. He turned his head to Ochako and nodded, and she ran into the remains of the jet and got on the radio.
"Fleet Commander, this is X-Ray Bravo Seven-Zero. Respond. Over. The beach is secure. Call off the attack" said Ochako.
It cut back to the American ship.
"The beach is targeted and ready to be fired upon, sir" said a crew mate.
"Stand by" said the captain.
"Standing by, sir" said the crew mate.
It cut to the Russian ship.
"New orders. Fire on the beach" said a crew mate.
It cut back to Ochako.
"Hello?! HELLO?!" she said.
"People really fear Mutants that much that they're willing to work with their enemies to kill them?" said Izuku.
"Unfortunately so" said Luke.
"Fire" said both the American and Russian captains.
Both the American and Russian fleets fired missiles
The missiles were about to hit the beach, but then Bakugo stopped them with his powers. Both the Americans and Russians were shocked.
"At least he stopped the missiles. That's gotta mean Bakugo's still a good guy, right?" said Kaminari.
Bakugo started turning the missiles around.
"Spoke to soon" Kaminari said.
"Katsuki, you said yourself, we're the better men. This is the time to prove it" said Izuku.
The missiles were now fully turned around.
"There are thousands of men on those ships. Good, honest, innocent men. They're just following orders" Izuku pleaded.
"I've been at the mercy of men just following orders" said Bakugo.
He then looked at Izuku.
"Never again" he said.
"That's deep" said Sero.
Bakugo sent the missiles at the ships.
"Katsuki, release them!" Izuku shouted.
But Bakugo didn't listen, and the missiles kept coming.
"NOOOOO!!!" screamed Izuku as he charged at Bakugo and tackled him to the ground, causing the missiles to start falling and some of them to explode.
Izuku tried to get the helmet off.
"I don't want to hurt you. Don't make me" grunted Bakugo as he knocked Izuku off him.
Toga, Shishida, Aoyama, and Mic were about to step in and help Izuku.
"Stand back!" shouted Bakugo as he used his powers to blast Shishida, Aoyama, and Mic back by lifting the metal in their uniforms.
"Why didn't he launch me back?" asked Toga.
"Bakugo also has sort of a thing for you in this universe" said Luke.
"Izuku, that's enough!" said Bakugo while pinning Izuku to the ground.
He used his powers to make the missiles continue flying towards the ships.
"Katsuki, stop!" said Izuku as he almost had the helmet off, but then Bakugo punched him in the face.
The missiles started falling and exploding again, but then Bakugo got off Izuku and sent them back on their course.
"Gentlemen, it's been an honor serving with you" said the American captain.
"Comrades, thank you for your service" said the Russian captain.
The missiles were about to hit the ships, but then Ochako shot a gun at Bakugo's head, but then bullet ricocheted off his helmet.
Bakugo deflected the bullets with his powers, but one of them... hit Izuku in the spine.
"Dammit! Why are we always seeing Midoriya die or get seriously hurt in these?!" said Kirishima.
Ochako put her gun down, Toga had her hands over her mouth, and Bakugo rushed to Izuku's side and used his powers to pull the bullet out of Izuku's back.
Bakugo was so busy worrying about Izuku, that he let the missiles go, and they and exploded and landed in the water. Both the Americans and the Russians cheered.
"I'm so sorry" said Bakugo as he held Izuku in his arms.
"I said back off!" Bakugo shouted to Toga, Shishida, Aoyama, and Mic as they tried to get closer.
Bakugo then turned his attention to Ochako.
"You. You did this" he said before using Ochako's dog tags to choke her.
"Kacchan, you're the one who tried to kill thousands of soldiers and then deflected the bullet at me. Don't blame Ochako" said Izuku.
"Please..." Izuku begged.
"She didn't do this, Katsuki. You did" said Izuku.
Bakugo realized Izuku was right, and he let Ochako go.
"Us turning on each other - - it's what they want. I tried to warn you, Izuku. I want you by my side. We're brothers, you and I" said Bakugo.
"It's true. The two of you were so close when you were little" said Mitsuki.
"All of us together, protecting each other. We want the same thing" said Bakugo.
Izuku laughed.
"My friend... I'm sorry, but we do not" said Izuku.
Bakugo sat there in silence for a few moments. A look of sadness on his face. He then motioned Ochako to come over.
"Izuku, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry, Izuku!" Ochako cried.
"It's alright. It's alright" said Izuku.
Bakugo stood in front of the other Mutants.
"This society won't accept us. We form our own. The humans have played their hand... now we get ready to play ours. Who's with me?" Bakugo asked.
Toga looked at Bakugo with a determined look on her face.
"No more hiding" said Bakugo as he extended his hand out to her.
"Well of course she'd join" said Todoroki.
Toga began walking forwards, but instead she walked to Izuku.
She got on her knees next to him.
"You... you should go with him. It's what you want" said Izuku.
"You promised me you would never read my mind" said Toga.
"I know. I promised you a great many things, I'm afraid. I'm sorry" said Izuku before kissing her hand.
"Izuku and Toga have known each other since they were kids in this universe. They grew up together as brother and sister, basically. Izuku's pretty much the only family Toga's ever had" said Luke.
"I want Deku as my boyfriend, though! Not my brother!" Toga complained.
"Too bad" said Luke.
Toga kissed Izuku on the forehead.
"Take care of him" she said to Ochako.
"Izuku and Ochako don't really have much chemistry in this universe. If anything, Izuku and Bakugo had more chemistry here" said Luke.
(A/N: This is the closest you Bakudeku shippers are ever getting to having Bakudeku in this book. Don't get used to it.)
Toga then got up and took Bakugo's hand. Momo, Dabi, and Yoarashi joined them as well.
"I've been trying to stop All For One for all these years, but now I've become just like him! I'm wearing his helmet, his followers are my followers now, and I hate humans!" said Bakugo.
"I guess you could said you became the very thing you swore to destroy? Huh? Huh? Ok, I'll stop" said Luke.
"And, Beast, never forget... Mutant and proud" she said before she and the others teleported away.
Shishida, Aoyama, and Mic then ran over to Izuku and Ochako.
"Help me out. Help. Come on" said Ochako.
"We're going to get you to a hospital" Ochako told Izuku.
They tried to help Izuku up, but he screamed in pain when they tried.
"Wait. Don't. Izuku, don't move, ok?" said Shishida.
"I won't. Actually, I... I-I... I can't feel my legs" said Izuku.
"What?" said Ochako.
"I can't feel my legs. I can't feel my legs" Izuku repeated.
The camera zoomed out of the beach as dramatic music played, and the screen then cut to black.
"Izuku ended up permanently in a wheelchair after that, he and Bakugo were enemies for fifty years, then a bunch of time travel happened, and now the X-Men movies are shit. Although, I see a lot of the Fox X-Men movies not sharing the same universe due to all the continuity errors. For example, in the very first X-Men film, which is set in the year 2000, Izuku said he met Bakugo when he was 17, but in the movie you just saw he was an adult when he met Bakugo. And that's just one of the many, MANY X-Men movie continuity errors" said Luke.
"That was a tragic universe, though" said Ochako.
"Really goes to show how far hate and prejudice can go. And how revenge can turn us into the very thing we hate" said Iida as he was now even more glad Izuku and Todoroki stopped him from killing Stain.
"Let's watch another universe, now" said Luke.
Thx for reading.
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