Villain Deku
"Alright now you know how I said not all these universes are gonna be happy?" said Luke, "Yeah" said everyone else, "Well that's the case here, in this next universe Izuku's a villain" said Luke, "WHAT?!!" shouted everyone else, "Yeah so could someone take Eri and Kota to the kids room?" said Luke, "I got it" said Mandalay as she grabbed Eri and Kota's hands and brought them to the kids room and then came back. "Why is Deku a villain?" asked Ochako, "You'll just have to watch it and see for yourself" said Luke.
It showed Izuku and All Might when they were standing on top of the building, " in order to answer your question no, you can't become a hero without a quirk" said All Might.
'Dear god not this again' thought All Might, who was filled with guilt remembering when he crushed his successors hopes and dreams, "Wait so All Might told Deku he couldn't be a hero without a quirk?" asked Ochako, "Yeah" said Luke.
Aizawa glared at All Might. "We're having a serious talk about this later" he said, while All Might sweat slightly.
"Uh... I see sir" said a 14-year old Izuku. "It's not bad to dream young man, just make sure dreams are realistic" said All Might as he got up and left. Izuku just stood there, processing the information, "I really am nothing aren't I?" said Izuku to himself.
"Midoryia don't think like that bro!" said Kirishima. "Deku don't think that!" said Ochako.
He then remembered what Kacchan told him earlier that day, 'Y'know, if you really wanna be a hero that badly, there actually might be another way. Just pray that you'll be born with a Quirk in your next life. Then take a swan dive off the roof of the building!'.
"Hm, this building does seem tall enough" said Izuku as he looked over the railing.
"DEKU/MIDORYIA/IZUKU NO!!!" shouted everyone, save for the cinnamon roll. "DAMN IT DEKU! I DIDN'T ACTUALLY MEAN FOR YOU TO DO IT!!!" shouted Bakugo.
Izuku then climbed over the railing looking down. "No one believes in me, not Mom, not the other kids, not Kacchan, not even All Might, I have nothing to live for" said Izuku as closed his eyes and moved one foot forward.
"Please don't Deku..." whispered Ochacko who was on the verge of crying, as she squeezed her Izuku tightly.
And then... he fell...
"NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!" screamed everyone.
Izuku closed his eyes tightly, waiting to hit the ground, only for nothing to happen. He opened his eyes to see that he was still in midair upside down, but something was holding him, he turned his head to see a bunch of black and red high tech looking tentacle thingies holding him.
"Wait... are those..." said All Might.
"What are you doing child?" asked an all to familiar voice.
"It can't be..." said All Might.
The person revealed himself to be none other... than All For One.
"No way..."
"It's that All For One guy!"
"He was there?"
"Why did he save Midoryia?"
"That bastard was there when I was with Midoryia?" said All Might.
"W- who are you?" said Izuku, "Ah, where are my manners?" said AFO as he flipped Izuku right-side-up, and brought him back up onto the roof of the building, "You can call me All For One" said AFO. "Are you a hero? You don't look like one, and I don't have any record of you in my journals" said Izuku, "A hero? No, nonononononono" said AFO, "Then... your a villain!" said Izuku, a look of fear in his eyes. "Yes, but I'm a different kind of villain, but you still haven't answered my question, why were you trying to kill yourself?" said AFO, "Everyone always bullied for being quirkless, and when I asked All Might if I could be a hero without a quirk, he said I couldn't. Hearing my hero say I couldn't be a hero crushed me, I had nothing to live for" said Izuku.
'Midoryia my boy I'm so sorry' thought All Might who was filled with shame.
"All Might's like all the other heroes, selfish and careless" said AFO "Your right, heroes are all the same, they deserve to die" said Izuku, "They do, that's why I want you to join me Izuku, join the League of Villains!" said AFO, "And then when the time is right, you can have your revenge on All Might" said AFO, "So... what do you say? Will you join me? Will you join the League of Villains?" said AFO as he reached his hand out to Izuku, "Yes... yes I will" said Izuku as he took All For One's hand.
'Oh no' thought everyone.
Fast forward to a year and a half later. Izuku's gone through pretty much the exact same amount of training as he did in the normal MHA universe, he was now super buff and muscular. He had already met Shigaraki, and the two of them hate each other. AFO also told Izuku the full story of All For One and One For All, and how All Might was originally born quirkless, just like Izuku, which only made Izuku hate All Might even more, knowing that he himself was quirkless, yet he told Izuku he couldn't be a hero without a quirk. The attack on the USJ happened, but Izuku wasn't there for it because he was busy still training. The attack on the training camp DIDN'T happen because AFO promised Izuku Bakugo's head, and they couldn't attack the camp and kill Bakugo then, because Izuku was still training, so All Might never retired. Then, one day...
"Alright listen up Izuku, we're going to be launching an attack on UA soon, that's where All Might and your old friend Bakugo are, you'll finally get to have your revenge on them" said AFO, "I can't wait to make them suffer" said Izuku, "Yes, but before you do that, your gonna need a little extra boost, that's why I'm giving you a small portion of my quirk" said AFO, Izuku's eyes widened at this.
"WHAT?!!!" yelled everyone.
"I don't understand, All For One's only known Deku for a little over a year. Why would he give him a part of his quirk so soon?" asked Ochako.
"I don't understand, why are you giving me a part of your Quirk so soon All For One?" asked Izuku, "Because you remind me a lot of my brother, the first wielder of One For All, he was also believed to be quirkless, and he was bullied for it, just like you were. I tried to get him to join me, but he wouldn't, I don't want to make the same mistake with you Izuku, I want you to be stronger" said All For One placing a hand on Izuku's shoulder, "Ok then, I accept" said Izuku, "Good, now hold still, this might hurt a little" said AFO. The screams of Izuku could be heard throughout the building.
Over the next few weeks AFO taught Izuku how to use his quirk. Until one day, "Today's the day Izuku, today you and Shigaraki will be leading the attack on UA" said AFO. Izuku then went to his room and put his clothes on.
(He looks like this, except his gloves are covering up all his hands, he's also wearing his red sneakers but you can't see them in the picture)
"Jesus Christ does Midoryia look evil!" said Kaminari, "You can say that again" said Jiro.
Ochako blushed when she saw evil Deku.
Fast forward to UA a few hours later when it's raining outside. We see Class 1-A, minus Ochako, sitting in the classroom, waiting for Aizawa.
"Hey it's us!" said Kirishima, "But where am I?" asked Ochako.
"Man it sure is great to finally get our provisional licenses" said Kaminari, "Yes, we've come a long way since our start at UA. It feels like just yesterday we began our first year at UA, even though it didn't start out so pleasantly for some of us" said Iida, "Your talking about that girl you saw get crushed by that giant robot during the entrance exams? The one with the gravity quirk?" said Todoroki. "Yes, I believe her name was Ochako Uraraka? She was trapped underneath a large amount of rubble when a giant zero-pointer was about to crush us. We all were cowards and didn't do anything to help her" said Iida.
"Wait... I'm dead?!" said Ochako, "URARAKA NOOOO!!!!" cried everyone, "It all makes sense. Since Midoryia never went to UA and never got One For All in this universe, he was never there to save Uraraka from that zero-pointer robot that was about to crush her during the entrance exam" said Nezu. "Uraraka... I'm so sorry for not being there to save you" said Izuku who was on the verge of crying, "Don't blame yourself Deku, it's an alternate universe, you didn't know this was gonna happen. And besides, you saved me in our universe, that's all that matters" said Ochako as she held Izuku's hand to comfort him. "You really do love him" teased Mina and Toru, "SHUT UP!" said Ochako.
"Wow, no matter what universe it is Bakugo's always a disrespectful asshole" said Mina, "WHAT DID YOU CALL ME RACCOON-EYES?!!!" yelled Bakugo, "Shut up Bakugo" said Aizawa.
Suddenly, there was a loud explosion outside the school which made the building shake. "That wasn't me" said Bakugo. Aizawa then burst through the door, "Everyone get in your costumes! We're under attack by the League of Villains!" shouted Aizawa.
'Oh boy' thought everyone.
They quickly got in their costumes and headed outside to join the teachers, who were fighting the villains. "Villains! Your time is near!" shouted All Might, (Remember in this universe he never fought AFO so he never lost OFA and retired)
"You tell 'em All Might!" shouted Bakugo.
"Oh but I think not, now that we have the newest member of our group" said Shigaraki. Suddenly, a blast of energy hit the ground, blasting them all back, Bakugo was the first to get back up. "Where the hell did that blast come from?" said Bakugo, Suddenly Izuku appeared on the battlefield. "DEKU?!!" said Bakugo, "Miss me Kacchan?" said Izuku, "But... I thought you were dead..." said Bakugo, "You'd like that wouldn't you?" said Izuku as black and red lightning emitted from his body. "Not so fast evildoer!" shouted All Might as he landed between Izuku and Bakugo.
"Yeah! Kick his ass All Might!" yelled Bakugo.
"Do you remember me All Might?" asked Izuku, "Am I supposed to?" asked All Might confused.
'How could I ever forget you my boy?' thought All Might.
"I'm the one who's dreams you crushed" said Izuku, "Oh no..." whispered All Might, realizing who he was. "After you destroyed me I did what Kacchan here told me to do and jumped off that building we were on" said Izuku with a psychotic smile on his face. Everyone immediately turned their attention to Bakugo, who was pale as a ghost, "Bakugo what is he talking about?" said Aizawa. But Izuku then charged at All Might and used AFO to punch him into a wall, he then grabbed All Might by the collar and threw him all the way into the building.
"Holy shit..." said Kaminari.
"All Might!" shouted Bakugo, as he, Aizawa, and the rest of Class 1-A went after them. "I... I don't understand... I thought you didn't have a quirk..." said All Might, "I didn't, until All For One chose me as his successor" said Izuku, "W-W-What?!" said All Might as Izuku continued beating the crap out of him.
'Jesus...' was all anyone could think.
"DIE!!!" shouted Bakugo as he fired an explosion at Izuku, but Izuku created an energy shield around him. "WHAT THE FUCK?!!!!" shouted Bakugo, "Like my new Quirk Kacchan? I've got plenty of others" said Izuku. Suddenly All Might was running out of energy, and struggling to keep up with his form, "Don't even bother trying to hide your true form from them All Might, it's pointless" said Izuku. Suddenly, All Might gave up and changed into his skinny form. "WHAT THE?!!!" said everyone. "Look at him! All Might isn't so powerful after all! He's just a weakling like you" said Izuku. The students then lunged at Izuku, about to attack him, when suddenly it paused.
"Now before we go any further, I just want you to know that Izuku kills most of you in this next part. So do you guys want me to skip it?" asked Luke, "Yeah" said Aizawa and Class 1-A, "Ok" said Luke.
Fast forward to after everyone, save for Bakugo, was dead. Their corpses were scattered all over the place. Todoroki was ripped in two halves, his left half and his right half. Mina had her own horns jabbed in her eyes. Iida's legs were broken and his neck was snapped. Kirishima's body was crushed. Tsu had her own tongue ripped out... and was strangled to death with it. Momo was impaled with her own staff. Ojiro's tail was ripped off. Jiro had her earphone jacks ripped off. Shoji was exploded into a million pieces. Tokoyami's beak was crushed... as well as most of his head. Toru was, well you couldn't really tell because she was invisible, but you could see multiple stab wounds floating above ground. Koda's mountain shaped head was smashed in. Sato was beaten to death. Kaminari's body was completely fried and smoking. Aoyama's naval laser had exploded and killed him. Sero was strangled to death with his own tape. Mineta's tiny body was impaled on a pike. And Aizawa's eyes were sliced out, and he was hung to death with his own scarf.
"Oh shit sorry! I forgot to skip that part too! Here are buckets if any of you need them!" said Luke as he snapped his fingers. Suddenly everyone in the audience had a bucket. Most people threw up in them, while others who had a stronger stomach didn't. After that Luke teleported all the buckets away, along with all the vomit in them, and they continued watching the alternate universe.
Bakugo stood there in shock, as he just watched his classmates and teacher be murdered right in front of him. "You... you killed them..." said Bakugo, "Yeah I did, what are you gonna do about it Kacchan?" asked Izuku, "I'LL KILL YOU!!!" screamed Bakugo as he charged at Izuku. Izuku either dodged or blocked all of his attacks, "Why the fuck are you doing this?!" said Bakugo, "BECAUSE OF YOU!!!" yelled Izuku as he slammed Bakugo into the ground punching him repeatedly. "All I wanted was to be a hero like All Might! And you hated me for it!" yelled Izuku, "You hurt me! You attacked me! You told me to kill myself! Which I tried doing!" yelled Izuku.
Most people in the audience gave Bakugo a death glare.
He then got back up. "To think they'd let an abusive piece of shit like you into UA. They really have no standards" said Izuku.
"Kid we're so sorry" said Aizawa, "It's fine" said Izuku.
"You think that you're a hero? Your no better than me" said Izuku, Bakugo then got back up. "Deku I... I'm sorry..." said Bakugo, "No you're not" said Izuku, "So what are you gonna do? Kill me?" said Bakugo, "Oh I'm not gonna kill you, after all we were friends" said Izuku.
Many people sighed in relief. Bakugo was surprised that Izuku was letting him live.
"But I can't let you get in my way either" said Izuku. He then took off his glove and put his hand on Bakugo's face. There were flashes of black and red lightning as Bakugo screamed in pain.
"What's he doing to him?" asked Ochako, "I think I know what he's doing" said Ragdoll.
When it was over Bakugo didn't feel any different. "Was that supposed to hurt me? It didn't last long. DIE!!!" yelled Bakugo as he raised his hand to fire an explosion in Izuku's face, only for nothing to happen. He raised his hand again, nothing happened. He raised his other hand, still, nothing happened. Bakugo started to panic. "What did you do? WHAT DID YOU DO?!!!" screamed Bakugo. "I took away your Quirk, you don't deserve it" said Izuku, "WHAT?!!!" shouted Bakugo, "That's right your Quirk is now mine" said Izuku as he created an explosion out of his hand.
"THAT'S MY QUIRK!!!" yelled Bakugo.
"You bastard... give it back... GIVE IT BACK!!!" screamed Bakugo as he lunged at Izuku, but Izuku just punched him in the face. "It's like you always said Kacchan... you can't be a hero without a Quirk" said Izuku, he then wrapped Bakugo up in those red and black high-tech tentacle thingies (I don't remember what they're called)
"What the fuck?!" said Bakugo. "Just to keep you in place for a second" said Izuku as he walked over to All Might, who was too weak to do anything. "Why aren't you smiling All Might?" said Izuku, "I can fix that" he said as he pulled out a knife, and carved a smile into All Might's face.
"Holy shit!" said Sero, "He's insane..." said Momo.
"Midoryia... I'm sorry... you can be a hero..." said All Might weakly. "It's too late for that" said Izuku as he pressed his hand against All Might's chest.
"Deku... please don't..." whispered Ochako. "Midoryia my boy I'm sorry..." whispered All Might.
Izuku then fired an explosion through All Might's chest.
"NOOOOOO!!!!" screamed everyone.
"ALL MIIIIIIIIIIGHT!!!!!" screamed Bakugo as he just watched his hero be killed with his quirk. "You... you killed him..." said Bakugo, "With your Quirk Kacchan" said Izuku as he freed Bakugo from the high-tech tentacle thingies. As soon as he was free he lunged at Izuku, only for Izuku to grab him by the collar and slam him into a wall. "I want you to listen to me very closely, the only reason I'm letting you live, isn't just because we used to be friends, but because I want you to know something. That this, all of this" said Izuku as he showed Bakugo all the rubble and destruction, "Is your fault. You made me this way, you and All Might. You made me into the monster I am now" said Izuku.
"In a way we did" said All Might.
Suddenly, the villains started attacking the city. "And All Might's death... is your fault. Not just because I killed him with your Quirk, but because you made me into the person that killed him. Your the person responsible for All Might's death, his blood is on your hands. You. Killed. All Might." said Izuku, as Bakugo had a look of fear in his eyes, the same look of fear Izuku had in his whenever Bakugo bullied him when they were kids.
"He's crazy" said Tokoyami.
"I want you to say it... I want you to say that it's your fault" said Izuku, "N- n- no" Bakugo said weakly. "SAY IT!!!" yelled Izuku, "I- it's my fault" he murmured, "What was that? I didn't quite catch that" said Izuku, "It's my fault" he murmured again, "Still can't hear you" said Izuku, "IT'S MY FAULT!!!" yelled Bakugo, "There we go, that wasn't so hard now was it?" said Izuku as he dropped Bakugo to the ground and walked away. "Oh, one more thing. If you ever get in my way again, I will kill you" said Izuku, "But besides that, go and live whatever meaningless life you can like the worthless piece of filth that you are" said Izuku, "But what am I supposed to do? I don't have a Quirk anymore" said Bakugo, "Well why don't you just pray that you'll be born with a Quirk in your next life. Then take a swan dive off the roof of the building" said Izuku as he walked away. Bakugo nearly choked hearing his own words be used against him.
The Bakugo watching also nearly choked hearing his own words be used against him. "Karma..." muttered Kaminari.
Bakugo then stepped outside, to see the city now in ruins. He collapsed to his knees, knowing that he created the monster responsible for all of this. It was... his fault...
The screen then went to black...
"And that's all for this universe, what'd you guys think?" asked Luke, "Holy shit that was dark" said Kirishima, "Yeah I know, sorry if you guys didn't like it, I just thought it'd be interesting" said Luke.
"Guys I'm... I'm sorry for what I did in that universe... I was a monster" said Izuku who had his head down in shame and was about to cry, until he felt a soft, warm, familiar hand on his, he looked up to see Ochako, "That wasn't you Deku, that was a different version of you. Don't blame yourself" said Ochako who had a warm smile on her face, the same smile that made Izuku fall in love with her in the first place, or at least her smile was one of the things that made him fall in love with her.
"You two are so cute" teased Mina.
"SHUT UP!!!" yelled Ochako.
Hey guys that's all for this chapter, and I'm sorry if you didn't like the brutal way Izuku killed all his classmates in this universe, I just wanted them to die in ways that would fit their characters. Also for those of you who didn't like how Ochako was dead in this universe, well it only makes sense that she'd be dead because Izuku never went to UA in this universe, therefore he never took the entrance exam, and he didn't save her from that giant robot. A lot of fans keep forgetting that. Anyways, thx for reading.
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