Vigilante Deku Pt. 2
Contains spoilers for MHA: Vigilantes.
"Next is the finale of the vigilante Deku universe" said Luke.
It began with Izuku leaving the Yakuza facility after massacring them all. He was about to leave the area, when suddenly he was knocked out by a hit to the back of his head.
He woke up handcuffed to a table in an interrogation room in front of Aizawa, Nezu and All Might.
"You've caused quite a lot of trouble for us, vigilante. Now let's see who you really are" said Nezu.
Aizawa removed Izuku's mask and hood, and they gasped when they saw it was him.
"Midoriya?!" said All Might.
"Hi" said Izuku.
"Why are you a vigilante?! We thought you were better than this!" said Nezu.
"Well, after you expelled me I realized that the hero society is flawed, so, I decided to take the law into my own hands" said Izuku.
"We expelled you because you and your classmates broke the law" said Nezu.
"We saved Kacchan and you know it. If we hadn't acted he still would've been the League's prisoner, or worse. You expelled us because of your goddamn ridiculous laws and regulations. That's why I decided I was better off following my own rules" said Izuku.
"Well, you won't be doing much of that anymore. Since you're going to jail" said Nezu.
"Oh, I don't think so" said Izuku before breaking free from his restraints.
Aizawa was about to tie Izuku with his capture gear, but before he could, Izuku pulled a file out of his jacket and tossed it on the table in front of Nezu. Nezu picked the file up, opened it and froze when he saw what was inside.
"Where did you get this information?!" he demanded.
"Not important. But if you don't do as I say, it gets leaked to the public" said Izuku.
"Midoriya, you're blackmailing us?!" said All Might.
"Blackmail's a strong word. I like to think 'extortion'" said Izuku.
"What's to stop us from arresting you right now to keep you from leaking this?" asked Aizawa.
"My friends have copies of this information. Remember the Crawler, Pop Step and Knuckleduster, Eraser? They're the ones who taught me how to be a true vigilante. If you lay a hand on me, they'll leak the info straight to the press" said Izuku.
"Haimawari, Kazuho and Knuckleduster aren't vigilantes anymore. Koichi moved to America and is now a pro hero. And Kazuho and Knuckleduster are living civilian lives now" said Midnight.
"In this universe things turned out differently in Naruhata" said Luke.
Nezu thought about this for a moment.
"What are your demands?" he asked.
"Not much. All I want is to be back in UA. I want back in the Hero Course and Class 1-A, same thing for Iida, Todoroki, Yaoyoruzu and Kirishima. Also how is the girl I saved from the Yakuza doing - Eri?" Izuku asked.
"She's still very frightened. She said she only wants to see you, since you saved her" said All Might.
"Then I want to be her legal guardian. She can share a room with me in the dorm rooms" said Izuku.
"Very well, I'll make the arrangements. But can you at least stop killing people, Midoriya? I understand what the Yakuza did to Eri. But you didn't have to massacre them all" said Nezu.
"Fair enough" said Izuku.
After that, Izuku was let go and he and his friends were back in UA.
"After that ordeal, everything went back to normal for Izuku and the class" said Luke.
"What was in that file, anyway?" asked Ochako.
"Everyone has secrets, even UA" said Luke.
He then turned his attention to the villains.
"And don't even bother trying to get your hands on UA's secrets, League. I'll make sure that you won't" Luke said.
I know I didn't list this chapter in 'Upcoming Chapters' but that was because I forgot. I wanted to wrap up the Vigilante Deku universe like I said I would. Thx for reading.
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