The Old Republic: Rescue Mission
After the audience were able to recover from the Fallout universe and after Toshi went back to his universe, the audience got ready for the next universe to watch.
"Now for a universe that's based off a Star Wars fan film about the Old Republic era from the Star Wars EU. For those of you who are unfamiliar with the Old Republic, it's an era set almost 4000 years before the Original Trilogy. Izuku is a Force user who balances the Light and Dark sides of the Force, and he's about to rescue an old friend of his." Luke explained.
The screen was black for a moment, then it showed the woods on another planet. The camera showed a red helmet in a pile of twigs and branches, then it showed Mina as a blue twi'lek and in handcuffs, as she was being escorted by a group of mandalorians.
"Mina's the old friend of Izuku's. She's a young twi'lek who grew up on a planet called Taris and has a best friend who's a wookie." Luke explained to the audience.
"I love this universe already." Mina said.
"You know what I'm gonna spend your bounty on?" a male mandalorian in white and red armor asked Mina. His voice was that of Kosei Tsuburaba from Class 1-B.
"That me?" Tsuburaba asked.
"Correct." said Luke.
"You gonna buy yourself some friends?" Mina remarked.
"Ouch." Kirishima said.
"An FST-4 jet pack, MK 2." Tsuburaba answered.
"Cuz then you'll be be just as cool." Mina said.
"Turbine thrusters on a pivoting mount, full speed, full maneuvering, any direction." said Tsuburaba.
"I've already built several jet packs better than that." Mei said.
"If we take the clan's offer to the Hutts, I bet they'll double it." Tsuburaba said to the other mandalorians, "Then I could afford the MK 5-"
"*We don't need their credits.*" a female mandalorian in silver and blue armor interrupted in an alien language. Her voice was that of Yui Kodai.
"Kodai's also a mandalorian. Although, she talks in a mandalorian language called Mando'a." explained Luke.
"Why wouldn't we? We could probably score 12,000. And they'll give us more work for bringing this one in." Tsuburaba said.
"Sure, for a while." said a male mandalorian in blue, black, and silver armor in the voice of Hiryu Rin, "You get more work with clan order too if you take her there. The difference is Sato always pays what he promises. And you won't find yourself blacklisted, frozen out, and starving if he doesn't like the results."
"Rin is also a mandalorian. Sato is a mandalorian as well and a friend of Izuku's." Luke explained.
"*We should question her now.*" Yui said in Mando'a.
"*There'll be plenty of time for that.*" Rin said in Mando'a.
Mina then purposely tripped and fell to her knees.
"Get up!" Rin shouted.
"I can't walk." Mina replied.
"*Ridiculous!*" said Yui in Mando'a.
Tsuburaba grabbed Mina by the arm and she yelped in pain. Then he pulled out a device of some sort to use on her as the other two mandalorians looked away to survey the area.
We then see the perspective of Rin through his helmet. Then it cut out of the perspective as he and Yui looked back to Mina and Tsuburaba and a faint beeping was heard as it looked like Mina dropped something when the others weren't looking.
It then cut to a landed ship nearby where we see a group of soldiers, wielding rifles and wearing black armor, stepping away from it.
"It's definitely mandalorian. And it's definitely empty, and had room for a guest." said one of the soldiers, who so happened to be Kaibara.
Most of the soldiers had helmets, save for Monoma who was also there.
"Captain, last signal burst is along the same vector. Should get another anytime now." said another solider who was Awase.
"Good jump point along their path." said Reiko, who was also a solider and had no helmet.
"Let's move out." said Monoma.
They were about to leave the area, but then a man in a black, military-like combat suit and mask approached them. Some of the soldiers aimed their rifles at the man, but Monoma stopped them.
We then see Kendo walking next to the masked man as they both approached Monoma and the soldiers. Kendo wore what looked like Jedi robes and had a double-bladed lightsaber attached to her back.
Kendo did a slight bow to them.
"Greetings. I am Itsuka Kendo, Jedi Sentinel. This is my guardian - Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu." Kendo said in an English accent.
"I'm a Jedi? Cool." Kendo said.
"And I have a cool mask." said Tetsutetsu.
"Captain Neito Monoma, Republic S.I.S. retrieval division." Monoma said, "What brings a Jedi to this part of Alderaan?"
"I received a distress call. Your commander graciously accepted our pledge to help and told us where we could find you." Kendo replied.
"Kind offer. My squad isn't used to working alongside-"
"It's only three men." Kaibara cut in.
"Those three mandals took out seven local security and a handful of civilians when they took the twi'lek." Awase said.
Monoma shrugged.
"I'm sure we'll benefit from your assistance." he told Kendo.
"What is the situation?" Kendo asked them.
Awase took out a hologram device, but Reiko snatched it out of his hand and activated the device, projecting a hologram of the landscape that had several green dots on it and a red dot not too far away from them.
"Based on local reports we tracked the ship here. The beacon transmits signals at time intervals and each one has lead them straight towards us." Reiko explained.
"We did sense a disturbance." Kendo said as she turned her head to Tetsutetsu, who nodded to her, before turning her head back to the soldiers, "They may be expecting trouble."
"We should've received another ping by now." said Awase.
"So they found the beacon." Kaibara concluded, "We found their ship. Let them come."
"Mandalorians are no trifling matter. We should prepare for their arrival." Kendo suggested.
"We found a trick point ahead." said Monoma.
Kendo looked out across the forest and saw the place Monoma was talking about, then turned back to him.
"Very well. We will accompany you on your mission." she said.
"Gear up. Let's move out." Monoma said to his soldiers.
They left the area and headed towards the area where they were gonna ambush the mandalorians.
It cut back to Mina and the mandalorians as we see a small beeping device on the ground that was stomped on and crushed by Tsuburaba, who now didn't have his helmet.
"How long has this been transmitting?" Tsuburaba demanded from Mina as he held up the now broken device.
"A few minutes." Mina answered.
"She's been cuffed the whole time on foot." Yui, who also wasn't wearing her helmet, said to Tsuburaba.
"Before the grab." Tsuburaba said before turning his attention back to Mina, "What's the range of this device?"
"Local. Wouldn't even reach blister space port from here." Mina said with a sly smirk.
"I don't believe it." Yui said.
Yui was about to smack Mina in the face, but Tsuburaba stopped her.
"Bounty said unharmed. Both bounties." he reminded Yui.
"We need to find out if anyone's coming for her." Yui said.
They turned their attention back to Mina.
"What do you know that's worth this much?" Tsuburaba demanded from her.
"It's not what she knows. It's who she knows and what she can do." said Yui.
"She's a data slicer." Rin, who was still wearing his helmet, said, "She can find people."
"Who is Glenora looking for?" Tsuburaba said.
Rin walked over to Mina and got uncomfortably close to her.
"Where is Revan?" he demanded.
"Where is who?" Iida asked.
"Keep watching." Luke said like he always does.
Mina was silent for a moment.
"He's behind you." she whispered.
The mandalorians quickly turned around, but there was no one behind them. Mina laughed.
"Oldest trick in the book, honestly." Bakugo scoffed.
Yui hit Mina in the face with the back of her hand.
"Smacking is no good until those cans wear off." Tsuburaba told Yui.
"How would I know where he is? I haven't seen him in five years." Mina said.
Tsuburaba put his mandalorian helmet back on.
"*Let's keep moving.*" he said in Mando'a.
Yui shoved Mina forward and then spoke to Rin.
"We could be heading into a trap." she said to him.
"Nothing we can do about that now." said Rin, "Let's get back to the ship. Eyes peeled."
It cut to Kendo meditating at the ambush area. She tilted her head as she sensed something. She opened her eyes and pulled out her lightsaber.
It cut back to the mandalorians and Mina.
"So that jet pack you want. What was it again?" Mina asked Tsuburaba, "The FS... 4... 8? FS48? What's the atmospheric rating on that? Does it, uh, cut out past this stratosphere? Like the-"
"Quiet." said Tsuburaba.
We see Monoma, Tetsutetsu, and the Republic soliders all in hiding spaces nearby as Mina kept asking the mandalorians questions.
"SHUT UP!" Tsuburaba shouted at Mina.
But as soon as he said that, a blaster bolt hit him in the back and he hit the ground.
"HUH?!" Rin said.
Monoma and his soldiers opened fire on the mandalorians. Monoma used a rifle, Awase used a pistol, Kaibara used an automatic rifle, and Reiko used a sniper rifle.
Yui and Rin ran to cover with Mina, while the Republic soldiers continued shooting at them. Yui pulled out two laser pistols and blasted back at the soldiers, while Tsuburaba got back up onto one knee.
Reiko fired a sniper blast at Yui and it nearly hit her head, but she moved out of the way at the last second, then fired back at Reiko.
"VIP all around!" Monoma ordered his men as they continued firing at the mandalorians.
Tsuburaba was about to stand up, but then he saw Kendo and Tetsutetsu coming his way. He tried to shoot at Kendo, but she simply deflected the bolts with her double-bladed orange lightsaber, then she hit Tsuburaba in the face with the hilt part of her lightsaber.
Monoma hid behind a tree as Rin shot at him while laughing. As for Mina, the mandalorians were busy fighting the Republic forces, so she made a break for it while they were distracted.
Tsuburaba was currently fighting Tetsutetsu in hand to hand combat, but then he pulled out a large blade weapon and fought Tetsutetsu and Kendo with it, only to be quickly disarmed by the two. Kendo put her lightsaber blade up to Tsuburaba's throat, while Tetsutetsu removed Tsuburaba's helmet and hit him in the chest with it, knocking him out.
"This is some sick action." said Ojiro.
Kendo and Tetsutetsu were about to regroup with the others, but they stopped walking as they both sensed a powerful presence. They ran in a different direction to face the presence.
We cut back to Kaibara as he fired his blaster at the mandalorians. They fired back at him as he hid behind a tree for cover.
"*Rin! Is she secure?*" Yui asked Rin in Mando'a.
Rin reached for Mina, who he thought was still next to him... but she wasn't.
Rin slammed his fists down on the log he was using for cover and punched it.
Monoma saw Mina running away. He made a whistling noise to Awase and signaled him to go after her.
We see Kendo and Tetsutetsu running towards the presence they were sensing before it cut back to the Republic soldiers fighting the mandalorians.
"Neito, I don't have a clean shot." Reiko said.
"Copy. Eyes on me and pour out." Monoma said.
Monoma ran out of cover, which caused Rin to also come out of cover and try to shoot him. Reiko fired her sniper rifle at Rin, but he hid behind a tree just before she could hit him.
It cut back to Kendo and Tetsutetsu running in the woods. They stopped running once they reached the presence they were sensing.
"Revan." Kendo whispered.
We see a man in black and red robes, bronze armor, a black cape, and he also wore a badass looking silver and red mask.
(A/N: He doesn't have his lightsaber out yet and the lower half of him isn't holographic.)
"So that's Revan? Who is he under the mask?" Mina asked.
"You'll see." Luke said.
"Not a step further." Kendo warned.
Revan didn't listen and took a small step forward.
"I am not here for you." Revan said in the voice of Izuku Midoriya, although it sounded older and more badass. Almost how Keanu Reeves would talk.
"Let me guess. Revan is me?" Izuku asked.
"Correct. You were a Jedi, then a Sith, and now you balance the Light and Dark sides of the Force. You're a complete badass." Luke explained.
"Come peacefully, Revan, and I'm sure the council will take your past actions into consideration. You may be given a chance to reform." Kendo said.
"I bear knowledge of the council's justice, and I am a standing testament to their reform." Izuku said.
"Izuku started out as a Jedi who was trained from infancy by many Jedi masters. When he was an adult, he and Shigaraki, who was Izuku's best friend in this, went against the Jedi Council's orders and went to fight in the Mandalorian War along with some other Jedi whom they convinced to fight with them. Eventually, Izuku and Shigaraki were both brainwashed and became the Sith Lords: Darth Revan and Darth Malak. Izuku became the Sith master, while Shigaraki became the apprentice." Luke explained.
"I'M the apprentice?!" Shigaraki shouted.
"Mm-hm." Luke said, "You tried to kill Izuku because of this, but he ended up slicing off your lower jaw with his lightsaber. After that you had a device placed in your throat hole that allowed you to continue speaking and breathing."
Shigaraki became even paler than he usually was as he placed his fingers on his jaw.
"I've been there." Dabi said.
"What happened to Deku and Shigaraki afterwards?" Ochako asked.
"Well, you were a Jedi who was fighting Izuku along with some other Jedi on the bridge of a star cruiser, Ochako. Shigaraki once again tried to kill Izuku, this time by firing at the bridge of the ship Izuku was on from his own ship. But the blast instead knocked Izuku unconscious." Luke explained to Ochako, "You then brought Izuku to the Jedi Council and they decided to erase his memories and make him think he was a solider for the Republic, then he was placed under your command. Then a bunch of other stuff happened and Izuku eventually regained his memories, but he became a Jedi again, stopped Shigaraki, and now Izuku balances the Light and Dark. You and him are even married now."
"I am doing what is necessary to end this conflict for good. Let me pass." said Izuku.
"No." Kendo said sternly, "You will face the council... or you will die here.
Izuku then pulled out his lightsaber and switched on the red blade. Kendo and Tetsutetsu got in fighting stances and Kendo switched on her double-bladed orange lightsaber.
Izuku then removed his cape and tossed it to the side, then he began walking over to Kendo and Tetsutetsu.
Izuku and Kendo dueled with their lightsabers and then locked blades.
"Embracing the Dark Side is not the answer." Kendo said.
"So good of you to think so." Izuku remarked.
It cut back to Awase as he ran into Mina.
"Who are you?" she demanded.
"S.I.S. retrieval. We're here to get you out, ambassador." answered Awase.
Mina was quiet for a moment.
"You are the ambassador, aren't you?" Awase asked, "The beacon-"
"Was mine, yes. I'm glad you could finally make it." Mina lied as she tried to get her handcuffs off.
It cut back to Izuku and Kendo dueling. Izuku swung his blade down at Kendo but she blocked it.
"Do not presume to tell me my path when you walk yours blind." he said as they locked blades.
They swung their blades at each a few more times before once again locking blades.
"The Force existed long before the Jedi and the Sith divided it between light and dark." Izuku said as he moved behind Kendo.
As for Tetsutetsu, he was still waiting for an opening.
"It will be here long after all of these empires crumb-" was all Izuku could say as he grabbed the back of Kendo's neck, but then Tetsutetsu attacked him.
Kendo broke free and fell to the ground, while Izuku quickly took Tetsutetsu down using hand to hand combat.
"Holy shit. This Midoriya isn't messing around." said Tetsutetsu.
It cut back to Rin shooting at Kaibara, then Monoma moved out of his hiding space and was about to shoot at Yui, but she was nowhere to be seen.
It then cut to Awase trying to help Mina remove her handcuffs, but then Yui kicked Mina to the ground, pulled out a knife, and slit Awase's throat with it.
"AWASE!!!" Vlad and Class 1-B screamed.
"Why would I do that?!" Yui cried.
"Calm down. It's a different universe." said Luke.
Yui grabbed the device that could disable Mina's restraints and left, while Monoma saw Awase bleeding all over the ground and ran to his side.
We then see Yui going to the area where Reiko was. Her sniper rifle was there, but not her. Reiko then snuck up behind Yui with a knife and tried to stab it into Yui's neck, but Yui stopped the attack.
Yui said something in Mando'a, then threw Reiko to the ground.
It cut back to Kendo and Tetsutetsu fighting Izuku. Izuku threw Tetsutetsu to the ground, while Kendo scurried to her feet.
"You cannot hold me to the Jedi's rules." Izuku said to Kendo as he pointed his lightsaber blade at Tetsutetsu's face.
"Is that how you justify hundreds of deaths? Using Sith ways to cut innocent people down?" Kendo asked.
Izuku pointed the tip of his lightsaber at her.
"And what of the Jedi?" he questioned.
It cut to Yui pinning Reiko to the ground in a chokehold before cutting back to Kendo and Izuku.
"We use it for good." Kendo said.
It cut back to Yui and Reiko as the latter's neck was snapped by the mandalorian woman.
Class 1-B was horrified from seeing themselves fight and kill each other.
It cut back to Izuku pointing his blade at Kendo.
"Define good." Izuku said.
Kendo didn't answer and instead switched on one of the blades of her lightsaber.
It cut to Kaibara shooting at Rin, who was still hiding behind the log. Kaibara needed to reload and Rin took the opportunity to fire a charged shot of blaster energy at Kaibara that hit him in the back. Kaibara dropped to his hands and knees as blood leaked from his mouth.
"Why did you have to show us killing our friends?!" Rin cried at Luke.
"Because." was all Luke said.
Rin moved out of his hiding spot and said something in Mando'a. Kaibara pulled himself up to his feet by grabbing a tree.
"Where are the damn Jedi?!" Kaibara shouted.
It cut back to Kendo, Tetsutetsu, and Izuku. Kendo switched on the second blade of her lightsaber while Izuku spun his own lightsaber and pointed it at them.
"This is why the Jedi will never achieve peace." Izuku said as he and the Jedi circled each other, "You are a fool to listen to your masters. They tell you there is only one way... You must be prepared; for the next Sith you face may be your last."
Kendo swung her lightsaber at Izuku, but then she Force pushed Izuku and took his lightsaber out of his hand with the Force, then tossed it to Tetsutetsu. The two both got in fighting stances.
"So manly!" Tetsutetsu and Kirishima shouted.
"I am not Sith." Izuku said as he pulled out another lightsaber and switched it on, unleashing a purple blade.
Kendo and Tetsutetsu both charged at Izuku and engaged in lightsaber combat with him. During the fight, Izuku was able to knock Tetsutetsu to the ground. He was about to swing his purple lightsaber down on Tetsutetsu, but Tetsutetsu blocked the attack with Izuku's red lightsaber. Izuku was then able to knock the red lightsaber out of Tetsutetsu's hands, but then Tetsutetsu moved behind Izuku and grabbed him in a chokehold.
Kendo swung her lightsaber at Izuku, but despite being in a chokehold, he was still able to block Kendo's attacks. Izuku then managed to break free from Tetsutetsu's chokehold and threw him to the ground. Then he summoned his red lightsaber with the Force and approached Kendo. As he approached her, he sliced at Tetsutetsu's kneecaps with his red lightsaber.
Kendo attempted to stab Izuku with her lightsaber, but Izuku dodged the attack and hit Kendo in the stomach, causing her to collapse to the ground. Izuku switched off his red lightsaber.
"There is no power a Sith holds that a Jedi cannot choose to wield." Izuku said before extending his right arm towards the injured Tetsutetsu, "You must be strong enough to master the Force in its entirety."
He then fired a blast of Force lightning at Tetsutetsu.
"TETSUTETSU!!!" Vlad and Class 1-B screamed.
"NO!!!" Kendo screamed.
Izuku continued shooting lightning at Tetsutetsu, while Kendo switched on one of the blades of her lightsaber and tried to swing it at Izuku, but Izuku stopped shooting lightning and kicked the lightsaber out of Kendo's hand.
"I do what is necessary. Show me your mastery of the Force, Jedi." Izuku said to her.
He then resumed firing lightning at Tetsutetsu, this time with both hands.
Kendo clenched her fists in the dirt.
"SHOW ME!" shouted Izuku as he continued shooting lightning at Tetsutetsu.
Kendo then got on her knees... and fired Force lightning at Izuku with both hands while screaming.
Izuku stopped shooting lightning and blocked Kendo's lightning with his purple lightsaber and deflected it into the ground.
Kendo then stopped shooting lightning and dropped to the ground.
"Jesus, that was intense." said Kaminari.
Izuku switched off his lightsaber and picked up Kendo's lightsaber. He walked over to the weakened Kendo, crouched in front of her, and handed her lightsaber back.
"The Force does not control you, young one." Izuku said, "You saved your guardian using something you thought was abhorrent. But your motives are still aligned with the Jedi code."
Izuku stood back up, put his cape back on, and walked away. Kendo and Tetsutetsu looked at each other worriedly.
"Consider my words." Izuku said as he walked away.
It cut to Rin finding Kaibara sitting against a tree and bleeding out. Kaibara, with his last amount of strength, fired a blaster bolt at Rin, but Rin dodged it and shot Kaibara in the face.
Rin turned around and was about to look for Mina, but as soon as he turned around, Izuku was there and put his switched-off lightsaber against an opening in the plates of Rin's mandalorian armor.
"Where is she?" demanded Izuku.
Rin spoke something in Mando'a, but before he could finish his sentence, Izuku switched on his lightsaber and the purple blade went through Rin. He then switched the blade off and Rin dropped to his knees.
"*Mediocre.*" Izuku said in Mando'a as he walked away.
Rin collapsed to the ground and died.
We see Mina hiding behind a tree as she watched Monoma and Yui fight in hand-to-hand combat. Yui was kicking Monoma's ass.
Monoma pulled out a blaster pistol and tried to shoot Yui with it, but Yui knocked it out of his hand. Mina took the chance to run over to the pistol and grab it.
Yui then hit Monoma in the knee, making a cracking sound and causing Monoma to scream. Yui then threw Monoma to the ground and hit him in the face with her pistol before she noticed Mina with Monoma's pistol.
"Drop it!" Yui shouted as she pointed her gun at Mina, but Mina fired a stun blast at Yui, causing her to pass out.
Monoma tried to get up, but instead just rolled over and rested his head on the ground.
Suddenly, Tsuburaba appeared and hit Mina in the face with the end of his rifle. Monoma tried to get up, but Tsuburaba shot Monoma and killed him.
Tsuburaba then aimed his gun at Mina, but then Izuku came out of nowhere and decapitated him with his purple lightsaber.
"At least this fight is finally over now." Ochako said.
Izuku deactivated his lightsaber and walked over to Mina, then he used the Force to remove her restraints.
"Mina." Izuku said as he extended his hand out to her, "I need your help."
Mina took his hand and the screen cut to black.
"That's all for this Star Wars universe." said Luke.
"That was interesting, but I didn't like the fact that I nearly killed Tetsutetsu." said Izuku.
"Yeah, that's really not manly." Tetsutetsu said.
Thx for reading. I'm planing on showing more of the actual Knights of the Old Republic story in Deku-Verse 2. With Izuku as Revan, Ochako as Bastilla, Shigaraki as Malak, Bakugo as Carth, Mina as Mission, Sato as Canderous, etc.
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