The Mandalorian
"Now we're gonna be going to another version of the Star Wars universe, but instead it's the Mandalorian. Izuku is the Mandalorian, Eri is Grogu, Overhaul is Moff Gideon, and there's a few others" said Luke.
It began with an adult Izuku, fully clad in silver Mandalorian armor and a matching helmet, holding the Darksaber and a tiny, green, and pointy-eared Eri with no horn while bringing Overhaul to the brige of a Star Destroyer. Overhaul was in an Imperial Moff uniform and had a cape. Adult Kendo was also there in Mandalorian armor, but without a helmet. Adult Yui was also in Mandalorian armor but with no helmet. Both their sets of armor were white, gray, and blue. An adult and more muscular Momo was there in Rebel armor, and so was adult Toga in a bounty hunter outfit.
"Toga's a sort of good guy in this" said Luke.
"What happened?" Kendo asked.
"He brought him in alive, that's what happened" said Momo as she walked over to Izuku and Eri and put here hand on the child, "And now the New Republic's gonna have to double the payment."
"That's not what she's talking about" said Overhaul.
Izuku and Momo turned their heads to him, while Overhaul turned to Kendo.
"Why don't you kill him now and take it?" Overhaul said before Momo shoved him to the ground.
"It's yours now" Overhaul said to Izuku.
"What is?" Izuku asked.
"The Darksaber. It belongs to you" said Overhaul.
"Whoever wields the Darksaber rules Mandalore, the homeworld of the Mandalorians" said Luke.
"Cool! Midoriya owns a badass black lightsaber and a planet now!" said Kaminari.
Izuku switched off the Darksaber and walked over to Kendo.
"Now... it belongs to her" Izuku said as he tried to hand Kendo the weapon, but she just stared at him.
"She can't take it. It must be won in battle. In order for her to wield the Darksaber again, she would need to defeat you in combat" said Overhaul.
"I yield. It's yours" Izuku said to her, as all he cared about was having Eri back.
"Ohhhh, no" Overhaul said before chuckling, "It doesn't work that way."
He got up.
"The Darksaber doesn't have power. The story does. Without that blade, she's a pretender... to the throne" Overhaul said.
"He's right" said Kendo.
"Come on, just take it" Izuku said.
Kendo was silent for a few moments.
"Spoke too soon" Kaminari said.
Then a computer started beeping.
"Well, perhaps she'll get another crack at it" Overhaul said.
"The ray shields have been breached. We're being boarded" said Toga as she looked at a screen.
"How many life forms?" asked Kendo.
"None" answered Toga.
It then showed a bunch of dark troopers landing in the ship as dubstep music played.
"Those droids have pretty good music, I'll give them that" said Jiro.
"You're about to face off with the dark troopers" said Overhaul before turning to Izuku.
"You had your hands full with one. Let's see how you do against a platoon" he said to the Mandalorian.
It showed more dark troopers boarding the ship and making their way to the bridge.
"They're headed this way" said Kendo.
Momo shoved Overhaul back down to the floor, but he made sure to hide a blaster pistol under his cape.
The dark troopers continued making their way to the bridge while Izuku put Eri down behind a computer console.
"Don't worry, kid. I'm gonna get you out of here" Izuku said before going to help the others.
The dark troopers were approaching the bridge.
"Seal the blast doors!" said Toga.
Yui slammed her fist on a button and the blast doors closed, just as the dark troopers were about to reach them.
"They're here" said Yui.
The dark troopers stood outside the room, stopped, and remained perfectly still.
Toga armed herself with a large blaster rifle, Kendo and Yui put their helmets on, and the others armed themselves as well.
The two dark troopers were in the front of the long line of droids holstered their blasters, then they remained perfectly still as a small humming sound was heard from them.
"Uh, oh" said Ochako.
The two droids began punching the blast doors slowly, but strongly.
Izuku and his allies aimed their guns at the door while the pounding of the metal was heard from outside.
"You have an impressive fire team protecting you" said Overhaul.
It cut to the droids punching the door before cutting back to them.
"But I think we all know, after a valiant stand, everyone in this room will be dead..." said Overhaul.
It cut to the droids punching again before cutting back to Overhaul again.
"but me..." Overhaul said.
It once again cut to the droids punching before cutting back to them.
"and the Child" said Overhaul.
The droids continued punching the door and extremely damaging it. They almost got it open and it seemed like all was lost, but then... the computer started beeping again.
"More dark troopers?" Bakugo asked.
"Nope" said Luke while smiling.
They looked out the bridge window and saw an X-Wing flying into one of the hangars.
"An X-Wing" said Yui as she ran over to the console.
"One X-Wing? Great. We're saved" said Momo sarcastically.
"Incoming craft, identify yourself" said Yui into the computer, but there was no response.
Eri then started to sense a familiar presence and made cooing noises.
The dark troopers stopped punching the doors and took their blasters back out. The confidence on Overhaul's face started to drain.
Epic music slowly began playing.
"Why did they stop?" asked Toga.
Kendo looked at the security monitor and it showed on the screen the dark troopers in the hallway getting in battle formation and a man in a black hooded cloak walking down the hallway. It then showed the man destroying multiple dark troopers with a lightsaber.
"A Jedi?" said Kendo.
Izuku turned to look at the screen while Overhaul started to become more worried.
"Is that who I think it is?" Izuku asked.
"You'll see" said Luke while smirking.
It showed the Jedi completely trashing the dark troopers with his lightsaber as he made his way to the bridge. He slashed through them and crushed them with the Force. Eri stood up.
Overhaul grabbed the blaster he was hiding, quickly got up, and shot at Kendo, luckily her armor protected her.
He was then about to shoot Eri, but Izuku jumped in the way and the blaster shots hit him instead.
"Drop it!" ordered Toga as she aimed her rifle at Overhaul.
Overhaul instead tried to shoot himself with the blaster, but Momo knocked it out of his hands with the butt of her rifle, then knocked Overhaul out with it.
It then cut back to the Jedi massacring the droids. Eri watched from the security console and put her hand on the screen. Izuku watched the footage as well.
The Jedi then entered an elevator that lead to the bridge floor. The dark troopers that were outside the bridge turned around, walked over to the elevator, and aimed their guns at it.
The elevator dinged, then the Jedi came out and annihilated the dark troopers with both his lightsaber and Force powers. He finished the final droid off by completing crushing it with the Force.
He then stood outside the bridge, waiting for someone to open the doors.
Eri looked at the screen, then turned to Izuku. He realized what needed to happen and picked Eri up.
"Open the doors" he said as he carried Eri over to a console.
"I said, open the doors" Izuku said.
"Are you crazy?" Toga said.
Izuku set Eri down in a chair, then pressed the button to open the blast doors.
The doors opened up, and the Jedi entered the room. He shut off his lightsaber, belted it, then removed his hood, revealing himself to be none other than...
"LUKE SKYWALKER!!!" said everyone in excitement.
"Too bad Johnson ruined his character" said Luke.
Eri peaked behind the chair to see Luke.
"Are you a Jedi?" Izuku asked.
"He literally just destroyed a bunch of droids with a lightsaber and the Force. How could Midoriya not know he's a Jedi?" Sero said.
"I am" said Luke before turning his attention to Eri.
"Come, little one" he said.
Eri turned her head to Izuku.
"She doesn't want to go with you" said Izuku.
"She wants your permission. She is strong with the Force, but talent without training is nothing. I will give my life to protect the Child, but she will not be safe until she masters her abilities" Luke said.
Izuku picked Eri up and brought her over to Luke.
"Oh, no" whispered Ochako.
"Hey, go on. That's who you belong with. He's one of your kind" Izuku said.
"He's really giving her up" said Iida.
"I'll see you again. I promise" said Izuku.
Eri put her hand on Izuku's helmet, and then emotional music began playing.
Izuku removed his helmet, and Eri put her tiny, green hand on his face.
People began to cry.
"Alright, pal. It's time to go" Izuku said.
Eri made sad noises.
"Don't be afraid" Izuku said before setting her down on the floor, but then Eri hugged Izuku's leg and looked up at him.
There was then a familiar beeping noise, and R2-D2 rolled into the room.
Eri turned around to see the droid. She cooed at him, and he beeped at her.
Luke nodded at Izuku, who nodded back to him.
Eri then lifted her arms up to be held by Luke. Luke picked her up then turned his attention to Izuku.
"May the Force be with you" Luke said to him.
Luke and R2 then walked back to the elevator with Eri while the emotional music began to grow louder.
Eri looked back at her father, who had tears forming in his eyes. They entered the elevator, and Izuku nodded goodbye to her.
The door closed and the screen went black.
Many people were still crying, even Bakugo and some of the villains were.
"Bakugo, are you crying?" Kirishima asked.
"No... yes" Bakugo said in tears.
"It's ok. We all are" said Kaminari.
Eri and Izuku hugged each other tight.
"Did they ever see each other again?" Ochako asked as she wiped her tears away.
"They did, and way too soon. See, Boba Fett, who's Twice, or at least a clone of him, in this universe and in this show, got his own spin off show after this, but Izuku and Eri were in the last episodes and pretty much took over the show. They were reunited then and the plot of the last two seasons of Izuku's show where he was trying to get Eri to a Jedi were undone in two episodes of a different show, instead of waiting for Mandalorian season three. Because of this, I'm not sure if I'm gonna watch any future seasons of The Mandalorian in my universe. I probably will, but part of me really doesn't want to" said Luke.
Thx for reading.
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