Sword Art Online Pt. 3
"Alrighty. Next up we're gonna be wrapping up the Sword Art Online universe. I'm gonna be skipping a few clips here and there because I want to get this all over with." said Luke.
It began with Izuku and Ochako meeting with Commander Heathecliff at the Knights of the Blood Oath HQ. Izuku was also back in his black outfit.
"I understand the situation. Now, I just have to explain it to the rest of the guild." said Heathecliff.
"Also, we'd like a temporary leave of absence from the guild." said Ochako.
"Really? Why?" Heathecliff asked.
"We have concerns with the current state of the guild. And we need time to think." Ochako answered.
Heathecliff contemplated this for a moment.
"Very well." he said.
Izuku and Ochako looked at each other and smiled.
"Although..." Heathecliff said.
They looked back at him.
"I'm positive you won't stay away from the battlefield for long?" said Heathecliff.
It cut to a beautiful countryside forest in the game as we then see a nice cabin there. Izuku and Ochako were inside the cabin wearing casual clothes, and Ochako ran out onto the balcony giggling.
"Oh, wow! This view is amazing!" Ochako said as she gazed out over the nearby lake.
Izuku stepped out onto the balcony next to her.
"It is pretty awesome. But don't fall off the balcony, that would really suck." Izuku said.
The two looked at each other and the audience noticed Izuku was wearing a wedding ring.
"We bought the best house." said Ochako.
"Aaaaand now we're totally broke." Izuku said.
Ochako giggled.
"It's worth it, though. Cuz we can live in peace here." she said as she placed her hand over Izuku's, and we see that she was also wearing a wedding ring.
Izuku didn't respond and instead gazed out over the land.
"Deku? What's wrong?" Ochako asked.
"Well... I was thinking... does our relationship only exist in this world?" Izuku asked.
"I can't believe you'd say that." Ochako said in annoyance.
Izuku took a step back.
"I don't give a damn if this is a virtual world. My feelings for you are real." Ochako said.
She cupped Izuku's face with both hands.
"If I learned anything in the last two years, it's this: to keep doing the best we can 'til the very end." she said.
Izuku gazed into her eyes.
"And if we make it back to the real world, I promise I'm going to find you again no matter what... and fall in love with you again." she said.
"So wholesome." Mina said.
The two of them kissed and the intro played again, then the title card showed: 'The Girl of Morning Dew'.
It showed the inside of Izuku's and Ochako's house in the morning. Izuku slept, while Ochako watched him and smiled.
'Usually he's brash and impulsive, but he can be so naive, too. Almost like a little kid.' she said in her head.
Ochako then realized something.
'Oh, my god! Is he younger than me?!' she said in her head.
She had a shocked look on her face, but then she smiled and cupped his face with one hand.
"Deku..." she said before laying on top of her husband and holding him close, "... I love you. Let's stay together forever."
Izuku woke up and looked into her eyes. This surprised Ochako and she backed off from him.
Izuku sat up in the bed.
"Good morning, Deku." said Ochako.
"Good morning." said Izuku.
"Did you... hear what I said?" she asked with a slight blush on her face.
"No. I didn't hear a thing. What did you say?" asked Izuku tiredly.
"Nothing! Not a thing! Anyway, you wanna go have some fun today?!" she asked, trying to change the subject.
Izuku looked at a wall that had pictures of him and Ochako on it.
"Yeah. You know, didn't we have fun yesterday? And the day before, too?" he said before stretching his arms and yawning.
"So... you're saying you don't want to go have fun today?" Ochako asked with an annoyed look.
Izuku then had an idea.
"Wait. I know a place we can go. Come on." Izuku said with a mischievous grin.
It cut to them walking through the forest while holding hands.
"Are we gonna see any action or is this just gonna be a bunch of romantic crap?" Bakugo asked in annoyance.
"You're one to talk. I know you read romance novels." said Luke.
"He does?!" said Mina.
"It's true. He's shown me some of them." said Camie.
"You will not believe how many romance books he has in his room." said Mitsuki.
Bakugo blushed while the others had to try not to laugh.
Ochako giggled.
"Where are we going?" she asked.
"You're just gonna have to wait until we get there to find out." said Izuku.
"Hmm..." Ochako said as she had an idea, "Hey! Carry me on your shoulders!"
"Seriously?" Izuku said.
"Oh, please! It's no fun seeing the world from the same height all the time! Besides, with your strength parameter you won't break a sweat." Ochako said.
"Yeah, I mean, I guess. But... aren't you a little old for that, though?" Izuku said.
"It doesn't matter how old I am. Come on, it's not like anyone's gonna see us." Ochako said.
"Ok." Izuku sighed as he crouched down, "Get on."
Ochako lifted her skirt up slightly.
"If you turn around I'm gonna slap you." she said.
"Just a heads up. Izuku and Ochako are both teenagers in this, and yet they still have had sex. I'm aware of this, but I started watching both Sword Art Online and My Hero Academia when I myself was a teenager, so the inappropriate stuff didn't bother me at the time. Today, I still like both series, I just don't like the inappropriate things anymore. I'm only keeping the inappropriate stuff the same in this because I want the universe to match as much as possible with the actual show in my world; with the exception of swapping out characters." said Luke, "This speech has been brought to you by Luke 'The Man' Hansen of the 'Don't Sexualize Minors Organization' also known as DSMO."
"That's a thing?" Kirishima asked.
"It is now. I just came up with it." said Luke.
"Are you gonna hop on already or what?" Izuku said.
Ochako sat on Izuku's shoulders and patted his head.
"Giddy up!" she said.
Izuku stood up with Ochako on top of him and she looked on in astonishment.
"This is so cool! You can already see the lake from here!" she said.
"No, you can see the lake. I-"
"Ok. If you want, you can ride on my shoulders later." said Ochako, "Let's get a move on, horsie! We're heading North Northeast!"
"Ok." said Izuku as they headed on their way.
Ochako giggled as they headed down the path. She reached into a tree and pulled out a branch that had berries and a lady bug on it. The lady bug flew away.
"It almost flew up my nose!" Ochako giggled.
Some nearby people fishing noticed the couple and smiled.
"We got people staring at us now." said Izuku.
Ochako once again giggled.
"Our own audience." she said.
The fishermen waved to the couple, and Ochako waved back to them, but Izuku didn't.
"Come on. Wave back or he'll think you're rude." Ochako said.
"Nope. Not gonna happen." said Izuku.
Ochako smiled.
"Do you want me to get off you now?" she asked.
"Mm-mm. You're fine right where you are." said Izuku before running off with Ochako still on him.
It cut to them now deeper in the woods with Ochako still on Izuku's shoulders.
"I heard this weird rumor in the village yesterday." said Izuku, "About how if you go deep enough into the forest, you'll see... them."
Ochako looked confused.
"Huh? See who?" she asked.
"Ghosts." Izuku said as he stopped walking.
"Y-You mean, like, those in-game astral-type monsters, right?" Ochako said, slightly nervous.
"No, not those. Real ghosts." said Izuku.
Ochako gave a nervous smile.
"They say that the tortured souls of the monsters hunted here... come back to wander the forest at night." said Izuku.
"Finally. Some spooky stuff." said Reiko.
Ochako heard a noise and turned her head in the direction of the noise as she started to become more scared.
"We're almost there." Izuku said.
"The... place the rumor mentions?" Ochako asked.
"About a week ago, a carpenter hiked into the forest to get some wood for a project. He stayed so long that before he knew it, it was night. As he walked alone, he caught a glimpse of something white standing by a tree." said Izuku as it showed a flashback of that.
Ochako was starting to become really scared. But then, she saw a small person in white walking nearby.
"Was it a monster? Or something else? The white figure slowly walked towards some trees..." said Izuku.
"Hey, look!" Ochako said as she pointed at the figure in white.
"I wanna get down! I wanna get down!" she shouted as she fell off Izuku's shoulders.
"What's wrong with you?" Izuku asked.
Ochako peaked at the person in white from behind Izuku and used one of her gaming abilities to use her sight to zoom in on the person, and we see that it's a child with white hair and in a white dress.
"It's... It's over there..." Ochako whispered as she pointed at the child.
"What are you talking about?" Izuku asked before he noticed the child nearby.
"You gotta be kidding me..." he whispered in shock.
The child turned towards them and Ochako ducked behind Izuku. But then... the child collapsed to the ground.
"Hold on." Izuku said before running towards the child, "That's not a ghost!"
"Wait, D-Deku!" Ochako called out after him, "Oh, geez!" she said as she rushed after him.
"Who wants to bet it's not a ghost?" Kaminari asked.
She found Izuku holding the unconscious child in his arms. And the child... was Eri, minus the horn.
"Yay! More me!" Eri said.
"It's... another player..." Ochako said.
"Yeah. But there's something really strange about her..." Izuku said.
"What do you mean?" Ochako asked.
"She doesn't have a cursor." Izuku said.
It showed Ochako's point of view as we see Izuku has a health bar, but Eri didn't.
"Maybe it's some kind of bug?" Ochako said.
"Yeah, maybe it is." Izuku said.
They looked at the child.
"What's a little girl like this... doing playing SAO?" Ochako said.
"What kind of person would let their child play a game like this?" Momo said.
"I guess we'll find out when she wakes up. But we can't just leave her out here until she does. Let's take her home with us." said Ochako.
"Yeah. Ok." Izuku said before lifting Eri into his arms.
It cut back to their house where the sun was setting. Eri slept in the bed next to Izuku and Ochako's, while the two of them sat on the edge of their own bed and watched Eri sleep.
"Well, one thing's for sure: she's not an NPC. We didn't have any trouble moving her here." said Izuku.
"Yeah, that's true. She can't be that. If she were, she would've given off a warning when you picked her up, like other NPCs." Ochako replied.
"You're right. And she's definitely not a quest-giver, either. Our quest log would've been updated as soon as we interacted with her. She has to be a player. She's probably been out there for a while. Wandering around. Lost. That's the most likely scenario." said Izuku.
"Yeah, but... what was she doing out there?" Ochako said.
"Your guess is as good as mine. But she has to have a parent or guardian out there, right?" said Izuku.
"Mm-hm. She had to have logged in with someone from her family. I just hope they're safe." said Ochako.
Ochako turned her head to Izuku.
"Hey, do you think... she'll wake up?" she asked.
"Yeah. If her body hasn't disappeared, that means signals are still being transmitted to and from her nerve gear." said Izuku as Ochako rested her head on his shoulder, "She's in some kind of sleep mode. I'm sure she'll wake up soon. And the sooner, the better." said Izuku.
"Yeah." said Ochako.
It cut to later that night. Izuku and Ochako were in the bed next to Eri's, who was still asleep. Izuku was also asleep, but Ochako was still awake.
"Hey, Deku?" Ochako said quietly.
She received no response and realized Izuku was asleep. She got out of her bed, and sat on the edge of Eri's. She placed her hand on the side of the child's head.
"I wonder... Did she log into SAO by herself, or with her family? Or has she been alone here? All this time?" Ochako whispered to herself.
The audience could only imagine what could've happened with this version of Eri.
She then got under the blankets and cuddled next to Eri.
"Sleep well. Please hurry and wake up soon." Ochako whispered to the child.
Ochako went to sleep next to Eri, who smiled slightly in her sleep.
It cut to morning. Ochako woke up and turned to face Eri. When she did, she saw the child was wide awake and staring directly at her with big, wide, innocent eyes.
Ochako gasped and sat up.
"D-Deku! Wake up!" she said.
Izuku sat up in the bed next to theirs.
"Good morning. Something wrong?" he mumbled as he rubbed his eye.
"Hurry. Get over here." Ochako said.
Izuku got out of bed and went over to the one next to his and saw the now awake Eri.
"You woke up. Thank goodness." Ochako said to Eri as she helped the child sit up, "Do you remember what happened to you?"
"Mm-mm." Eri said as she shook her head.
"Ok. How about... your name?" asked Ochako.
"My... My name is... I think my name is... I think... E- Eri." she said quietly before turning her head to Izuku and Ochako, "That's it. Eri."
"Has she really been alone so long that she forgot her own name?" Izuku said in worry.
"That's a cute name. Nice to meet you. My name's Ochako, and this is Deku." said Ochako.
"Ochko? Eku?" Eri said in an attempt to say their names.
"Try to remember. What were you doing in the forest? And do you know where your mom and dad are now?" Ochako said.
"I... I don't know. I... I can't remember anything." said Eri.
"Oh, no." Ochako whispered.
"Well, you're awake." said Izuku before sitting on the edge of Eri's bed, "Can I call you Eri?"
"Mm-hm." Eri nodded.
"Ok. Then you can call me Deku. Can you say Deku?" asked Izuku.
"E-ku?" Eri said.
"It's Deku. De-ku." said Izuku.
"How can she not say his name? It's only two syllables. Also what's the Dora the Explorer bullshit?" Bakugo said in annoyance.
"Eku." Eri once again said.
Izuku patted the child on the head.
"That's ok. Maybe it's a little hard. How 'bout you call me whatever's easier for you." Izuku said.
Eri thought about this for a moment, then she came up with a name to call him.
"Daddy." she said.
"M-Me?" he said as he pointed a finger to himself.
Eri then turned her head to Ochako.
"Ochko is... Mommy." she said.
Ochako was about to say something, but Eri looked like she was about to cry. Ochako couldn't help but smile.
"Ok, I'm Mommy. That works." Ochako said.
Eri made a bright smile.
"Mommy! Mommy! Daddy!" Eri said as she hugged her mother.
Ochako giggled, stood up on the bed, and lifted Eri up.
"You must be hungry. How about breakfast?" Ochako said.
"Ok!" Eri said.
It cut to Izuku and Eri sitting on a couch in the living room while Izuku ate a sandwich.
"Here you go, Eri. This one's yours." said Ochako as she walked over to Izuku and Eri and placed a slice of pie down on the table in front of Eri, then sat down on the couch across from them.
Eri seemed more interested in the sandwich Izuku was eating though.
"Oh. I don't know, Eri. This one's super spicy." said Izuku.
Eri thought about this for a moment, then reached her arms out towards her father.
"I want the same one that daddy has!" she said.
"Ok. If you think you're ready for it I won't stop ya." said Izuku with a grin as he grabbed a spicy sandwich for Eri to eat, "You only live once, right?"
Ochako was concerned, but then Eri took a bite of the sandwich and after a few moments of chewing swallowed it.
"I like it." she said.
"Wow, you've got an iron stomach. We can do a full course of extra spicy food tonight if you want!" said Izuku.
"Mm-hm!" Eri nodded.
"Ok, let's not get carried away. I'm not cooking anything nuclear." said Ochako.
Izuku and Eri turned to each other.
"You heard the lady." he said.
"You heard the lady?" Eri copied.
Izuku and Eri giggled while Ochako smiled.
"Very wholesome." said Tsu.
It cut to later that day as Eri finished her food and was now asleep in a chair.
"So... what do you think?" Ochako asked Izuku.
"I don't know. She's a blank slate. No memories. It's really weird." said Izuku.
"Yeah, I know. It's like she's a baby again. I just... I don't..." Ochako started to cry a bit, then wiped the tears away, "I'm sorry. I don't know what to do."
"I get it. You wanna take care of her. At least... until she gets her memory back." said Izuku.
"Yeah, but..." Ochako said.
"But it's a catch 22. We have to get back and clear the game. Otherwise it'll take that much longer for Eri to be free of it." said Izuku.
"I know." said Ochako.
It briefly showed Heathecliff for a moment before cutting back to Izuku and Ochako.
"For now, we'll do what we can." Izuku said before looking over at Eri, "Judging by the gear she's got in her storage, she hasn't been out in the field much."
He turned his head back to his wife.
"We'll check the Town of Beginnings. Maybe there we can find out if she's got family." Izuku said.
Ochako looked down and clenched her fists a bit.
"Ok." she said.
"Look. I don't want to say goodbye to her, either." Izuku said as he placed his hand on Ochako's.
Ochako looked back up at him and tears began to well up in her eyes a bit.
"You really don't?" she said.
Izuku smiled.
"I don't know what it is. I mean, we just met her and all. But having her here, it's made our little cabin feel like a real home. Don't you think so?" he said.
Ochako smiled.
"Mm-hm." she said.
"This doesn't mean we'll never see her again. But look, if she's got a family out there they're probably worried about her already." said Izuku.
Ochako stood up.
"Ok. When she wakes up we'll go to the Town of Beginnings." she said.
"That place is army territory. It might be a good idea if we go in fully equipped, ready for anything." said Izuku.
Ochako crossed her arms.
"Yeah. We better be careful." said Ochako.
"Mommy... Daddy." Eri whispered in her sleep while smiling.
Izuku and Ochako couldn't help but smile.
"Now we're gonna skip some scenes because I really need to get this universe over with. Izuku, Ochako, and Eri went to a place where children who are trapped in the game without their parents live, to see if they could find Eri's family; but they were then approached by Momo who needed help rescuing Todoroki from a dungeon. Izuku and Ochako were gonna temporarily leave Eri at the orphanage while they went to rescue Todoroki, but Eri was super clingy to her parents, so they had no choice but to bring her with them." explained Luke.
It cut to them in a dungeon underneath the Town of Beginnings. Eri was sitting on Izuku's shoulders as she hummed a tune.
"I never knew this dungeon was under the Town of Beginnings." said Ochako as they walked through the dungeon.
"I know. There wasn't anything like this during the beta-test." said Izuku.
"I think the dungeon opens up to reveal more as the floors above are cleared. I bet Kibaou was planning on keeping this place all to himself." said Momo.
"Exclusive access to spawns can be profitable." said Izuku.
"The things is... the monsters here are usually around level 60. They wouldn't be able to do much harm to anyone." said Momo.
It cut to them standing at the top of a dark stairway.
"This is the entrance." said Momo.
Eri looked excited.
"Don't worry. I'm not afraid." Eri said.
Momo had a worried look on her face.
"Don't worry, it's ok." Ochako told Momo, "Believe it or not, she's a heck of a lot tougher than she looks."
"Mm-hm. She'll make a fine swordswoman someday." said Izuku.
The family of three giggled.
"We should get going." said Momo.
They walked down the stairs and encountered a large amount of frog creatures with four eyes that lit up bright red. Luckily, Izuku quickly made short work of them, while Ochako, Eri, and Momo watched. Eri was super excited, seeing her father kill the frogs.
"I feel like I should apologize. He's doing all the fighting." said Momo.
"Oh, no. He's happy out there. Really. He loves getting his battle on." said Ochako.
Momo brought up a mini map showing Todoroki's location.
"We're pretty far down. Are we almost there?" Ochako asked.
"Todoroki hasn't moved from this position for a while now. It could be a safe zone, but I'm not sure." said Momo as Ochako and Eri also looked at the map, "If we can reach it, maybe we can use teleport crystals."
As for Izuku, he just finished wiping out the frog creatures.
"Woo! Man, I fought my butt off!" said Izuku.
"I should've helped you." said Momo apologetically.
"No, not at all. I had a blast. Besides, they dropped some items." said Izuku.
"Really? You get anything good?" Ochako asked.
"Uh-huh." said Izuku as he opened his menu, then pulled out a piece of frog meat.
Ochako yelped.
"W- What is that?!" she said.
"It's scavenged toad meet." said Izuku.
"You mean those frogs?!" Ochako said in disgust.
"Ribbit?!" Tsu said in horror.
"Hey, the weirder the meat, the better the taste. Maybe you can cook it up later." said Izuku as he held the meat in front of Ochako.
"NOT ON YOUR LIFE!" Ochako shouted as she snatched the meat out of Izuku's hand and threw it.
"What the hell?!" Izuku said, "Oh, come on, what'd you do that for?!"
"Hmph!" Ochako said.
"Damnit! Oh, fine!" Izuku said as he pulled up his menu and took out more frog meat, "What am I gonna do with these?!"
Tsu was feeling very sick from seeing the body parts of so many dead frogs. Ochako patted her shoulder to comfort her.
Ochako continued to throw the meat away, while Momo couldn't help but chuckle.
"You smiled!" Eri said.
Izuku and Ochako stopped fighting and they, as well as Momo, turned their attention to Eri.
"I've never ever seen you smile before!" Eri said to Momo.
Momo couldn't help but smile at the child, and Eri smiled back and giggled.
Ochako smiled and took her daughter's hand.
"Come on. Let's go." Ochako said.
It cut to them in a deeper level of the dungeon. Eri was sleep and on Ochako's back. They saw a bright room up ahead.
"Look! It's the safe zone." said Ochako.
Eri started to wake up, and Izuku activated some kind of radar in his eyes.
"There's a player inside." said Izuku.
"It's Todoroki!" said Momo as she started running towards the room.
"Wait! Don't!" said Izuku.
The family followed after Momo and they saw something standing in the doorway of the room.
"Momo!" Todoroki called out from the room.
"Todoroki!" cried Momo.
"No, stay away! The corridor's rigged!" Todoroki shouted.
Izuku then saw something in his HUD. The words: 'The Fatal Scythe'.
"Stop! Wait, Momo! Come back!" Ochako shouted, but Momo didn't listen.
Just then, a giant scythe was about to swing down on Momo, but Izuku moved her out of the way at the last second. A giant monster boss then appeared that was hiding in the darkness up in the ceiling.
Izuku went to fight the beast, while Ochako brought Eri over to Momo.
"Momo, take her to the safe zone and wait for us there, ok?" Ochako said.
"O-Ok." said Momo.
Eri turned to Ochako.
"Mommy..." she said, but then Momo put her hands on the girls shoulders.
"Come on." Momo said as she brought Eri to the room Todoroki was in.
Ochako pulled out her rapier and went to help Izuku, but then they saw that the boss was a giant creature with a skull for a face, a black hooded cloak, and a giant scythe.
"Oh, shit. It's the Grim Reaper." said Kaminari.
"Ochako, use the teleport crystal and get Eri and the others out of here now." said Izuku.
The boss lifted its scythe in the air.
"I can't see its data with my ID skill. It could be as strong as something from floor 90." said Izuku, "I can buy you time. Just get everyone out of here."
"No way am I leaving you here!" said Ochako.
"I'll catch up! Move it!" said Izuku.
Ochako turned her head to see Eri, Momo, and Todoroki standing in the safe zone room.
"Mommy..." Eri said in worry.
Ochako smiled.
"Take care of Eri! Run while you still have a chance!" she said to Momo and Todoroki.
"Ochako!" Izuku said.
"No! We can't leave y-" Momo said.
"Hurry!" Ochako interrupted.
Momo and Todoroki both pulled out teleport crystals, then nodded to Ochako, who nodded back at them before going to help Izuku.
The boss swung its scythe at the two, but Izuku and Ochako blocked the attack with their swords, only to be launched back.
Ochako noticed both her and Izuku's health was significantly drained from the attack. Izuku tried to get up, but couldn't.
"Deku!" Ochako cried.
"Eri, no!" Momo's voice was heard saying.
"Come back!" Todoroki's voice was also heard saying.
Ochako turned her head and saw Eri leaving the safe zone and standing in front of the boss.
"Eri... no..." Izuku said.
Ochako squeezed the Eri from their universe tightly.
Izuku and Ochako both looked in horror as they saw Eri about to fight the boss.
"What are you doing?! Get away from it?!" Izuku shouted.
"Eri!" Ochako shouted.
The boss was about to swing its scythe at Eri.
"Daddy, Mommy, it's ok." Eri said.
The boss swung its scythe.
"ERI!!!" Ochako screamed.
"ERI!!!" everyone screamed.
But the scythe couldn't hit her. There was an invisible force field around her that shielded her from the scythe attack, which then blasted the boss back.
Ochako and Izuku looked in shock as they then saw on there HUDs that Eri was an 'Immortal Object'.
"Immortal Object?" Ochako said in shock.
"What the hell is going on?!" said Bakugo.
Eri then began floating in the air and she summoned a giant fire sword and was then back in her original white dress.
Eri swung her sword at the boss, who blocked her attack with it's scythe. But then her sword cut through the scythe and surrounded the boss in a ball of fire and the boss was destroyed.
Eri then levitated back onto the ground and Izuku and Ochako got back up.
"E-Eri?" Ochako said.
"Eri." Izuku said.
"Daddy, Mommy." Eri said as she turned to face her parents with a sad smile, "Don't worry. I remember everything."
It cut to Izuku, Ochako, and Eri in the safe zone after Momo and Todoroki left. Eri sat on a black slab while her parents stood in front of her. Eri was completely silent and looking at the floor.
"Eri... say something. You remember who you are?" Ochako asked.
"Yes." Eri said as she looked up at her parents, "Deku. Ochako."
Izuku and Ochako were shocked that she called them something other than 'Mommy' and 'Daddy'.
"Everything in the world of Sword Art Online is controlled by a single massive system. The system is called 'Cardinal'. It was designed to operate entirely on its own without any human intervention. Its function is to regulate the balance of SAO according to its own discretion. From monsters and NPC AI, to drop rates for items and money, everything here is controlled by the processes the Cardinal program executes. That includes the psychological care of players." Eri explained, "Mental health counseling program. Prototype 1. Codename: Eri. That is who I am."
Izuku and Ochako were beyond shocked at this revelation.
"You're a program? An AI?" Ochako said as she tried not to cry.
"Oh, my god..." said Aizawa.
Eri looked back at the floor.
"I was designed to put players at ease with me. That's why I was given the ability to emulate complex emotions. Nothing about me is real... Nothing. Not even my tears." Eri said as a tear ran down her cheek.
"Don't say that, Eri! You are real!" said Kirishima.
"I'm so sorry, Ochako." Eri said.
"Oh, Eri..." Ochako said as she reached her hand out to comfort the child, but Eri flinched, meaning that she didn't want to be touched.
"But then... what about your amnesia? Can that even happen to an AI?" Ochako asked.
"Two years ago, on the day of the official launch, and for reasons I never understood, the Cardinal program banned me from interacting with any of the players." said Eri as it showed a flash back of her looking at a bunch of holographic screens with SAO players on them, "I wasn't allowed to assist them. I couldn't do anything except continue monitoring their mental states. Their situation, in a word, was horrible." said Eri.
Eri in the flashback then saw something horrifying.
"NO, DON'T!" she shouted as she watched a player on one screen kill themself.
"Terror, despair, rage. People overcome by negative feelings. Some of them couldn't take it; they went insane." Eri in the present said as it showed Eri in the flashback looking at once screen that showed Mei Hatsume having a panic attack.
"Under normal situations, my function would've been to go to such players immediately. But I wasn't permitted any contact with them. Little by little, errors began piling up inside of me and I fell apart." Eri said as it showed Eri in the flashback looking emotionless.
It then began showing something better.
"Then one day, I saw two players. Their mental parameters were vastly different from anything I'd seen among the others." Eri said as it showed Eri in the flashback seeing Izuku and Ochako on a screen, "There was joy... and peace. And there was something more."
It cut out of the flashback and back to Eri, Izuku, and Ochako in the safe zone.
"I wandered through the plain field, hoping to get as close to you as I could, without being detected." said Eri.
"So... that's why you were in the forest." said Ochako.
"Yes. That's why. I've wanted to meet the two of you for the longest time. That's strange, isn't it? It should be impossible for me to think things like that. I'm not human, I'm a program after all." Eri said as more and more artificial tears ran down her cheeks.
"Eri... maybe what you're feeling are real human emotions." Ochako said.
Eri shook her head.
"I don't know. I'm confused. Nothing makes sense. I don't know what's happening to me." Eri said.
Izuku got closer to Eri.
"You aren't just some program anymore. The system can't control you." said Izuku, "Listen, if you want something, all you have to do is say it. Go ahead, tell us what you want."
"What I want... I want... I want to stay with you forever! Daddy! Mommy!" Eri cried as she extended her arms out to her parents.
Ochako began crying as well. And ran over to her daughter and they hugged each other.
"You will. We'll be together forever, Eri." Ochako as Izuku joined in the group hug.
"Yeah. Remember, you're our child." said Izuku.
Eri had a sad look on her face.
"It's too late." Eri said.
"For what?" Izuku asked.
"Look. This is actually a console the GM can use to gain emergency access to the system." Eri said as she put her hand down on the slab she was sitting on and blue tech lines and a keyboard lit up on it.
"I used it to delete the monster in the corridor. And now because I disobeyed the Cardinal's directive. The system is running a check on my program. It thinks I'm a foreign object now... I'll probably be deleted at once." said Eri.
Izuku and Ochako let go of their daughter and looked at her in horror.
"Oh, no..." Ochako said.
"There's gotta be a way around it!" said Izuku.
Eri looked at her parents and smiled.
"Daddy, Mommy, thank you." Eri said, "This is goodbye."
Ochako began crying even more.
"No! I don't want that!" she cried as she latched on to Eri, "Stay with us! Please stay! We just started living like a real family!"
The audience began crying.
"Please don't go, Eri!" Ochako cried as she clung on to Eri tightly.
"It's ok, Mommy. I'm right here." Eri said.
Eri began glowing.
"Eri, don't go!" Izuku said as he put his hands on Eri's left hand.
"Whenever the two of you are around you have a way of making people smile. From now on, and for me, please continue my work. Keep helping people. Share your happiness with all of them." said Eri.
"I can't! I won't! You have to stay with us! I can't be happy without you!" Ochako cried.
Eri wiped one of Ochako's tears away and put her hand on her mother's cheek.
"Smile, Mommy." Eri said before her last tear landing on the console.
And like that, Eri was gone. All that remained were yellow floating particles.
The audience was horrified by this scene.
Ochako collapsed to her knees and began crying hysterically.
Izuku on the other hand, wasn't ready to give up on his daughter.
"CARDINAL! No... SHIELD!" Izuku shouted.
"Forgot to mention. David Shield is the creator of SAO and the one who trapped them in the game." said Luke.
"I what?!" said David Shield.
Izuku began using the console.
"You're gonna find out things don't always go the way you want 'em to!" he said.
"Deku... What are you-"
"If I'm fast enough, I might be able to use the GMs account to access the system." Izuku said.
A large holographic screen with a bunch of colorful coding on it appeared and so did a loading bar. The screen then disappeared and Izuku was blasted back.
"Deku!" Ochako said before going to check on him, "Are you ok?"
Izuku then put something in Ochako's hand. Ochako looked at it and saw that it was a small tear-shaped crystal.
"What's this?" she asked.
"The system was about to reject Eri's admin credentials. The only thing I could do was take her program and turn it into a game object." said Izuku.
"So... this is..." Ochako said as she tried to find the words.
"You're holding Eri's heart." said Izuku with a smile.
Ochako began crying even more, this time they weren't sad tears.
It then faded to black before showing them saying goodbye to Momo, Todoroki, and some other people in the Town of Beginnings.
"Hey, Deku?" said Ochako's voice.
"Hm?" said Izuku's voice.
"If the game does get cleared, and this world ends... what's gonna happen to Eri?" Ochako asked.
It cut to them back in the woods near their house, walking down a path.
"Don't worry. I fixed it so her data will be saved to the local memory on my nervegear. When we get back, recreating her the way she was isn't gonna be easy. But if there's a way... we'll find it." said Izuku's voice.
Ochako placed her hand on Eri's heart, that she was now wearing as a necklace. Then she looked to at the sky as wind blew through her hair.
"Ok. As long as we can be a family again. We'll see her when we get back. Our first child." said Ochako.
"Yeah. We'll see her again." said Izuku.
"Hey, Ochako? You ok?" Izuku called out from ahead of the path they were on.
Ochako smiled and caught up with her husband.
The camera moved up and we hear Eri's voice as her yellow particles flew in the wind.
"Good luck... Mommy." Eri's voice was heard saying.
"That's all for this part. And yes, they do get Eri back eventually." said Luke.
Izuku, Ochako, and Eri hugged each other tightly.
"Now for the part where they escape SAO. I'm gonna be skipping some large parts because I really need to get this universe over with. Gotta reserve power, ya know?" said Luke.
"What part are we at now?" Kaminari asked.
"Izuku and Ochako have been called back into action by Heathecliff to help clear a floor. But Izuku's worried about Ochako." said Luke.
It showed Izuku and Ochako in the meeting room of the HQ of the Knights of the Blood Oath.
"Three more hours of waiting. What should we do?" asked Ochako as she sat on the meeting table, while Izuku had his back against a window.
Izuku was silent.
"What's wrong with you?" Ochako asked.
"There's something I have to ask you. But I don't want you getting mad at me." said Izuku, "Instead of going to the boss fight, could you please stay here?"
Ochako looked away from him.
"Why would you ask that?" she said.
"We won't be able to use teleport crystals. So there's no telling what could happen. I'm scared. If anything happened to you, I-"
"So, you want to go to someplace dangerous. Alone. And you expect me to stay here? Where it's safe?" Ochako said.
Izuku kept looking at the ground, and Ochako walked over to him.
"You know what would happen if you didn't come back? Huh?" Ochako said with a pissed off look, "I'd kill myself."
"What?!" said Izuku.
"Don't kill yourself, Mommy!" Eri said.
Izuku looked up at her.
"I'd never forgive myself for staying behind. So, what would be the point in living?" said Ochako.
"I guess I'm losing my nerve. All I want to do is run away with you. I don't care if we never make it back to the real word." Izuku said as he took her hands, "I just wanna live with you! In our little house in the woods!"
"It'd be nice if we could do that. Be together every day; forever... Have you ever thought about what's happening in the real world? About what's happening to our bodies while we're in here?" Ochako asked.
"Huh?" Izuku said.
"A few weeks after the game was launched, do you remember what happened? Most of the players suddenly went offline and stayed that way for a few hours. My guess is that's when all the players bodies were being moved to hospitals in the real world. If that's where we all are right now, in hospitals, barely being kept alive by machines, it's hard to believe we're gonna survive like that for much longer." said Ochako.
"So, that means... it doesn't matter if we clear the game or not anymore. Everyone here's on a time limit. And once that's up..." Izuku said with a horrified look on his face.
Ochako began crying and buried her face into Izuku's chest.
"I want... to stay with you forever." she said between sobs, "I want us to go on real dates and to really get married! And for us to grow old together! That's why... That's why..."
"We don't have a choice. We have to keep fighting." said Izuku.
"Now I'm gonna skip to the final battle of SAO. They just cleared the boss, but Izuku noticed something off about Heathecliff." said Luke.
It cut to Izuku, Ochako, Kirishima, Sato, and a handful of other players, all exhausted after killing the boss.
"How many did we lose?" asked Kirishima.
Izuku pulled up his menu.
"14 of us died." he said.
Everyone was shocked by this.
"Oh, my god." said Sato while looking up at the ceiling.
"And we still go 25 floors to go." said Kirishima while looking at the ground.
"25 floors? How the hell are we even gonna make it that far?" said Sato.
Izuku then noticed Heathecliff standing perfectly fine, not exhausted in the slightest.
Izuku then realized something. He grabbed his sword and began to stand up.
"What's wrong?" Ochako asked him.
Izuku then dashed at Heathecliff and attempted stab him, but there was a purple shield around him and the same sign Eri had: 'Immortal Object'.
"What the?!" said Izuku.
"Deku, what are you-?!" Ochako said as she ran over to them, but stopped when she noticed the sign Heathecliff had.
Izuku sheathed his sword.
"An Immortal Object?" said Ochako, "Commander Heathecliff, w-what's going on?"
"I think I got the answer to that. Reason why the Commander's HP never hits yellow... is cuz he's protected by the system." said Izuku.
Everyone in the room was shocked by this.
"You know, ever since day 1 something's always bugged me about this whole thing. I was always wondering... Where is he hiding while he watches us and controls everything in this world? Well, the answer's pretty simple. It's basic psychology. In fact, it's so simple even a kid knows it. There's nothing more borrowing than watching someone else play an RPG. Is there... David Shield?" Izuku asked the Commader.
"What?!" said Melissa.
"The Commander is me?!" said David.
All Might couldn't believe that his friend would do something like this.
Everyone gasped.
"Just for my curiosity's sake, would you mind telling me how you figured it out?" asked the Commander, now revealed to be David Shield.
"The first time I knew something was up, was during our duel." said Izuku.
It showed a flashback to Izuku's and David's duel.
"That move was way too fast." said Izuku.
"Yes, I thought so. It was a mistake to think that would go unnoticed by you. But you were so strong and so fast, the only choice I had was to engage the system's assist mode." said David.
Everyone was shocked.
"Yes, I am David Shield. And now that my identity's revealed, it should come as no surprise that I am the final boss on the top floor." said David.
Everyone was even more shocked.
Ochako put her hands on Izuku in fear.
"So, the strongest player in the whole game ends up being the final boss. Kinds cliché, isn't it?" said Izuku.
"Actually I kind of like that angle. One thing's for sure, I always thought you'd be the one standing before me at the very end." David told Izuku, "You know, dual wielding is a rare skill. The kind that's only given to the player with the fastest reaction time. He is the hero of this story - the one who rises up the challenge the demon king. But you, the power you displayed exceeded my expectations. I guess these unexpected twists and turns are what makes MMO RPGs so thrilling to play."
One of the other knights was enraged.
"Our loyalty... Our hope... How dare you. How dare you! HOW DARE YOU!!!" the knight shouted as he was about to attack David, but David simply brought up his menu and paralyzed the player to the ground.
"Paralysis?" Izuku whispered.
David then activated paralysis on all the players in the room, save for himself and Izuku.
"Deku..." Ochako said as she fell to the ground.
"What's the plan now, huh? You gonna kill everyone here and cover it up or something?" Izuku asked.
"Oh, god no. That wouldn't be sporting of me, now would it? No, I have a better idea. I'm going to head for the top floor and wait for all of you there. I'll be inside the Ruby Palace. It's a shame I have to leave you all so soon. I've spent lots of time developing the Knights of the Blood Oath and other elite players. Oh, well. You're all strong. So, I'm sure you'll reach me... Eventually." said David, "But before I go..."
David sheathed his sword into his shield.
"Deku. I feel you deserve some kind of reward for discovering my identity, so... I'll give you a chance." said David.
"Chance for what?" Izuku asked.
"To fight me one-on-one. Right here, right now. Oh, and... my immortality will be deactivated." said David, "Defeat me and you clear the game. And all of the players will be able to log out from this world, no strings attached. What do you say?" said David.
Izuku didn't know what to say.
"Don't do it, Deku. I don't like it. We should fall back." said Ochako.
Izuku on the other hand, remembered all the suffering people in this game went through and the people who died.
"I have to." he said.
Ochako couldn't believe it.
"Ok, then. Let's finish it." Izuku said to David.
"Deku..." Ochako said.
"I'm sorry. I can't run away if it means ending this." Izuku said to Ochako.
"You better not die. You hear me?" Ochako said.
"No. I'm gonna win. I promise I'm gonna end this world." Izuku told her.
"Ok. I believe in you, Deku." said Ochako.
They held each other's hand one last time, then Izuku gently laid her down, then he pulled out both swords and went to face David.
"Deku, don't!" shouted Sato.
"Deku!" Kirishima shouted.
"Agil." Izuku said Sato.
"Agil is Sato's username. Klein is Kirishima's." said Luke.
"Thanks for supporting all the players in the game... since day one. Yeah, I knew." Izuku said as he turned to face them, "You act like you're all about the money, but I know you spent every penny you had helping the intermediate players level up."
Sato was shocked by this.
"Klein... I'm sorry I bailed on you that day. I think about it all the time." said Izuku with his head down.
Kirishima began crying.
"Damnit, Deku! Don't you apologize! Don't you dare apologize now! I won't accept it! I'll never accept it until we're on the other side and you're buying my dinner, goddamnit!" Kirishima cried.
The Kirishima watching wiped tears away as well.
"You got it. See you on the other side." said Izuku.
Izuku then looked at Ochako and smiled at her, before turning back to David.
"If it's ok, I have a final request to make." Izuku said.
"What is it?" asked David.
"I'm not planning on going down easily. So if I die today, I want your word... that you'll fix it so that Ochako doesn't kill herself." said Izuku.
David was taken aback by this, but then smirked.
"As you wish." said David.
Everyone was in tears at Izuku's love for Ochako.
David deactivated his immortality and pulled out his sword.
"DEKUUUUU!!!!!" Ochako screamed.
'This isn't some in-game duel. It's a fight to the death. That's fine with me... Cuz I'm gonna kill him!' Izuku said in his head.
"GIVE HIM HELL, DEKU!!!" Bakugo shouted.
And the fight began. They swung their swords and blocked each other's attacks.
'He can block whatever I throw at him, cuz he designed the dual wielding skill, and he knows all its combos. I have to beat him with my own power! Without using sword skills!' Izuku said in his head as they fought.
Izuku sped up his sword skills.
'Faster! I gotta go faster!" Izuku said in his head.
Izuku kept swinging his swords at David, so much so that dust began to cloud around them.
David swung his sword at Izuku and was able to land a cut on the young man's cheek, which just pissed Izuku off more.
He kept swinging his swords while David kept block the attacks with his shield.
"Heh. Shield used a shield. I get it." said Kaminari.
"Now's not the time for jokes, Jamming Whey." said Jiro.
Izuku kept swinging, but the attacks couldn't get through David Shield's shield.
'I'm sorry, Ochako. Please... keep living.' Izuku said in his head.
Izuku jabbed his blue sword at the shield, but the blade shattered upon impact.
"Game over, Deku." said David as he was about to swing his sword at Izuku.
But then... Ochako got in the way and the blade cut her instead.
"NO!!!" Izuku screamed.
"Why is Uraraka almost always dying in these universes too?!" said Kirishima.
Ochako fell into Izuku's arms... and her health fully depleted.
Ochako looked up at Izuku and smiled, then began glowing.
"Ochako... Ochako... You can't... You can't leave..." Izuku whispered.
A tear ran down Ochako's cheek.
"I'm sorry... Goodbye." she whispered.
And then her whole body disappeared into particles.
Izuku wept, while Ochako's father glared at the David in the theater.
Izuku tried to catch the particles, but they floated away and soon disappeared. He collapsed to his hands and knees and began crying. A single particle of Ochako's landed on his hand before vanishing.
"Now that was a surprise. I'm sure I never programmed a way for players to neutralize their own paralysis. I guess sometimes these things just happen." said David.
Izuku clenched his fist, then he grabbed Ochako's sword which was still there, as well as his own.
"Hm?" David said.
Izuku stood up and slowly swung the swords at David, but David simply backed away. He then sighed and knocked Izuku's sword out of his hand... The he stabbed Izuku.
"DEKU!!!" Ochako screamed.
Izuku noticed his health about to fully deplete.
'It's... over now...' he said in his head.
He was about to accept his death. But then he remembered Ochako.
"I believe in you, Deku." he remembered her saying to him.
We then see his health fully deplete with the words 'You Are Dead' on his HUD. He fell back and his body disappeared into particles.
"NO!" screamed the audience.
But then it turns out that was just what Izuku thought was gonna happen, as he was still alive.
"Dick move!" said Sero.
'Not yet.' Izuku said in his head as he clenched Ochako's sword tightly by the hilt.
"Hm?" David said.
'Not yet.' he said again.
David took a few steps back in shock.
Izuku raised the sword, his eyes turned yellow, and he plunged the sword into David's chest and out his back. David smirked right before that happened.
The audience was relieved that it was over.
David's health drained.
'We did it... Didn't we?' Izuku said as he looked at Ochako's sword.
Izuku then turned into particles, and we see the particles leaving the room and soaring over the land. All the people he met in this world looked up at the sky as his particles flew.
"On November 7th at 2:55 pm... the game has been cleared. Repeat. The game has been cleared." said the game's AI system.
The audience cheered over Izuku's victory.
"But wait, what about Mommy and Daddy?" Eri said.
Izuku opened his eyes and realized he was now standing on an invisible floating floor in the sky with the sun setting.
"Where am I?" he said.
He realized he had no weapons, then he pulled up his menu to see that the logout was at 54%. He closed his menu... but then he heard a familiar voice.
"Deku." said the voice in surprise.
He turned around to see Ochako standing there.
It was silent for a few moments.
"I'm sorry. I guess I ended up dying, too." said Izuku.
"Dummy." she said before running into his arms, then kissing him.
They then stopped kissing.
"Where are we? Do you know?" Izuku asked.
Ochako pointed down below and they saw the giant structure of Sword Art Online far below them, hovering and falling apart.
They also noticed their house falling apart with the game.
"A stunning view, isn't it?" said a voice.
They turned to see David Shield, now actually looking like himself, standing near them and also looking at the falling apart game.
"David Shield..." Izuku said.
"At Argus Headquarters, the SAO mainframe is in a room five floors below street level. And right now it's deleting all the data from its drives. In about ten minutes, everything in this world will disappear forever." said David.
"And all the players? What happens to them?" Ochako asked.
"You don't have to worry about them. The 6147 players who survived the game up to now, were logged out a few seconds ago." said David.
"And what about the 4000 people who died? What about them?" Izuku asked.
David was quiet for a moment.
"They'll never return. In any world, real or virtual, once you're dead... you're gone." said David.
It was quiet again for a moment.
"Why? What's the point? Why did you do this?" Izuku asked.
"That's... a good question. It's been so long I've forgotten the reason. Isn't that strange?" said David.
"Are you kidding me?! He doesn't even remember why he did all this?!" said Ochako.
"Even before I developed a system for the full-dive environment, I dreamed of this. A castle in a world that wasn't governed by earthly laws and restrictions. I poured my life into making that world a reality... I created this world, but I got to see something that surpassed anything I could've imagined for it." David said as he looked back at the collapsing SAO, "My steel castle, floating in the sky. I don't remember how old I was when I became obsessed with it. I wanted to leave the Earth. To fly to that castle. I wanted that more than anything else, for as long as I can remember."
Izuku and Ochako were both silent.
"You know what, Deku? I want to believe it's still out there. That somewhere in some other world my castle is still standing taller than ever." said David.
"Yeah. Maybe it still is." said Izuku, which Ochako nodding.
We see more of SAO collapsing.
"Before I forget, congratulations on clearing the game, Deku, Ochako." he said before turning his head to them, "Well then, I should probably get going now."
He walked away, and then vanished into fog.
The last of SAO collapsed and fell, and we see Izuku and Ochako sitting on the edge of the invisible floor and kissing. They broke from the kiss.
"Guess this is goodbye." said Izuku.
"Mm-mm. This isn't goodbye. We're gonna be together when we finally disappear. So we're gonna be together forever." said Ochako, "Hey, you never told me your real name. Would you please tell me before we go?"
"Izuku. Izuku Midoriya. And... last month I turned 16." said Izuku.
"Izuku Midoriya." Ochako said before smiling, "So, you're younger than me, huh? My name is... Ochako Uraraka. I'm 17 now."
"Ochako... Uraraka. Ochako Uraraka." Izuku said as a tear ran down his cheek and he began crying, "Sorry. Sorry. I swore, I promised I'd save you. Get you back to the real world. But I... I couldn't."
Ochako held Izuku's hand tightly.
"It's ok. It's ok! I'm happy I got to meet you, Izuku. And to be with you. And to live with you. This is the happiest I've ever been in my whole life. Than you for that, and I love you." Ochako said with tears welling up in her eyes.
"This is so romantic and emotional!" Mina said as she and the other girls cried.
They held each other tightly and rested their foreheads together. Then there was a bright flash of white light and they both were gone.
"I love you... so very much." Ochako said one last time.
And then...
Izuku woke up in a hospital. He looked at his hand to see that it was pale and bony. He felt the nervegear on his head, then remembered Ochako and began crying.
He removed the helmet and we see that his hair was incredibly long and he was very skinny now.
The end credits song began playing as Izuku got out of his bed with and using one of those things on wheels that has IV bags, he left the hospital room and walked down a hallway while repeating the name 'Ochako'.
After the credits and song were done, and the screen went black.
"And the series pretty much went downhill from there. Izuku and Ochako were reunited and they got Eri back, but everything else is kinda meh now. Ochako was still trapped, this time in another game that was fairy themed. And to make things worse, her father was planning to have her married, WHILE STILL UNCONSCIOUS, to this sick fuck who was a friend of the Uraraka family; since in this universe Ochako's family is rich instead of poor and the scumbag who they were trying to marry her to was also rich. And that's not all, it turns out the bastard who was gonna marry Ochako was the one keeping her hostage in the fairy game and attempted to rape her both in the game and in the real world. Luckily, Izuku was able to save Ochako from being raped and free her from the fairy game with the help of Eri, what was left of David Shield, and Izuku's sister/cousin who exists in this universe, and they exposed the bastard who tried to rape Ochako to the world and he went to prison." said Luke.
"That doesn't sound entirely bad. At least Midoriya, Eri, and Uraraka are all together again." said Iida.
"Well, the other messed up thing is that Izuku's sister/cousin was in love with him. Thank god nothing actually happened between them though. And now Izuku, Ochako, Izuku's Sousin (TM), Kirishima, Sato, and their other friends all play other virtual reality games together that don't trap them. But now Izuku has tons of girls besides Ochako who are in love with him, including his sousin. And now he technically doesn't, but basically has a harem, which I hate. He's still with Ochako and they're raising Eri together, but the series kinda sucks now." said Luke.
Izuku and Ochako on the other hand were holding each other tightly, with Eri also joining in on the hug.
"I take is this is a bad time to bring up that I invented my own version of nervegear and made my own VR game?" said Mei.
"GOD DAMNIT!" everyone else shouted.
And that's it for Sword Art Online in this book. I have plans for Deku-Verse 2 where I'm gonna have them react to the Ordinal Scale movie, but that's not gonna be for a while. Next up I'm gonna try to do Fallout 4 because I want to get that universe done before the show comes out in April. Thx for reading.
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