Spy x Family
"Next up is a universe in which two countries exist that don't exist in your universe named Ostania and Westalis that are on the verge of going to war against each other. Izuku is a spy for Westalis code named 'Twilight' who's working undercover in Ostania to try and prevent war. Ochako is an assassin who lives in Ostania called 'The Thorn Princess' who kills people for a living. Neither Izuku, or Ochako, know about the other one's true job, but Eri does. Eri's a telepath who can read minds, so she knew who Izuku and Ochako really were when she first met them, yet neither of them know that she knows, since she keeps her telepathy powers a secret. You see, Izuku's plan to prevent the war is to have a pretend family, so he adopted Eri and fake married Ochako. And he needs to make sure Eri gets into a super fancy school called Eden College, since Kota goes there and his father plays a vital part in the conflict between Westalis and Ostania. If Izuku can get close to Kota's father, he might be able to figure out a way to prevent the war. To do this, he would either need to make sure Eri and Kota get into the Imperial Scholars so Izuku can meet Kota's father at the gathering, or make sure Eri and Kota become friends so Kota will invite Eri and Izuku over to his house and Izuku can meet his father that way. But in this, we're gonna be watching a three-episode arc where Izuku and Ochako are gonna get Eri a dog, but some crazy stuff's about to happen" said Luke before pressing a button on his remote.
It began with a quick rundown of what had happened so far.
"In an era in which the nations of the world were waging a fierce war of information just out of sight, two countries were at odds with each other: Ostania, in the east, and Westalis, in the west" a man narrated as it showed all sorts of spy stuff happening.
It then showed a picture of Kota's father, who in this universe had gigantic, bulging eyes.
"What's up with my dad's eyes?" Kota asked as he was a little disturbed.
"Multiverse stuff" said Luke.
"In order to keep an eye on the actions of a leading figure in Ostania's government, Westalis set Operation Strix in motion" said the narrator.
It then showed and adult Izuku.
"The skilled agent, Twilight, who has been tasked with this operation, had succeeded in completing phase one: creating a pretend family, and enrolling his daughter in the prestigious Eden College" the narrator said as it showed Izuku with an excited Eri who had no horn, and then him with an adult Ochako and sort of proposing to her with an explosion in the background, then it showed the three of them at Eden College, then it showed a human Nezu with a monocle appearing to be acting insane, then it showed the family celebrating Eri getting into Eden.
It then showed Izuku driving a car and taking off a realistic looking human mask and then putting on a pair of glasses.
"The father, a spy" said the narrator.
It then showed and adult Ochako in a dress and holding a bloody stiletto, then her smiling hilariously and adorably, then her slapping someone in the air.
"The mother, an assassin" the narrator said.
It then showed Eri making adorable and hilarious faces.
"The daughter, a telepath" said the narrator.
"The mission that involves these three hiding their true identities from each other continues" the narrator said as it then showed Eri trying to save a drowning boy in a pool before Izuku got them both out.
"And now, after successfully gaining one of the eight Stella required to become an Imperial Scholar, the mission has moved into phase two: making the necessary progress to attend the social gathering that their target, (insert Kota's father's first name. I'm not gonna make one up) Kota, will be attending" said the narrator.
"Now for the intro" said Luke.
(A/N: Replace Loid with Izuku, Yor with Ochako, Anya with Eri, Becky with Satsuki, and Damian with Kota. Also stop watching it at 1:30.)
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
"Lovely intro" said Momo.
"Really good music, too" said Jiro.
It then cut to a group of shady looking characters loading a bunch of kennels with dogs in them into a van. One of the dogs was a large white and hairy one.
It then showed that the leader of the group of shady characters was a slightly older Monoma.
"Alright. We're all set. Let's begin" said Monoma before closing the back of the van.
"Oh, boy... What's he up to this time?" Kendo asked.
"You'll see" said Luke.
Then it showed an airplane landing.
"And now for our next story. Yesterday afternoon, Foreign Minister Brantz and his entourage from Westalis arrived at Berliner Airport. At the ministerial conference tonight, they will begin coordinating for the summit between East and West" said a news report that was being played on the TV in the home of Izuku, Ochako, and Eri.
It then showed Eri sitting at the table and quickly eating her food. Ochako placed a plate of food in front of Izuku, and he stopped reading his newspaper, looked at her, and smiled.
Eri continued eating so much food she had trouble swallowing it.
"Are you alright?!" said Ochako as she rushed to Eri's side.
"Hey. Slow down and eat" Izuku said in annoyance.
"Fanks for the food!" Eri said as she finished her food, then hopped out of her seat.
"Papa, Mama, hurry it up already!" Eri said excitedly before rushing to her room.
"What are we going to do with her?" Izuku said.
"Well, it's no surprise she's excited" said Ochako with a smile.
It then cut to the town where it said was 'MISSION 13: PROJECT APPLE.'
"Since today's the day" Ochako said.
Then it showed her holding Eri's hand as they walked down the street in coats.
"Woof, woof, woof-woof" Eri chanted.
"So cute" Izuku and Ochako said.
"You're so excited, Miss Eri" Ochako said.
"The reason Ochako calls Eri Miss is because Izuku told her that Eri is his biological child and that her mother was Izuku's previous wife who died. So, she's thinks she's Eri's second mom, not foster mom" Luke explained to the audience.
Eri looked at her father.
"Does Mister Dog eat peanuts?" she asked.
"You probably shouldn't give one too many" said Izuku.
"It's true. Feeding an animal too much could make it very sick" said Koda.
"Boo..." Eri sighed with her head down
"Let's make sure to give the doggies what they like" Ochako said.
'Our outing today is actually Operation Strix. Our destination: a pet shop' Izuku said in his head as they arrived at pet shop.
"We're here" Izuku said.
'This is because Eri said she wanted a dog as her reward for earning a Stella' Izuku said mentally as Eri looked at the dog toys in the window excitedly.
'Until she gets eight Stella and I get into that social gathering, I need to keep her motivation high, no matter what' he said in his head.
"Reward, reward! Woof, woof, woof-woof!" Eri said.
Izuku opened the door to the pet shop and was greeted by the owner.
"I wonder what kind of dog they're gonna get her?" Toru said.
It then showed the dogs that were available... they all looked old, sick, and terrifying.
"Hopefully not one of those" said Ojiro.
"Well, what do you think, sir? We've made sure to properly train all our dogs" the owner said in Izuku's ear.
'This is a pet shop that works with our agency, and sells war dogs. I figured if we're going to get a dog, we'd be best off with a guard dog for safety reasons, but...' Izuku said in his head, but he was unsure.
"Don't they look very smart and cute, Eri?" Izuku said.
Eri looked at the dogs and faced away from Izuku. But then she turned around and made this face at him:
The audience burst out laughing.
"Eri can make some real funny faces" Ochako said between laughs.
'That's a no! She clearly doesn't want any of them!' Izuku said in his head in shock.
He then turned to the shop owner.
"Don't you have any that are a bit smaller and at least a little cute?" Izuku whispered to him, while the dogs appeared to be flexing to Eri in the background, and even talking to her.
"Is anyone gonna acknowledge the fact that those dogs appear to be talking to Eri and showing off to her?" Kirishima asked.
"Hmm... I guess I could ask a breeder I know" said the owner.
It then cut to the owner hanging up a phone.
"Apparently, a shelter is having an adoption event right now" he said to Izuku.
"Then we'll just head over there" Izuku said, but as he said that, Gran Torino dressed as an employee stepped out from behind a corner and made an 'O' shape with his hands, and another with his mouth at Izuku.
'A new order?' Izuku said in his head.
"Torino's also an agent" said Luke.
He then pretended to be in great pain and clutched his stomach.
"Sorry, I suddenly have a stomachache. You two go ahead to the shelter by the station. I'm going to find a bathroom" he said to Ochako and Eri.
"Huh? Are you alright? We can wait right here" Ochako said in concern.
Eri read Izuku's mind, then turned to Ochako.
"Papa takes a really long time when he goes to the shitter to shit, so we should probably go" Eri said.
"Who taught her that language?!" Ochako demanded.
"No clue" said Luke.
"I-Is that so? Alright" said Ochako.
"You need to watch your mouth, young lady" Izuku said to his daughter while blushing slightly.
'An excellent assist, but at the same time... yeah' Izuku said in his head.
It then cut to Izuku in a car with Torino.
"Wait. You didn't say anything about taking me all the way to headquarters. If I take too long, my family will get suspicious" Izuku said, clearly annoyed.
"If you've got a problem, take it up with Handler. This is an emergency summons" said Gran Torino, who was driving the vehicle.
It then cut to after the agent explained the situation to Izuku.
"A plot to assassinate Foreign Minister Brantz?" Izuku said as he looked at some papers.
"They're probably targeting tonight's summit. The ones believed to be behind this are a group of isolationists who attend Berlint University. Apparently, the Secret Police also had their eyes on them. We just happened to apprehend one of them who was hanging around the embassy. We're currently interrogating him. But he won't tell us where his friends are or anything else" said Gran Torino.
"And that's why I was called in?" Izuku said.
"Being both a papa and an agent... Must be tough balancing the two" the Torino said.
"Being a father is part of the mission. But I guess the times are changing" Izuku said.
It then cut to show Sen Kaibara handcuffed to a chair in an interrogation room. He looked to be only a few years older than he was in the audiences' universe.
"To think a child like him could be a terrorist" Izuku said.
The students and teacher of 1-B were shocked that yet another one of their own was evil in this universe.
The door to the interrogation room opened, and an adult Melissa entered in a very stylish outfit ensemble.
"Looking sharp, Melissa!" Mirio said.
"Melissa's the Handler" said Luke.
"Keep coming back all you want. I'm never gonna talk. I won't sell out my comrades" Kaibara said.
"That's quite alright. You're no longer necessary. We've captured your leader, after all" Melissa said, shocking Kaibara.
It showed what appeared to be Monoma in handcuffs being escorted by a group of agents. They passed by Melissa and Kaibara and Kaibara saw him 'Monoma'.
"Neito?!" Kaibara said.
'Monoma' saw Kaibara standing there and did something Kaibara never thought he would do.
"I-It was him! He planned all this! We were tricked into helping him! You gotta believe me! I didn't do anything wrong!" 'Monoma' said to the guards.
"Uh, Neito? What are you..." said Kaibara in shock.
"I'll tell you anything you want! Just let me go!" 'Monoma' said.
"The Hell, Monoma?!" Kaibara said to Monoma.
"I-I'm sure my other self has his reasons" Monoma said nervously.
"Shut up and keep walking" said one of the guards as they escorted 'Monoma' away, but as they did, 'Monoma' stuck his tongue out at Kaibara.
"Real mature, bro" Kaibara said.
'He just... Is he really gonna put this all on me?' Kaibara said in his head.
"Some comrade" Melissa said while Kaibara turned his head to her in disbelief.
"Well, it doesn't really matter to us which one of you is the leader. We only care about which one gives us the intel we need. Now, what do we do with you?" said Melissa.
"Wait, it's not me! He's the leader! I'm not lying! He's the one who proposed the plan!" said Kaibara desperately.
Melissa smirked.
"I'd love to hear more" she said.
It cut back to Kaibara in the interrogation room and telling Melissa everything, and it showed Gran Torino and 'Monoma' watching him from behind the mirror.
"Thank goodness we had some footage of Neito's past activities" said Gran Torino.
"It's impossible for me to perfectly play the role based on such a short video" said 'Monoma' in a voice that sounded just like Izuku's.
"If we were dealing with a pro, he would've been on to us" said 'Monoma' as he took his face off, revealing it to be just a mask and that he was actually Izuku.
"See? It wasn't actually me, it was that piece of shit Midoriya" said Monoma just before Kendo hit him.
"One of Izuku's many spy talents is that he can wear masks that look exactly like human faces and copy almost anyone's voice" said Luke.
It cut to Kaibara inside the interrogation room, finishing up telling Melissa who all his accomplices were.
"Those are all the guys I know. Our hideouts are a warehouse near the university and the second floor of a bar on 11th Street" Kaibara said.
"Exactly how were you going to carry out the assassination?" asked Melissa.
Kaibara was silent for a moment, and then he answered.
"Dogs" he said.
This shocked the audience.
Izuku and the agent were also shocked.
"I don't know exactly how many. But the plan was to strap bombs onto a dozen or so dogs and have them ambush him while he was on the move" Kaibara explained.
"Bomb dogs?" Melissa said in surprise.
"They're gonna kill doggies?!" said Koda.
It cut back to Izuku and the agent.
"Not good. It's not gonna be easy stopping trained dogs" Gran Torino said.
"But that's impossible. Giving a war dog proper special training costs just about as much as a small missile per dog. I can't imagine ordinary students being able to afford that" said Izuku.
"Either they have someone from the far right backing them, or there's a sympathizer from a third power" said Torino.
It cut to Izuku, Melissa, Torino, and a group of other agents in a meeting room.
"As you heard, we've got quite the problem on our hands. In order to stop this terrorist attack, we'll have to make the first move" said Melissa.
"Could we not have the summit cancelled?" Izuku asked.
"Doubtful. The Eastern government has a reputation to uphold. Thought I'm sure the opposition would be thrilled" said Melissa.
She turned her attention to Gran Torino next.
"Casually leak this information to the ruling party. I'm sure they'll want to avoid any pointless trouble" she said.
"Yes, ma'am" said Gran Torino.
Melissa turned to Izuku next.
"Sorry, but we'll need your help for a little bit longer" she said.
"Understood" Izuku said.
"Relations between the East and West are on thin ice. Regardless of whether the assassination is a success or not, if this becomes public, the ice may finally break. We're going to stop them, whatever it takes" Melissa said to all the agents in the room.
It then cut to the streets where we see two of Monoma's accomplices walking two dogs. One of them was the white furry one from earlier. They stopped outside a coffee shop.
"I'm gonna go buy some coffee. Wait here" said one of the accomplices as he handed his leash to his fellow accomplice.
"You better behave yourself, pups" the other accomplice said.
The two dogs sat up straight.
"Well, these dogs are definitely smart, even if they're up there in years already" said the first accomplice.
While the other accomplice and the dogs waiting for the first accomplice to come back with the coffee, the ears of the white furred dog perked. He turned his head to see a little boy running out of a store with his mother behind him.
"Hey! You'll trip if you run like that!" the boy's mother said.
The dog immediately ran towards the boy. He ran so fast that the accomplice accidentally let go of his leash.
"Hey, damn it!" the accomplice called out.
The dog ran past the boy's mother and grabbed the back of the boy's shirt with his mouth.
"Hey, where's this dog come from?!" said the mother.
"No! He's gonna eat me!" said the boy.
But then a large sign attached to a building fell off said building and landed in the spot where the boy was before the dog pulled him away. The mother screamed.
People around them were shocked as to what just happened. The boy looked at the dog.
"Did you just save me? Thanks" said the boy, still in a bit of shock.
"Borf" the dog said.
"Er, sorry about my dog, ma'am" the accomplice said to the mother before turning his attention to the dog.
"Don't go running off like that, you dumb mutt!" he said.
"What's wrong?" asked the other accomplice as he arrived back with two coffees.
"This stupid dog just bolted on me. Are these dogs really gonna work?" asked the accomplice.
"Not like we can change our plan now. We got the area all checked out and ready, so let's head back. We'll be in a world of hurt if we piss off Neito" said the accomplice with the coffees.
"Something tells me it wasn't a coincidence that that dog just happened to have pulled that kid out of the way at the last second" said Izuku.
It then cut to Eri and Ochako at the pet adoption event. Eri had the most adorable and excited face as she saw all the animals there.
"So this is an adoption event. It's bigger than I had imagined. I wonder why Izuku didn't bring us here first" Ochako said.
Eri couldn't contain her excitement anymore and ran over to a pen with puppies in it.
"Tiny doggies!" she said while the dogs made an adorable barking sound at her.
She then ran over to a pen with kittens in it.
"Kitties!" she said as the kittens meowed at her adorably.
It then showed her jumping up and down in front of a small pen with bunnies in it.
"Bunnies!" she laughed.
"Cute" Mina said.
"Oh! You mustn't, Miss Eri! You'll get lost!" Ochako said.
It then showed Ochako crouched in front of her daughter. She put her finger up.
"Listen carefully. Promise me you won't leave this area with the doggies" Ochako said.
"Ok" Eri nodded.
It then showed a dachshund with brown fur.
"Oh! That dachshund is adorable! It's legs are so short!" Ochako said.
"It's cute with stubby legs? Does that mean Eri's cute, too?" asked Eri.
"Another thing about this Eri is that she talks in third person a lot" Luke said.
It then showed an adorable tiny chihuahua wagging it's tail.
"A Chihuahua!" Eri said.
Then it showed an adorable Pomeranian wagging it's tail.
"A Pomeranyan!" Eri said.
It then showed Eri huffing in a hilarious way.
"Are you looking for a dog to adopt?" a woman who worked there asked Ochako.
"Is there a breed that's easy to keep?" Ochako asked the woman.
Eri was still huffing, but then she stopped when she felt a presence. She turned and looked out the window to see the white-furred dog from earlier passing by the building with one of Monoma's accomplices.
Eri gasped when she saw the animal.
'What a big Mister Dog' Eri said in her head.
The dog turned his head to Eri and Eri read his mind. What she saw was Eri with Izuku and Ochako. They were all happy. But the vision seemed to be from the dog's point of view.
'Eri's family?' Eri said in her head.
The accomplice walking the dog then got angry.
"What's wrong now? Come on, start walking!" said the accomplice as he and the dog crossed the street.
'Was that... Mister Dog's thoughts?' Eri said in her head.
"It seems there's more to this dog than it seems" All Might said.
"It's also obvious the animal is one of Monoma's bomb dogs" said Aizawa.
Eri watched as the dog and the person walking him entered the building across the street with another one of Monoma's accomplices who was walking a dog. Eri looked back at her mother, who was busy talking to the woman. She considered telling Ochako about the dog, but then she visualized what would happen if she did.
"Mama! There is a doggy that knows about our family!" Eri said in the visualization.
"What are you talking about, dear?" Ochako said in the visualization confused.
It cut out of Eri's thoughts and she realized what she needed to do. While Ochako was busy talking to the woman, Eri made her way out of the building. She went outside and looked up at the window on the second floor of the building across the street.
'Just for a little bit' she said in her head.
She peaked through the entrance and saw a flight of stairs.
'A shop?' she said in her head.
"It's not a shop! It's clearly the hideout of Monoma and the other terrorists!" said Tokoyami.
"Get out of there, Eri!" Kirishima said to the screen.
She made her way up the stairs.
"Where did Mister Dog go?" she said in her head before seeing a door that was open slightly.
She peaked through the door and saw the white dog with three others. They were all leashed to a pipe attached to the wall. The white dog looked at her.
"Mister Dog..." Eri whispered before running over to the dog.
"Who are you?" Eri asked.
The dog put his head down.
"You better not have done anything to draw attention" said a voice from another room.
Eri turned and saw a closed door that lead to the other room.
"D-Don't worry. There were people with dogs everywhere because of the adoption event" said another voice from the room.
It then cut inside the room to show Monoma sitting on a couch.
"It's finally time. If this plan with the bomb dogs is a success, the façade between the East and the West will finally come down. In order to restore Ostania to its former glory... We'll just have Foreign Minister Brantz become the catalyst for war" Monoma said with an evil smile.
It cut to Eri outside the room listening to them.
"We're going to bring down those arrogant pigs of the West" said Monoma.
"Bring them down!" Monoma's accomplices all shouted together.
'B-Bad guys?!' Eri said in her head.
'This is the bad guys' house!' she said in her head as she backed away from the door, but then bumped into something.
She looked up and saw another one of the terrorists standing there.
"Oh, shit" said Bakugo.
"Hey, what the hell are you guys doing?!" said the terrorist to Monoma and the others as he opened the door.
"This little brat heard everything!" the terrorist said.
"Wait, are you serious? Who is that?" asked another terrorist, this one wearing glasses.
"Uh... Wh-What do we do?" asked yet another terrorist.
Eri tried to make a run for it, but the terrorist grabbed her by the hood of her coat.
"What are we gonna do? Well..." Monoma said as he stood up.
He then pulled out a switchblade.
"We'll just have to take care of her" he said.
Eri was absolutely terrified.
"You're seriously gonna kill a kid, Monoma?!" said Kendo.
"The hell is wrong with you?!" said Tetsutetsu.
"Other me! How many times do I have to say it's another me?!" Monoma said.
"Yo, Neito, come on. She's just a little kid" said the terrorist with glasses.
The white dog in the other room began chewing at his leash.
"If she tattles to her parents, our plan will be ruined" said Monoma as he slashed at the air with the blade.
The dog continued chewing.
"Kurt, keep her mouth shut" said Monoma as he approached the terrified Eri.
The dog then managed to bite his leash off.
"Borf! Borf!" the dog woofed as he got in front of Eri to protect her.
The dog growled at the group of terrorists.
"Mister Dog!" Eri said in surprise.
"What a heroic dog!" said Iida, doing his hand chops.
"Damn it! He's not listening again!" said the terrorist who was walking him earlier.
"Maybe this one was a dud" said another terrorist.
The dog made his 'borf' sound at the terrorists again.
"You picked the wrong guy to borf at. I'll shut you up for good" said another terrorist as he grabbed a metal pipe.
This frightened the dog and he hid behind Eri.
'Shock!' Eri said in her head with a hilariously shocked face.
"You were saying, Iida?" said Sero.
"This little..." said the terrorist with the pipe as he was about to walk over to them and hurt them.
"Don't. Don't damage the goods" Monoma said.
"But we need to shut him up" said the terrorist who was walking him.
"That's no problem" said another terrorist who looked out the window, showing the adoption event across the street, "No one's gonna pay it any mind if they hear a dog barking today."
It then cut back to the adoption event where we see Ochako looking for Eri.
"Miss Eri? Where did you go?!" Ochako called out in worry.
It then showed her frantically asking people all around the event if they've seen Eri, but none of them did.
Ochako was so worried, that when no one was looking, she leapt high into the air, grabbed on to a beam and pipe, and positioned herself on the ceiling so that she was overlooking the entire area.
"Does this Ochako have a connection to the Assassin's Creed universe, or..." Izuku asked.
"No. Completely different universes. She's a different kind of badass, parkour assassin" said Luke.
As much as she looked, she still couldn't see Eri anywhere.
'She's not here. She's nowhere in the venue. Could it be... that she was eaten by a dog?!' Ochako fearfully said in her head as she visualized a funny and cartoony version of that.
Then she shook her head.
'No, no, calm down, Ochako. That is probably unlikely. But then, could she have been... kidnapped?!' she feared as she remembered a news report she had seen not too long ago about young women who were kidnapped and forced to be married. She then visualized a funny, cartoony way of Eri being kidnapped.
She gasped and landed back on the floor, surprising a person who saw her land.
'Wh-Wh-Wh-What should I do?! Miss Eri will be forced to marry someone! Of course this had to happen when Izuku isn't here. Oh, what do I do? Whatever shall I do?' Ochako said mentally as she paced back and forth with her hands over her mouth.
"Either way, I don't want my daughter murdered or forced to marry. Especially when she isn't even 18 yet" said Izuku.
'Please hurry back from the bathroom, Izuku!' Ochako said in her head.
It then cut to a group of agents lifting a metal door and pointing their guns inside the building, but it was abandoned.
"All of the locations he offered up turned out to be duds. How is it on your end?" Melissa asked as it cut to her outside the interrogation room and talking to Izuku on the phone.
It cut to Izuku talking to Melissa inside a payphone.
"Bingo. There were two white vans rented here under the name of one of the terrorists, Kevin Knowles. The plate numbers are..." he said.
It cut to Melissa writing down the plate numbers Izuku told her.
"Excellent work. I'll have someone look into this immediately. Oh, as for where they were getting the dogs, one lead was particularly suspicious. I'm sure even you've heard of it before..." said Melissa.
It then showed pieces of paper on a wall containing things about all kinds of animals.
"Project Apple. It was research done under the former government of Ostania, to try and create animals with terrifyingly high IQ for military purposes" said Melissa.
"I'm aware of it. I heard they repeated some pretty reckless experiments, but the government fell apart during their research, and the project came to a standstill. They say it ended with mediocre results that were far from their intended goal" Izuku said.
It then showed dogs in kennels at Project Apple.
"Correct. And then came rumors that the dogs and other animals that were no longer needed ended up on the black market instead of being put down" said Melissa.
"And you think the terrorists got a hold of them?" Izuku asked.
"It's possible. They may be the survivors of a failed experiment, but they are probably still highly intelligent pigs of the West. Be on your guard. The unexpected may very likely happen" said Melissa as it cut to Eri with the white dog, who was growling at the terrorists.
"So that's why the episode is called Project Apple" said Mineta.
"It's extremely inhumane that this country has harmed animals!" said Iida.
"You think?" said Sato.
Monoma held up the knife.
"Get away from the dog, you stupid brat. Then I promise you'll at least die painlessly" Monoma said.
Eri and the dog were shocked, but then the dog's ears perked up again, and he got closer to Eri and she read his mind.
It showed a vision of Monoma and the other terrorists about to kill her, but then they turned their attention to something to the right of them. It cut out of the vision.
"Phone?" Eri asked the dog.
"Hey. If you don't hurry up-" Monoma said, but then the phone rang, distracting him and the other terrorists.
"Man, that scared me" said one of the terrorists.
"Who the hell's calling us right now?" said another terrorist as he walked over to the phone and answered it, while Eri and the dog slowly backed out of the room.
"Hello? What?! Seriously?!" he said before hanging up.
"Hey, Neito, we've got trouble! Apparently some suspicious guys showed up at two of our hideouts!" said the terrorist, shocking Monoma and the others.
"D-Don't tell me it's the Secret Police!" said another terrorist.
"How?! Did someone leak the info?!" asked a female terrorist.
"Tch. I haven't seen Sen all morning, so I kind of suspected, but..." Monoma said while looking at the floor.
"It was a good idea to move locations" said the terrorist with glasses.
Monoma stopped looking at the floor and turned to address the other terrorists.
"Nobody panic! We're switching over to plan B and..." but then he noticed Eri and the dog were gone.
"Hey! Where'd the brat go?!" he said.
It then showed the dog running down the stairs at a high pace while holding Eri by the hood of her coat with her mouth. The dog then tossed Eri in the air and she landed on top of him. Eri was now riding the large creature like a horse.
"Mister Dog is Eri's friend?" Eri asked as they rushed down the stairs.
"Wait, did you know the phone was going to ring before it did?" Eri said.
Eri then realized the truth about this dog.
'You... can see the future? Is it a telepath like me?' Eri said in her head.
"That's right, folks. Eri isn't the only one with superpowers in this world" Luke said.
Seeing Eri being in danger and then rescued by someone who could see the future reminded All Might, Mirio, and Izuku of Nighteye.
Eri and the dog then rushed out of the building and onto the streets. They were passing by the animal adoption building.
"Mister Dog! Go into that building! Mama will save us!" Eri told him, but the dog was confused and kept running.
"No! Not that way! Go back!" Eri shouted.
Ochako, who was still inside the adoption building, heard Eri's shouting, looked out the window, and saw Eri with the dog passing by.
"Miss Eri?!" she said.
Monoma looked out the window from the second floor and saw Eri and the dog making their escape.
"What are you dumbasses doing?!" he said to the other terrorists.
"We were distracted by the phone" said one terrorist.
"Whatever. Who cares about her? We need to get the plan rolling" said another.
"You idiots! She's seen our faces! Hey, Kurt, come with me! We're taking one of the dogs, too" said Monoma.
"You're gonna go after her?" asked one terrorist.
It then showed a map on a wall, containing routes of some sort.
"Tear that map off the wall. We're abandoning this hideout, too. You guys get to the designated location and spread out" Monoma said.
"Got it" said the female terrorist.
It cut back to Eri with the dog.
"Dog! Stop! Let me down!" Eri said.
People from across the street noticed Eri and the dog.
"Someone save me! I'm being chased by bad guys!" Eri screamed.
"What is that? How cute" said one woman.
"I wonder if she's playing tag" said another.
"Eri is in danger! Why won't people notice that?!" Mirio said.
'Mister dog runs so fast! He's so fast, and...' but then Eri opened her eyes and saw a light at the end of the alleyway they were running down.
'So exciting!' Eri said with an adorably excited face.
It showed Monoma, Kurt, and another dog chasing after them.
"Ok, Mister Dog! Let's make a break for it and go right to the police ociffers!" Eri said, while the dog made a confused noise.
"Eri and Mister Dog..." she said as she raised a finger in the air, "are gonna solve this one on our own and save the day!"
It then showed a vision of Eri riding the dog through a bunch of star shapes through space.
"And then... I'll be Starlight Eri again!" Eri said.
"Starlight Eri is a nickname Eri came up with for herself when she earned her first Stella at school" said Luke.
It cut out of the vision and the dog ran around some buildings and right back into the alleyway, where he was now tired and stopped running... and they were right in front of Monoma and his the other terrorist and dog.
"Thanks for saving us the trouble" Monoma said.
"We're right back where we started!" Eri said.
"Right face!" Eri said as she tried to ride the dog away, but Monoma's dog got in front of them and blocked them.
Monoma then lifted the white dog by the broken leash and Eri fell off.
"You're not getting away" Monoma said, terrifying Eri.
"Do it. Make it quick" Monoma said to Kurt.
"R-Right" Kurt said as he approached Eri and lifted her in the air.
"No hard feelings, kid" said Kurt as he was about to put his hand over Eri's face, but then...
Ochako was in the air above Kurt and delivered a hard kick to his face as soon as he turned around, sending him hitting multiple walls like a pinball.
The audience sighed in relief that Ochako had saved Eri.
Monoma and the dogs were shocked. Dust was around Ochako and Eri from the kick.
"You won't get away with this, Mr. Perverted Kidnapper" said Ochako.
The dust cleared and it showed her holding an excited Eri.
"It is far too early for Miss Eri to get married!" Ochako said.
"That was the first episode of this three-episode arc. Now for the second" said Luke.
"Even I just got married this year!" Ochako said before blushing.
Monoma was still in shock and then Ochako got ready to kick his ass as well.
"Mama! I was so scared!" Eri cried.
"There, there. You're alright now" Ochako said, comforting the child.
'That's her mother? Tch! Now we'll have to dispose of both of them' Monoma said in his head.
"Hey, pup! Rip out that woman's throat!" Monoma said to the other dog he had, this one with brown fur.
The dog growled and approached Ochako, but then she made this face:
And the dog whimpered and ran away.
"Hey, come back here!" Monoma shouted to the dog, but the dog kept running.
"MAMA! I'M SCARED!" Eri screamed.
"What? But you're safe now" Ochako said, confused.
People outside the alleyway saw Eri, Ochako, Monoma, and the white dog.
"What's going on? A fight?" one person said.
'Damn it. I can't have more people notice' Monoma said mentally.
"Come, you big-ass mutt!" Monoma said as he tried to pull the white dog away, but he wouldn't move.
"Oh, damn it! Fine!" he said as he kicked the dog and made a run for it.
"Animal abuser!" Iida shouted.
Ochako put Eri down.
"Hey! Wait!" Ochako said as she was about to go after Monoma, but then she stopped.
'No... You mustn't leave Miss Eri alone again, Ochako' she said in her head.
It then cut to Ochako tying Kurt up with the white dog's leash.
"That should teach Mr. Kidnapper a lesson" she said.
'First, I should hand this man over to the police' Ochako said in her head.
"Are you ok, Mister Dog?" Eri asked the animal.
"Who is that puppy?" Ochako asked Eri.
"Um..." Eri said.
It cut to after Eri explained everything to her mother.
'What?! Terrorists and bomb puppies?! Bombs?!' Ochako said in her head.
'He doesn't...' she said in her head as she frantically looked all over the dog to check for any bombs, but found none, 'seem to have a bomb.'
"Mister Dog here saved me" Eri said.
"Th-The most important thing is that you're safe, Miss Eri. I was so worried" Ochako said.
"Eri is sorry... that she ran off without permission" Eri said with her head down.
"Honestly..." said Ochako as she got on her knees and then hugged Eri, "I'll have to give you a stern talking-to when we get home."
The dog borfed.
"A-Anyway, we need to report this to the police" said Ochako.
It cut to outside the alleyway and it said 'MISSION 14: DISARM THE BOMB.'
"Miss Eri, do you happen to remember what the bad guys looked like, or perhaps part of their conversation?" asked Ochako.
"Um... I'll try real hard to remember!" Eri said.
It showed Ochako talking to the police on a pay phone.
"And that's what happened" she said.
Ochako listened to what the police said to her on the phone, as only her end was shown and heard.
"Yes. One is here next to me, unconscious" said Ochako.
The police on the phone asked another thing.
"Oh, no! I'm just a housewife that happened to pass by" Ochako answered.
"At first I was confused as to why she lied, but then I realized she wouldn't tell anyone she did a karate kick in mid-air at a bad guy if she wanted to keep her assassin job a secret" said Kirishima.
The dog's ears suddenly perked up.
"Mister Dog?" Eri asked.
She then sensed something from the dog's mind again.
'Are you... looking into the future again?' Eri said in her head.
It once again showed the vision of Eri with Izuku and Ochako, but then it changed. This time it was Eri with her head down, Ochako with her back turned... and Izuku was nowhere to be seen.
It cut out of the dog's mind.
'Papa's gone?' Eri said mentally.
It showed the vision again. Now, it was showing a clock tower striking at 5:00.
'Where is this?' Eri thought.
Then it showed an explosion going off near the clock tower, and then it showed Izuku under a bunch of rubble with Eri standing in front of him with a shocked and horrified look on her face.
"PAPA!" Eri screamed in the vision.
It cut to the Midoriya family apartment where we see a news reporter talking on the tv.
"Westalis condemns in the strongest terms of the Ostanian government regarding the incident with the minister and the extremists. It is believed that a conflict between the East and West is now unavoidable" the news reporter said.
It cut out of the vision
'That was from the future!' Eri said in her head as she got in front of the dog, who was confused.
'The future is in trouble! Papa is gonna die and peace will be over!' Eri said mentally as she shook the dog, which Ochako noticed.
"Now, now, Miss Eri! You mustn't be mean to the poor puppy" she said before continuing to talk to the police on the phone.
'Papa is going to die in an explosion. I'll tell Mama and have her save him' Eri said in her head as she turned to Ochako.
'But I can't tell her about my powers' said Eri.
"Mister Dog... Can we change the future if we try real hard?" Eri asked the dog.
Eri glanced at her mother, then turned back to the dog.
"Can you still run?" Eri whispered to him.
"Borf!" the dog said.
"Mama, I'm sorry. I just remembered something" Eri said to her mother, "Papa forgot to take toilet paper to the potty with him!"
"He might be in trouble now, so I'm gonna go take him some toilet paper!" Eri said as she got back on her dog and rode away.
"Miss Eri! Wait!" Ochako called out, but it was too late.
"She ran off again..." she said before going back to talking to the police on the phone.
"Oh, I'm sorry. But that's the story. Please make sure you arrest this man" she said before hanging up.
"Miss Eri!" Ochako called out at she ran after Eri and the dog.
"Miss Eri! Where did you go?!" Ochako called out as she looked for them.
It then cut to the spy base where we see Melissa in her office looking at a map on a wall.
"Handler!" said an agent who opened the door to her office, "We've intercepted a report of a terrorist sighted in an alley near Central Station. The physical description matches one of the students."
"So they're on the move. Have a team stand by on the suspected route they may take from the reported area. We'll commandeer the white van that comes through. It might be carrying explosives. Proceed with caution" said Melissa.
It the cut to the mentioned white van stopping on a road as the terrorists inside saw a group of spies in front of them and aiming their guns at them.
It cut to the terrorists handcuffed and blindfolded as they were knocked to the ground and sat up against a wall in an interrogation room.
"Alpha Team here. We've secured the targets. Four members and three dogs. We also found a case possibly containing explosives" said an agent into a walkie-talkie.
"Bravo here. We've also captured three members. Our main target, Neito Monoma, is nowhere to be found. We will continue our search of the area" said another agent as it showed him and some other agents in a different part of town, with Monoma hiding nearby and watching them.
'They're onto us! Is that the Secret Police? No, are they from the West? What should I do? I've only got two hours before the summit starts.' Monoma said mentally as he looked at his watch, 'There's one more place where we have bombs hidden, but... Theres's no other way! Even if I have to do this on my own!'
It cut back to the interrogation room where one of the agents grabbed one of the terrorists by the shirt.
"Spit it out! Where's the explosion site, and where's Neito?!" the agent demanded.
"My only answer to that is, 'Eat Shit.' Go stick your head in a shitter, you putrid swine!" the terrorist said.
"Strike down the pigs from the West!" another terrorist shouted.
"Strike them down! Strike them down!" the terrorists chanted.
"You little punk..." the agent said.
"Leave the howling to the dogs. You're making my ears hurt" Melissa said to the terrorists before approaching them.
"Hello there, students. What exactly do you want?" she asked the terrorists.
"A war! The extermination of the West and Ostanian supremacy!" the terrorist from before shouted before Melissa shoved the bottom of her shoe in his face and her heel into his teeth.
"Have any of you actually killed a person before?" she asked as she moved her foot away and the terrorist lowered his head and whimpered in pain.
She then shoved her foot down on his head and his face met the floor.
"Have you ever been killed by anyone?" she asked.
"Of course we haven't, you stupid bitch!" one of the other terrorists shouted.
"Have you ever lost a limb in an attack?" Melissa asked as she pulled out a silenced pistol.
"Have you ever heard bones being smashed?" she asked as she took a few steps back from the terrorists.
"Have you ever smelled festering flesh?" she asked as she took out the ammo clip and checked it, before putting it back in the gun.
The terrorists heard the sound of the gun being and unloaded and then loaded and started to panic.
"What the hell are you talking about, you stupid hag?!" the terrorist shouted.
"Have you ever seen your parents or siblings crushed in a crumbling building, right before your eyes? Have you ever seen a piece of your lover's flesh stuck to a wall?" Melissa asked as we see the dark and depressed look on her face, "Have you ever been so hungry, you tried to bite into a tree? Have you ever stewed human flesh in a pot?"
She cocked the gun.
"Have you ever had someone close to you deny your enemy's humanity, so they could continue the killing, only to become so mentally broken after the conflict is over that they weep with regret and shame, vomit, and then eventually... take their own life?" Melissa said as it showed a battlefield, and then we see the battlefield through a window that had blood running down it.
The audience was horrified by all this and could only imagine what kind of horrors this version of Melissa had been through.
"What... what happened to my daughter in this universe?" David asked.
"My guess? A lot of messed up stuff" Luke said.
It cut back to the interrogation room as the light flickered a bit and the terrorists sat there in silence.
Melissa then pressed the gun against the forehead of one of the terrorists. He whimpered in terror.
"Apparently, you've learned nothing of war at your university... you utter children" she said.
It cut back to Monoma. He was in his car that was parked in a dirty alleyway.
"Listen up. Once you catch the minister's scent, don't you dare lose sight of him" Monoma said to the dog from earlier, who now had a vest around him with a bomb in it. "I'm counting on you, pup."
The dog barked.
Monoma sat in the driver's seat of his car and pulled out a map with a route on it.
'But... the point where we were supposed to ambush him in Plan B might've also been discovered, since those guys got caught. Which would mean more guards in the area around the clock tower plaza, making it useless.' Monoma said in his head, 'Actually, in that case, I'll just lure any bastards who try to get in my way into a trap and eliminate them!'
Monoma made an evil smile.
'Just you wait, you pigs! I'll blow you all to smithereens!' he said mentally.
It cut to Izuku driving a car with Torino and another agent in the vehicle as well.
"All teams: investigate points B1 through B4." Melissa's voice was heard saying, "Twilight, I'd like you to investigate the area around B1, which will be the most probable target."
Izuku gripped the steering wheel tightly.
"Stop them, no matter what." she said as it cut to earlier where she was briefing Izuku.
"I know, Handler. I agree with you. I am absolutely done..." he adjusted his fedora, "... with war."
It cut back to him and the other two agents in the car and he sped up.
It then cut back to Eri and the white dog as they find the clock tower.
"Found it! It's where the pointy clock is! That way, Mister Dog!" Eri said as they raced off towards he clock tower.
"That's where Papa's gonna die! We have to stop that!" Eri shouted.
It cut to a number of TVs in a store playing through the window. They all had a news man on them.
"Here in Central Berlint, security is very tight due to the upcoming summit. Traffic will be restricted, and the press will have limited access" the news man said as Eri and the dog went pass the store.
Eri and the dog then arrived at the clock tower area. The dog panted after running so much.
'We made it to the clock place!' Eri said in her head.
It cut to the dog still panting in the shade while Eri looked around.
"Where is Papa supposed to die?" she said to herself before running over to the dog and climbing up him.
"Mister Dog! Lemme see that vision again!" she said to him.
She hopped off the dog as she realized something.
'When the explosion happened went off, the clock went 'bwong'!' Eri said in her head.
'The hand was pointing to the top!' she said as she used her arms and fingers to try and mimic the hands of the clock were in when she saw the vision.
'Which means we have until...' she looked up at the clock and its hands.
'I CAN'T READ THE CLOCK!' she screamed in her head with a shocked but funny face.
"We still need to teach Eri how to read a clock in our universe, too" said Ochako.
'The long hand and the short hand... Which is which?!' she said in her head in confusion.
It cut to a nearby old man sleeping on a bench.
"Excuse me, sir." Eri said.
The only elderly man woke up.
"How many more minutes until that clock goes 'bwong'?" Eri asked as she pointed to the clock tower.
"Oh, are you talking about the bell? It rings every hour, so we've got about 30 minutes until the next one" the old man said.
"Dank you very much!" Eri said as she bowed the the old man.
"30 minutes... We have to hurry!" Eri said to the dog as they headed off.
As they ran, Eri realized something.
"Uh... How many minutes is 30 minutes?" Eri said.
The dog then smelled something, grabbed Eri by the hood of her coat, carried her behind a building, and set her down.
"What's the matter, Mister Dog?" Eri asked him.
Eri peaked from behind the building to see someone getting out of a nearby car... it was Monoma.
"That's the bad guys' boss!" Eri said as she hid back behind the building.
Monoma's dog was also getting out of the car, but then it smelled something and ran off.
"Hey! Don't get out of the car!" Monoma shouted.
The brown dog sniffed around and then caught the scent of Eri and her dog.
'He found us!' Eri said in her head.
The brown dog was about to close in on them, but then Monoma grabbed him by the leash.
"Get back in the car right now, you dumb mutt! I'm in a hurry, dammit!" Monoma said as he dragged his dog back in the car.
Eri sighed in relief, but then she could hear Monoma's thoughts.
'If we don't get the bell outta here, we're gonna get caught!' Monoma said in his head.
Monoma shut the door to his car and Eri continued to read his mind and see his memories.
'I'm counting on you... You'd better work, my impromptu trap!' Monoma said in his head as it showed a bomb rigged to a door.
"HE causes the explosion!" Eri said in horror.
It cut to Monoma sitting inside his car with an evil grin.
'Just try and come after me, you stupid pieces of shit! The moment you set foot in our hideout... Kaboom!' he said mentally.
Eri looked up at the clock tower.
"That building..." she said.
Monoma looked through his windshield to show civilians walking around and being happy.
'The explosion may cause a few casualties... But they're necessary sacrifices to our great cause.' he said before backing away in his car.
'Then again, you'll be dying for our nation. I'm sure you'll all feel honored.' he said before spinning the car around and driving away.
"Jesus... And I thought I was a psychopath." said Shigaraki.
Eri and her dog ran closer to the clock tower.
"Oh, no! We have to do something about that bomb! Let's see... The hand on the clock went from six to seven, so there are seven minutes left? Um, uh... Just hurry!" Eri said as they headed off.
They went inside the building and headed up the stairwell. The dog sniffed around and looked at a nearby door.
"Is that it?" Eri asked.
Eri was about the door, but then her dog borfed loudly.
"Oh, right! If I open the door, it'll go kaboom!" Eri said in realization and terror.
Eri looked around and noticed a small window in the wall next to the door.
"I think I can get in that little window" she said.
She tried to squeeze through the window, but it was very small.
"Mister Dog, push me" Eri told the dog.
The dog pushed Eri through and she fell into the room with the bomb in it. She sat up and noticed the bomb taped next to the door.
"The bomb..." she said.
She put on her winter gloves, as if she was an actual spy.
'If I can disarm this, I can save Papa!' Eri said in her head determinedly.
Izuku and Ochako turned their heads to their daughter.
"Sweetie, if a situation in our world happens where there's a bomb, please don't try to do what the you in this universe is doing. Get an adult or, better yet, a pro to deal with it" said Ochako.
"But, Mama, Papa, I want to help!" Eri said.
"We'll teach you to disarm bombs and deal with other dangerous situations when you're old enough, Snowball. But for now, let us or the pros handle it" Izuku said.
Eri climbed on top of a dresser that was next to the bomb reached her hands out to the the explosive, but then she realized something.
"But how do you disarm a bomb?" she asked herself.
'On TV, when they do the thing where they pick the red wire or the blue wire, it stops' Eri said as she hopped off the dresser and looked closer at the bomb.
'Wire? Wire?' she said in her head as she looked at the wires attached to the bomb.
'Sh-Shock!' she said in her head with a shocked look.
'The wires are all black!' she said in shock and anger.
Eri started panicking.
'And I don't have scissors to choppy the wires! What should I do? There's probably no more time!' she said in her head in a panic.
She looked back at the bomb.
'If Papa comes here, I'll tell him he can't come in. But then he'll find out lots of stuff, and he might not want me anymore' Eri said in her head.
"I would never not want you, Eri" Izuku said.
'But if Papa dies, both Eri and peace will be in big danger!' she said as she crouched down and was about to cry, but then she noticed something nearby on a table... a bottle of ketchup.
It cut to a car pulling up outside the building and Izuku, Torino, and another agent stepping out of it.
"That must be point B1. It's the northernmost room on the third floor" said Torino.
It cut to them walking up the stairwell of the building, armed with guns.
"Hurry it up. We don't have much time" said Torino.
Torino peaked around a corner and saw the door that had the bomb on the other side... but there was something on the door.
"What is that? Something written in blood?" Torino said in confusion.
Izuku sniffed.
"No, that smell... Is it ketchup?" he said.
The audience giggled over the fact that Eri used ketchup to leave a message.
"A doorknob, an eggplant, and some grass? Is it some new kind of code?" said Torino.
"I don't sense anyone's presence, but let's proceed with caution" said Izuku.
"No, there's no time for that. The minister will head out at any minute" said Torino before running towards the door.
"We're not going to be outdone by some college student!" he said as he reached for the doorknob.
It cut to the clock tower just about to hit 5:00. Eri and the dog were waiting outside the building. Eri also had ketchup on her cheek.
'Papa... Did you notice my message in blood?' Eri said in her head in worry.
'He's too far way for me to read his mind. Papa, are you ok?' Eri said in her head.
The clock reached the 5:00 hour and made a large bong sound. Eri and the dog were waiting in case there was an explosion... but nothing happened.
'That's the time I saw in the future... I think! An explosion... didn't happen!' Eri said.
'We did it?' Eri said in her head.
Eri read the dog's mind and the dark future where it was just Ochako and Eri was changed back to the one where they were happy and Izuku was there, too.
"Papa's back!" Eri said to the dog.
The dog licked the ketchup off Eri's cheek and she laughed.
"That means..." it showed Izuku stopping Torino from opening the door.
"We saved the future!" Eri said.
The audience cheered.
"I have a bad feeling about this" Izuku said to Torino.
"This might be some kind of message. Carelessness could cost us our lives" said Izuku.
Izuku then noticed the window Eri had crawled through and used a piece of glass to look inside the room, and he saw the bomb.
"As I figured... It's a trap. If we'd opened the door, a bomb would've gone off" said Izuku.
"So this was a bomb, not an eggplant? That was a close one" Torino said as he looked at the ketchup message on the door.
"Looks like they knew we'd come here" said the third agent.
"But who drew this warning?" Torino asked.
Izuku looked out another window.
"Looks like we don't have time to ponder that. The Secret Police have caught on" he said as he looked out the window and saw three suspicious men heading towards the building they were in.
"Let's leave the message up and let them disarm the bomb. We should get away from here" said Izuku.
It cut them back outside and at their car. The sun was also starting to set.
"I guess we never found Neito. Investigating any further with the Secret Police snooping around will be difficult" said the third agent.
"Let's head to the minister's location. Considering this plan has been ruined, our suspect may try some desperate measures" said Izuku.
It cut the embassy where we see the minister looking out a window.
"Minister Brantz, it is time. Let us head to the guest room. The members of their Department of Foreign Affairs are here" a man said the to the minister.
"Hmph. Apparently the government has eyes everywhere in this country" said Minster Brantz as he looked outside to see three government agents standing outside. One of them was looking right back up at the minister... and he looked just like a male Ochako.
"That guy's another multiverse brother of Ochako: Ocharo Uraraka. Ochako's younger brother who's not to be confused with the Ocharo Uraraka from the gender swap universe. Ochako doesn't know her brother is part of the Secret Police, and Ocharo doesn't know that his sister is an assassin; nor does he know that Izuku is a spy or that Eri is a telepath. But Eri knows about all their jobs. There's also something else about Ochako's brother, something messed up" said Luke.
"What is it?" Ochako asked.
"Let's just say, your brother loves you very much... A little too much" said Luke with a disturbed look on his face before resuming the universe.
"I'm sure this is also because of the terrorist incidents" said the man.
"WISE still hasn't eliminated the suspects? What a worthless lot" said Brantz.
There was then a knock at the door.
"Pardon me. I'm from intelligence" said a voice that sounded a lot like Izuku's.
The door opened, and then it cut to 'Brantz' outside about to get in his limo.
"Minister, if you're ready, our car will take the lead" said Ocharo.
The 'minister' looked left and right.
"Hm..." he said.
The first few vehicles left the embassy.
"Right this way, sir" said one of the secret police as he had the car door open for the 'minister' to get in.
"No, I think I'll take a car alone" said 'Brantz' before getting in the drivers seat of the car.
The others were shocked by this.
"You may all go home" said 'Brantz'.
"Sir?!" said one of the police.
'Brantz' drove out of the embassy and headed down the road, with Monoma driving after him.
It cut to 'Brantz' in his car.
'I should be far enough out of sight. As I figured, he's following me by using the dog to track my scent' said 'Brantz' in his head, but his mental voice sounded like Izuku's.
It cut to back inside the embassy where we see the real Brantz in his underwear and talking on the phone.
"What is the meaning of this, Melissa?! I opened the door because I thought one of your men showed up, and the thief took my clothes!" Brantz shouted into the phone.
It flashbacked to a few minutes earlier, where we see Izuku, wearing sunglasses, taking Brantz's clothes.
"I'll be borrowing your clothes, sir" said Izuku.
"Huh?!" said Brantz.
It cut back to the present, where we see Melissa on the other end of the phone.
"Do your men have no manners?!" said Brantz.
"I do apologize, Minister, but this was rather urgent. I presume he needed your scent to throw the dog off your trail. The enemy should now be several kilometers away, pursuing a fake minister. Please leave now, while you can" said Melissa.
"Izuku really does give new meaning to word 'disguise'" said Toga, who was bit jealous.
"Oh, and to preserve our nation's dignity, please do put on some clothes first" said Melissa.
It cut back to Izuku driving the minister's car as he went down a different road than the others.
"Minister?!" said Ocharo in his car.
It cut to Monoma and the brown dog in his car.
'He changed his route?' Monoma said in his head in confusion.
Izuku then went down another road.
"He changed it again?" said Monoma.
Izuku then went down yet another road.
"Hey, what the hell? Why does he keep going in circles?" said Monoma.
As Monoma followed Izuku, we see Torino and the other agent in a nearby car.
"We have eyes on him. He's in a gray coupe. As far as I can see, he only has one dog" Torino said into a walkie-talkie.
It cut to Izuku disguised as Brantz with a walkie-talkie in the passenger's seat next to him.
"We'll surround him. Lead him to Blue 4" said Torino through the walkie-talkie.
It cut to Monoma in his car.
'What? He's heading back to the hotel? No, he's heading towards the river. A place with few people around' he said in his head before making an evil grin.
'Perfect!' he said.
But then, the car with Torino and the agent drove next to Monoma's car and Torino fired a silenced pistol at Monoma. Monoma and the dog ducked down and the bullets hit the windows and other parts of the car.
"Damn it all!" Monoma shouted before hitting Torino's car with his own, then throwing an explosive at them.
"Hey, hey, hey! Fall back! Back!" Torino shouted to the agent who was driving the car.
But it was too late. The explosive hit the car and the car and it wiped out. Monoma sped off.
Torino pulled both himself and the agent out of the now flipped over car.
"He got us. He still had some explosives. Be careful. He's heading in your direction!" said Torino into his walkie-talkie.
Monoma saw Izuku's car, but it was pulled over and no one was in it.
"Where did he go?" said Monoma.
He turned his head and saw Izuku nearby, disguised as Brantz and making a run for it.
"There he is! He kindly got out of the car for me. That fool!" said Monoma.
Monoma opened the car door, letting his dog out.
"Go!" he said to the dog, who went after Izuku.
'I'll set off the bomb right when the dog bites onto him!' Monoma said mentally as he held up a detonator.
The dog chased Izuku down and alleyway, while Izuku pulled out a silenced pistol.
'Don't you dare think you can get away from a trained dog!' Monoma said as he drove his car after Izuku and the dog.
Izuku did some serious parkour to evade the dog.
"What the hell?! The Minister of the West is insane! He's supposed to be a 60-year-old geezer!" said Monoma.
Izuku kept on running.
"Shit! I'll lose sight of him!" said Monoma.
Izuku was now in an alleyway. The dog was about to bite him.
'I'm sorry. I'm sure the last thing you wanted was to get dragged into some foolish conflict between humans' Izuku said as he ripped his Brantz mask off and aimed his gun at the dog.
"Time to end this" he said.
The audience was worried Izuku was about to kill a dog.
"Now for the third and final episode in this three-part story" said Luke.
The screen was all black with the words in white saying: 'MISSION 15: A NEW FAMILY MEMBER'
It cut to the dog lunging at Izuku. Izuku fired two shots with his pistol, which hit the straps of the bomb vest, causing the vest to come off.
Izuku put his gun away, then the dog bit his arm, and then Izuku threw the bomb vest in the air and into a nearby river.
Monoma looked down the alleyway and saw the dog biting Izuku, but he couldn't see his face.
'It's teeth are in him?! This is it!' Monoma said in his head.
'Explode, you pig!' Monoma said as he activated the bomb.
But the bomb had landed in the water and blew up in there instead, causing water to rain down over Izuku and the dog.
'What? The bomb ended up in the river? The minister threw it?!' Monoma thought in shock.
"Sorry about this!" Izuku said as he threw the dog in a dumpster that was next to them and closed it.
"I'll let you out later, so just stay put" Izuku said to the dog.
Monoma looked down the smokey alleyway and saw Izuku's silhouette.
'That geezer actually managed that?! No... Who the hell is that?' said Monoma in his head as he looked at Izuku down the alleyway, and he realized he wasn't Brantz.
'Why is it someone else? Did I mess up?! Damn it!' he said in his head before driving away.
We cut back to Izuku, as we see that he was wearing padding underneath his suit, which protected him from the dog bite.
'We've got the plate number. You're not getting away in that car. Your plan is finished' Izuku said in his head.
It cut back to Ochako looking for Eri.
"Miss Eri! Miss Eri!" Ochako called out as she crossed a bridge.
'Did she head back toward the first pet shop? I can't let her be found by the terrorists again! I must catch up to her!' Ochako said in her head.
She then heard a car honking and looked down the bridge to see Monoma about to drive under it.
'That's...' she said in her head before getting pissed.
"How dare you do that to Miss Eri?! You won't get away this time!" Ochako said before flipping off the bridge and standing on the road in front of Monoma's car.
"Now people are falling from the sky?! Move, you bitch!" Monoma shouted.
He tried to go around her, but Ochako delivered a powerful kick to the side of Monoma's car, causing him to crash into a street lamp.
Ochako then called the police.
"Oh, hello. Is this the police? I found one of the terrorists after he got into an accident in an alley behind Northtown Park. Would you kindly come fetch him?" Ochako said into the pay phone.
The police on the other side then asked something.
"Oh, no. I'm the housewife that called earlier. I'll be going now" she said before hanging up and continuing her search for Eri.
It then cut to Izuku, Torino, and Melissa at the pet shop from the beginning.
"Despite everything that happened, looks like our work here is done. Man, today sucked" said a bandaged Torino.
"Thankfully, none of this caused a huge commotion. The Eastern government should be working on erasing all signs that this ever happened" said Melissa.
"Are we going to hand these dogs over?" asked Torino.
"That's not our concern. For now, we'll keep them at this shop and report to the higher-ups. We have plenty of things we need to look into" said Melissa.
"Well, I'll be going now. I need to get back to my family as quickly as I can" said Izuku before leaving.
"Good work" Torino said to him.
Izuku left the pet shop and he saw Ochako running his way, then Eri emerged from an alleyway between them while riding her dog. The family was finally reunited.
"What are you two doing here? I thought you went to the adoption event" said Izuku.
"I came back because you were taking too long in the potty" said Eri.
"I was worried about Miss Eri, so I ran after her" Ochako said.
"And... who is this dog?" asked Izuku.
Eri got off the dog and the dog made a 'borf' sound to Izuku.
It cut to after Ochako explained everything to Izuku, minus how she took down Monoma.
"So since all that happened, we didn't exactly have time to look for a pet" said Ochako.
'To think that these two got dragged into the incident, as well' Izuku said in his head.
"I'm sorry all this happened while I was in the bathroom" said Izuku.
"No, no! Your stomachache must have stemmed from the breakfast I made this morning! I'm so sorry!" Ochako cried.
Izuku then turned his head to Eri.
"And you... How many times must I tell you not to run off alone because it's dangerous?!" Izuku said.
"I'm sowwy!" Eri cried.
Izuku regained his posture and calmed down.
"So you're not hurt?" he asked.
"Mister Dog protected me!" Eri responded.
Izuku looked at the dog.
'So he must be another one of the test subjects from Project Apple. If that's the case, I can't let him run free' Izuku said.
He glanced back at the pet shop. The door was slightly open and Melissa was seen standing in the door way. She nodded to Izuku.
Izuku rubbed the dog's head.
"I thank you for saving my daughter" he said with a smile.
"Pardon me" said Melissa, who was now wearing a suit, sunglasses, and no hat. She also had a man with her in a similar ensemble.
"We're from the State Security Service" Melissa said as she held up a badge.
"We're investigating the incident that occurred in City Center earlier. May we ask you a few questions?" asked Melissa.
It cut to after Izuku and Ochako answered their questions.
"I see. Then it's safe to say that this dog was also one of the dogs trained by the terrorists. We'll take him in" said Melissa.
"Thank you very much" said Izuku.
"Also, this incident will not be revealed to the public, given the relationship between the East and the West, so I ask that you stay silent about this. Thank you for your cooperation" said Melissa.
Eri looked at the dog and realized the future where they were together was about to be erased again.
"Now that things have settled down, why don't we go back to searching for a puppy?" Ochako said.
"You're right" Izuku said before they turned to Eri.
"Ok, Eri-"
"No!" Eri shouted.
She then hugged the dog.
"Eri wants Mister Dog!" she said in defiance.
Izuku was surprised by this.
"What are you-"
"Eri wants to take care of Mister Dog!" Eri said.
Izuku was getting annoyed.
"No, that dog belonged to the bad gu-"
"But he saved Eri!" shouted Eri.
"But you're the one who said you wanted a small dog!" Izuku said.
"But Eri wants Mister Dog now! It's ok that Mister Dog is big!" Eri said.
"Stop being difficult!" Izuku said.
Eri then acted in true defiance.
"If you don't let me have Mister Dog, I'll go bad and stop going to school!" she said.
Izuku and Melissa were both shocked by this.
"Oh, now she's got them" said Kirishima.
"What are you talking about?!" Izuku said.
Eri started crying.
"Miss Eri, it's ok! It's ok, Miss Eri!" Ochako said as she tried to calm her daughter down.
"Why are you bringing up school now?!" Izuku said.
Something then changed in Melissa.
"Alright, very well" Melissa said.
"Handl- er, ma'am?!" Izuku said in surprise.
"A-Are you sure about this?" Ochako asked.
"I highly doubt one of these dogs going missing will cause any issues. The terrorists have all been arrested, and the dog didn't actually cause any harm" said Melissa.
"Wait" Izuku said.
"As things stand, Operation Strix is in danger. What else can we do?" Melissa whispered to Izuku.
"Yes, well..." Izuku whispered to Melissa.
"He'll be under your supervision. Keep an eye on him. The other dogs we have will be more than enough for our investigation, so this isn't an issue" whispered Melissa.
"Are you really trying to give me even more work?" Izuku whispered.
"There were a lot of other Mister Dogs. Are the police ociffers going to be mean to them?" Eri asked with big innocent eyes.
Melissa smiled, crouched down in front of Eri, and placed her hand on top her head.
"Don't worry your pretty little head. The dogs will be well taken care of. They'll be given soft beds and warm meals. I'm sure these dogs have had very hard lives. So make sure you take really good care of this pup here, alright? Let's promise each other" Melissa said.
Eri nodded and Melissa stood up.
"Fank you very much, important lady" Eri said.
Melissa walked past Izuku, but stopped.
"She's a good girl" said Melissa.
"You have no idea what I've been through" said Izuku.
"No, I do. I also had a daughter about her age" said Melissa.
Izuku looked back to see Eri with Ochako and the dog. Eri was jumping up and down in excitement, then she hugged the dog in joy.
Melissa smiled.
"Thank goodness today ended peacefully" she said.
Izuku also smiled.
"You're right" he said.
"I had daughter? What happened to her?" Melissa asked.
"No clue" said Luke.
It cut to the dog now on a leash, which was being held by the agent with Melissa.
"For now, we will be taking the dog for the night to check for illnesses. If there are no issues, we'll send him to your place in the morning" said Melissa.
"Alright" said Izuku.
He then turned to Ochako.
"Now, shall we head home?" Izuku said.
"Yes. It's been a very long day, and I'm exhausted" said Ochako.
"This field trip doesn't end until we get home. Don't let your guard down" said Eri.
"Did you learn that at school? This isn't a field trip" said Izuku.
Eri took Ochako's hand.
"Don't worry, Miss Eri. This incident has already been taken care of" said Ochako as the three of them left.
Melissa watched the family leave and smiled.
It was now nighttime and Ochako smiled as they walked home.
'Today, I defeated a bad guy and protected the peace of this country without anyone knowing' Ochako said in her head excitedly.
Eri smiled as well.
'Papa was able to stop the bombing because of me. Eri saved the world!' Eri said in her head excitedly.
As for Izuku, he was completely exhausted.
'We protected the relationship between the East and the West, to an extent. But physically, I'm done. My stomach hurts' Izuku said in his head as he was barley able to walk alongside his family.
It cut to later that evening m, where we see a news report of today's events, with Eri walking in front of the TV.
"I hope Mister Dog comes home soon" she kept repeating those words excitedly as she walked back and forth in front of the TV.
"Calm down. He'll be here soon. And I can't see the TV" said Izuku.
The door bell rang and Ochako opened it to reveal a man with the dog.
"Good evening" said the man.
"Mister Dog!" Eri said excitedly as she ran over to the dog.
The dog was unleashed and walked over to his new family.
"Please take good care of him" said the man before leaving.
The dog sniffed the floor.
"He seems very curious about where he is" Ochako giggled.
We then see the exact same sight as the vision of the good future that Eri and the dog had.
"Wellycome to Eri's house, Mister Dog! This is now your home!" Eri said.
The audience was relieved over the fact that everything turned out alright.
"You know, we should probably give him a proper name now" said Izuku.
"Name..." Eri said as she tried to think of one.
The dog then remembered his past.
"Number 8. Get out here" said a man in the dog's flashback.
It showed the dog being restrained.
"It's time for your medicine" said a doctor with a needles
"Damn it, hold still!" said a man who was restraining the dog.
It then cut to the dog in his cell, with some gross food being placed in front of him.
"Here's your food. You better be grateful" said a man.
It then showed the dog being experimented on.
"Raise the voltage" said the doctor.
"But any more will-"
"It doesn't matter. Even if this dog dies, there are more where he came from" said the doctor.
The flashback ended.
"That poor doggy..." Eri said as she was reminded of all the torture she went through.
"I wonder what's wrong" Ochako said as she noticed the dog whimpering.
"Are you nervous? Want a treat? It's ok you're one of the Midorers now!" Eri asked the dog.
The dog stepped forward and Eri hugged him as happy music played.
It cut to outside the apartment as we hear the news report.
"The summit that began yesterday is now beginning its second day, and it appears that disarmament negotiations are going smoothly" said the woman on the news.
"A truly heroic thing the Midoriya family did" said All Might with a proud smile.
It cut to the following morning.
"I won't get any stars even though I helped beat the bad guys?" Eri asked as she was now in her school uniform.
"Correct. To make sure the East and the West keep getting along, we have to keep this a secret" said Izuku before brushing his teeth.
"Don't go talking about it at school. The police will come get you, and you'll never get to come home" said Izuku as he brushed his teeth.
Eri was shocked by this. Then she stepped into the living room where her dog was waiting for her.
"And after we saved the world together, too" she said to her dog.
"Come, now, Miss Eri. It's time" said Ochako.
'If I can't have any stars... The Friendship Scheme is the only way!' Eri said in her head as triumphant music played.
It cut to Eri arriving at school.
'I'll go to Second Son's house and make Papa's mission a success!' Eri said in her head determinedly.
"'Second Son' is Eri's nickname for Kota in this universe. Because in this universe, Kota has an older brother who also attends Eden. So Kota is the 'Second Son' in his family" Luke explained.
It then showed Kota with no hat and wearing an Eden uniform, and he had two boys his age with him.
"What?! You got a dog?" he said in shock.
Eri nodded.
"Let's see which one of our dogs is bigger! Bring him over!" said Kota.
It then changed back to Eri at the entrance to Eden and we realize the scene with her and Kota was just her imaging how things will go. Eri also had a mischievous grin on her face and an intimidating aura.
'I'm just gonna keep saving the world' she said mischievously, while two students behind her were terrified of her aura.
It cut Eri in her classroom with Satsuki walking over to her.
"Morning, Eri" Satsuki said to her.
"Morning, pwease" said Eri.
"Satsuki also attends Eden and is Eri's best friend" said Luke.
'Thank goodness. Looks like she's gotten over her Starlight phase' Satsuki said as she sat next to Eri.
"Hear me, Satsuki" said Eri.
"Hm?" Satsuki said.
"A dog has appeared at Eri's house" Eri said with a serious look.
"Wait, really?! Ooh, what's it like?! What breed is it?" Satsuki asked.
"Some white kind" Eri answered.
"Well, she's not wrong" said Todoroki.
"How old is it?" asked Satsuki.
"Dunno. He's big" said Eri.
"I wonder if he's more precious than my little Wiesel! I hope they can play together!" Satsuki said as she scooted closer to Eri.
'It works!' Eri said in her head.
"Hey, can I come over to your house?" Satsuki asked, but then she noticed Eri running out of the classroom.
"Uh, hello?!" Satsuki called after her.
Eri exited the classroom to see Kota with Katsuma and Rody's younger brother.
"Katsuma and Rody's brother are Kota's best friends in this." said Luke.
"What do you want?" Kota asked in annoyance.
Eri smirked.
"Heh. I have a dog now" she said.
Kota and his friends were silent for a few moments.
"Yeah, and?" he said.
Eri was completely shocked and dropped to her hands and knees.
'The world is doomed...' she said in her head.
"A single phase to bring a commoner to her knees. Brilliant, Lord Kota" said Katsuma.
'Huh? Did I say something that mean?' Kota said in his head.
"I marvel at your wit!" said Rody's brother.
"I'm sure it's just some filthy mutt!" said Katsuma as they laughed at Eri, who was sniffling.
"Wow. Those kids are complete dicks in this." said Bakugo.
Kota blushed slightly.
"What's... the dog's name?" he asked.
Eri, Katsuma, and Rody's brother were shocked by this, and then Eri gave an adorable and wide smile.
"His name..." Eri said as she stood up.
"Yeah. I guess I don't mind asking" said Kota.
Eri was silent for a few moments.
"Dog?" she answered.
It was once again quiet for a few moments, then Kota and his friends walked away.
"You're not worthy of owning a dog. I've wasted my time" said Kota.
Eri once again made a hilarious shocked face.
"Kota, that was very rude of you" Mandalay said to her nephew.
"It's a different me" Kota said.
It cut to lunch time, where we see Eri eating with Satsuki.
"What? You want to know how to name a dog? Hmm... Maybe name him after a cute food or flower?" Satsuki suggested.
"Food... Peanuts?" Eri said.
"Eri's favorite food in this universe is peanuts" said Luke.
"But your doggie is really big, right? 'Peanuts' might be weird, then. You need to consider his appearance, too" said Satsuki.
"Appearance..." Eri said as she thought of her dog's appearance.
"Old Man Hair?" she said.
"You might be better off letting your mama or papa name him" said Satsuki.
"Eri has bad taste?" Eri asked sadly.
It cut to after the school day was over where we see Eri arriving back home at her apartment.
"Papa, Mama, Eri has returned" Eri said as she entered her apartment, but as soon as she did, her dog pounced on her and began licking her face.
"Welcome home. Oh, my. You're such good friends" said Ochako with a smile.
"Save me! He's gonna eat me!" Eri cried.
The audience couldn't help but laugh again.
"Maybe we should take him for a walk" said Izuku.
"Walk!" Eri said as she stood up.
"There's a dog park near the library" said Ochako.
It cut to the family walking to the dog park.
"Woof, woof, woof-woof! Woof, woof, woof-woof!" Eri chanted.
"Papa! Eri want to hold the leash, too" Eri said.
"You're not ready for that. He'll drag you around everywhere. Though he's been trained before, he still needs household training. You'll need to learn lots of things, too. Like how to feed him, praise him, scold, eat cetera. You need to be prepared to care for him until the end" said Izuku.
"Yep" said Eri.
"By the way, have you come up with a name for him?" Izuku asked.
"My naming abilities are dismal" said Eri.
"Huh? Alright. A simple name that's easy for him to understand and for us to say would be best. Apparently, dogs can't tell consonants apart very well, so we'd be better off giving him a name with strong vowel sounds. Especially A, U, or O" said Izuku.
"This is hard" Eri said.
'They can't tell causes of death apart well?' Ochako said in her head as she imagined what it would be like if she had to kill the dog.
"Would you prefer to bleed to death? Or perhaps be crushed to death?" Ochako asked the dogs
The dog shook his head.
"Stop being so unreasonable!" she said.
"Ochako, don't kill a dog" Jiro said.
It cut out of Ochako's mind and they arrived at the dog park.
"I guess we can figure that out once we know more about his personality" said Izuku.
It showed all the dogs at the park as Eri looked on in excitement.
"A dog park!" she said in joy.
Izuku unleashed the dog, and Eri ran all around the park, jumped up and down, and did somersaults, but then she noticed the dog wasn't doing anything.
"Run around and play, Mister Dog! Or this will just be an Eri park!" said Eri.
Eri then noticed a woman throwing a frisbee and the woman's dog catching it.
"Ok! Mister Dog? We'll do that, too!" said Eri, while the dog was confused.
Eri took off her boot.
"Hi-yah!" she said as she threw her boot, but the dog did nothing.
Eri hopped on one foot over to her boot and put it back on, then walked back over to her dogs
"Maybe this doesn't work if you don't have a name" Eri said.
Eri then walked around the park and asked people what the names of their dogs were.
"Don't run off too far!" Ochako called out.
It cut to a little bit later.
"Your name is Lucky Vanilla Princess III!" she said to her dog, but the dog seemed unfazed.
"Then how about Atomic Angel Charlie General?!" she said.
Ochako smiled.
"Miss Eri seems to be having a lot of fun" she said, but Izuku was thinking of something else as he watched Eri and her dog.
''Be prepared to take care of him until the end.' I may have no right to say those words. Once this mission is over, there will be no more use for the Midoriyas. My relationship with these two ends there. Of course, I'll do my best to follow up with them' said Izuku in his head.
"Wait, he's just gonna abandon Uraraka and Eri when the mission's done? That's so not manly!" said Kirishima.
It showed Eri playing with her dog.
'But this terrorist incident has reminded me yet again that this peace between the East and the West is nothing more than a façade. I must ensure that this Cold War ends as soon as possible. That will be the optimal future' Izuku said before he and Ochako walked over to Eri.
"Hey, it's time to head home now" Izuku said.
Eri ran over to her father.
"You'll be studying once we get home" said Izuku.
Eri was shocked, but then she started panicking when she noticed her gloves were gone.
"I lost my gloves! Where did they go?!" Eri said.
"Did you drop them somewhere?" Ochako said.
"Those are Eri's favorites!" Eri said as she ran off, with Izuku and Ochako following her, but then her dog smelled something.
The dog saw an old woman with her bulldog. The bulldog had Eri's gloves in it's mouth.
"Eri's gloves! Give them back!" said Eri as she ran over to the bulldog. But the bulldog scared Eri.
'Me find! My precious!' the bulldog said in it's head.
Eri was scared, but then the bulldog noticed Eri's gigantic dog and immediately became terrified. He dropped the gloves from his mouth and Eri's dog nudged him away with his paw, and the bulldog fell on his butt.
"How dare you?! What do you think you're doing to my sweet baby?!" shouted the old woman.
Eri's dog picked up Eri's gloves with his mouth and have them to Eri, while the old woman carried her bulldog away.
"Thank you, Mister Dog" said Eri.
But then... Eri recalled the spy cartoons she watches: the Bondman cartoon.
"Bondman is the main character a spy cartoon Eri watches: Spy Wars" said Luke.
"You're like Bondman. You got these back for me" said Eri.
The dog was confused.
"Oh, yeah. You're wearing gloves, too" Eri said as she noticed her dogs brown fur around his feet.
"What's the matter?" Izuku asked as he walked over to Eri and her dog.
"Papa! I know Mister Dog's name now!" said Eri.
It cut to night time as we see the Midoriya family back at their home.
Eri put a bow tie around her dog's neck.
"Mister Dog's name is Bond!" Eri declared.
"'Bond' from 'Bondman,' eh? Not bad" Izuku said.
Bond licked Eri's face.
"That tickles!" Eri said.
"It looks like he approves! And his collar fits perfectly" said Ochako.
Eri then filled Bond's bowl with dog food.
"Ok, Bond. I will now give you your first mission. Eat every last kibble of this dog food!" Eri said.
The dog began eating the food.
"Don't give him too much" said Izuku.
Eri then tried a small piece of the kibble, confusing Bond.
'That was neither good nor bad' Eri said in her head.
Eri then read Bond's mind.
"Ah, you need to go potty. Follow me, Bond" Eri said as she lead Bond over to a litter box with scraps of paper in it.
"Behold, this is your potty. If you go anywhere else, Mama might get mad, cuz she likes everything tidy. So be cautious as you go" Eri said.
Bond sat down in his litter box and did his business.
"We did not need to see that part" said Bakugo.
'He has to poo. Stinky' Eri said in her head.
It cut to Eri and Bond watching Spy Wars.
"Ok, Bond. We'll be watching this cartoon next. I will teach you of your roots!" Eri said.
"Hey, I told you that you need to study. You'd better be ready by the time I finish my bath" said Izuku.
It cut to after Izuku in the bathroom after he was done with his bath and he was now finishing getting dressed. He heard Eri laughing in the living room.
"Those little..." he said in his head.
It showed Ochako washing the dishes and Izuku exiting the bathroom. He noticed Ochako peaking around the corner into the living room.
"Izuku, Izuku! Look" Ochako whispered.
"What is it?" Izuku asked.
They both peaked around the corner to see Eri and Bond fast asleep and cuddling on the floor.
Everyone couldn't help but coo.
"They wore themselves out playing and fell asleep" Ochako said.
They both walked over to Eri and Bond.
"Oh, my goodness! Is this a little angel in our midst?!" Ochako whispered in joy.
"I guess we'll let her off the hook for today" whispered Izuku as he smiled.
"Indeed" whispered Ochako.
The credits then rolled.
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
"Finally did this universe" said Luke.
Everyone couldn't help but find this universe to be funny, adorable, and wholesome.
"Eri, would you ever want a dog in our universe?" Ochako asked her daughter.
"Nah. I like cats" Eri responded.
I've been blowing off this chapter for almost a year I think. Glad I've finally done it. Might do Sword Art Online or some other story next.
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