"Alright you can bring Eri and Kota back in now" said Luke, Mandalay went and got them, "What'd we miss?" asked Kota, "You don't wanna know" said Pixie-Bob.
"Alright now this next universe is also one where quirks don't exist, but there are super powers. Basically in this world, Izuku's a hero in New York called Spider-Man" said Luke, "Pff. Spider-Man? What kind of name is that?" asked Bakugo, who was not impressed. "The name of one of the most iconic superheroes in my world" said Luke, "But wait, I thought you said quirks don't exist in your world, but there's still Spider-Man?" asked Ochako, "No Spider-Man's a fictional character in my world, just like you guys, but he's one of the most popular superheroes out there" said Luke, "Oh ok" said Ochako, "So I take it I don't have One For All?" said Izuku, "No, but you do have spider powers. As to how you got them, you'll just have to watch to find out" said Luke as he pressed a button on the remote and it began playing the alternate universe.
It showed New York City. When suddenly it show's multiple masked gunman robbing a convenience store.
"A convenience store robbery!" said Iida, "Who's gonna stop them?" said Sero.
The masked robbers stepped outside, "The cops are on their way, let's go!" said one of the robbers, until suddenly a web got him and pulled him up.
Then a man in a red and blue costume landed in front of the other robbers. "Hey guys" said Spider Man.
"So that's Midoryia as Spider Man?" asked Jiro, "I guess so" said Momo.
"Ah shit! It's the spider!" said another robber, they fired their guns at him, but Spider Man just dodged them all.
"Holy crap! Midoryia is super acrobatic!" said Ojiro.
He pulled the robbers guns away with webs and then webbed them all up. Suddenly the cops arrived and pointed their guns at Izuku, "Freeze! Put your hands in the air Spider Man!" yelled one of the cops.
"Why are the cops pointing their guns at Midoryia?! He just stopped that robbery!" said Kaminari, "Izuku's a vigilante in this universe. There aren't any quirks, so there are less heroes, which means laws are different and stuff" said Luke.
"Ok fine I'll put my hands up" said Izuku, but as soon as he did he fired two webs and escaped.
After that Izuku web-swung across New York City.
"He can swing with his webs? Just like how I can swing with my tape?" asked Sero, "Yeah basically. He shoots them out of these web shooters he made, but the rest of his powers are all natural" said Luke.
He swung by a Jumbotron that had a news report on it, the news station was called the Daily Bugle. It then showed an older Monoma with a mustache.
"MONOMA?!!!" said Class 1-B save for Monoma who was beaming with pride. "Finally some screen time" said Monoma, "You mean on the Jumbotron, or the holographic screen we're watching this on?" asked Kendo, "Both" said Monoma.
"This just in, SPIDER-MAN just stopped a convenience store from being robbed, but he was probably helping those robbers because Spider Man is a MENACE!" yelled Monoma into the camera.
"What the hell Monoma? Why are you always an asshole even in an alternate universe?" said Kendo, "Well who knows? Maybe Midoryia WAS helping those guys" said Monoma, "No he wasn't, and the reason your in this is because there's a character in my universe who harasses Spider Man on a daily basis, just because he's a vigilante and wears a mask, and since you harasse Class 1-A on a daily basis, you fit the role perfectly" said Luke, Monoma grumbled.
"Same old Monoma" said Izuku as he then wall crawled up the Empire State Building until he reached the top.
"He can crawl up walls like me?" asked Tsu, "Yeah he can" said Luke, "So basically Midoryia's Tsu and Sero combined" said Kirishima, "Yeah pretty much" said Luke.
Once he reached the top he pulled his mask off real quick to catch his breath. "Just another day for your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man I guess" said Izuku.
"So this is normal for Midoryia?" asked Jiro, "Yeah pretty much" said Luke.
Suddenly, the police scanner he kept on his costume went off, "All units, Doctor Octopus has escaped from Rykers island, and is currently attacking Times Square, we are requesting additional backup" said the cop on the police scanner.
"Doctor Octopus? Is that some sort of knock off of me?" asked Shoji, "Not exactly" said Luke.
"Not again" said Izuku as he put his mask back on.
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
(Play this song with the story)
He then dived off the skyscraper.
"Holy shit! That's a big leap Midoryia just took!" exclaimed Sero, "You can say that again" said Toru.
He then fired a web at a nearby building and swung across New York, until eventually he reached Times Square, to be greeted by a surprisingly human-looking Shoji. He had no tentacles or anything, but he did have four mechanical arms coming out of his back.
"SHOJI/ME?!!!" yelled everyone. "Why am I a villain?" asked Shoji, "Well your Quirk is similar to that of an octopus, that's why your Doc Ock in this universe" explained Luke, "What are those things coming out of his back?" asked Kaminari, "They look like robot arms... or tentacles!" said Jiro, "No wonder he's called 'Doctor Octupus' " said Mina. Mei had already begun scribbling down designs for the mechanical arms.
"Ah, Spider Man! You're just in time to witness the end of New York!" said Shoji as he swung one of his robot arms at Izuku, but Izuku jumped over it. "I beg to differ Ock! But hey can we make this quick? I've got a tight schedule today" said Izuku
"Is he seriously making jokes?" asked Iida, "Yeah, Spider-Man does that a lot" said Luke.
Suddenly Izuku jumped on top of a nearby building, and Shoji climbed up after him. "No more playing around Spider, it's time New York bows before the might of Doctor Octopus!" yelled Shoji raising his fists up into the air.
"He seems pretty full of himself" said Mina, "I'm right here you know" said Shoji.
They fought their way up to the tallest building in Times Square, when suddenly, Shoji pulled out a bomb and activated the timer. "No!" yelled Izuku as he lunged at Shoji, only for Shoji to claw Izuku with his metal arms. "Agh! That hurts" said Izuku, "I improved my arms, made them stronger, deadlier" said Shoji, "You don't say..." said Izuku weakly, he was losing a lot of blood, he had to finish this up, quick. Shoji then grabbed Izuku by the leg with one of his metal arms, and held Izuku in front of him upside down, "So long Spider-Man" said Shoji. He then threw Izuku off the building.
"DEKU!" yelled Ochako.
"IZUKU NO!" yelled Inko.
"MIDORYIA!" yelled everyone else.
Suddenly, times slowed down, as it began a flashback.
5 years earlier...
We see some sort of laboratory, and a group of high schoolers on a field trip there. Three of them were Izuku, Ochako, and Bakugo. Izuku was wearing glasses.
"Deku, Bakugo it's us" said Ochako. "You look even more like a fucking nerd Deku" Bakugo scoffed.
"Alright students, next up we have the radioactive spider project" said the tour guide as he showed them a glass box with a dozen red and blue spiders in them. "Here at BakuCorp we've revolutionized spider genetics in hopes of one day creating a new type of super soldier" explained the tour guide.
"BakuCorp? What's that? It sounds like a company owned by Bakugo" said Kirishima, "That's exactly what it is. You see, in my universe Spider Man had a rich best friend, one who's father runs a multi-million dollar company known as Oscorp, but is also a super villain. In this universe Bakugo plays the role of Spider Man's friend, and his Dad runs BakuCorp, but is also a super villain" said Luke, "LIKE HELL THAT WEAK OLD MAN WOULD BE A MILLIONAIRE!!! EVEN LESS SO A VILLAIN!!!" yelled Bakugo, "He is, but we'll get to that later" said Luke.
"We've combined the DNA of 3 different kinds of spiders to create these 12 spiders, as you can see here" said the tour guide, "There are only 11 spiders" said Ochako counting them all, "Huh, I guess the researcher's are working on that one" said the tour guide. We see the 12th spider climbing up a web on the ceiling.
"Uh-oh, I think I know what's gonna happen" said Kendo, "Gee ya think?" said Monoma before getting hit on the head by her.
Suddenly, the red and blue spider crawled down a web line, before landing on Izuku's hand. Izuku was currently taking pictures and didn't notice the spider on his hand... until it bit him. "Ah!" yelled Izuku as he hit the spider knocking it off his hand, killing it. He then felt a bit different, "You ok Izuku?" asked Bakugo, "Um? Can I go to the bathroom real quick? I think I'm gonna be sick" said Izuku raising his hand, "Sure" said the tour guide. Izuku then rushed down the hall to the men's room and threw up. "Must have been something I ate" said Izuku as he flushed the toilet.
Fast forward to the next day, Izuku woke when he noticed he didn't need his glasses anymore. "What the...?" said Izuku confused, he then looked in the mirror and noticed he had a huge 6-pack.
Annnnnnd cue the nosebleeds from most of the girls.
(I'm not gonna show every single part of Spider-Man's origin story, I'm just gonna show the big parts)
Fast forward to later that day. He discovered his spider sense when a jock tried to throw a paper airplane at him in class. He discovered his super strength when he completely crushed a soda can during lunch, while barely even touching it. He discovered his agile skills when fighting a bully in the hallways. He discovered his ability to climb walls after school when he climbed up the side of a building in an alleyway. And he discovered the rest of his abilities one by one.
'When that spider bit me yesterday it must have given me super powers!' thought Izuku. He then saw an ad in the papers for a wrestling fight. Last 3 minutes in the ring and win $3000.
"Wait he's just gonna use his powers for fame and fortune? That's disgraceful!" said Iida, doing his normal hand gestures, "Don't worry. He's gonna use his powers for good soon. But first a heads up, in this flashback Izuku's dad's still alive, for now" said Luke, "You mean All Might?" asked Todoroki, "HE'S NOT HIS DAD! WE ALREADY SPECIFIED WHY THEY HAVE THE SAME QUIRK! AND THAT IZUKU SEES ALL MIGHT AS A FATHER FIGURE! BUT BESIDES THAT THEY'RE NOT RELATED, OK?" said Luke. "I'm just messing with you" said Todoroki, "His father's name was Hisashi Midoryia, he could breath fire, he worked overseas in America, but he died shortly after Izuku was diagnosed quirkless" said Inko.
It then showed Izuku sitting in the car with his Dad, "Here we are" said Hisashi, "Huh?" said Izuku who was preoccupied thinking, "The library, you said you needed to study" said his Dad, "Oh, right" said Izuku who was about to get out of the car, "Hey listen, I heard you got in a fight the other day" said Hisashi, "He started it, what was I supposed to just walk away when I can easily win?" said Izuku, "Look, this bully, he probably deserved what he got, but just because you can beat him up, doesn't give you the right to. Remember, With Great Power, Comes Great Responsibility" said his Dad, "Whatever Dad" said Izuku as he got out of the car, "I'll pick you up at 7" said Hisashi.
Fast forward to the wrestling match. Izuku was wearing what looked like a makeshift version of his spider man costume, it was still red and blue, but it consisted of a red sweater, blue sweatpants, black and red sneakers, and a blue and red mask.
(It basically looks like this, but without the spider symbol and web shooters)
"Ladies and Gentlemen! I give you... the amazing Spider Man!" shouted the referee.
Fast forward to after Izuku won the fight, he got the money and was currently heading down the hallway to the elevator, when suddenly he heard a voice call out from behind him. "Hey! Stop that guy!" yelled a security guard who was chasing after a thug who stole a lot of money. The thug was coming Izuku's way and Izuku could've easily stopped him, but he didn't, he just stood there and let the thug reach the elevator and escape. "What the hell kid? You could've stopped that guy!" said the guard, "That's your problem not mine" said Izuku.
"Midoryia why would you say that?! Do other people's problems mean nothing to you?!" said Iida, "Other me! Besides we all know I change into a better person soon!" said Izuku defensively.
Fast forward to Izuku back in his normal clothes, waiting on the sidewalk for his Dad to come pick him up, but his Dad was late. 'Where the hell is Dad?' thought Izuku, when suddenly he noticed a larger group of people across the street surrounding something, he walked over to see what was going on. And then he saw they were all huddled around his father's dead body.
"Oh my god..." said Ochako.
"Hisashi..." whispered Inko.
"Dad..." whispered Izuku who was on the verge of tears.
"Uncle Hisashi no..." whispered Bakugo.
"DAD!!!" yelled Izuku as he crouched down next to his father's dead body. "Who did this to him? he asked a police officer, "Some scumbag shot him and stole his car, but we've got him surrounded in a warehouse across town" said the cop. Izuku then changed back into his wrestler costume and leapt from rooftop to rooftop until he reached the warehouse. There were police cars surrounding it. "We know your in there! Come out with your hands up!" said one of the cops through the speaker in his police car. Izuku leapt onto the roof without the cops noticing him, he climbed through a window and entered the dark warehouse.
Suddenly, 5 rounds were shot at him, but Izuku dodged them all with his powers. "Who the hell is there?!" shouted the murderer, Izuku then kicked the killer into the window, smashing it. He then saw a clear view of the killer's face... it was the man Izuku let get away earlier.
"No way..."
"It's the guy Midoryia let get away earlier!"
"I'm responsible for my Dad's death?" said Izuku who was about to cry even more. "Don't blame yourself Izuku, you didn't know, and besides, it's an alternate version of you" said his mom.
"What do you want from me?!" said the criminal, Izuku then knocked him out and left him outside for the cops to arrest. After that he sat on top of the Chrysler building, crying. 'It's all my fault... if I had just stopped that guy then Dad would still be alive. But I can't give up, this city needs me...' thought Izuku as he overlooked New York at night.
Fast forward to when he makes his official costume, and to when he designs his web shooters.
It then showed all the people Izuku saved over the years. It showed him saving two kids from a burning building, him stopping a mugging, him stopping a runaway train, him stopping super villains, him kissing Ochako upside down. 'With Great Power...'
Flash back to the current time where we see Izuku still falling, he then opened his eyes. '...Comes Great Responsibility!' thought Izuku as he then fired a web and pulled himself back on to the building and kicked Shoji away. He then grabbed the bomb with a web and threw it into the air where it exploded. "NOOOOOO!!!" shouted Shoji, "Sorry Ock, it's over" said Izuku as he fired multiple webs, webbing Shoji up. He then left Shoji for the cops and swung away. He also webbed up his wounds.
He then reached his apartment. Upon entering he took off his mask and entered the kitchen. "Hey Tiger" said Ochako who was making dinner and wearing a white t-shirt that had Spider-Man's face shaped like a heart on it.
"Tiger? That's my name" said Tiger, "Oh that's another thing I forgot to mention. In my universe Spider Man has a girlfriend who calls him 'Tiger' as a nickname, so the same thing applies with Ochako in this universe, she calls him Tiger" said Luke, "Oh ok" said Tiger.
"Hey Ocha" said Izuku as he walked over and gave her a kiss on the cheek. The two of them sat down at the kitchen table to eat dinner. "How was crime fighting today?" asked Ochako as she ate her food, "Ah you know, the usual, I stopped a convenience store robbery, stopped a person from getting run over by a car, and beat up some thugs trying to rob a person, oh and I also saved the city from Doc Ock" said Izuku, "Wow, you've come a long way from being the shy bookish nerd in High school haven't you?" said Ochako, "Oh also I'm kinda bleeding" said Izuku, as the webs he use to patch his wounds had failed, "Oh shit sorry! I'll get the med kit!" said Ochako. After Izuku was patched up, the two of them sat outside watching the sunset.
(It looks like this but it's Izuku and Ochako)
'I hope I'm making you proud Dad' thought Izuku as the screen then went to black.
Hey guys sorry if this chapter seemed a little rushed. Let me know what you wanna see next in the comments below. Anyways, thx for reading.
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