Ryan George Christmas Song Videos
Luke entered the theater with a Santa hat and a mug of egg nog.
"Alright, ladies and gentlemen, it's December and Christmas time in my universe, so I've decided to show you all a couple of YouTube videos where Izuku and a few others work at a company that writes the classic Christmas songs." said Luke.
It began with an adult Izuku holding a clipboard, standing in front of a table that had several other adult Class 1-A students sitting at it.
"Ok, so we have But the fire is so delightful, and since we've no place to go..." Izuku said as they tried to come up with the next line.
"Uh, I will allow it so snow?" Kirishima said.
"Proceed with the snowing now." said Todoroki.
"We're not quite there. But definitely something about permission." said Izuku.
"What about Let it snow?" Iida said.
"Let it snow? There it is. Great suggestion." Izuku said as he wrote the lyrics down on his clipboard.
"Thank you." said Iida with a prideful smile.
"Ok, so let's take a break from that song for a minute. Let's go back to that Winter Wonderland song we were working on." said Izuku.
"Sure." said Kirishima.
"So what's some- what's some relatable stuff you do in the winter?" Izuku asked.
"You listen to sleigh bells." said Kirishima.
"Sleigh bells ring..." Kirishima said as he thought of a line, "... are you listening?"
"Love it." said Izuku as he wrote it down.
"You, uh, you build a snowman." said Iida.
"You build a snowman. You do that. That's good, that's good." said Izuku as he wrote those ideas down.
"Maybe in a meadow." said Kirishima.
"In the meadow we can build a snowman. I love that." said Iida.
"Absolutely. We are on a roll, guys." said Izuku.
"Yeah, yeah, yeah. Then you pretend he's Parson Brown." said Todoroki.
They were silent for a moment.
"What?" said Kirishima.
"What was that?" asked Izuku.
"The snowman, right? You pretend he's Parson Brown." said Todoroki.
"I don't- Who is that?" Iida asked.
"Yeah, who's Parson Brown?" Izuku asked.
"Just Parson Brown. Parson Brown." Todoroki replied.
"Is this, like- Is this someone you know personally?" asked Izuku.
"Yeah, this is supposed to be relatable. We can't include lyrics about some guy you know." said Kirishima.
"No, Parson Brown's not a real person. It's like a generic name." said Todoroki.
"O- Ok." said Izuku.
"Of a priest in the Church of England!" said Todoroki.
"What?" said Iida.
"Yeah, this guy's like an Anglican or Protestant minister. Guy doesn't exist, though. He's made up." said Todoroki.
"So, you pretend like the snowman is a nonexistent minister?" asked Kirishima.
"You pretend like the snowman's a nonexistent minister. That's right." said Todoroki.
"Nobody's ever done that with a snowman." said Iida.
"Ok, uh, do we have any other ideas on the table maybe?" Izuku asked.
"Maybe something more relatable. Maybe something about decorating the snow man." said Kirishima.
"Then the priest starts asking you and your girlfriend some questions." Todoroki cut in.
"Ok." said Izuku in annoyance.
"What are you talking about?" Iida asked, also in annoyance.
"Parson Brown, he starts asking about your love life, how serious is it. Stuff like that." said Todoroki.
"This isn't a thing!" said Kirishima.
"He says Are you married? You say No, man." said Todoroki.
"I... Uh..." Izuku said.
"You tell this guy no. And this is something that all couples do with snowmen." said Todoroki.
"When people build a snowman it usually just ends with them being like Hey, look at the snowman we built." said Kirishima.
"Yeah, and then they go home or something. Imaginary religious leaders rarely come into play, if ever." said Izuku.
"I'm just trying to make this song relatable to everybody." said Todoroki.
"It's not- I feel like this is the opposite of that." said Iida.
"And after you tell the priest you're not married, you tell him He can do the job when he's in town. That'll be the next lyric." said Todoroki.
"So, you're pretending the snowman is a priest named Parson Brown who's not even physically there?!" said Kirishima.
"Yeah, what do you mean When he's in town? You said you're pretending the snowman IS Parson Brown." said Izuku.
"Later in the song we pretend the snowman's a clown!" said Todoroki.
"A clown?" said Iida.
"From the circus. We can pretend he's a circus clown." Todoroki said.
"What circus?!" said Izuku.
"That has nothing to do with Christmas!" said Kirishima.
"Listen, fellas, we can always run these idea by my FATHER, see what he thinks." said Todoroki.
"Ugh. Ok. Ok, ok." Izuku said as he wrote the lyrics down on his clipboard, "You're lucky your dad's the CEO of this vague company that writes all Christmas music for some reason."
"Yeah, what is our business model?" asked Iida.
"I think people are gonna like it." said Todoroki.
"Yeah, well, we'll see about that." said Izuku, "Ok, let's shift our focus to a different song. Let's- Let's try to do something relatable this time." said Izuku.
"Ok, ok, so how 'bout a song where a woman REALLY wants to leave a man's house but he's not letting her." said Kirishima.
"Yeah, that sounds great to me." said Izuku as he wrote the idea down.
"I see nothing wrong with that." said Iida.
"That's the end of the first video." said Luke.
Many people were still laughing from the video, but some were also disgusted with how they mentioned the last song.
"Now for the other video." said Luke.
Izuku was once again standing in front of a table with some of his friend there.
"Alright, fellas. We gotta come up with some Christmas songs. Stat!" said Izuku.
"I was thinking maybe something about a reindeer." said Bakugo.
"Yeah, that's actually a pretty good launching point. I mean what we could do is-" said Kaminari, but then Tokoyami cut him off.
"I was thinking we could make a song about a snowman." Tokoyami said.
"I- Yeah. That could work. That's Christmasy, sure." said Izuku.
"Yeah, yeah, yeah. And I think we should make it clear he's a smoker right off the bat." said Tokoyami.
They were all silent for a moment.
"What?" said Izuku.
"Right at the beginning of the song we let people know the shape of his nose, obviously. And then we let people know that he likes smoking tobacco products through a corncob pipe!" said Tokoyami.
"I don't really know if we need to be mentioning that." said Bakugo.
"This guy smokes! And he's got jet-black eyes!" said Tokoyami.
"What?" said Kaminari.
"Made of coal!" said Tokoyami.
"Coal?" Izuku said.
"Yeah! And his eyes are made of black, combustible, sedimentary rock! Put that right at the beginning of the song. Maybe, like, the fourth line." Tokoyami said.
"That's horrifying!" said Bakugo.
"So how much does this dark-eyed, inanimate snowman smoke?" Izuku asked in worry.
"Inanimate? No, no, no, no." Tokoyami chuckled.
"It's not- It's animate?!" Kaminari said in fear.
"This thing's gonna dance around with the children and play." said Tokoyami.
"How is- What?!" said Bakugo.
"Well, the children suspect there might have been some magic in this old top hat they found and put atop the snowman." said Tokoyami.
"So, just how cursed is this hat?" Izuku asked.
"This is a haunting song so far!" said Kaminari in even more fear.
"And as soon as they laid it upon his head, he began to dance!" Tokoyami said.
"With what limbs?!" said Izuku.
"Those poor children must be terrified!" said Bakugo.
"I don't know if they're terrified or not, but they will play with him." said Tokoyami.
"Is he forcing them to?! My god!" said Izuku.
"This doesn't feel Christmasy at all!" Kaminari cried.
"And here's the thing about this snowman, gentlemen... He's gonna reveal he knew the sun was hot that day." said Tokoyami.
"Ok?" Kaminari whimpered.
"And what does that mean for a man made of ice, you might ask? His death is imminent and he knows it!" shouted Tokoyami.
"Oh, my god!" said Bakugo.
"He's fully aware of his impending doom! He knows his time on this mortal plain will be over imminently! The heat from the sun will melt his very flesh away!" said Tokoyami.
"Maybe we can just make a song about hot chocolate or something? What about that?" Kaminari asked, trying to change the subject to something less horrifying.
"NO! And then he tells the children they need to hurry up and play now before he perishes!" said Tokoyami.
"He tells the children he's dying?!" said Bakugo in horror.
"He does." said Tokoyami.
"Those poor kids are gonna need so much therapy." said Izuku.
"And then what does he do? He runs down into the town square... holding a broom stick in his hand." said Tokoyami.
"Like a witch?" Kaminari whimpered.
"Lot of dark magic in this song." said Bakugo.
"And he runs around yelling Catch me if you can! This draws the attention of a local police officer, a traffic cop actually." said Tokoyami.
"I bet!" said Izuku.
"And the officer yells Stop! And so the snowman has to hurry on his way." said Tokoyami.
"So, he's a fugitive now! Oh, what are we doing here?!" Kaminari cried.
"But before he leaves, off to his imminent death mind you, the heat still BEATING down upon him... He tells the children not to cry." Tokoyami said.
"I mean, how could they not? To be honest, this sounds like a demonic possession." said Bakugo.
"He tells them that he'll be BACK AGAIN SOMEDAY." said Tokoyami.
"Oh, my god! That's so ominous!" said Izuku.
"Extremely threatening for sure! I mean, what, this thing can reincarnate?!" said Kaminari.
"YES! HE CAN! He'll be back in a new form. Probably a... snowman again!" said Tokoyami.
"This is truly one of the most horrifying things I've ever heard." said Bakugo.
"Yeah, I gotta be honest. I don't know if this is gonna catch on as a Christmas song." said Izuku.
"Did I mention his name is Frosty?" Tokoyami said.
Izuku's mood immediately changed and he laughed.
"That's actually really cute! Ok, this could work!" said Izuku as he wrote the song down on his clipboard.
"Oh, fantastic! Glad you like it!" said Tokoyami.
"Alright, anyone else have some ideas?" Izuku asked.
"I had an idea for a song where somebody's mother makes out with Santa Claus." said Mineta with a pervy look on his face.
"Oh, god! Oh, no that's definitely not gonna be a popular Christmas song!" said Izuku.
The screen went to black.
The audience was still laughing their asses off.
"Never realized how truly terrifying the Frosty the Snowman song is until now." said Kirishima between laughs.
These are the videos this universe was based off of:
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
Thx for reading and Happy Holidays.
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