"Alright now this universe is gonna be pretty sad just a heads up. It's near the end of your 3rd year, but something bad happens" said Luke. 'Oh no' thought everyone else.
We see Class 3-A in the classroom one morning waiting for Aizawa, Izuku was the only person who wasn't there.
"So that's what we'd look like in 2 years?" said Kaminari, "Where am I?" asked Izuku.
Ochako was sitting in her desk when she noticed something... Izuku was nowhere to be found. 'He's probably just running late, he was out late last night on patrol' she thought to herself.
"Wow Midoryia you've been getting a lot of action huh?" said Kirishima, "I guess so" said Izuku.
Pretty soon they would be graduating, and Ochako would finally be able to tell Izuku how she feels. But then Aizawa entered the classroom, with a grave look on his face. "Can... can I have everyone's attention please?" said Aizawa, and everyone immediately shut their mouths. "Something's... something's happened... said Aizawa.
"What could've happened?" said All Might, "Beats me, I'm just as clueless as you guys are" said Aizawa.
"Midoryia... is dead..." Aizawa said grimly.
The audience was in complete silence. "Deku..." whispered Ochako who was about to cry, as she clutched her Izuku tightly, "Midoryia my boy no..." whispered All Might, "Izuku..." whispered Inko, "Papa's dead?" said Eri, nobody even bothered to realize she just called Izuku 'Papa', they were too busy crying.
The classroom was silent for a few seconds, still processing the information.
"Last night he was out on patrol, when a villain robbed a convenience store. Midoryia was the only hero in the area. It should have been easy, but the villain had some sort of strength quirk, very similar to Muscular's. Midoryia put up a good fight, but in the end... the villain just... just..." Aizawa stopped for a second, you could see a few tears coming from his eyes. "Beat him to death..." he said.
"What sick bastard would beat a kid to death?! Who did it?! We'll take 'em down!" said Mt. Lady.
The horrified looks the classmates had were beyond describing. Ochako was the most horrified.
"School is cancelled today and tomorrow. Because that's when the funeral is. Your all invited to it. Class dismissed." said Aizawa, who then left the room.
The class remained in their seats, still in shock. Many started to cry, even Bakugo had a few tears running down his cheeks. Ochako was still processing the information. 'Deku... is dead?' she thought, tears running down her face.
When they got back to the dorms the class still didn't say anything. They just sat there in the common room to shocked to say anything, until Kaminari finally broke the silence. "Midoryia's dead" he said, "We know that, idiot" said Jiro as she was wiping away some tears from her face. "I... I can't believe one of my closest friends is gone" said Iida. "God damnit. Why did that idiot have to go do that?! Why couldn't he just for the pro's to arrive?! I never actually wanted him to die!" said Bakugo, tears running down his face. "How's Ochako taking it?" asked Momo. "I don't know. Where is she?" asked Toru. They all looked around the room Ochako was nowhere to be found. "She said she was going up to her room" said Mina. "Let's leave her alone guys, she must be taking this the hardest right now, ribbit" said Tsu.
Ochako had gone up to her room and as soon as she locked the door, she fell onto her bed crying. Suddenly her phone starting ringing, she checked to see who it was. It was her parents, 'They must've heard what happened to Deku, that's why they're calling to check up on me' she thought, but instead of answering it, she hung up.
"I never hang up a call from my parents" said Ochako, "Well you just lost the love of you life, so you probably don't want to talk to anyone right now" said Mina.
She didn't get much sleep that night.
The next day was the funeral, it was raining outside. They were at the cemetery, about to lower Izuku's coffin into the ground. They couldn't even have an open casket funeral for him because of how badly the villain had crushed his body. The whole class was there, as well as all the teachers, and Izuku's mom. All Might was crying more than the rest of the teachers were. Izuku's gravestone said: Here lies Izuku Midoryia Born: July 15, 2158 Died: February 12, 2176 Rest In Peace.
"Would anyone like to say a few words?" asked the pastor. Iida went first, "Izuku was one of the closest friends I've ever had, he inspired me to be stronger and to never give up" then Todoroki spoke "Midoryia helped me face my inner demons, he was one of the only friends I've ever had, he didn't deserve to die" then a few other people went until it was Bakugo's turn "Deku- I mean Izuku... was my best friend since birth, but I was a selfish piece of shit who bullied him for over a decade, just because he also wanted to be a hero, I should be the one dead not him!" said Bakugo, more tears running down his face then ever.
"Aw Bakugo you do care!" said Mina, "Shut up! My oldest friend died so of course I'd be upset!" yelled Bakugo.
Finally it was Ochako's turn, "I... I never got to tell Deku how I truly felt about him. Because I was too focused on becoming a hero. I-I thought I could tell him after we graduated. But now he's dead and I'll never be able to tell him!" she said collapsing onto the ground crying.
"This is... so sad" said Toru.
The screen then went to black.
Many people were still crying. "Yeah sorry about that guys" said Luke. "This is why you and Midoryia should hook up soon Uraraka, because what if he does die? You'll never get to be with him then" said Mina. Ochako didn't know what to say.
Hey guys, sorry if this was a short chapter and it felt a little rushed. It's just that in a lot of fanfics I've read Ochako waits until the end of their 3rd year to tell Izuku how she feels, and I don't like that. I mean yeah, I'm just a big Izuocha shipper and I want them to hook up as soon as possible, but also it would make sense for them to hook up sooner, because Izuku's already almost died a million times, and not to mention all the other girls that have been hitting on him in the show lately. What if Izuku dies or hooks up with another girl? I mean we know he's not gonna die because we already know that he becomes the worlds greatest hero, but Ochako doesn't know that, so she should hook up with Izuku sooner rather than later.
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