Quirkless Hero
"Alright now in this next universe Izuku never got One For All and remained quirkless, but he still became a hero" explained Luke, "WHAT?!!! THERE'S NO WAY DEKU CAN BE A HERO WITHOUT A QUIRK!!!" screamed Bakugo, "That's enough Bakugo" said All Might.
It started with Izuku walking home after he was told by All Might he couldn't be a hero without a quirk. Suddenly, a man appeared out of nowhere, "Wha?! Where did you come from?!" said Izuku, "Sorry about that, my name is Stopwatch, my quirk allows me to freeze time" said Stopwatch.
"I've never heard of that hero before" said Izuku, "That's surprising since you have a million heroes in your journals" said Ochako.
"Really? Does that mean you could-" then Izuku went on another one of his mumbling charades. "Woah calm down kid. Anyways you looked upset, so I wanted to see if you were ok" said Stopwatch, "Well you see I'm quirkless, and I just met All Might and he told me I can't be a hero without a quirk" said Izuku who had his head down. "Well I'm sorry to hear that... you know if you really wanna be a hero that badly there might still be another way" said Stopwatch, "I'm not gonna jump off a building!" said Izuku, "WHOA! Where'd you get that from?" said Stopwatch, "Sorry someone said it to me earlier" said Izuku.
Bakugo felt multiple eyes on him.
"Well anyways, if you wanna be a hero I could train you" said Stopwatch, "What?! But I'm quirkless!" said Izuku, "I know but I could train you to be the first QUIRKLESS hero" said Stopwatch, "How?" said Izuku, "By teaching you hand-to-hand combat, acrobatics, and other things. That's how I was trained. I mean, I can't always rely on my Quirk can I?" said Stopwatch, "But that kind of training would take months, YEARS even" said Izuku, "Maybe so, but remember, I can freeze time, and I can freeze it for you as well, and you won't age or anything when I do" said Stopwatch, "Really? You'd do that for me?" said Izuku, "Sure, I believe that a person can be a hero without a Quirk, and that's gonna be you kid" said Stopwatch, "I... I don't know what to say" said Izuku, "Say yes. By the way what's your name kid?" asked Stopwatch, "Izuku Midoryia" said Izuku, "Well Izuku, your training begins tomorrow, meet me at Dagobah beach and we'll begin your training" said Stopwatch, "OK!" said Izuku raising a fist in the air.
"You can do it Deku!" shouted Ochako raising her fist in the air as well, 'So cute!' Izuku said in his head.
The next day Izuku met Stopwatch at Dagobah beach, "Ok Stopwatch, so what are we doing first?" asked Izuku, "Well first you're gonna clean up all this trash on the beach, don't worry I'll freeze time and everything" said Stopwatch. Suddenly Stopwatch clenched his fists, and there was a bright flash of green light as time froze around them. "Alright let's get to work kid!" said Stopwatch.
*Cue training montage with the song: 'Whatever It Takes* by Imagine Dragons.
After Izuku cleaned up the beach, he was taught hand-to-hand combat, then he was taught acrobatics, then he was taught parkour, until eventually he was ready. "Alright Izuku, today's the day. The Entrance Exams, do your best kid" said Stopwatch, "I will" said a buff and muscular Izuku.
Fast forward to the Entrance Exams. Izuku meets Ochako and the others all the same. He wasn't able to destroy any robots. Until suddenly, 'It's that nice girl I met earlier, she's in trouble!' thought Izuku as he saw Ochako trapped underneath all that rubble.
"There's no way he's gonna be able to save round-face without a quirk" said Bakugo.
Izuku then ran over to her and lifted the debris and pulled Ochako out right before it could step on them.
"You were saying Bakugo?" said Jiro, Bakugo only growled.
Fast forward to when Izuku got home and got the letter saying he got into UA. Ochako asked the teachers to give Izuku some of her points but the teachers said there was no need since he already had rescue points.
Bakugo tried to get Izuku to drop out of UA, but Izuku refused.
Izuku got his hero costume. (Instead of his costume being based off All Might's it's based off Stopwatches)
Ochako quickly fell in love with Izuku, just like in the Anime.
Izuku beat both Bakugo and Todoroki in the sports festival and came in first place.
"Man Midoryia's good" said Kirishima.
Fast forward to after they got their provisional licenses. Izuku was on his way back to the dorms when suddenly All Might approached him, "Midoriya can I talk to you for a second?" he said, "Sure" said Izuku. All Might then explained to Izuku the full story of OFA. "Wow... that's a lot to take in, but All Might why are you telling me this?" asked Izuku, "Because I want you to have One For All Midoriya" said All Might.
"Huh, so I guess this Midoryia does get a Quirk after all" said Kaminari.
"No thanks I'm good" said Izuku.
"Nevermind" said Kaminari.
"W-w-what?" said All Might, "I said I'm good, I appreciate the offer, but I don't need a Quirk to be a hero, I don't care what you said" said Izuku. "You'd rather remain quirkless than be one of the most powerful, if not the most powerful person in your class?" said All Might, "Yeah, I made a promise to my mentor Stopwatch that I would be the first quirkless hero, and I intend to keep it" said Izuku.
"That's bullshit! Who would be stupid enough to turn down such a powerful Quirk?" said Bakugo.
After that Izuku left and headed back to his dorm. He was currently sitting in his dorm room, he doesn't have any All Might stuff in there because All Might crushed his hopes and dreams. He heard a knock on the door. He opened it to be greeted by Ochako, "Oh hey Uraraka! What brings you here?" asked Izuku, "Deku can we talk?" asked Ochako, "Sure" said Izuku. She walked in and Izuku closed the door behind them. "So what did you want to-" but suddenly Ochako pressed her lips against is.
"YEET!" said Mina.
"I love you" she said, "I love you too" said Izuku.
And the screen went to black.
"And that's all for this universe" said Luke.
Hey guys that's all for this story, sorry if it seemed rushed. Also sorry the IzuOcha scene seemed a little rushed. Anyways, don't forget to post your ideas in the comments below. Thx for reading.
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