Pyro Deku Pt. 1
"Alright now this next universe is the exact opposite of the quirkless universe you saw" said Luke, "How so?" asked Ochako, "In this universe Izuku WAS born with a quirk" said Luke. "Deku may have a quirk but it won't be as powerful as mine!" said Bakugo, "And Bakugo's the quirkless one in this" said Luke, "Wait what?!" said Bakugo, but Luke just ignored him and activated the holographic screen.
It showed a 4-year old Bakugo being bullied by some kids. "L-leaves me alone you jerks!" said Bakugo, "You can't be a hero without a quirk loser!" said one of the kids, they were about to walk over to him and beat him up when suddenly a wall of fire appeared cutting them off from Bakugo, "Leave him alone!" said a 4-year old Izuku who had fire coming out of his hand.
"Holy shit!"
"Is that fire coming out of his hand?!"
"Show off" said Todoroki and Endeavor.
"Deku!" shouted Bakugo who was happy to see his friend. "Why are you helping a quirkless loser like him Midoryia? You should be helping us since you have such a powerful quirk!" said the kid, "I don't care! Kacchan's my friend and I won't let you hurt him!" said Izuku as he stood in front of Bakugo protecting him.
'I'm quirkless in this universe and Deku's still nice to me?' thought Bakugo. "Wow. I thought Midoryia would be like Bakugo, but he's not! He's still seems to be the same old cinnamon roll we all know and love" said Kaminari.
"Huh. Then I guess your also trash" said the kid, "You better shut up you jerk!" yelled Izuku angrily.
"Never mind" said Kaminari. "Why is Deku so angry?" asked Ochako, "He gets mad when people hurt his friend, he's still a good person but he's a bit tougher" said Luke, "So he's like me" said Bakugo, "No because unlike you he has a reason to be angry" said Luke, "What did you say to me you little-?!" but Luke cut him off, "Alright now let's get back to this universe" he said.
Izuku then enveloped his entire body (save for his clothes) in fire which scared the other kids off. After that he went to check on Kacchan to see if he was ok. "Are you ok Kacchan?" asked Izuku, "Yeah, I'm fine. I just wish they'd stop bullying me just because I also want to be a hero" said Bakugo, "Don't worry Kacchan! You'll be a hero even if you don't have a Quirk! I believe in you!" said Izuku.
'Deku still believes I can be a hero? Even though I don't have a Quirk?' thought Bakugo.
"Thanks pal. Now let's go home" said Bakugo.
Fast forward to when they're near the end of middle school.
"Alright Kacchan I'll see you on Monday" said Izuku, "See ya Deku" said Bakugo. Izuku walked home when he ran into the sludge villain, but was able to beat him with his Quirk, then All Might came in. "Great job there young man, what is your Quirk even?" asked All Might, "My Quirk is called Pyrokinesis, it allows me to manipulate fire and create fire from my body and stuff" said Izuku.
"So that's his quirk" said Tsu, "It seems to be a combination of both his parent's quirks" said Momo.
"Oh hey All Might could you sign my hero journal?" said Izuku.
"Wait Midoryia has a Quirk, why does he still have hero notebooks?" asked Mina, "Well I want to be the best there ever was, so I'd probably still have notebooks to prepare myself for that" said Izuku.
"Sure, you're planning on becoming a hero?" said All Might as he signed the notebook. "Yeah, that's why I have these journals" said Izuku, "Well I hope you achieve your dream, anyway bye" said All Might before leaping into the air, but suddenly he felt something on his leg. He looked down to see Izuku holding on to him, "WAIT THERE'S STILL A QUESTION I NEED TO ASK YOU!!!" screamed Izuku. After that All Might landed them on a nearby building, "Not a very smart move. Bang on the door for a while, someone will let you in" said All Might as he was about to leave, "But there's still a question I need to ask you" said Izuku, All Might stopped in his tracks. "The notebooks I have... they're also to help out a friend of mine" said Izuku, "Oh really?" said All Might, "Yeah. He's quirkless but I believe he can be a hero without a quirk. That's the other reason I have these notebooks, so I can help him become a hero as well" said Izuku, "No Quirk?" said All Might before he accidentally turning into his skinny form. Fast forward to after All Might explains his skinny form to Izuku. " in order to answer your question no, your friend can't be a hero without a Quirk. It's not bad to dream, he should just make sure his dreams are realistic" said All Might.
"So now All Might's crushing my dreams?!" said Bakugo, "Calm down young Bakugo it's another universe" said All Might.
"Uh... I see sir..." said Izuku with his head down. All Might then left and Izuku continued his walk home, 'What am I gonna tell Kacchan?' thought Izuku.
Suddenly Izuku saw the sludge villain attacking Kacchan and charged at it just like in the show, but instead of throwing his backpack at the monster, he throws a bunch of fireballs instead, weakening it. "Deku what are you doing here?" said Bakugo as he struggled to break free, "You were in danger, I couldn't let you die Kacchan" said Izuku.
"Always putting others before himself, that's what makes a true hero" said All Might.
After that All Might defeated the sludge villain just like in the show, and Izuku resumed his walk home, until All Might stopped him just like in the show. "Young man you were very brave back there, I'd like to offer you my Quirk" said All Might as he changed into Small Might, after that he explained to Izuku the story of One For All, and how he wanted Izuku to have it. "I appreciate the offer All Might, but I don't think I should be the one to have it" said Izuku.
"This again?" said Ochako, "Why would that nerd turn down One For All?! Combined with his Quirk he would be unstoppable!" said Bakugo.
"It should go to Kacchan, my quirkless friend I told you about. He just wants to help people like me" said Izuku.
'Deku thinks I should have One For All?' thought Bakugo.
"Hmmmm... Well I suppose if he's really willing to prove himself, I can give him One For All instead" said All Might.
The next day...
"Ok Deku why did you bring me here?" asked Bakugo as they arrived at Dagobah beach. Suddenly they saw Small Might, though Bakugo didn't know it was All Might. He then turned into his buff form, "ALL MIGHT?!?!" said Bakugo who was both happy and shocked seeing his hero. "So, you're this 'Kacchan' Midoryia's told me so much about" said All Might, "Uh Bakugo's fine" said Bakugo, "Well then Bakugo, I'd like to offer you my Quirk" said All Might, "WHAT?!" said Bakugo.
After that All Might explained the full story of OFA to Bakugo, and how he was gonna give it to Izuku but Izuku insisted it be given to Bakugo instead. Bakugo started to cry.
"Deku... I don't know how to thank you" said Bakugo with tears in his eyes, "You don't need to buddy" said Izuku. After that Bakugo did all the training Izuku did in the show.
10 Months later...
It was the day of the entrance exams. Izuku and Bakugo, who were both really buff now, approached the front gates of UA. "So Kacchan you ate a piece of his hair?" said Izuku, "Yeah it was gross, but All Might said it'll take some time for One For All to kick in" said Bakugo, "How much longer?" asked Izuku, "Hopefully not that much longer" said Bakugo. Suddenly Izuku tripped, Bakugo was about to catch him, but then a certain someone else did... Ochako.
"Sorry for using my Quirk without asking" said Ochako with her usual bright and bubbly smile, but Izuku was still speechless, just like in the anime.
'So cute!' was all anyone could think.
After she left, Izuku and Bakugo were still standing there, Izuku was a stuttering mess. "Looks like somebody's in love" Bakugo teased.
After that Izuku and Bakugo were in two separate training areas, just like in the anime.
Fast forward to when everyone's running from that zero pointer robot, and Ochako's stuck under all that debri. 'It's that nice girl, she's in trouble!' though Izuku as he ran toward her and the robot, he then used his fire to launch himself in the air. "ULTIMATE HELLFIRE SMASH!!!!!" yelled Izuku as he created a massive fist of fire around his arm and punched the robot with it. He punched it so hard it melted a hole through it's head.
Many people were in awe at how insane that seen was. "THAT WAS SO MANLY!!!" yelled Kirishima finally breaking the silence.
While Izuku did manage to destroy the robot, and save Ochako, the fire he used drained his energy, causing him to pass out unconscious while still in mid-air. He fell but Ochako stopped him just like in the anime.
After that Izuku and Bakugo walked home together. "So Kacchan what was it like using One For All?" asked Izuku, "It was crazy. I was so powerful! I did ended up breaking my arm, but that Recovery Lady healed me" said Bakugo as orange lightning emitted from his hand.
"Oh great so now I'm always healing Bakugo instead" said Recovery Girl.
Fast forward to the sports festival after Bakugo and Ochako's fight. "Kacchan are you insane?! You could've killed Uraraka!" yelled Izuku, "I'm sorry, I may have gone a bit too rough on her" said Bakugo.
"I'll admit, I may have been a bit too rough on you in our universe as well Round-Face, sorry" said Bakugo, "Apology accepted Bakugo" said Ochako.
Fast forward to Izuku's match with Todoroki. "IT'S YOUR QUIRK NOT HIS!!!" yelled Izuku, Todoroki then activated his left side, but Izuku manipulated his fire and managed to send it flying at Todoroki and knock him out of bounds.
"That was a cheap move Midoryia" grumbled Todoroki, "Other me!" said Izuku.
It was the final match, Izuku verses Bakugo, the two best friends now fighting each other. Bakugo flicked his fingers at Izuku.
Izuku dodged the attack and threw multiple fireballs at Bakugo, only for Bakugo to dodge those as well. After the fight waged on for a few more minutes, Izuku unleashed a wave of fire and knocked Bakugo out of bounds.
Fast forward to when they're deciding their hero names, they all went with the same hero names in the show except for Bakugo, he had a much different hero name. "Call me... Kacchan!" said Bakugo.
'I went with nickname Deku gave me as a hero name?' thought Bakugo.
Fast forward to the attack on the training camp, but this time the target wasn't Bakugo. When Izuku was fighting Muscular, trying to protect Kota, this happened. "You! You're the one we're after!" said Muscular.
"Wait they're after Deku in this universe? Not me?" said Bakugo, "Yeah" said Luke.
Fast forward to after Izuku managed to take down Muscular and save Kota, and was now currently being pulled into the Warp Gate. "DEKUUUUU!!!" screamed Bakugo as he charged at Izuku and the villains using Full Cowl, "Kacchan..." whispered Izuku as he was pulled through the Warp Gate and it disappeared.
"DEKU/MIDORYIA/IZUKU NOOOOO!!!" screamed everyone save for the cinnamon roll.
Bakugo screamed into the night sky before the screen went black.
"Wait that's it?!" said Ochako, "For now but there'll be a sequel to it though" said Luke.
Hey guys that's all for this chapter. Let me know what you wanna see in the comments below. Thx for reading.
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