Izuko's Birthday
"Ok, I want to show you all the next-gen universe again. In my universe it's currently the date that would be the birthday of Izuku and Ochako's youngest - Izuko Midoriya. Now we're gonna see the birthday he had less than a year before Toshi went to UA" said Luke before activating the screen.
"And here I thought we were done with birthdays for a while" Bakugo said with crossed arms.
It began with the sun rising over the Midoriya household in the tree-filled outskirts of Musutafu. A Deku-themed alarm cloth went off in the bedroom a little boy would have. The walls were aligned with thin hard sheets of some sort.
A small armed emerged from underneath a blanket that switched off the alarm. Then we see that the arm belonged to Izuko Midoriya: youngest son and youngest child of Deku and Uravity.
"He is the cutest child I've ever seen" said Mina.
Izuko sat up, stretched his arms, and yawned, but then his eyes went wide as he realized what today was.
"Wait..." he said before stars were in his eyes, "It's my birthday!"
He quickly got out of bed and ran downstairs to the kitchen, but it was dark and no one was in it looked.
"Hello?" Izuko called out.
Then the lights went on and his parents, siblings (minus Eri), and a very old dog emerged from hiding spaces.
"Surprise!" they all said.
The young boy was surprised, but then he was immediately overjoyed.
Izuko's family hugged him and the boy hugged his family back.
"Happy eighth birthday, Little Scorcher" Izuku said to his youngest.
"Izuku has nicknames for all his kids. 'Snowball' for Eri as you already know, because of her snow-white hair; 'My Boy' for Toshi since that's what All Might called Izuku, and Izuku thought it be fitting the nickname the son he named after his father figure be what his father figure called him; 'Mochi' or 'Little Mochi' for Nanako, since she and her mother love eating mochi together and Nanako's the spitting image of her mom; 'Rosy Cheeks' for Akito because of the rosy checks he inherited for his mother, although Akito hates being called that; 'Freckles' for Saeko because of the freckles she inherited from her father, she DOES like being called that; and 'Little Scorcher' for Izuko. Why does he have a nickname similar to the hero name Izuku's father had? You'll see soon" Luke told the audience.
(A/N: I'm going with a headcanon that Izuku's father was a pro hero with fire breath who I call 'The Scorcher' and he died in battle when Izuku was little. Izuku told his classmates and teachers his father was a pro once they got back home after the Christmas party way back at the start of this book.)
They let go and Ochako rubbed her cheek against Izuko.
"My baby boy is growing up so fast" she cooed.
The family then sat around the table and ate breakfast together.
"I got a question. All of these children were planned pregnancies, right? I would expect my daughter and future son-in-law to be responsible in the future when having sex" Ochako's dad asked.
"Nope. Toshi was conceived on the night of their honeymoon when they were super horny and didn't even think about the implications of having sex. Nanako was conceived when they were celebrating taking down a villain syndicate and they had a little too much to drink while partying. The twins were conceived when Ochako forgot to take the pill. And Izuko was conceived when the condom broke" Luke said.
Izuku and Ochako blushed while Iida was ready to give them a whole lecture about planned parenthood and Luke turned his attention to the rest of the audience.
"In fact, almost all the kids of the students here were unplanned pregnancies. UA's Sex Ed class must be very unhelpful" he said.
Nezu made a mental note to replace Midnight and have someone else run the Sex Ed class.
It cut to a few hours later where birthday decorations were set up around the house and guests had arrived. Ochako's parents and Inko came. All of Class A came along with all their kids. And Eri, Kota, and their classmates were also there.
"Eri!" Izuko squealed.
"Baby Brother!" Eri squealed.
The two hugged.
"Sorry we missed the surprise this morning. Hero work's been a killer" Eri said apologetically.
"It's ok, Sis" Izuko reassured.
Then, Kota handed Izuko his gift from them.
"You can open it now if you want. There's of plenty of stuff you're gonna get later" said Kota.
Izuko reached in the bag and pulled out a large Chewbacca plushie.
"Chewbacca!" he said in joy.
Katsumi then lifted Izuko in the air and hugged him.
"You're getting big, ya little rascal" she said with a smirk.
"Hi, Katsumi!" giggled Izuko.
Toshi walked over to them.
"Katsumi, don't squeeze him too much or you'll kill him. And I want him to grow up and see if he can take me on when he does" Toshi said.
"Izuko's goal, like the rest of the next-gen children, is to become a pro hero like their parents. But he also has another goal to fight Toshi in training and see which of them is stronger" explained Luke.
"An honorable goal!" All Might said in buff form.
Izuko then played tagged with a girl his age that looked like a combination of Todoroki and Momo. She had a mix of white and black hair, a right gray eye, and a left blue eye.
"That's Fuyuna Todoroki. Shoto and Momo's youngest child and Izuko's best friend; but eventually she becomes more than that" Luke said.
"I'm sorry, what?" Todoroki said.
At the end, Izuko got ready to blow out the candles on a Star Wars themed birthday cake.
"Be careful, Izuko. Blow carefully" his father told him.
Izuko blowed at the candles as lightly as possible, but it didn't put them out.
Ochako sighed.
"Ok, Sweetie. You can blow harder. Just wait until your friends and uncle are ready" Ochako said cautiously.
Shoto, Ryo, and Fuyuna powered up their ice quirks.
"Is Izuko's quirk what I think it is?" asked Izuku.
Izuko blowed harder, but when he did a huge stream of fire came out. As soon as the fire came out, Shoto and his kids shot ice-cold streams of mist from their hands to put the fire out.
"That's right. Izuko inherited his grandfather's quirk and eventually becomes the new Scorcher" said Luke.
Izuku and Inko were shocked but proud of Izuko.
"What are the rest of our childrens' quirks?" Ochako asked.
"Well, you already know what Toshi and Eri's quirks are. Nanako has an enhanced version of your quirk and becomes the hero 'Midoravity', and Akito and Saeko have exact opposite quirks. Saeko makes things lighter by touching them and Akito makes things heavier. They become known as 'The Gravity Twins' before something happens in the future that divides them. I'll tell you what happens, later" Luke said.
"Sorry. Thought I had it this time" Izuko said as he rubbed the back of his head.
"It's ok, Kiddo. You're still learning" said his father.
"How about I do it?" said Toshi.
Toshi blew out the candles for Izuko and then Izuko opened up the rest of his gifts until it was just Toshi's left.
"Here you go, Bro" Toshi said as he handed Izuko a small box.
Izuko opened it to reveal a worn pair of goggles.
"Are... are these?" he asked in surprise.
Toshi nodded.
"Yep. They're my old flying goggles. I'm gonna get a better pair when I start UA, but these bad boys are also fireproof. I figured you could use them for training" said Toshi.
The audience recognized the goggles.
"Wait... Aren't those the same goggles that were worn by the guy who tried to kill Toshi at the USJ?" Izuku asked.
"Like I said before: all in good time" Luke said.
Izuko put them on and felt of surge of heroism run through him.
"This is so wholesome" Toru said.
And then he woke up. Izuko was laying in bed in a dark room. He appeared to be much older. He was now a teenager and wearing a t-shirt, military pants, and some sort of device on his wrist. There was also someone in the bed next to him, but the camera didn't show who it was.
"Wait, what?" said Toru in confusion.
Izuko got out of bed and went to an outside balcony that overlooked what seemed to be a wasteland at night. There was a city way off in the distance with purple lights. It showed that he was in what appeared to be the top floor of an abandoned motel on the outskirts of the nearby city.
Izuko activated his device and pulled out a holographic calendar that said today was also his birthday. This time he was 16. He sighed, then he pulled out a cigarette and lit it with a small blow from his mouth and put it in said mouth.
"Before you say anything. Izuko's quirk makes him unable to get lung cancer and he's also not addicted to smoking. This just helps with his quirk" said Luke.
Izuko pulled out the goggles from his pocket. They were the same goggles Toshi had given him for his birthday all those years ago. He gazed at them as he had a slight look of anger in his eyes.
"What's wrong?" said a voice from behind him.
He turned to see a teenage Fuyuna standing there in shorts and a tank top. The audience realized she was the one in the bed with Izuko.
"WHAT?!?!" Todoroki said in anger.
"I warned you." Luke said, "And no. They don't have sex yet, not until they're older. They just cuddle at this point in time, and they do it fully clothed."
"I don't walk to talk about it, Fuyuna" said Izuko.
"Izuko, I heard you talking in your sleep. You were talking about me, Toshi, and the rest of your friends and family. What happened?" she asked.
Izuko sighed.
"I had a dream about the past, Yuna. It was my eighth birthday" Izuko told her.
"I remember that day. It was the last one you had before everything went to hell. Back when we had happy lives" said Fuyuna.
Izuko looked down at the ground before Fuyuna cupped his face with both hands.
"We're going to stop them, Izuko... And we're going to avenge our families. And then you can have a happy birthday again" she assured him with a serious look.
The audience was worried what was going on.
"What happened between now and back then?" Izuku asked.
"I'll tell you later" said Luke.
Just then, the device Izuko had on his wrist went off. Izuko pressed a button on it to answer.
"Yeah?" he said.
"Shigaraki's soldiers have been spotted heading your way. You two better get out of there. We'll rendezvous with you in the Aichi Prefecture" Eri's voice was heard saying.
The audience was relieved that at least Eri was ok in this universe.
"We're on our way, Sis" said Izuko.
Izuko hung up the call and Fuyuna and he put on their gear and moved out. As they did, the camera panned away as we see now almost all of Japan was either very futuristic, but also kind of a wasteland.
The screen went black.
"All of this will be explained in Toshi's story" Luke said.
Thought I'd do this chapter because why not. All of what's going on will be revealed in my next-gen series.
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