Fantasy AU Pt. 1
"Alright first up is this sort of Medieval Fantasy world, with knights and dragons and wizards and stuff" said Luke, everyone was excited to see this universe.
It showed an island, and then a forest, where we see multiple skeleton warriors being taken down by two people, one of them was a young man with green hair and freckles, and the other one was a young woman with short brown hair, those two people were Izuku Midoryia and Ochako Uraraka. Izuku was wearing a green vest, a white button up shirt underneath, light gray gloves, blue trousers, and his classic red shoes, he also had a sword. Ochako was wearing a velvet witch's hat/hood, a light brown short robe, black leggings, red gloves, and red boots, she also had a wooden staff with a red gem in it.
"Midoryia, Uraraka, it's you guys!" said Mina. "Wow Deku we look awesome!" said Ochako, "Y-yeah, we sure do Uraraka" said Izuku as he tried to hide the blush on his face.
After they took down the remaining enemies the two sat down for a moment to catch their breath. "Lady Uraraka, are you alright?" asked Izuku, "Yes Sir Deku, I'm fine" she said.
"Lady Uraraka? Sir Deku?" said Mina, "I guess that's how some people are addressed in this universe" said Toru.
"We should meet up with Prince Todoroki and the others soon, so we can stage our attack on the League of Villains" said Ochako as she and Izuku got up. "Yes, it's time to end Shigaraki's reign of terror once and for all" said Izuku.
"Prince Todoroki? Oooh looks like your royalty in this universe Todoroki!" said Mina, "I don't really care" said Todoroki. "Ha! So that means I'm a king! You should be grateful that your royalty in this universe boy!" said Endeavor, "Shut up old man..." Todoroki grumbled. "Is anyone concerned about the fact that they're going to fight the League of Villains head on?" said All Might.
Time Skip to them meeting with the others...
Once they made it to their destination, they were greeted by the rest of this universe's Class 1-A. Iida was wearing knights armor, so was Momo, but more revealing, Todoroki was dressed like a prince and had a horse, Tsu was dressed like a barmaid, Bakugo was dressed like a warrior tribal guy, and he had a dragon (I'm not gonna describe the rest of them, just look up what they look like in the show)
"Wow guys we look awesome!" said Kaminari. "Yo Bakubro look! Your have a dragon! But where am I?" asked Kirishima.
Suddenly the dragon morphed into Kirishima, who was wearing armor and stuff.
"Look Kirishima the dragon is you!" said Mina, "That's so Manly bro!" said Tetsutetsu.
"The castle is just up ahead, it's time we launch a full scale attack" said Todoroki. "Agreed, arm yourselves, it's time to take the fight to Shigaraki" said Izuku.
"I'm kinda nervous, what if we die?" asked Kaminari. "Dude we have Kirishima as a dragon! We'll be fine!" said Sero.
As they were gearing up for the fight Ochako put a hand on Izuku's shoulder. "Sir Deku, before we go to fight Shigaraki, there's something I need to tell you... I-" but she was cut off by Bakugo saying "Alright idiots let's get this fight started already, I wanna kick that bastard's ass!"
"Damn it Bakugo! Why'd you have to interrupt her? She had something important to say!" said Jiro, "But what was she gonna say?" asked Momo. Ochako was blushing slightly, she had a pretty good idea of what her alternate self was gonna say.
They launched the attack on the castle. It was menacing looking, it was above lava, and it looked like it was mostly made of obsidian.
(It looks something like this)
"That castle looks pretty terrifying!" said Sero, "We're so screwed!" cried Mineta, seeing how menacing the evil castle looked.
As soon as they reached the front gates they were greeted by the League of Villains, save for Shigaraki. "Villains! Where is Shigaraki?" shouted Izuku as he pulled out his sword. "He's at the top floor waiting for you, but you'll have to get past us first" said Dabi as blue flames emitted from his body. The fight began, Izuku's sword had green lightning emitting from it, just like his quirk as he swung it at his opponents.
"Wow Deku, that sword seems to be your quirk in this universe" said Ochako.
Ochako activated her staff and multiple enemies started floating in the air.
"And that staff seems to be your quirk Uraraka" said Izuku.
Bakugo rode Kirishima who was in his dragon form, as Kirishima breathed fire and incinerated multiple enemies.
"So manly" said Kirishima and Tetsutetsu.
"Sir Deku, we'll hold them off while you go to face Shigaraki" said Iida. "Ok, good luck Sir Ingenium" said Izuku. "Be safe Deku" said Ochako, "I always am Ochako" said Izuku, who had a brave and tough look on his face, even kinda smug looking, Ochako blushed from seeing this, and from him calling her by her first name.
Many of the girls blushed from seeing Midoryia with such a smug look on his face. Ochako was blushing the most. "Uraraka are you ok?" asked Izuku, "W-what? Yeah I'm fine" said Ochako.
He entered the castle and fought his way to the top floor, where he was greeted by Shigaraki, who was wearing black armor and a menacing cloak, and of course, he was wearing multiple hands all over his body. "Ah Sir Deku, I've been waiting for you" said Shigaraki as he pulled out a sword that looked very similar to Izuku's, but made of a darker metal.
"Shigaraki's sword looks very similar to that of Midoryia's, but more menacing looking" said Iida.
"This ends now Lord Shigaraki, you're evil reign must end" said Izuku as he got in a fighting stance, "Oh but it's only begun, you may have the sword of One For All, but I have the sword of All For One" said Shigaraki as black and red lighting emmitted from his sword.
"All For One? Isn't that the name of the villain that All Might fought right before his retirement?" asked Momo. "And Midoryia's sword is called the sword of One For All? What does that mean?" asked Kendo. "Well this is a medieval world, so maybe it has something to do with the saying 'All for one and one for all?' " All Might said quickly. "Yeah that must be it" said Kirishima.
They charged at each other, swords clashing together and sparks of energy going everywhere, until Shigaraki had his sword pressed against Izuku's. "I see into your mind Sir Deku, you care about your friends, but they will perish, Sir Ingenium will have his legs butchered off, Prince Todoroki will be sliced in half, that savage Bakugo will be fed to the other dragons, and Lady Uraraka... she will receive the most slow and painful death of them all" said Shigaraki. Hearing Shigaraki say that he was gonna hurt Ochako drove him off the rails, he gritted his teeth in anger and shoved Shigaraki away and clashed his sword at his repeatedly in anger and rage.
"Wow when Shigaraki threatened Uraraka it really seemed to send Midoryia off the edge" said Ojiro, "Well they're best friends, so it would make sense that he would be angry at him threatening her like that" said Iida. "Yeah sure, because they're friends..." Luke mumbled, "What was that?" asked Iida, "Nothing" said Luke.
Izuku then screamed "One For All 500%!!!" and a glowing figure shaped like All Might appeared around him. "All For One 500%!!!" screamed Shigaraki, and a dark figure shaped like All For One appeared around him.
"That looks like All Might forming around Midoryia!" said Momo, "And that looks like that All For One guy forming around Shigaraki!" said Sato. "I don't get it, All For One? One For All? What does it all mean? It seems more like it has something to do with All Might and and that All For One guy" said Ochako. Izuku, All Might, Principal Nezu, Recovery Girl, Gran Torino, and Bakugo, all flinched upon hearing this, what if they found out the truth about One For All?
The two clashed together in a bright flash of light. As the two of them fought the figures shaped like All Might and All For One copied their movements, until eventually Izuku knocked the sword out of Shigaraki's hands, leaving him vulnerable. After that the two figures shaped like All Might and All For One faded away, leaving only Izuku and Shigaraki. "No more violence Shigaraki, this ends now" said Izuku. "You're wrong Sir Deku, we will meet again, just not today" said Shigaraki as he quickly grabbed his sword. Suddenly a warp gate opened up behind Shigaraki and pulled him in before Izuku could stop him. Izuku cursed himself for not being quicker. He then went back outside to meet up with the others. "A lot of members of the League of Villains disappeared into a warp gate. But we defeated the rest of them" said Todoroki, "Good to know. Shigaraki got away, but at least we've taken over their castle, this will set them back, so this battle was not all for nothing, we will defeat Shigaraki, just not today. But for now, let's celebrate this victory" said Izuku, "YEAH!" said everyone and the screen then went black.
"Aw sweet! Now we've got our own castle to chill out in!" said Kaminari, "A castle surrounded by lava!" cried Mineta.
"Shut up Mineta. Anyways, that's all for this universe, we'll be seeing a sequel to it later though" said Luke.
"That was cool!" said most of the people. "I'm glad you liked it, now who's ready for the next universe?" asked Luke, "I am!" said everyone.
That's all for this chapter, oh and for those of you who are wondering why I had there be a scene of Izuku with a smug look on his face, I saw an edited picture of it on Pintrest and I just had to use it. Also there will be ships in the next chapter just so you know.
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